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1、Digitization and Informatization of Professional Management of Construction Projects Shizhao DingRIPAM-Research Institute of Project Administration and ManagementTongji University15.April 2002,BeijingMOC-CIOB Round Table Meeting 工工 程程 管管 理理 的的 数数 字字 化化 和和 信信 息息 化化1Agenda1.Background2.Development and

2、 Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility Management 3.Development and Application of Project Information Portal(PIP)(背背 景景)(开开 发发 和和 应应 用用 开开 发发 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统,项项 目目 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统 和和 设设 施施 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统)(开开 发发 和和 应应 用用 项项 目目 信信 息息 门门 户户

3、)MOC-CIOB Round Table Meeting21.Background(背背 景景)MOC-CIOB Round Table Meeting3professional management of construction project in relation to project lifecycleFig.1-1DM-Development ManagementPM-Project ManagementFM-Facility ManagementDecision PhaseImplementation PhasePreparation DesignConstructionOpe

4、ration PhaseOperatorFMDeveloperDMPMDesignerPMContractorPMSupplierPMInvestorDMPMFM1.Background4professional management of construction project(DM,PM,FM/Investor);(DM,PM/Developer);(PM/Designer);(PM/Contractor);(PM/Supplier);(FM/Operator)1.Backgroundprofessional management of construction project 建 设

5、项 目 专 业 的 管 理-工 程 管 理5We use the term digital divide to refer to this gap between those who can effectively use new information and communication tools,and those who cannot.1.Backgrounddigital dividewho can effectively use new information and communication tools,who cannot effectively use new inform

6、ation and communication tools,6digital industry(AEC Industry)Digital divideother industries between developing countries within the construction industryDigital divide between developed countries1.Background7to find ways to bridge the digital divideconstruction industryother indu

7、strya relatively low level of penetration in computer applicationsinsufficient fundsinappropriate managementThe development of digitization and informatization of professional management of construction projects has been made difficult.An important and key issue for the further development of constr

8、uction industry(AEC Industry)1.Backgroundto find ways to bridge the digital divide82.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility Management(开开 发发 和和 应应 用用 开开 发发 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统,项项 目目 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统 和和 设设 施施 管管 理理 信信 息息 系系 统统)MOC-C

9、IOB Round Table Meeting92.1 Development Management Information System(DMIS)2.2 Project Management Information System(PMIS)2.3 Facility Management Information System(FMIS)2.4 Integrated Research of Information System2.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Projec

10、t Management and Facility Management 10DMIS,PMIS,FMIS and other information system for management purposein their performance of DM,PM and FM in different project phasesinvestorsdevelopersdesignerscontractorssuppliers and operatorssupport11Fig.2-1DMIS-Development Management Information SystemPMIS-Pr

11、oject Management Information SystemFMIS-Facility Management Information SystemDecision PhaseImplementation PhasePreparation DesignConstructionOperation PhaseOperatorFMISDeveloperDMISPMISDesignerPMISContractorPMISSupplierPMISInvestorDMISPMISFMISTo promote this information systems lays the basis for d

12、igitization and informatization of professional management of construction projects.122.1 Development Management Information System(DMIS)-12.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility ManagementDevelopment Management(DM)of constructio

13、n projectprofessional work to prepare for the project development planningrelated management activities in the project decision phase.132.1 Development Management Information System(DMIS)-22.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility

14、Managementorganizational informationeconomic informationtechnical informationmanagerial informationcompleted projectsnew construction projectsairportsfreewaysmetrosbridgesstadiumsexhibition centers.142.1 Development Management Information System(DMIS)-32.Development and Application of Information Sy

15、stem for Development Management,Project Management and Facility ManagementDMISInformation System for development management of new projectorganizational informationeconomic informationtechnical informationmanagerial informationcompleted projectsorganizational dataeconomic datatechnical datamanageria

16、l datanew projectsData processing152.1 Development Management Information System(DMIS)-42.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility ManagementFew software products for development management are available in the market.Problem162.2 Project Management Information System(PMIS)-12.Development and Application of Information System for Development Management,Project Management and Facility ManagementPMIS-a system used to chart activit

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