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1、英语考试答案、_m the ossttthese butrfies retrn to thevy same tee Mxico that ei geateatgrndparen usefo the intr bfore、(D)A、Tat amazdB、It aazed、Whch aazedD、at amzed 、_i anounced,t coutrya launce a lrge-sale movet to wip out hune,povrty,and dieasn the ie rral ares、(C)A、WaB、Tat、sD、Whih、The stdent expecte there

2、_more reewig classes efore tecollgentnce exmiation,but,t eriapintmnt,allth classes were nally cancled、beng、would be、hve eenD、to be 4、ThUnited Stt is poud f_greatwriters,epecaly_i the2enry su rk Twain and Enest Heiway、its、s、the、wihC、he、tD、is、tht 5、he nancadeicirth baswll e ingfro bad o ose nss theirp

3、lan fr cnmirform_irles、worsB、reworkingC、wokeD、wl be wrk 6、th l th exerise unfinish,e_to watc the ootbath eserda evengeve oug h was s anxious an xcitd abut it、A、unt oB、oudnt goC、oughtntD、shuldnt hae gne7、”oy regret payingsomuh fr thedo?”N、I wouldbe happy to ay_ori、A、as mucas tweB、tce as mch、tice asmn

4、yD、much wic 8、y fe nd advier_to engg in a prhnse lg it e torese he roblemsin eay wrtin、A、haveagreedB、hd greedC、has agreedD、areaee 、_,he ha arned hself alot of rpet,yetis awaysmos a accessile、Wih alhi profoud knoedgeB、Throgh al is pfond kowedgeC、With hiall prooundknoledgeD、By allhis pofound nwledg 0、

5、You wontolow hinstruin,il ?”_、donthnk he isrig、”、Yes,I willB、N,I oC、N, illD、Yes, t 11、Sinedrive o caressly,hre is_hp tha he illurie the car accit ofrway、A、ewB、a fewC、uD、ttle 12、e isnow workng in a orignfir,but not nilthre yersag_towork usde thounry、A、hs he stad、wl he sartC、did he strtD、e sarte 13、ai

6、ng gone thoh all h ardsips,she hs cgeda lot,d e i o lne thecheerul gil_he as five years ag、thaB、watC、ichD、hom4、_fo a long e,thfilds re al dred up and farme arewrridbo hisyears cros、Trehavi een no ainB、Thee een no rainC、There avin no rainD、Ther big no rin 5、Thatinteligec tessactuallgie easuementfthe

7、itelligence f nvdals_questoedby some amus pscologists、wreB、hv een、areD、6、Iemergenyesceslis ae_,th ethqua vivorswill be in grt tobl ad heymay e onthe edg of ath、A、incaableB、iadeuateC、invaidD、insble 1、Asuspecte ma my den carge,but hs figerpis cn_imven wh there i noting le to evensaywhhe is、jutifyB、sim

8、pifyC、identyD、notify 8、Teea mywellknown rfessors in or univesi,owhih heiste ost_o in hi seiaizefield、A、isrustflB、disgushdC、dgraeful、iferent 9、metimesthe rantiu and tmitat one ar ly the same devethepets ould fid ard t_the、A、dsprove、igoseC、disegrd、distinguih 2、Idnt liegoingt th agnificnt restarnts、her

9、eare always a ot of people;_,ts oepensive an akes too lng to ttheseat、herforeB、seh、neerthles、mreover 1、Thugh haing beenlivg i th State for e th 0 year,estill h _Britishacen when she als、A、seniiveB、naraive、disinveD、epresentave 22、Repeated ilures lead to succ and roobe_ s as w xperient every ay to fin

10、dout e ay of doing hig、A、sbtantial、ifletilC、beneficiaD、potenti 、t was_e effots mad bte two sides hat e ntense cnlis he given wa to cooperioin theend、etB、dtoC、becaus、in 24、Mr、Colins argues thit s ueastcforssceary o do anthnor any el pupose foeshe hs rched h lev o_ihputr、A、priciencyB、ccuraC、suficecyD、

11、efiincy 25、Due t the uprdictable changes ofweathr,bught an extr supyofoal_f ser ter、A、i antiiationB、in obligaioC、inssociaton、in coprati 6、Yu wl have to_yourse to lete ewlf in colee beuse its a o feretfrom high soo、A、apelB、apply、thrustD、jut 2、ts o_hat he should be asige t the jb sic he isnew and h ox

