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1、人教版备战英语教材高一重难点梳理单元归纳与拓展教案本单元高考热点归纳与拓展概述本单元重点语法是 had better,should 和 ought to 等情态动词的用法。象其他的情态动词一样,had better, should 和 ought to 后面跟动词原形。ought to 与 should 都表示“应该”的意思。had better 表示“最好”的意思。如:You had better get some rest.你最好休息一会儿。You had better not eat fruit that isnt ripe. 你最好不要吃没有成熟的水果。You should/ought

2、 to be careful with fruit. 你们应该小心水果。You should not/ought to eat so much junk food. 你不应该吃这么多垃圾食品。经典解析例:1.I didnt hear the phone. I_asleep. (1989年全国高考题) A. must be B.must have been C.should be D.should have been简析:答案B。从 didnt 可知是过去的事情。“当时我一定睡着了”。表示对过去的事情进行肯定推测要用must+have+动词的过去分词。而 shuold have been asl

3、eep 则表示过去该睡着而没有睡着,与前面的意思不相符。例:2.He _ you more help, even though he was very busy. (1990年全国高考题) A: might have given B: might give C: may have given D: may give简析:答案A。从was可知是对过去的事情表示推测,应该用情态动词+have+动词的过去分词,排除B、D。根据“当时他非常忙”的事实,他可能给你更大的帮助的可能性很小,所以选 might 比选 may 好。例:3.Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes,

4、of course you_. (1992年全国高考题) A.might B.will C.can D.should简析:答案C。文句中用 could 是委婉地提出要求,答句中从 of course 可知道,应该非常肯定地同意,所以用can。例:4.Its nesrly seven oclock. Jack _be here at any moment. (1995年全国高考题) A.must B.need C.should D.can简析:答案C。must一定;need需要;should可能,该;can能。例:5.write to me when you get home. (2001年春季

5、高考题) _. A.I must B.I should C.I will D.I can简析:答案C。前者发出请求。后者表示应允“我会的”。will用于第一人称,表示有意识的行动,表现为意愿,意志等。透视情态动词的考试不仅如此,在阅读等方面,它会经常出现。掌握情态动词的用法关系到我们能否正确理解文章大意的问题,直接影响着我们的做题。四、本单元生词详解1. sweet swi:tadj. 填的,甜味的;芳香的,新鲜的;悦耳的,动听的;亲切的,温柔的,温和的;惬意的/n. 糖果;甜食;布丁;(餐后的)一道甜食例:The foowers sweet. 这些花闻起来香。How sweet the mu

6、sic sounds! 这音乐多么美妙动听!What a sweet girl! 多么可爱的小姑娘!Chocolates and coffees are sweets. 巧克力和咖啡豆都是糖果。记忆技巧联想记忆:表示味道的词sour酸的;bitter苦的;salty咸的;peppery甜胡椒味的2. French fries 炸薯条例:He likes to eat French fries. 他喜欢吃炸薯条。记忆技巧对比记忆;美式英语French fries; 英式英语potato chips.3. mushroom 5mQFrumn. ( 食用)蘑菇,洋菇;急速成长之物;突然发迹之人,暴发

7、户/adj. 雨后春笋般的,急速成长的/vi. 采集蘑菇;急速生长(发展)例:friedfraidv. fry 的过去式和过去分词/adj. 油煎的,油炸的例:She has an fried egg for her breakfast. 她早餐吃了一个煎蛋。记忆技巧同义词联想记忆:wastes 废物;junk 废物常用词组a junk heap 废物堆6. fat fAt adj. 肥大的,肥胖的/n. 脂肪;油脂,油例:Hes fat because so much. 他身体胖,因为吃得太多了。He is getting fat. 他在发胖。I dont like fat meat. 我不

