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1、电子小报模板word. . . .参考 .资料King hearts are the gardens; King thoughts are the roots; King words are the flowers; King deeds are the fruits. . . .New Year 元旦It falls on the first dayof the year. It marks the beginning of a year. People will plan what to do in the newyear. Because they believe that the wh

2、ole years work depends on a good start in sprin二Teacher: Name two pronouns.Tom: Who, me ?Teacher: Right.老师:“说出两个代词。”汤 姆 : “ 谁 , 我 ? ”老师:“正确。”三Teacher: Jack, where is Mexico?Jack: On page eleven in the geography book.老师:杰克,墨西哥在哪?杰克:在地理书十一页上。Day 日子Translated byZhao HuaizhaiSwallows fly away, 燕子去了,They

3、 return, however; 有再来的时候;Peach blossoms wither and fall, 桃花谢了,They still bloom. 有再开的时候。My clever, 聪明的,Tell me, please, 请你告诉我Why our days never come back?我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?美好的心灵是花园;友爱的思想是根茎;亲切的话语是花朵;善良的行为是果实。参考 .资料. . . .China中国English英国America美国Japan日本Ireland爱尔兰Italy意大利Barcelona巴塞罗纳Asia亚洲Britain英国不列颠我们

4、在小学英语第三册中学过以下两个句子:1、 She Is so tall!2、 She is so happy, isn tshe?小朋友,你知道这里 so 表示什么意思,起什么作用吗?请让我来解答。so 在这里用作副词,修饰形容词 tallhappy,具有感叹和加强语气的作用,译为“真” 。请将下列汉语句子连线。1、这朵玫瑰花真红呀!A. These stamps are so nice!2、那棵树真高哇!B. I m so glad to seeyou!3、那些邮票真好看哪!C. The rose is so red!4、(我)见到你真高兴啊!D. That tree is so tall!

5、参考 .资料. . . .In winter holiday, I had a good time. I didn t go to school. I read some books at home. Sometimes I watched TV.Sometimes I helped my mother clean the house and washthe dishes. Sometimes I went shopping with my friends, we bought colorful new clothes.At Chinese New Year, I put on new clo

6、thes. I visited my relatives and I got muchluckymoney. In the evening, I set off fireworks with my cousin. They looked like flowers. They were very beautiful!I was very happy during the winter holiday第二版1、What always travels on foot?2、Before getting off the boat, what must you do?以箭头旁的字母为首字母,按箭头所指的方

7、向(顺时针和逆时针)拼读,看能否将最后一个字母填上,组成 4 个由 4 个字母组成的单词?Tom: Grandpa, were you a child many yearsago?Grandpa: Of course.Tom: That interesting. This child had nohair but had long moustache. Howugly he was!风筝 kite, white白,两人汤姆:爷爷,很多年前你是个小孩吗?分手 goodbye。爷爷:那当然。三十 thirty,肮脏 dirty ,汤姆:真有趣!这个小孩没有一根头发国家是 country 。却长着大

8、胡子,该有多难看呀!short 是短, long是长,parents 是爹娘。我是 I 你是 you,见面问候How are you?来是 come,去是 go ,胖是Thereretwo insects in seats garden. Onefat ,thin是瘦。is Picking honey. One is dancing.Daddy 是爸, Mummy是妈,参考 .资料 One likes working hard all day. Onego home 是回家。always likes showing off herself.big 是大, little是小,They rea h

9、oneybee and butterfly.Ia small bird是小鸟。want to be a honeybee. What about you?run 是跑, walk 是走,shake hands 是握手。. . . . 第三版一It is a small book,Everyday, we read one page.After finishing this book,Well welcome a new year.小小一本书,一天看一面。看完这本书,大家过新年。二It has two runs in the street. feet, and the street. When

10、it stops, It has three feet.两只脚,满街跑。要是停下来,变成三只脚。三A man and a woman were under an umbrella, a baby was in the womans arms, but none of them got wet. Why?一位男士和一位怀抱婴儿的女士共同打一把伞,但却没有一个人淋湿。那是为什么?With only one eyeA: Excuse me, how much is it a cinema ticket ?B: One yuan, my boy .A: I have only fifty fen on

11、 me .Could you let me in ? Ill see it with only one eye.只用一只眼睛甲:请问,电影票多少钱一张?乙:一元,孩子。甲:我身上只有 5 毛钱,能让我进去吗?我只用一只眼睛看。参考 .资料. . . .小朋友,你们喜欢踢足球吗?据我所知, 你们当中有不少小球迷,特别是南孩子们对足球更是如痴如醉。 但是你们知道球场上的人员且配置用的英语怎么表达吗?我来为大家介绍一番吧:GK =goalkeeper 守门员FW =forward 前锋MF =midfielder 前卫DF =defender 后卫linesman 边裁referee 主裁一天,盖尔

