1、北师大版小学三年级上竖式脱式计算练习题(完整word版)北师大版小学三年级上竖式脱式计算练习题亲爱的读者:本文内容由我和我的同事精心收集整理后编辑发布到文库,发布之前我们对文中内容进行详细的校对,但难免会有错误的地方,如果有错误的地方请您评论区留言,我们予以纠正,如果本文档对您有帮助,请您下载收藏以便随时调用。下面是本文详细内容。最后最您生活愉快 O(_)O 脱式计算238+(576-357) 2981-(657+185) 841+(569-459)788+466-822 186+(765-358)998+(567-446)967-(387+528) 258+369-147456+854-68
2、9 794-89+128 746-568+387987-(789-487)358+697-542 642+(857-495)611-386-145 345+125898= 950-362-190= 289+(121-94)=32+173 850-(256+280) 78+6003420+(25-19) (48+52)+5 8442407-138+205 258+655-484 568+739-6664008-45 (92+28)4 12X3X9251+(369+142) 400-(245+517) 732-(560-125)(245+517)= 125-252= 5008=32173 850(
3、256280) 786003420(2519) (4852)5 84420736685 (500426)5 306+8109 459+8204 805658 8114 1000-1554 9638 10056 296+370 (5622)6 320415 808793 900391 7(44+44) 1000450250 266+(376314) 514+32085504 10055 9936 328920 633-131 1802+949 459+8240 805648 9113 254+105 710484 56-963 190-2403 40-282 2804177 (302-293)8
4、0 844+207 376-923 328+396+204 468+(376-168) 900-281-430206+2054 6343606 931-6212254 80(205) 9036 369+993 804-8004 558+49007 859-(162+88) 174+(726-378) 962-804+532931-548 9088-455 615+8420 4907-816 5200+42 608-329 4303+596 3639 1569293+508 (124-62)6 7208+75 45+55+5= 70(40-32)= 6(103-98)=7+30= 420+28=
5、 750-(70+80)=251369142 400245517 738(560120)439+467 248418 67(966) 2517-120 (450-175)5 268+296315-3453 574(125-118) 948-13X517X6-3 560-12X4 3755X2 22x4+ 221 21x3+410 40+2+ 174147+72+8 9x4+420 2x80+4120x5+2 202+36+9 30+5+24081+9+877 66x5+774 921+7x480x6x2 770+7+65 807+ 20+2600x83 40+1005 434+25x560-1
6、2x3 648+456 640+60x4567+366 500(400-396) 729-5列竖式计算373=654=358= 566=338= 529= 3456= 6328=1258= 4763=5434= 7634=203.65= 3.2+1.73= 18.7+3.14= 23.52.8= 2164= 854= 10-0.7= 7.3-2.9=4903= 5607= 7748= 3924=962804 532168 6308 6243 407138 2054 2506 568739 8.6-3.9= 45.8-42.9= 55.5-47.8= 66.8-32.9=88.9-32.6= 1
7、16.2-82.9= 75.4-63. 8= 35.1-22.9=66.9+38.8= 85.6+96.5= 76.8+99.9 74.9+52.9=88.3+57.6= 118.9+289.7= 115.6+117.8= 85.3+24.9=8.8+68 190x2 4.3-1.7 550x2107x6 32x9 8053 556x87088 104X5 670x2 834+387260x3 262X5 160x5 18x3144X9= 220X9= 615X5= 121X4=352X5= 357X6= 74X8= 194X2=296X4= 150X6= 516X6= 350X5=721x3
8、= 192X3= 373x6= 301x6= 122X2= 441x2= 349x8= 397x7=581x7= 105X5= 385x9= 438X6= 284x5= 516X6= 433x9= 104X2=1449= 3576= 2007= 97X3=755= 121X4= 3525= 42X3=5109= 2964= 6155= 1942=8602= 74X5= 516X6= 4296=548= 5947= 5694= 4987=1972= 9745= 838= 3656=8044= 6855= 3087= 6009=2045= 4287= 9423= 6906=7748 5082370
9、59005090 1304 93003 10085284 27.38+4.83= 25.75-283= 3.64-2.58=6.52-3.44= 15.31+13.51= 9.03-8.75= 5.5+4.5=3.27-2.49= 11.65-7.39= 19.01-7.99= 12.7+6.58=75.6-3.55= 10.1-0.55= 5.04+10.7= 12.03+0.875=37.8+3.02= 0.74-0.25= 10+10.1= 27+8.03=26+7.98= 13.99+1= 26.8+3.02= 6.07-4.993=结尾处,小编送给大家一段话。米南德曾说过,“学会学习
10、的人,是非常幸福的人”。在每个精彩的人生中,学习都是永恒的主题。作为一名专业文员教职,我更加懂得不断学习的重要性,“人生在勤,不索何获”,只有不断学习才能成就更好的自己。各行各业从业人员只有不断的学习,掌握最新的相关知识,才能跟上企业发展的步伐,才能开拓创新适应市场的需求。本文档也是由我工作室专业人员编辑,文档中可能会有错误,如有错误请您纠正,不胜感激!At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every won
11、derful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!
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