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本文(北美范文argument模版工具箱.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北美范文argument模版工具箱北美范文argument模版工具箱在准备argment的过程中,将北美范文中的攻击套路大概分了14类:1)调查问题,2)错误因果,3)差异概念,4)过去推将来,5)错误类比6)整体规律用于个体,7)单个事例说明整体,8)没有考虑其他影响因素,9)盈利问题,10)非充要条件,11)非此即彼,12)比例与总量混淆,13)对比实验问题,14)其他。并且将各类问题的段落进行了归纳和整理,下面就与大家共同分享这部分工作,希望能够对10G的兄弟姐妹有所帮助。(段落前面的序号是段落所在题目的通用题号)一. 调查问题11.The mayorprovides no eviden

2、ce that the surveys respondents are representative of the overallgroup of people whose. 被调查者的代表性Lacking such evidence, it is entirely possible that people inclined to . were more willing to respond to the surveythan other people were. In short, without better evidence that the survey is statisticall

3、y reliable调查的统计是可靠的 the mayor cannot rely on itto draw any firm conclusions about.28. The number of participants, 100, might constitute an insufficiently small sample to draw any reliable conclusions about.Also, the sample might be unrepresentative of district studnets as a group.142.The author prov

4、ides no evidence that the studys results arestatistically reliable. In order to establish a strong correlation between dietary iron and heart diseases, the studys sample must be sufficient in size样本大小 and representative of the overall population of样本代表性 heart-disease victims.Lacking evidence of a su

5、fficiently representative sample, theauthor cannot justifiably rely on the study to draw any conclusion whatsoever.144.The authors conclusions about.depend on theassumption that the poll results arestatistically reliable. Yet, the author offers no evidence to substantiate thisassumption.The author m

6、ust show that . polled constitute a sufficiently large sample of .样本大小, andthis sample is representative of all such .代表性Otherwise, the author cannotconfidently draw any general conclusions about.158.The Council has not convinced me that . in the survey arerepresentative of .in terms of .It is entir

7、ely possible that.The 300 people in the study are not necessarilyrepresentative of the states general populationin terms of . For example, perhaps.Or perhaps. In short, lacking evidence that. theCouncil cannot convince me that.174.The memo provides no evidence that theresults of either of the two su

8、rveys are statistically reliable.Besides, the memo provides no information about what percentageof . responded to the surveys参加调查的人数比例,也是样本大小; the lower thepercentages, the less reliable the results of the surveys.181.A final problem with the argument involvesthe two studies themselves. The letter p

9、rovides no information about howeither study was conducted调查是如何进行的.Without konwing whether the sample of . was representative of代表性the overall . population ., it is impossible toconfidently apply the studies results to that population.Moreover, we are not informed about the size of thesample样本大小in e

10、ither study; the smaller the sample, the less reliable the studysconclusion.186.A threshold problem with the argumentinvolves the statistical reliabilityof the survey.The director provides no evidence thatthe number of respondents is statistically significant 样本大小or that the respondentswere represen

11、tative of . in general代表性.Lacking information aboutthe randomness and size of the surveys sample,the director cannot make a convincing argument based on that survey.Even if the surveys respondents are representative of theentire population of ., the argument relies on the assumption that the respons

12、es themselves are reliable被调查者的可信性.Yet the director ignores the possiblilitythat.Lacking evidence that the respondents reports were bothtruthful and meaningful, the director cannotconfidently draw any conclusions about .from them.188.One problem with the argument is that since the studyinvolved only

13、 48 people it is impossible to confidently draw any conclusions aboutthe general population from it.201.The survey must be shown to be reliablebefore I can accept any conclusions based upon it. Specifically, the responses must beaccurate, and therespondents must be statistically significantin number

14、 and representative of the overall 样本大小和代表性. interms of .Without evidence of the surveysreliablity, it is impossible to draw any firm conclucions about . based onthe survey.220.The articles author has not shown the study upon which theargument denpends to be statistically reliable.The people studied

15、 must be representativeof the overall population of people who.; otherwise the author cannot drawany firm conclusions about . based on the studys results.221.The survey that the argument cites ispotentially problematic in three respects.First, we are not informed whether the surveysrespondents were representative of the overall population of . The smaller thesample, the greater the possiblity for biased results, and the less reliablethe survey.Second, . ; yet it is entirely possiblethat.Third, we are not informed that .;however, if. , then the

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