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牛津上海版高二上英语 第4讲现在完成时和现在完成进行时教案.docx

1、牛津上海版高二上英语 第4讲现在完成时和现在完成进行时教案 1对3辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:高二 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题现在完成时和现在完成进行时学习目标1、理解“现在完成时”及“现在完成进行时”的定义、掌握基本时间状语及其用法;2、能够准确区分和灵活运用这两种时态。教学内容1、上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、互动探索 教学建议:1、老师放音频让学生听写空白处单词或句子;2、可让学生哼唱或老师自己展示,以调动学生的学习兴趣; 3、对于涉及“现在完成进行时”语法点的部分,老师可适当重复或加强,以引起学生对时态的重视,然后引入本课讲解内容。You Make MeWe are o

2、ne,One for sure ,All _ (united) ,Youll want no more,Ohhhh you make me.Ohhhh you make me.We are _ (one),One for sure ,All united ,Youll need no more,Ohhhh you make me.Ohhhh .All my life, Ive been_ (Ive been waiting for) someone like you - yeah !All my life, Ive beenIve been waiting for someone like y

3、ou - yeah !Ive been looking for someone like you yeah !_ (Ive been waiting for) someone like youYou make me.We are one.现在完成时【知识梳理1】现在完成时的一般用法1)表示发生在过去的动作或存在的状态到说话时刚刚完成或结束,通常使用不具有延续意义的动词,arrive, become, begin, break等。这种用法可带有迄今意义的时间状语,如up to now, so far, already, not.yet等。也可带有包括现在时间在内的时间状语,如now, recen

4、tly, in the past few years, just等。I have already posted the photos.I have just finished my work.2)表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态,也许还将继续下去。这种用法通常用于具有延续意义的动词,如live, stay, work等,并带有表示时间段的状语或迄今意义的时间的状语,如for, since等。They have lived in Beijing since 2019. My brother has been ill for two days. 注意:表示短暂的动作动词或状态动词不能用

5、于这种用法,如arrive, come, go, leave等。如,不能说:She has come to our school for 2 years.3)用在 “It (This) is (will be ) the first/second/thirdtime+ that从句”中在这种从句中,当主句动词为is/will be时,that-从句的动词用现在完成时,that 可以省略。主句中的主语还可用this, this evening等;这种结构中的first也可用其他序数词;time也可由其他名词替代。This is the first time I have been here. I

6、tll be the first time Ive spoken in public. 4)“It (This) is the best (worst, most interesting等) +名词+从句”结构中的从句要求用现在完成时This is the best film Ive ever seen. This is the most interesting novel he has ever written. 【巩固练习】1.Since my retirement from teaching music in 2019, I _ plenty of time painting as an

7、 artist. A. have spent B. spent C. had spent D. am spending2.Do you realize that I _ some very important people to dine with me tonight? Your mistake could cost me an important contract. A. invited B. have invitedC. had invited D. have been invited3.He no longer lives on campus, for he _ an apartmen

8、t within the walking distance to the school. A. will rent B. rentedC. has rented D. had rented4.Although medical science _ control over several dangerous diseases, what worries us is that some of them are returning. A. would achieve B. has achievedC. will achieve D. had achieved5.Each means _ to sol

9、ve the problem, but none is effective. A. has been tried out B. have been tried out C. will be tried out D. are tried outKeys: ABCBA【知识梳理2】现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时与一般过去时都表示完成的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in1990等。而一般过去时则表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系

10、,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。【例题精讲】例1. I have seen the film.我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)例2. I saw the film last week.我上星期看了这个电影。(只说明上星期看了这个电影,不涉及现在的情况)【巩固练习】1.When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He _ her before.A. never saw B. had never seenC. never sees D. has never seen 2.I cant see any coffee i

11、n this cupboard. _?A. Has it all been finished B. Was it all finished C. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish 3.The heros story _ differently in the newspapers. A. was reported B. was reporting C. reports D. reported 4.The coffee is wonderful! It doesnt taste like anything I _ before. A. was hav

12、ing B. have C. have ever had D. had ever had 5. Did you tell Julia about the result? Oh, no, I forgot. I _ her new. A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call 6.He _ more than 5, 000English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A. has learned B. would have learned C. lear

13、ned D. had learned 7.Scientists think that the continents _ always where they _ today. A. arent; are B. arent; were C. werent; were D. werent; were 8. Why did you leave that position? I _ a better position at IBM. A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered 9.By the time Jane gets home, her aun

14、t _ for London to attend a meeting. A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left 10.More than a dozen students in that school _ abroad to study medicine last year. A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sentKeys: 1-5. BAACB 6-10. DCDCB现在完成进行时【知识梳理1】现在完成进行时的构成与用法构成:由”助动词have/has been+ -ing

