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2、据应用,大数据安全,大数据思维,大数据伦理,数据共享,数据开放,大数据交易和大数据治理等。二、培养目标本课程旨在实现以下几个培养目标:(1) 引导学生步入大数据时代,积极投身大数据的变革浪潮之中;(2) 了解大数据概念,培养大数据思维,养成数据安全意识;(3) 认识大数据伦理,努力使自己的行为符合大数据伦理规范要求;(4) 熟悉大数据应用,探寻大数据与自己专业的应用结合点;(5) 激发学生基于大数据的创新创业热情。三、教学方法本课程以课程理论教学为主,并安排课堂讨论,以深化学生对知识的理解。在理论教学层面,高屋建瓴地探讨大数据,超脱技术讲解技术,内容深入浅出,简单易懂,适合文科专业学生学习;同

3、时,在课堂上为学生展示丰富的实际应用案例,激发学生学习兴趣,开拓学生视野,培养学生大数据思维。四、主要内容及学时安排 章(或节)主要内容学时安排第1章 大数据概述数据的概念、大数据时代到来的背景、大数据的发展历程、世界各国的大数据发展战略、大数据的概念与影响、大数据的应用以及大数据产业2第2章 大数据和云计算、物联网的关系物联网的概念和应用、云计算的概念和应用、大数据和云计算以及物联网的相互关系2第1次讨论课 新兴技术对人类社会发展的影响2第3章 大数据技术大数据分析全流程所涉及的各种技术2第4章 大数据应用大数据在各行各业的主要应用4第5章 大数据安全大数据安全问题、数据保护原则、数据安全和

4、 隐私保护对策2第6章 大数据思维大数据时代应该具备的创新思维2第7章 大数据伦理大数据伦理的概念、大数据伦理问题及其产生原因、治理对策2第2次讨论课大学生应该具备什么样的大数据思维和大数据伦理2第8章 数据共享数据共享的意义、实现数据共享所面临的相关挑战以及推进数据共享应当采取的措施2第9章 数据开放政府开放数据的理论基础、政府数据开放的重要意义、国外政府开放数据的经验和我国政府开放数据的现状2第3次讨论课数据共享和数据开放的重要意义 2第10章 大数据交易大数据交易的发展现状、大数据交易平台、大数据交易在发展过程中出现的问题以及推进大数据交易发展的对策2第11章 大数据治理大数据治理的概念


6、、一站式免费服务,帮助学生更好学习大数据课程,网站地址:九、其它信息大纲制定者:林子雨 大纲审定者: 大纲制定时间:2019年9月XMU Undergraduate Course SyllabusCourse nameBig Data IntroductionCourse code Category codeCSCIProgrammeliberal artsSemesterAll SemestersCourse typeBasic Common Courses General Education Courses Disciplinary General Courses Specialized

7、CoursesOther Teaching ProcessesCourse focusLecture Experiment Skill-training PracticalCreditTotal learning hoursLectureTutorialExperimentPracticalOthers232266000PrerequisitesNone1.Course descriptionThe era of big data has been opened in an all-round way, bringing about great changes in the developme

8、nt of information technology, and profoundly affecting all aspects of social production and peoples lives. Understanding the concept of big data and having big data thinking are new requirements for talents in the new era. This course explores big data. The content is simple and easy to understand.

9、It is suitable for non-computer majors (especially liberal arts majors) to learn. Course contents include big data overview, big data and cloud computing, Internet of things and artificial intelligence, big data technology, big data application, big data security, big data thinking, big data ethics,

10、 data sharing, data openness, big data transaction and big data governance.2. Learning goalsThis course aims to achieve the following training objectives:(1) Guiding students to enter the era of big data and actively participate in the wave of big data change;(2) Understanding the concept of big dat

11、a and cultivating big data thinking;(3) Understanding Big Data Ethics and striving to conform to the ethical norms of Big Data;(4) Be familiar with big data applications and explore the combination of big data and their own professional applications;(5) Stimulate students enthusiasm for innovation a

12、nd entrepreneurship based on big data.3.Teaching approachesThis course focuses on the teaching of curriculum theory and arranges classroom discussions to deepen students understanding of knowledge. At the level of theoretical teaching, it is easy to understand. It is suitable for students majoring i

13、n liberal arts to study. At the same time, it shows students abundant practical application cases in class, so as to stimulate students interest in learning, broaden their horizons and cultivate students thinking on big data.4. Content outline of the courseChapter(Section)ContentLearning hours1The c

14、oncept of data, the background of the arrival of the era of big data, the development process of big data, the development strategy of big data in the world, the concept and influence of big data, the application of big data and the big data industry22The concept and application of the Internet of T

15、hings, the concept and application of cloud computing, the relationship between big data and cloud computing and the Internet of Things23The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Development of Human Society24Various techniques involved in the whole process of large data analysis25Applications of B

