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1、酒店市场营销年终工作总结精选多篇酒店市场营销年终工作总结(精选多篇) 提笔写总结,就预示一年的时间业已过去。回想年的总结中的种种计划打算,感想良多!归纳总结如下: 本年度市场的整体环境现状总结: 行业市场容量变化 今年汤逊湖地区又新开了阳光海岸度假村及沃特豪斯别墅群、卧龙山庄。这使得整个汤逊湖地区的整体接待能力加强不少,同时彼此的竞争也加强了。 品牌集中度及竞争态势 市区会议周边化的趋势正在形成,业以形成规模的地区有:黄陂的木兰天池、孝感的观音岛、蔡甸的度假村、沌口的海滨城、鄂州的凤凰山庄、江夏的汤逊湖、咸宁方向的汤池温泉等。其中江夏地区的品牌优势就集中在荷田会所与梦天湖之间。正处在中心地带的

2、我们在地理上有得天独厚的优势,今后要发扬并强化,如:加做从澳门山庄到宾馆门前的路边广告等。同时在销售上注意路边宾馆环境吵杂的劣势,随时调整销售策略。 竞争市场份额排名变化 从年的市场竞争份额排名第四上升到第三。整体的知名度也较上年有大幅度的增加。同时固定客源增加到多个; 渠道模式变化及特点 年的销售以单个的主体为主,销售的模式单一。今年我们建立了业务分类整体直销、旅行社及会议公司分销、网络统售的多重销售模式。 终端型态变化及特点 年的宾馆销售是水平的,即市场与销售一起完成,做市场与完成销售没有分开。今年,我们已将两项工作在概念上分开,并着手进行市场的培植:今年我们建立有效客户档案个,其中企事业

3、单位户,特殊宴会客户个,分销单位户。今年的销售终端形态形成漏斗型,并向社会上的销售双轨制方向发展。 消费者需求变化 仅仅为客人提供住房服务、餐饮服务、娱乐服务已不能满足会议市场需求。今年开始征对消费者需求的变化我们将团队客户分为一般商务团队与特殊旅游团队。有征对性的开发周边旅游线路条。 市场主要竞争对手今年销售表现 “知彼知己,百战不殆”这句话教会了我们很多的东西。寻找标杆企业的优秀营销模式,挖掘自身与标杆企业的差距和不足也是我们今年的主要工作。在全年的销售工作中,梦天湖的连锁信息管理,极具亲和力的社会关系网销售、汤孙湖山庄的多重销售、荷田的定项纵深客户管理等,都值得我们学习与借鉴。 本年度部

4、门工作总结 部门建设 上半年部门人员充足,市场体系完整。下半年人员不足,市场体系失效。 部门人员培养 市场部现有人员名。经过大半年的打磨,他们已基本掌握市场销售运作。但业务技能及专业精神方面仍需加强。由于部门人员少、任务重,故专业技能培训不够。 与其他部门的配合 好范文网范文网 与并宾馆其他部门的配合比较好,在群策群力方面还应加强。新年度工作计划“运筹于帷幄之中,决胜在千里之外”。新年度营销工作规划我觉得要强调谋事在先,系统全面地为宾馆新年度整体营销工作进行策略性规划部署。但是我们还要明白年度营销工作规划并不是行销计划,只是基于年度分析总结的策略性工作思路,具体详细的行销计划还需要分解到季度或

5、月度来制定,只有这样才具有现实意义。 目标导向 营销目标的拟定是来年营销工作的关键。在新年度营销工作规划中,首先要做的就是,全年总体的销售目标、费用目标、利润目标、渠道开发目标、终端建设目标、人员配置目标的拟定,其中:销售目标为万年,费用目标为万年,渠道开发目标为条年,终端建设目标为个人年,人员配置为人。产品规划根据消费者需求分析的新产品开发计划、产品改良计划有:扩充宾馆产品大类,变不畅销主打产品为副属产品、将民族文化村与宾馆搭配、将教工俱乐部与宾馆搭配、将旅游线路与宾馆搭配等。 酒店年终营销工作总结 about outstanding achievement. the job sums up

6、 respecting end of the year, everybody thinks of above all undoubtedly is outstanding achievement, talk about outstanding achievement, want to talk with the number necessarily, so, the number became stand or fall of reflective work outstanding achievement to have the thing that shows strength most.