15、形式”构成。用法如下:1)现在完成进行时表示过去的动作持续到现在并有可能延续下去的动作。常和for,since引导的时间状语连用。-Hi, Tracy, you look tired. -I am tired. I have been painting the living room all day.They have been living here for 10 years. 2)表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时候刚结束。I have been waiting you for about one hour.。(说话时“等”的动作刚结束)She has been working

16、all night long.3)表示重复(只断断续续,而非一直不停)。Weve been discussing the matter several times this year.I have been saying goodbye to some friends today.【例题精讲】例1. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _ (read) too long.例2. Restaurants, clothing stores and book stores_ (prohibit) from providing

17、free plastic shopping bags.Keys: has been reading; have been prohibited【巩固练习】1.But as the years go by, we encounter fewer and fewer new experiencesboth because we _ (accomplish) a lot and because we are slaves to our daily routines.2._ (endure) too many of these tragedies in the past few years, each

18、 time I learn the news I react not as a President, but as anybody else would- as a parent. And that was especially true today.3.Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, from the University of Chicago, has interviewed thousands of people who have a happy life to find out how they do it. “I (study) happines

19、s for over 30 years.”- says Csikszentmihalyi.4.So far public buildings (focus) on by scientists. “We have a very limited number of studies, so we are almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管),” architect David says.5.Senior First Officer Laura Elliott _ (fly) for six years but has never befo

20、re got to work with her father.”Its my dream to be able to fly with my Dad,” she said.6.When we were there, we had lost sight of the lake; and now our road was over a wild land. _ (go) a little way, we saw before us , at the distance of about half a mile, a very large stone building, with a high wal

21、l round it , neither field nor tree near.7.Google was one of the first to get into this industry. It (develop) self-driving cars since 2009, and its new driverless car is called Firefly.Keys:1.have accomplished 2.having endured 3.have studied/have been studying 4. have been focused 5. has been flyin

22、g/has flown 6. Having gone/going 7. has been developing 【知识梳理2】现在完成进行时和现在完成时的比较区别:现在完成进行时强调动作一直在持续,而现在完成时强调动作的结果。通常情况下,这两个时态可以互换。例:I have taughthave been teaching English in this school since 2019. 下列情况下,两者不能互换: 1)现在完成进行时表示说话时还在进行或刚刚结束的动作,而现在完成时表示在较长时间之前就已经完成的动作。例:You come at last! Ive been waiting

23、for half an hour. Ive passed the driving test. I took the test last month. (动作的完成距离现在已有一段时间了)2)现在完成进行时可以用来强调动作的延续性,因此不用于表达该动作重复了多少次。而现在完成时强调动作重复的次数。例:Tom has been riding horses the whole morning. Tom has ridden horses three times this morning. 3)下列动词通常不用于现在完成进行时:表示心理状态的动词如believeknowrealizewishdoubt

24、等,表示喜好、厌恶的动词如likelovehate等,表示“拥有”的动词如haveownbelong等,以及系动词如beseem等。而感官动词两种时态都能使用。例:I havent felt as ill as l do now for a long time. He has been looking excited since he won the first prize. 【巩固练习】1.He was hoping to go abroad but his parents _ that they wont support him unless he can borrow money fro

25、m the bank. A. were deciding B. have decided C. decided D. will decide 2. Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. Oh! I thought they _ without me. A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone 3.My brother is an actor. He _ in several films so far. A. appears B. appeared C. h

26、as appeared D. is appearing 4. Are you still busy? Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long. A. just finish B. am just finishingC. have just finished D. am just going to finish 5.The manager had fallen asleep where he _, without undressing. A. was laying B. was lyingC. had laid D. had lied 6.They _ o

27、n the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _ it as no good results have come out so far. A. had been working; are still working B. had worked; were still working C. have been working; have worked D. have worked; are still working 7.The country life he was used to _ greatly si

28、nce 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed 8.Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside. _ in the clothing industry. A. is working B. worksC. work D. worked 9.Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didnt want her parents to know

29、 what she _. A. has done B. had doneC. was doing D. is doing 10.Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _ the Pacific, and we met no storms. A. was called B. is called C. had been called D. has been called Keys:1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B教学建议:此部分必须由

30、班级学员合作完成。建议步骤为:1、在15分钟内学员独立完成测试;2、老师给出答案,学员相互批改;3、在5分钟就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;4、老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)。Verb Filling A1.Is it okay if my friend, Tina, _ (come) to your party next weekend?2.The last time I_ (see) Jane, she _ (pick) cotton in the field.3.I like these English songs and they _ (taught) many times on the radio.4.Every few years, the coal workers _ (have) their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.5.I have t

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