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1、小学英语二年级下册教案外研社Unit1一, 教学目标:1 能听、说、读、天气类单词sun, sunny, rain, rainy, snow, snowy, wind, windy。2掌握日常交际用语:Whats the weather like today? Its.Whats the weather like in Beijing/Shanghai? Its.Whats the weather like on Monday/Tuesday? On Monday, its.3了解大自然关于气象学方面的一些常识,培养学生爱科学的思想感情。二, 教学内容重难点分析:本课的教学重点是通过各种形式(

2、听,说,读,写,画,游等等),让学生掌握并运用有关天气的词汇及日常交际用语。三,教学过程:Part talk and motivation:T/S: Good morning boys and girls./Miss Jin.T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is.T: Is it hot?Ss:No,it isnt.T:Ok,we can say the weather is not hot,its very cold. Follow me, weather(write the word on the blackboard ,repeat the word

3、several times)Part :T:Today,Amy and Sam come to the park,lisen to the radio,find out whats the weather like in this story?(lisen the tape,write the title on the blackboard )T: So whats the weather like in this story ?Ss: Its sunny. (write the word on the blackboard .Point to the sentence one by one,

4、)T: Can you draw a picture about sunny? ( let a S to draw a picture on the blackboard )T:Ok,very good! Follow me,sunny.( repeat the word several times)T:Can you find out another word about weather?Ss:Its windy.(Teach other word just as above)T:Anthers?Ss:Its raining”.T:Is it really raining? Get the

5、answer and explain why?Ss:T:Read it after me”rain”! (Teach the word just as above)Part :Review the words.(升降调,one by one)T:Open your book,turn to 3,listen and say!(listen the tape)Choose several pairs to act it out.:T: Look at these tools.(Draw some pictures on the blackboard:umbrella ,gloves , hat)

6、what can you imagine? What will you think about?For example: An umbrella, when do we need an umbrella? When it is rainy, we need an umbrella.T:Ok!Today,we learned diffierent weather,sunny,rain, class, make dialogues with your partners or students . design:Whats the weather like today?Its sunny. sunn

7、yIts windy. WindyIts raining”. rainUnit2一、教学目标:认知目标:1. What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming2. weather, like, sunny, windy, rain, come on, here, snow能力目标:使学生能简单谈论喜好。二、教学重难点:使学生通过练习句子:Whats the weather like? Its hot.What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming.三、教学技术:语言座、与本课相关的单词卡片和张

8、贴画。四、教学过程:.Class Opening1. Greetings.2. 1 Go over the story by listening and repeating.2 Look and say.课件依次出示表示天气的图片,进行师生、生生之间的问答练习。Whats the weather like? Its.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.【任务呈现】1 Feedback of the homework.请同学出示上次的调查作业,首先两人一组比较调查结果。 教师板书Whats the weather like in _? Its 然后

9、进行问答练习。2 Introduce Activity Two.今天我们去一个美丽的地方,如果我们想知道这个地方的天气,应该怎么问呢?(擦去板书中的in_换为 here,即Whats the weather like here? )Lets listen to the introduction.【任务准备】1 Complete Activity One and Two. Listen to the dialogue in Activity One. “Whats the difference between the two pictures.”Learn to say “summer” and

10、 “winter” Add “in summer” and “in winter ” to the question “Whats the weather like here?”And get the students answer the questionsModule2Unit1活动目的Warm up(启动)1. Sing a song. Its raining.2. Greetings.T: Good morning! What day is it today? Whats the weather like?Ss: Its.3. Review the old words that are

11、 relative to todays lesson.(Family members and activities.)T: Brother.(Choose one word from one topic. Anyone is OK.)Ss: sister, mother.(Say the words that are relative to the theme as many as they can.)通过唱歌、与学生亲切问候活跃课堂气氛,根据歌曲内容将学生分为SUNNY与WINDY开展竞争与互动活动。围绕主题说单词活动对本课相关内容进行有效复习,激活学生的英语思维,为新任务活动的展开做好铺垫

12、。Presentation(任务呈现)1. Listen to the sound, and guess what is happening.Record some sounds before class, such as the sounds from the radio, someone is talking or reading and so on.T: What can you hear? You can say it in Chinese.Ss: 我听到有人在.2. Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them.T: T

13、his is.Shes or Hes doing STH. (Describe the pictures.)3. Present the task.T: Can you tell us what is happening in your pictures? 我们共同学习后,一会就来个配解说词大赛!Now, lets learn from Daming and see how he do as a commentator .多种感官参与活动加深了学生对重点语句含义的理解。帮助学生对be + doing 结构与其所表达含义之间建立联系通过先声音后画面再听图片介绍的过程让学生完整感受新知,自然呈现本