8、喜欢吃肥肉。They have a lot of fat under their skin. 他们的皮肤下面有很多脂肪。Butter and margarine are fats. 黄油和人造黄油都是脂肪。记忆技巧反义词对比记忆:fat肥大的,肥胖的;thin瘦的常用词组a fat job 好差事/a fat man 肥胖的人。7. vitamin5vaitEminn.维生素例:Oranges contain vitamin C: 橘子含有维生素C。8. snack snAk n.小吃 例如:Im not hungry but Id like a snack. 我并不饿,不过我倒喜欢来点小吃。

9、记忆技巧人身体各个部位归纳记忆:head 头;hand 手;waist 腰10. fever5fi:vEn. 发热,发烧/(通常指)狂热,激动例如:My fever is gone, but I still have a cough. 我的烧已经退了,但还有点儿咳嗽。He has a fever and a temperiture of 38.5 degree.他发烧,体温38.5摄氏度。I am in a fever of excitement. 我十分兴奋。11. salad 5sAlEdn.色拉(西餐中的凉拌菜)例如:He dislikes salad. 他不喜欢吃凉拌菜。记忆技巧菜肴联

10、想记忆:salad; fried chicken 油煎鸡肉12. peachpi:tFn. 桃子例如:Mother put the peaches in her basket. 母亲把桃子放在篮子里。There is a peach tree near the house. 那所房子附近有课桃树。记忆技巧水果类联想记忆:apple; bananapear;peach 等13. riperaipadj.熟的, 成熟的例:Autumn is a busy season, and the crops are ripe. 秋季是繁忙的季节,庄稼成熟了。A green banana is not rip

11、e enough to eat. 青香蕉没成熟,不能吃。Soon ripe, soon rotten. 早熟则早老。常用词组ripe lips 红润的嘴唇/ripe beauty 成年的美女14. oughtC:taux. 应该;应当;该会;理应例:As a Party member, you ought to give the lead. 作为党员,你应该带头。This word ought to be done at nice. 这项工作应该马上就做。We ought to be hearing from them soon, then. 这么说,我们大概不久就可以接到他们的信了。They

12、 ought to be go now, oughtnt they?他们应该走了,对吗?Bruce is the fastest runner, so he ought to win the race. 布鲁斯跑得最快,所以他该会赢得这场赛跑的。He said he ought ot write an article about it. 他说他该为这写一篇文章。记忆技巧情态动词联想记忆:ought to 应该;should 应该;must 必须;may可以;can能够,could,might等15. examinei5zAminvt. 检查;细看;对.进行考试;询问;查问;对.进行审查例:Al

13、l the machines will be examined. 所有机器都将被检查一遍。I examined the door and found that it was locked. 我检查这个门,发现它上了琐。He examined the boys in English. 他考孩子们的英语。The teacher will examine the class on everything they have learnt this year. 教师要考学生今年学过的所有知识。He was examined by the police. 他被警察查问。16. soft sCftadj.

14、软的,硬度低的;柔嫩的,光滑;(颜色)淡的,柔和的;模糊的,听不清;软弱的,温和的;不含酒精的例:My shirt has a soft collar. 我的衬衣领子是软的。Wood is softer than stone. 木头比石头软。This cloth is made of soft silk. 这布料是用光滑的针织成的。I was satisfied with the soft colour of the room. 我对房间的柔和颜色很满意。We felt the first soft wind of spring. 我们感到了春天的第一阵和风。She speaks in a s

15、oft voice. 她说话的声音很柔和。Lemonade is a soft drink. 柠檬水是一种不含酒精的饮料。记忆技巧联想记忆:近义词gentle; 反义词hard硬的。17. barbB:n. (固定在门窗上的木质或金属)棒;(门、窗的)格子;(门的)横木;栅栏;(练习芭蕾舞用的)横杠;棒状之物(结块)例:The windows of the prison have iron bars. 监狱的窗户装有铁栅栏。常用词组the bars of a jail 监狱的 铁条/a toll bar (从前将木棒横在 路上拦阻行人征收过路费的)障碍物,税卡门/a bar chocolate

