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1、小升初英语面试技巧2010小升初英语面试技巧:根据简历猜题目下面就根据一份简历,来说几个根据这样的简历会问什么问题。一、 “个人信息”可能引发的提问1、你的中文名字有什么含义么?Whats the meaning of your Chinese name?备注:只有名字比较奇特的应聘者才会遇到这个问题。很多家长给孩子起四个字的名。甚至还有中文名字里带英文字母和数字的。比如 东方XX 欧阳OO2、你的英文名字是什么意思?Whats the meaning of your English name?备注:只有古怪的英文名字才会引发这个提问。如果你的名字是Angel,Tracy之类的大众名字,绝对不

2、会引发面试官的提问。二、关于“父母信息”的问题1、能用三个词来形容你父母吗?父亲:勤劳hardworking、严厉strict、高大魁梧strong built母亲:细心careful、善良kind、朴实plain三、 “英语水平”可能引发的提问1、你过了三一12级,那你的口语怎么样?You have a GESE-12 certificate, so how is your spoken English?答:我的口语,在我们班里是前50%吧,不算最好的,因为有些女生特别在意英语,简直都把优胜教育的课上遍了。说实话,我没有花费太多时间练习,就是按部就班过来的,过了十一级,然后过十二级。 I f

3、eel my spoken English ranks in the top half of my class. I amnot the best; some students really focus on English study, and theyve taken somany courses at youwinedu. I, honestly speaking, just follow the normal steps,you know, GESE-11, and then GESE-12.2、你的英语很好,你是怎么学的?Your English is very good, and

4、how did you learn English?答:我练习得特别多,坐公共汽车的时候我都经常自言自语, 有时候别人都以为我神经病呢!I speak a lot. I eventalk to myself in English when sitting on buses. Sometimes other passengersthink I must be crazy, hehe.3、你的简历里写自己擅长英语,你能现场关于书桌做一个演讲吗?Yousaid you are good at English, and can you give me a presentation about desk

5、?四、 “艺术特长”可能引发的提问1、你喜欢弹钢琴呀?喜欢什么风格的歌曲?You are good at playing the piano, whatkind of songs do you like best?2、你喜欢画画呀,现在还坚持吗?You like drawing, do you do it every day?3、计算机用得怎么样?How about your computer skills?其实说了这么多,也不一定能适用上几个人。大家对自己的孩子多加了解和沟通是最重要的,也要根据自己的情况来适当修改简历。09六年级英语毕业试卷也门勒乡中心校2008-2009学年六年级英语毕业

6、试卷(考试时间:80分钟 满分:100分)一、语音 (10)( ) 1Ahow Bknow Csnow Dwindow( ) 2Askirt Bgirl Ctired Dbird( ) 3Aknife Bskate Cbookcase Dmilk( ) 4Ashort Bword Cwork Dworld( ) 5 A. live B. his C. five D. fish 小学六年级英语毕业模拟题集锦 二、将下列单词补全完整(10)1、hambur er 2、no_sy 3、wr_og 4、baseb_ll5、te_m 6、s_ace 7r_ng 8、ch_ld 9、laug_

7、_dy三按要求完成下列各词(10)1come (过去式)_ (过去式)_3.make(过去式)_ 4.can(过去式)_5.get(过去式)_四选择填空(15)( )1.I _ football every day . A. play B. played C.playing( )2. I_ to supermarker last Friday . A. go B. went C.going( )3.What _ your brother going to do ? C.are( )4.Im going to _some booksA. by B. buy C.

8、bought( )5. You are _ young to go abroad.A. two B. to C. too( )6.Did you _ to beach . A. went B. gone C. go( )7.打电话时,想知道对方是谁,应说:_A. Who are you ? B. Whos that speaking?( )8.打电话时说 “我是李明”, 应说( )A. Im Li Ming B. This is Li Ming( )9.Im sorry you are going to England. 句中 “sorry”的含义是: A. 对不起 B.难过( )10.用英语

9、写地址的写法是_A. 按照从小到大的顺序 B.按照从大到小的顺序 C.无所谓五.根据汉语提示选择合适的单词填空。(15)A.desks B.chairs C.saw elephants TV E.reads books a dictionary G. climb mountainsH.have a picnic I .a hot dog J. speak Chinese1.He often _ _ (看电视)and _ _ (看书)2. There are many (桌子)and (椅子) in the classroom.3.I _(看大象) yesterd

10、ay morning.4.I can _(爬山)on the weekend .5.We are going to_(买一本字典)tomorrow.6.We are going to _ _(说汉语).7I want _ _(热狗).8. They are going to_(野餐).六连词成句。(20) , what, you , eat , want, to. ( ?)2.going , to , its , Xinjiang , snow , , about ,whats ( ?)4.are, we,to ,going ,speak, Chinese.5.goin

11、g ,to ,what, you,are ,study ( ?) 七 、阅读短文,判断正误,用“”或“”表示。(20)Hello! My name is Lin lin. Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a window, a shelf, a desk, a chair and a computer. The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near thebed. There is a computer on the desk. My be

12、droom is small ,but its nice. I love it. Do you like my bedroom?根据短文内容,判断正误( )1、Lin lin is twenty. ( ) 2、The desk is near the bed.( ) 3、The window is behind the desk.( ) 4、The bedroom is big.( )5、Linlin likes her bedroom very much.Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his hom

13、e. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers office. “Why did you go to the teachers office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人)could answer it, but me.” “Its good to answer the teachers questions.” “But the question was Who put the ink(墨水)on my chair?”( ) 6. Tom lives near his school.( ) 7. He

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