14、课运用任务,促使信息差的产生,同时导入课文,驱动学生的求知欲。Preparation(任务准备)1. Listen, point and repeat. (Using the CD-ROM and the cassette.)Ss read the text after the tape with the books open. (Remind them to point to the corresponding sentences.)2. Work in pairs. Then try to act the text out.3. Copy the actions. S1 does the

15、actions from the sentence cards he sees. The other Ss guess what he or she is doing.Ss: She / He is doing STH.Then encourage the others to take S1s role.4. Lets watch TV. Look at the pictures on the television.(CAI), and guess what is showing on TV? What is he/ she doing? Then the teacher show them

16、the pictures with sentences.5. Good Drawer. Give each pair two different pictures. Listen and draw. (The teacher must give the example first.)S1: This is a. She / He is doing STH.S2: Draw the picture according to what he/she says.Switch the role. Then compare them with the given pictures. Who is bet

17、ter?再次巩固学习基本语句。为避免文盲英语的出现,夯实对单词和句子的识认能力训练。猜谜游戏使学生对目标语句进行了扩展、延伸及运用。培养学生用英语进行发散思维的能力。多媒体课件在此有效恰当的辅助了教学。通过说、听、画活动培养学生的语言基本技能;将知识内化为能力;情境的灵活设置培养了学生用英语思维的能力。Production(任务完成)1. Work in small groups. Describe the pictures or photos to your group members.Ss: This is. Shes / Hes doing STH.2. Competition. Who

18、 is the best commentator?Each group takes turns to come to the front and show their works.3. Choose the best commentator group with Ss together.4. Sum up: What have we learned today?Do you have any questions about todays lesson?在描述图片的过程中实现了学以致用。在小组合作中互学、互助,增大了信息交流量,体验了团队合作精神。在评价与质疑中充分发挥学生的主体作用。Homew

19、ork(课后作业)给你的爸爸、妈妈当一回英语解说员,介绍你搜集的图片、照片或广告画中的人在做什么。Unit2TitleBook 4 Module 2Unit 1 Shes listening to the radio.Teaching contents:Hes/Shes doing.Teaching aims:知识目标:A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new wordsB. let students grasp the words: singing reading listening playing watching能力目标:

20、about on_going activities attention to the usage of family members情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论他人正在进行的活动.Main points:Help students grasp the key sentences:Hes/Shes doing.Difficult points:Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.Teaching aids:CD-Rom ,some cardstape recorder stickers ect.Teaching s

21、tepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparation1. Sing a song. Its raining.2. Greetings.T: Good morning! What day is it today? Whats the weather like?3. Review the old words that are relative to todays lesson.(Family members and activities.)1. Listen to the sound, and guess what is happening.Re

22、cord some sounds before class, such as the sounds from the radio, someone is talking or reading and so on.T: What can you hear?T: This is.Shes or Hes doing STH. (Describe the pictures.)3. Present the task.T: Can you tell us what is happening in your pictures?Now, lets learn from Daming and see how h

23、e do as a commentatorListen, point and repeat. (Using the CD-ROM and the cassette.)Copy the actions. S1 does the actions from the sentence cards he sees. The other Ss guess what he or she is doing.Ss: She / He is doing STH.Then encourage the others to take S1s role.Lets watch TV. Look at the picture

24、s on the television.(CAI), and guess what is showing on TV? What is he/ she doing? Then the teacher show them the pictures with sentences.Sing together.Greeting.Its .Mother father brother sisterAnd get the students answer the questions.Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them.Work in p

25、airs. Then try to act the text out.Ss read the text after the tape with the books open. (Remind them to point to the corresponding sentences.)Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.Find out sentences about the activity,then practice.Read the text line by line, explain when n

26、ecessary.OntheBBModule 2 Unit 1 Shes listening to the radio.Hes/Shes listening reading playingTitleBook 4 Module 2Unit 2 Im drawing a picture.Teaching contents:1. What are you doing ?m .Teaching aims:知识目标:A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new wordsB. let students grasp the words: writ

27、ing drawing colouring能力目标: about “Im doing sth.” attention to the usage of V+ing情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论自己正在做某事.Main points:Help students grasp the key sentences:Im V+ing .Difficult points:Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.Teaching aids:CD-Rom ,some cardstape recorder stickers ect.Tit

28、leBook 4 Module 2Unit 2 Im drawing a picture.Teaching contents:1. What are you doing ?m .Teaching aims:知识目标:A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new wordsB. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring能力目标: about “Im doing sth.” attention to the usage of V+ing情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论自

29、己正在做某事.Main points:Help students grasp the key sentences:Im V+ing .Difficult points:Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.Teaching aids:CD-Rom ,some cardstape recorder stickers ect.TitleBook 4 Module 2Unit 2 Im drawing a picture.Teaching contents:1. What are you doing ?m .Teaching aims:知识目标:A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new wordsB. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring能力目标: about “Im doing sth.” attentio

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