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Analysis of the American Racial Discrimination against Blacks in the 21st Century.docx

1、Analysis of the American Racial Discrimination against Blacks in the 21st Century铜仁学院 本科生毕业论文 题 目 Analysis of the American RacialDiscrimination against Blacks on Contemporary 分析二十一世纪美国对黑人的种族歧视系 别 外 国 语 言 文 学 系 专 业 英 语 姓 名 蒋 红 英 指导教师 唐 小 辉 截稿日期 2012 年 5 月 ContentsAcknowledgements.Abstract.I. Introduc

2、tion . .1 II. The Forms and Reasons of Racial Discrimination against Black People22.1 The Forms of Racial Discrimination against Black People . 22.1.1 The Field of Education.22.1.2 Labor Market. 32.1.3 Criminal Justice System 42.2 The Reasons of Racial Discrimination against Black People.42.2.1 Poli

3、tical Reason .4 2.2.2 Cultural Reason .5 2.2.3 Economical Reason 52.2.4 Reasons on Black People Themselves 6III. The Way of Blacks and Governments Fight against Racial Discrimination.6 3.1 Famous Black Leaders against Racial Discrimination 6 3.2 The Way of Blacks and Governments Fight against Racial

4、 Discrimination7 3.3 International Organizations Fight against Racial Discrimination9IV. Conclusion . 10 References . . 11AcknowledgementsI must show my sincere thanks to those who offered me a large number of help during the course of my research.First, I must show my thanks to my supervisor Mr. Ta

5、ng whose encouragement, enthusiastic instruction, valuable advice have a huge influence on my research, which have greatly contributed to the completion of my thesis.Second, I am also grateful to those Chinese and foreign translators. With the help of them, I got plenty of abundant and useful refere

6、ntial materials, without them I couldnt complete my research smoothly.Finally, I also give my thanks to my dear teachers and classmates whose encouragements greatly support me lead to success. Thanks a lot again. Analysis of the American Racial Discrimination against Blacks on ContemporaryAbstract:

7、Racial discrimination in America can date back to European slave trade period. It is a deep social problem in the United States because blacks and other minor ethnic groups are living in the bottom of the American society. Racial discrimination is a very serious social problem in American and still

8、exists nowadays. There are many reasons cause human historical racial discrimination. Cultural、historical and political factors are the sources of American black racial discrimination. However, blacks to have the rights with whites there are many people in America always are busy with fighting again

9、st racial discrimination. Key words: American racial discrimination against摘要: 美国种族歧视可以追溯到欧洲奴隶贸易时期。种族歧视是一个深深植根于美国的社会弊病,因为在美国,黑人和其他少数民族处于美国社会的最底层。种族歧视是美国国内的一个尖锐的一直存在的社会问题。文化,历史以及政治等都是种族歧视产生的原因。但是,黑人为了获得同白人一样的权利,很多的人一直在反抗种族歧视。结果在一定程度上获得了同白人一样的权利,但是是一个艰难的过程。关键词: 美国种族歧视 反抗. Introduction Nowadays, we can

10、 still feel the existence of racial discrimination. As we all know, Michael Jackson might be the worlds most famous singer who was born in an African-American family with inborn skin black. Nobody knows why he changed his skin color from black to white. Racial discrimination always troubled the Unit

11、ed States since America was built, African-American, Latinos, Asian-American and other minority groups have been discriminated in many fields. Racial discrimination is a common topic and after Martin Luther Kings famous speech-I have a dream which was heard by throughout the world, the anti-discrimi

12、nation campaign is not only the business of black people in America, but becomes the all worlds sounds of heart. But its not enough. If we take a further step and look at it deeper, we will find that we in the position where many problems are waiting and the world is far from being the idealistic wo

13、rld we are what we want. The black exist as a minor race, but their contribution to Americas development can not be ignored. They are minor race; however their population counts for 12.2% of the whole population of America (Robey 1987.1.31). From the angle of population, we can know that the black h

14、ave done many jobs in the American labor market. Besides, they play a very significant role in the development of the American economy and in the urbanization. Because the Civil War many of the black immigrated to the cities in the North and the West of America. In 1960, Washington was the only city in which the blacks population took up half of the whole population. But in 1980, the number of this kind of city had increased to 9. The social phenomenon was called as “Black Urbanization”. It accelerated the process of the melting of the black and

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