16、 巧克力棒18. fuelfjuEln. 燃料例:Coal, oil, wood and gas are fuels. 煤炭,石油,木柴和煤气都是燃料。常用词组atomic fuel 原子燃料/ gaseous fuel 气体燃料/liquid fuel 液体燃料/solid fuel 固体燃料19. diet5daiEtn. 饮食;食物;特种饮食/vt. 规定或限制饮食例如: Cow have a diet of grass. 牛的食物是草。He eats simple diet. 他吃简单的饮食。The physician put him on a special diet. 内科医生给他

17、吃特定的食物。记忆技巧近义词联想记忆:diet 饮食;food 食物;dish 菜肴常用词组go on a diet 限制饮食/a costly diet 昂贵的饮食/a high protein diet 高蛋白质饮食/follow a strict diet 严格遵照饮食规定20. keep up with (1) 跟上(2)通过访问、通信等和(某人)保持接触。例:He has some difficulties in his study, but with his comrades help he has kept up with the class. 他在学习上有些困难,但在同志们的帮

18、助下,已跟上班上的功课了。 She had to run to keep up with them. 她得跑着才跟上他们。He has kept up with a number of his old workmates since his retirement. 他退休以后一直和许多老同志保持着联系。21. pacepeis布,速度,步调例:Take two paces forward! 向前两步走!He stepped backward a pace or two. 他后退了一两步。He hit th bulls eye at a hundred paces.There were perh

19、aps ten paces between me and the bear. 我和熊的距离大约有十布之遥。I can see a sparrow two hundred paces away. 两百步以外的麻雀我都能看得见。记忆技巧形近词联想记忆:pace步,步调;space宇宙常用词组at a good pace 相当快的/keep pace with somebody 与某人并架齐驱/ mend ones pace 放快步子/off the pace 跑在第一名之后/put somebody through his paces 检验某人的本领/掂掂某人的斤两。22. muscle5mQsl

20、 n. 肌肉例: 、When we walk , we exercise our leg muscles. 我们走路时,锻炼腿上的肌肉。Their muscle bones are not strong enough to hold up their muscle on land.在陆地上,它们的骨架不能撑起它们的肌肉。常用词组 eyeball muscles 眼球肌/exercise ones muscles 锻炼肌肉/ harden muscles 使肌肉结实23. product5prCdEkt(1)n. 产品;成果(2)结果例:Coffee is Brazils main produc

21、t. 咖啡是巴西的主要产物。This is the product of his labour. 这是他劳动的成果。24. mineral 5minErEl n. 矿物,矿石例:Coal and iron are minerals. 煤和铁都是矿物。常用词组metallic minerals 金属矿物/a rare mineral 稀有矿物 / be rich in mineral 矿藏丰富/drill for minerals 钻探矿物/extracty minerals 采掘矿物25. disease di5zi:zn. 疾病;特殊的疾病例:The physician cured me o

22、f the disease. 医生治好了我的病。Good technique in medicine and surgery means less disease and less deformity.好的内外科技术能减少疾病和残疾。Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry. 疟疾是蚊子传播的一种疾病。He died of heart disease. 他死于心脏病。Doctors use it to treat diseases. 医生用它来给人们治病。He died of heart disease. 他死于心脏病。Doctors use it

23、to treat diseases. 医生用它来给人们治病。记忆技巧同义词联想记忆:illness; disease; sickness; disorder等。26. vegetarian 7vedVi5tZEriEnn. 素食(主义)者/adj. 素食主义者的;全是蔬菜的;素食的(通常也吃黄、牛奶及奶油)例:Of the for milion people who have become vegetarians in Britain, nearly two-thirds are women. 在英国四百万成为素食主义者的人当中,将近三分之二是妇女。常用词组a strict vegetaria