16、ig Data in various fields46Big Data Security, Data Protection Principles, Data Security and Privacy Protection Measures27Innovative thinking in the era of big data28The Concept of Big Data Ethics, the Problems of Big Data Ethics and Their Causes and Countermeasures29What Big Data Thinking and Big Da

17、ta Ethics Should College Students Have210Significance of Data Sharing, Related Challenges to Realize Data Sharing and Measures to Promote Data Sharing211The theoretical basis of government open data, the significance of government open data, the experience of foreign government open data and the cur

18、rent situation of government open data212Importance of Data Sharing and Data Opening213The development status of big data transaction, the platform of big data transaction, the problems in the development process of big data transaction and the countermeasures to promote the development of big data

19、transaction214The Concept, Elements and Governance Model of Big Data Governance215How to Realize the Combination of Big Data and Our Major2Total325. Assessment methods and requirementsThe course involves homework and closed-book examination.The final score includes two parts, i.e., homework(30%) and

20、 final examination(70%).6.TextbooksZiyu Lin. General Introduction to Big Data. The Higher Education Press, Nov, 2019.7.ReferencesViktor Mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Cukier, Write, Sheng Yangyan, Zhou Tao, Trans. Big data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think. Hangzhou: Zhejian

21、g peoples Publishing House, 2012: 12. (in Chinese)8.Website9.OthersFilled out by: Ziyu Lin Approved by: Date: Sept,2019 厦门大学本科课程大纲填写说明(Notes)1 须同时填写课程大纲中文版和英文版。2 课程名称必须准确、规范。3 课程代码:非任课教师填写。该课程在教务系统生成后,由学院代为填写。4 授课对象填写专业。5 适用年级填写可修读本课程的时间,如本科三年级第一学期。6 课程类型指公共基本课程、通识教育课程、学科通修课程、专业(或专业方向)课程、其他教学环节。7 课程

22、课型指理论课、实验课、技能课、实践课。8 总学时=授课学时+讨论学时+实验学时+上机学时+其他学时9 先修课程是与该课程具有严格的前后逻辑关系,非先修课程则无法学习该课程。10.培养目标不少于150字。11.考核方式包括成绩登记方式、成绩组成、考核标准等。成绩登记方式包括百分制、通过/不通过等。成绩组成指各种考核方式占比。考核标准指衡量各项考评指标得分的基准。12.选用教材和主要参考书要求注明作者、书目、出版社、出版年份。例如,“丹利维尔:民主、官僚制组织和公共选择,中国青年出版社,2001年。”13.其它信息指课堂规范要求等,如课上禁止使用手机、缺勤要求等。14.课程英文类别代号:英文类别代

23、号代号英文说明代号中文说明ANTH:Anthropology人类学类课程;ARCH:Architecture建筑类课程;ARTS:Arts艺术类;AUTO:Automation自动化类课程;BIOL:Biology生物科学类课程;BUSI:Business Administration工商管理类课程;CHEE:Chemical Engineering化工类课程;CHEM:Chemistry化学类课程;CHIN:Chinese中国语言文学类课程;CIVL:Civil Engineering土建类课程;CSCI:Computer Science计算机科学类课程;ECON:Economics经济学类

24、课程;EENG:Electronic Engineering电子工程类课程;ELIN:Electrical Information电气信息类课程;ELIS:Electronic Information Science电子信息科学类课程;ENGL:English英国语言文学类课程;ENVS:Environmental Science环境科学类课程;FREN:French法国语言文学类课程;GERM:German德国语言文学类课程;HIST:History历史学类课程;JAPA:Japanese日本语言文学类课程;JOUR:Journalism新闻传播类课程;LAWS:Laws法学类课程;MATH

25、:Mathematics数学类课程;MATL:Material材料类课程;MECH:Machinery机械类课程;MECM:Clinical Medical临床医学类课程;MEDN:Nursing Medical护理学类课程;MEPH:Pharmacy Medical药学类课程;MEPM:Preventive Medical预防医学类课程;METC:Traditional Chinese Medical中医学类课程;MIED:Military军事学类课程;OCEA:Oceanography海洋科学类课程;PHIL:Philosophy政治学类课程;PHYC:Physics物理学类课程;PHYS

26、:Physical Education体育学类课程;POLI:Political Science政治学类课程;PUBM:Public Management公共管理类课程;RUSN:Russian俄罗斯语言文学类课程;SENG:Software Engineering软件工程类课程;SOSA:Sociology and Social Anthropology社会学类课程;IDPE:Ideological and Political education思想政治教育类课程;ENER:Energy Science能源科学类课程;ASTR:Astronomy天文学类课程;MELM:laboratory medicine实验医学类课程;MEECClinical Medical (English Courses)英文授课临床医学类课程KORN:Korean韩国语言文学类课程ITAL:Italian意大利语言文学类课程ARAB:Arabic阿拉伯语言文学类课程MALA:Malay马来语言文学类课程

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