7、the thing that there are a lot of afford for thoughts at the back of the number needs those who have deep arrangement to analyse, working in order to complete the sale that budgetary stand or fall will come to inspect a hotel simply is not objective. cite a the realest case: for hotel of absolutely

8、large to home number, a few can the sale budget 2014 have to finish? and the sale outstanding achievement 2014, most hotel can be overfulfiled, so, if use,calculated with example type last year, that growth range is certain and breathtaking. but, if take no account of 2014 “ sars “ element, the numb

9、er 2014 and the number 2014 can not compare an import apparently. when inspecting hotel sale outstanding achievement, appear very easily on the number deviation or misunderstanding, especially when the number is good, easier forget oneself. we cite a case again: when the sale when the hotel, gop is

10、overfulfiled, how much is the average that we think of to not was the same as the area, class that be the same as a star, hotel that is the same as dimensions? if everybody is to be on same standard, how should be we evaluated again to our outstanding achievement? about the brand. the brand image th

11、at there is not hotel him ignored now and brand effect, the action of the brand is not its simple exterior visual sense identifies a system already, bearing the weight of however concept of battalion of already of look forward to and behavior standard, a bit directer say, the brand represented every

12、thing of the hotel. it is very difficult to be summed up end of the year about what hotel brand works so do, a lot of hotels sense the possibility do not know how to start. normally, a few hotels pay close attention to may morely alleged “ hard “ index, for example the findings of the selection of t

13、he exposure rate of all sorts of media, guild and hotel oneself (questionnaire, random interview, complain the) such as feedback, adopt these so called objective approaches, understanding hotel brand is in client of general public, cause group medium impression. the result that believes these report

14、 go out can have certain conviction, but, staying merely still is insufficient hereat, because, to the evaluation of the brand, for example of the hotel famous degree with the united states praise degree, must hear the opinion of consumer. still having is direct client and indirect client the cognit

15、ive difference to hotel brand. for example, travel agent, meeting exhibits the company indirect client that serves as a hotel, as a result of its self interest, the direct client that they often cannot organize on behalf of them objectively feedbacks to the hotel opinion; have more very person, they

16、 can go to the error marry again of oneself on hotel body, going up somehow thereby operated direct client is right the correct acknowledge of hotel brand. about the market. summary sale job wants to analyse the case of the market mainly for certain, here should pay close attention to a few groups o

17、f main relevant index particularly. above all, it is market share, namely between this hotel work off / nocturnal number is in with the area, class that be the same as a star (or with class) between hotel work off / the place in nocturnal gross holds proportion, what this index emphasizes is hotel g

18、uest room “ sales volume “ , it is representing hotel product (the other product that here did not include a hotel) welcome degree; next, it is this hotel the average room price that can offer a room and with the area, class that be the same as a star (or with class) all public houses are average of

19、 house price than, what this index emphasizes is a hotel “ the price “ , actually, what it explains is the quality of hotel product; moreover, be before narrate this two index and last year compared to the same period increase rate (or) of negative increase rate, it tells what our hotel runs a state

20、 to go situation. carry these index, we can have a basic judgement to the market condition of the hotel. but, meanwhile, we also must realise soberly, the backside of these index, still can a few short-term, specific element creates false appearance of a kind of market, for example, when market shar

21、e increases and be filled with exultation for its when some hotel, its are main perhaps the reason is not the business ability that comes from it, the hotel of a few competitors that are the same as an area however undertakes close down is decorated transform be caused by, accordingly, what this hot

22、el place obtains is a few portion that competitors discard temporarily only just; contrary, the means that also cannot use low sales promotion because of a few hotels of circumjacent new start business reaved share of one share market, think accordingly, the market of this hotel is had rate is very

23、bad. about the organization. when most hotel is summing up sale to work, come to sale organization construction sum up as a special subject rarely, the way that some takes one area and lives tries to handle, the some criterion job summary this respect examines confuse sth with sth else integratedly

24、of personnel with each sale. the constituent structure that actually hotel sale organizes the summary that builds the job to should be put in on one year mainly (for example sectional setting, post is arranged) rationality and constituent policy (for example outstanding achievement index, incentive

25、mechanism) on effectiveness. for example, hotel to hold vicissitude of the market better, need the function of aggrandizement section of the market, accordingly, on constituent structure setting, market department can become independent from inside department of public relations market come out, wit

26、h the sale ministry, public relations ministry becomes peaceful course branch. meanwhile, relevant constituent policy also is met as undertake adjustment, for example those who examine way is the outstanding achievement index of market department staff, affirmatory, of corresponding and incentive me