24、n 严格的素食主义(不仅不吃鱼、肉类,连蛋、牛奶、奶油也不吃)a vegetarian restaurant 素食餐厅/a vegetarian diet 素食;蔬食27. environmental in7vaiErEn5mentladj. 环境的例:People are becoming far more aware of environmental issues. 人们现在更多地注意环境问题了。常用词组environmental destruction(pollution)环境的破坏(污染)28. organic C:5Anikadj. 器官的;有机的例:It is an organic

25、 disease. 这是器官性疾病常用词组organic chemistry 有机化学29. chemical 5kemikEln. 化学制品/adj. 化学的例:He planted vegetables in his garden and sold them to buy chemicals.他在花园里种菜,卖掉菜再买化学药品。He now holds important position in a large chemical works. 现在他在化工厂担任重要职务。This change of state is a physical change and not a chemical

26、 one. 这种状态变化是物理变化,而不是化学变化。记忆技巧根据词缀记忆:chemistry n. 化学-chemical adj. 化学的-chemically在化学方面30. fertilizer5fE:ti7laizE n. 肥料例:This favtory turns out chemical fertilizer. 这家工厂生产化肥。31. probably 5prRbEb(E)lIadv. 可能地例:Do you think you can do it ? Well, probably I can. 你认为你能干这个吗?哦,我很可能干得了。记忆技巧根据词缀记忆:probable a

27、dj. 可能的-probably adv. 可能地32. balance 5bAlEnsn. 天平,秤;平衡,均势;结余,收付差额,尾数/v. 使平衡;平衡例:If you earn 100 and spend 60, your balance is 40. 如果你挣一百镑,花掉六十磅,那么结余是四十镑。Can you balance yourself on skates? 你穿冰鞋可以用一个脚趾平衡吗?The dancer could balance on one toe. 舞蹈演员可以用一个脚趾平衡。Will you weigh it in the balance? 你用天平称一称好吗?常

28、用词组balance beam 平衡木/balance wheel 摆轮;平衡轮/balace of forces 力量对比/the balance of nature 生态平衡/ balace of power 均势33. supplement5sQplimEntn. 补足,追加;补遗,增补;附刊,增刊(to);数学补角,补弧/vt. 补充,追加;对.附加增补例:an annual supplement to an encycolpedia百科全书的每年补遗。34. promise5prCmisn. 诺言,约定;有希望,有前途/v. 允诺,答应;预示,给予.的希望例:If you make

29、a promise, you must keep it. 假如你答应了,就必须做到。I hope he wil lkeep his promise. 我希望他遵守诺言。Our country is full of promise. 我们的国家大有希望。The girls singing ability shows promise. 那女孩的歌唱才能说明她有前途。He promised her some jewels for her birthday. 他答应在她生日的时候送给她几件珠宝首饰。He promised her some jewels for her birthday. 他答应在她生

30、日的时候送给她几件珠宝首饰。He promised her some jewels for her birthday. 要是这孩子考试及格,、她答应送他一本书。It promised to be an exciting one. 这看来将是一场激动人心的比赛。Early mist promises fair weather. 晨雾预示好天气。His plan promises well. 他的计划大有指望。35. digestiondi5dVestFEnn. 消化力;消化力强36. now and then 有时.有时,时时;有时例:He goes to the cinema (every)n

31、ow and then. 他常去看电影。I see (saw,etc.)him now and then. 我不时见到他。In summer I go swimming in the Lijang River now and then. 夏天我经常到漓江去游泳。37. brainbrein n. 脑;头脑,脑筋(常用复数)例:The brain is the organ of thought. 大脑是思维器官。You have a fine brain. 你有一个好脑子。I wish I had your brains. 但愿我有你那个(好)脑筋。38. peelpi:lvt. 剥皮,去皮;剥(水果、马铃薯等的皮;剥(皮、树皮等),(从)剥下(皮、树皮等)(off,from)例: Please peel me a peach (peel a peach for me). 请你替削桃子的皮。The Indians peeled the bark from birch tre

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