12、先生带领小汤姆到餐厅用餐,服务员端来两块猪排,汤姆立即拣了一块大的,放在自己的盘子里。华盖尔先生见了很不高兴,说: 你怎么这样 不礼貌? 那如果让您先拣,你挑哪一块? 汤姆问。 当然是小的。 那不是正好吗,小的那块我正好给您留下了。 参考 .资料. . . . FestivalSpring FestivalSpring Festival is the most important fest ival in China. It is on the first day of the first lunar month( 阴历正月 ). On the eve of thefestival, peop

13、le will paste spring poems( 贴春联 )with lucky words. They prepare delicious fo od, dumpling is a must. They also clean their house, but there is no sweeping on spring fest ival for people think it will sweep away good luck. People often come back home to enjoy fam ily reunion, the whole family will ge

14、t together for the big dinner. They also exchange greet ing with other friends and relatives.Spring Festival 春节参考 .资New料 Year 元旦Qingming 清明节Lantern Festival 元宵节QingmingQingming It is also c alled Tomb-Sweeping Day. It falls on April 4th or 5th. That is a special day for the living to show love and r

15、espect to their dead friends or relatives. Peopleoften go to sweep the tomband put the meat, wine in front of the tomb. One interesting thing is that peopleburn the paper money for the dead.New YearIt falls on the first day o f the year. It marks the beginn ing of a year. People will plan what to do

16、 in the new year. Be cause they believe that the who le years work depends on a goo d start in spring.Lantern FestivalIt comes on the 15th of the first lunar month and it marks the end of th e Spring Festival. On this day, peopleoften eat sweet dumplings( 元宵 )for go od luck. They will visit the disp

17、lay of lanterns( 灯展 )or go for temple fair (庙会). . . . 第五版There is a minibus service running from ourvillage to town. The following is the bus seatingregulations:Lastyear,1. 若不 给自己设限 ,则人生中就没有限制你发挥 的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海 ,哪 有人生 风平浪静。 在纷杂的尘世里, 为自 己留下一片纯静的心 灵空间,不管是潮起潮落 ,也不管是阴晴 圆缺 , 你都可以免去浮躁 ,义无反顾, 勇往直前,轻松自如地走好

18、人 生路上的每一 步 3. 花一些 时间, 总会看清一些事。 用一 些事情 , 总会看清一 些人 。 有时候 觉得自己像个 神经病。 既纠结了自己, 又打扰了别人 。努力过后 , 才知道许多事情 ,坚持 坚持 ,就过来了。4. 岁月 是无情 的 , 假 如你丢 给它的是一片空白 , 它还给 你的也是一片 空白 。 岁月是有情的,假如 你奉献给她 的是一些色彩 , 它奉献给你的 也是一些色彩 。 你必须努力 ,当有 一天蓦 然回首时, 你的回忆里才会 多一些色彩斑 斓 ,少 一些苍白无力。只有 你自己才能把 岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的 人生画卷。Maximum capacity(最大载客量):si

19、tting 8my father bought a catadults(成人 ) or 12 children; Standing 2 adults orfor me on my birthday,4 children.It was a black cat.As the last bus drew up at a stop in town onI dontlike black, soSaturday evening, there sere 6 adults waiting to getI didntlike it at all aton. But there werefirst. I neve

20、r knew how Many times it had gotten angry? The othermanyofalready 7 childrenpeople “ Youuseless!re”But my brother was very careful, he keptinthethe adultsbus.Howlooking after the cat everyday.waitingatthestopOne night I found it difficult togo sleep. Thats because Iwouldbe allowed (遵heard the bad ca

21、t made a lot of noise under the table. I was very守)?angry, so I got up(突然) I found it a good cat. The next day, I toldCan you help the driverit to parents(父母双亲 ) and my brother, they wereto solve the problem?happy too.After that, we all liked it very much.But sixmonths ago, the cat ill and died,we w

22、ere very sad.Last Friday afternoon, I was excited. When the last class was over, we went out of the classroom like birds flying out of a birdcage. My best friend Zhang Xin-he and I walked to the bus stop to take No. 6 together, and we would get off at the same bus stop. Then I would bi home and she

23、would change the No. 83 bus to her mother s company. the way and we were both very happy.参考 .资料On a No.6 one! How poor Zhang Xin-he was1 Thus, we chatted cheerfully allthe way and we wereboth very happy. On aNo.6bus,we noticed thatHello! Mythe exterior of NO. 83 busname is Jennifer.was as same as th

24、at of NO, 6bus, When we arrived at theIm Korean. I ambus stop, I sawa bus justnine years old.Before Icoming towards us. I m surecame to FCD,I lived init must be a bus in a hurryHong Kong. Hong Kong iswithoutnoticingthe numberclean,and the air is fresh.I haveof the bus. “Oh, my dear”.Imany friends th

25、ere.My school ishad abreathingspell. Suddenly. Ivery big.After class, all my friendsand I went out and played on the play-foundthatground. Last year I went back to Hong Kong.bus wasunexpectedlyMy friends and I are so happy!No.When holidays come, I always go back toKorea and see my anut My grandfatherand my grandmother.China is good, too. I also have many friends in my school-FCD.

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