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1、自己整理的一些好句型可用于四六级和托福abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事,abandon herself to a life of complete idleness 放纵自己过着闲散的生活hold the plan in abeyanceevanescent短暂的我们学到的具体的只是是短暂的,容易遗忘的,但是学习方法是永远留在脑中的,perpetual,submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to 屈从于我们往往屈从于固执的现实,不敢做出大胆的越位abnegated the idea of freedom 放弃自由的观

2、念(放弃创新的信念)We abominate jokes that make fun of people who have physical disabilities. 我们鄙视对有生理缺陷的人开玩笑。我们鄙视。modern transportation abridges distance 现代运输方式缩短了路途讲科技讲政治时abrogate their responsibilities 抛开、不顾他们的责任absolve somebody from blame 使某人免受责备、to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guil

3、t当领导人犯错的时候abstain from smoking/voting 戒烟,弃权an abstemious diet 有节制的饮食,indulgent 放纵的an absurd argument 无稽之谈专才教育与通才教育中国文理分科,保守派与激进分子He alleged that he was verbally abused by his colleagues. 他声称受到了同事的言语攻击。abuse a privilege 滥用特权;wildlife preserve.野生动物保护区abysmal ignorance 极端的无知accede to the throne 就任国王在总统

4、就任,发表就职演讲的时候,许诺给民众以福祉, 但在日后的实践当中却渐渐的背离大众的期望,The information ought to be made more accessible. 信息应该更清晰易懂。科技won virtually every accolade that the film world has to offer 赢得了电影界几乎一致的赞赏讲科技,讲政治,讲教育The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction. 认为美国能够和谐一切就是幻想。the busines

5、s acumen 商业方面的洞察力an acute thinker 思维敏锐的思想者专才adheres to the belief that坚定地相信essential element 重要部分admonished her for。则被某人做某事incompetent assistants who spend all their time adulating her 成天恭维她的不称职的下属The strife in Bloody Kansas adumbrated the civil war that would follow. 发生在堪萨斯州的流血冲突预示了之后的南北内战的爆发。科技dua

6、l core processor双核处理器的到来预示着计算机到达了全新的高度political adversary 政敌had an affinity for doing sth. 喜欢干某事an aggressive campaign to win the African-American vote 一次能够获得非裔美国人选票的强有力的竞选were agog over对。极度感兴趣hesitance and reluctanceAmbition that is masked as altruism. 在利他主义掩盖下的野心。Students have ambiguous feelings a

7、bout their role in the world. 学生们为他们在世界中的角色感到迷茫。 世界观 , 价值观to ameliorate the suffering of people who have lost their jobs 改善失业人员的痛苦an anemic economic anesthetic to their feelingsKongfu Pandas very realistic panda was animated by CG. 功夫熊猫电影里面的熊猫是通过CG 技术使熊猫变得活灵活现的。科技Unfortunately, his arrog

8、ant attitude annuls the many generous favors he does for people. 不幸的是,他傲慢的态度抵消了他之前对人民的慷慨恩惠。an antediluvian who thought a woman without talent is virtuous 一个认为“女子无才便是德”的保守的人college entrance examination高考,针对高考的文理分科讲科技的两面性,With the intensity of urbanization and global warming, electricity becomes incre

9、asingly deficient. Traditional method to generate electricity cannot satisfy peoples demanding with sacrificing the beauty and health of the nature we rely on. Fortunately, specialized education has cultivated so many nuclear scientists,they has managed to overcome this with the invention of nuclear

10、 energy. Nuclear has many advantages, most importantly, the resource is abundant, and there is much uranium in the ocean, always called unexhausted. Besides, it can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and methane on a large scale, two kinds of the most serious greenhouse gases. Moreover, new gener

11、ation of reactors make the nuclear safer. Buried underground, these reactors cannot make serious harmful effects.But it can result in baneful influence, it can increase mortality than those sustainable energy namely wind, solar, geothermal power and hydro-tidal wave power because of its powerful and

12、 rebellious nature, Japanese nuclear leakage has caused universal influence and made people all over the world expose in the danger of nuclear radiation. Furthermore, the usage of nuclear also enhances nuclear weapons proliferation by enriching uranium, which can cause much more additional deaths. H

13、aving witnessed the success of the first atom bomb throw in Japanese, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the leader of Manhattan Project, realized the threaten of nuclear to the peace of the world, he said, we scientists hands stained with blood.讲教育,专才与通才Concentrated on his major, students can do research and m

14、ake far-reaching progress. Scientists make human beings powerful, environmentalists make nature be away from contamination, humanists make people live in peace.For example,With the intensity of urbanization and global warming, electricity becomes increasingly deficient. Traditional method to generat

15、e electricity cannot satisfy peoples demanding with sacrificing the beauty and health of the nature we rely on. Fortunately, specialized education has cultivated so many nuclear scientists,they has managed to overcome this with the invention of nuclear energy. Nuclear has many advantages, most impor

16、tantly, the resource is abundant, and there is much uranium in the ocean, always called unexhausted. Besides, it can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and methane on a large scale, two kinds of the most serious greenhouse gases. Moreover, new generation of reactors make the nuclear safer. Buried underground, these reactors cannot make serious harm

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