12、perice t all in this aticlar feld、A、dvisry咨询得;顾问得;劝告得B、visbe明智得,可取得,适当得C、ied考虑过得;细想过得、avsng通知得2、Theaag li_fomeicanisnow more th 74rs becasof hir oreactive lifestyes nd ood medical care ornior citizens、A、potntiaB、xetatioC、spn、length29、Wen beingceked at ums,I_mak adelaratinof all urhases andifs cuird

13、n theconty、A、engaged t、resolv toC、oligedtoD、mitted to0、Now t resdent_tha inflat was a uch more seious hreat to theslidin naional eonomy an that hatwas need was amch tigher contro f e monysuplyand the udg deici、A、olaimed、suortedC、eclaie、ustaind 1、_,Malcolm X woul nt ae en aletojoin theod mityof thts

14、n tons、A、If he dinty English veryard hrouh elflarningB、eree o su Enlish ver ha through sflearnig、ad he didnt sdy Eglsh ery ha through elf-earnngD、Hadnth studie Englih ery hard throghself-lernin 3、_th scnal ang hisclleaes,Mr、illims wou haben prmoted t e ositn as irectr、A、Ihedido spredB、Hade o spreaC、

15、Dd h no spa、Should e t sea 3、The sence of putr,_apidrogress h been ade in rece ears,isthe mst imnt in al te inc、A、 whichB、inwhihC、ofwih、om which 35、MicaelPelps,_e ee ebigrthanothers,won egt go medalsat theNatinalmes、A、woB、homC、o whoD、 hom 6、Many Americas n redt cards,ad their ualitof lf_,not how muc

16、 he cn ar、imasurd byhw mchcanth onB、sasred byhw mchthe cn oanC、s asured by how the nlanD、isesured by how can ty loan 7、aevrI sayor have I dowas ieedoug thepolitics f ae,fith,nd riginal natinalit,so_、A、my esarB、my sack wer、er y etacksD、re m stbcks38、Peol ihemunity hpe l the mesuresaainst airpolutio,_

17、sugsed by h lcalgoernment,wllbe seriouy cnsidred hee、whileB、siceC、thatD、as 3、Whae benold that undr ocircumsanes_th telepone inheic for personal afirs、mayeue、we ayuseC、we ould us、did e s 40、In cuntry_Britai,i hbensai,canone expeiencur seasons ihe ore of a single ay、A、mor thanB、the thanC、raher tanD、ls

18、 41、_i wason thside of a muntain,theall villgewas euietand thview a sue、A、onel and solate asB、oneand soatedifC、Having lony ad solate asD、Haig beaoeand slad if 、e gt drunk and cme back ver late,_wichtime allhe gessa alradyleft astey adtocatc an eary lan th ollowng day、A、frB、tC、byD、uring 43、When hebut

19、enhe foook,t Harryotterbk seres,he gehim a_,weet mile ofthans、geine、tulC、reaD、uthentc44、Siitary forcesre fullyepared o_he mltry mision oncethe or s ive by theesident、eplrB、explodeC、execute、exlue4、Profeor plainedthat h d eenuable to_ny Ph、D、studnts fr more thafi yars andit seemetat n oe wanted a ocoa

20、tinitis、A、guleB、rcuiC、rejeD、release 6、inionolls are now beginnig thw the cnsesus ot th_that high unempomentis probablyto stay、rospectB、proeritC、aspectD、sco47、or arII,the mt_war ihisor,a iaster orhuakind,in wi about 0mllin pple lostthir live、A、rresentaiveB、petitiveC、objti、estructiv 48、enewgovrmenthas

21、 ciddonvest mor to crate bs,epand eductin,_healhcare,ad redue taxes by adopig a seie o new polcis、relaseB、rviseC、reomD、redue49、Wha i oewhencouraging is ta al particns rom the Eroannion now snshe pressue of workigtoa_to he debtciis、A、olutonsB、evoluos、fodainsD、donations5、Whilnimas arent peop,heay it i

22、s_to e th infrnce that afec foudin rat may al ply t humans、A、adicl激进得B、typica、prcticalD、oial 51、Yo havetoe_andancel or mrrig pn witou ay hsitaon if yu hi tht heis ntrelia an spnsbl、rmntB、realisic、opiiticD、fantat 2、urous tourit,vistors,and newsppr porers froeverycrer of hworldr_upon th smallpcehere Stve bs as bor、pourinB、descendinC、fallingD、plunging暴跌53、urin conmic criss,people don eel safe _thrmoney innyfianial program reendedevn banks withood eputatios、A、reserveB、entrusC、invetD、ave 4、T my surprise,heoritofthstuent_i favo ohis

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