27、chanism perfect wait. the primary purpose of summary, it is to get used to environment of inside and outside to change ceaselessly, optimize constituent function, finish the job smoothly in favorable environment in order to assure each sale staff. xx建国饭店2014年度市场销售部工作总结 为了更好的总结过去一年中的工作重点与市场环境变化,利用实际数

28、据分析经营业绩,并且展望来年市场环境明确工作方针,以提升酒店整体收益为最终目的,特要求各成员酒店撰写2014年工作总结与2014年工作展望。具体要求如下: 编写要点: 回顾2014年本酒店所在竞争环境的市场变化, 如:市场中的酒店客房供应量的增减, 及对标竞争酒店的情况;宏观及微观市场经济变化趋势,所在城市的大事件等因素所导致的2014年酒店的经营结果是否已达到当年预算,具体的数据。 全年销售业绩及市场分类总结如下: 一) 2014年全年任务指标 二) 2014年全年客房业绩 第 1 页 共 6 页 三)竞争对手全年市场数据分析 此表格为成员酒店全年均值,请按oa网上月报表格的数据公式计算,竞

29、争酒店不能改变。 第 2 页 共 6 页 四)2014年全年会议及宴会业绩 五) 2014年全年市场分类总结 六) 2014年全年海外客人来源地结构 七) 2014年全年国内客源结构 八) 2014年全年各销售渠道10大合作伙伴 九)实际市场部人员组织结构图 各酒店根据现有实际人员情况编绘组织结构图 十) 2014年市场销售部各销售经理全年业绩完成总汇 可结合绩效考核实际情况进行分析,是否有调整计划 十一)2014年其它重要经营数据 此组数据是考察酒店产品和服务品质的重要数据,为酒店开展常客营销积累参考依据。 十二) 2014年市场预测及销售方案 1、 去年主要经营业绩成功案例总结 2、 工作

30、中的不足与改进 3、 行业发展趋势 4、 本企业现有市场发展形势 5、 2014年度工作重点与方针制作人: xxx/市场销售总监/经理 日期: 2014年x月xx日 一、20xx年市场营销工作回顾 20xx年,在公司党委的正确领导下,营销战线广大干部职工,围绕“12345”总体奋斗目标,创造性地开展各项营销工作,克服了供需矛盾突出,白莲铝厂停产等诸多不利因素。群策群力,奋力拼搏,资产经营取得了丰硕成果,实现了“三确保、三实现、三推进”的年度营销工作目标,为提高经济效益和企业的发展,做出了新的贡献! 主要指标完成情况: 售电量完成33325万kwh,比年度计划增长4.1%,如剔除白莲铝厂因素超幅

31、18.2%。 售电均价完成386.33元/kkwh,比年度计划372.46元/kkwh上升13.87元/kkwh。 售电收入完成14155万元。 当年电费回收率100%,历欠电费回收97.4万元,历欠回收率20.7%。 线损率完成7.54%,比市公司下达计划下降0.01百分点。 &md(更多精彩内容请访问首页WWw.HaoWOrD.cOM)ash;营业普查156807户,3.838亿174起,违约用电171起,补收电量107万kwh万元,收取违约使用电费37.0万元,合理增收共计95.4万元,超计划完成20.4万元。 推广电热锅炉1台,容量270kw。 一年来,我们重点开展了以下几项工作: 1

32、、加强电力需求侧管理,售电量稳步增长。 针对白莲铝厂停产和年初供电形势紧张局面,公司树立大营销观念,始终把开拓用电市场作为一项全局性的龙头工作来抓。通过加强需求侧管理,抓季节用电高峰,抓招商引资机遇,稳定了工业用电市场,拓展了生活用电市场,克服了铝厂停产而减少电量5600万千瓦时的影响,实现电量同比18.2%的增幅。 一方面,积极向县委政府汇报,争取了各级政府和广大电力客房的理解与支持,同时采取适当限电和调控小水电上网发电等多项措施,确保了2014年元旦、春节、“五一”黄金周及高考期间电网安全稳定运行,确保了全县有序用电,最大限度地满足了全县经济发展和城乡居民生活用电需求。同时,各单位根据供用电形势的变化制订了电网迎峰渡夏供电预案,并按照“先让电,再限电,后拉闸”的原则,严肃调度纪律确保了城乡居民生活、农业生产、重点单位部门和用户用电。 另一方面,对年初确立的20家企业大的电量增长点采取领导

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