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1、美国学生总结的1163个GRE常考单词Word打印版WORDDEFINITIONabacusframe with balls for calculating abateto lessen to subside abdicationgiving up control authority aberrationstraying away from what is normal abethelp/encourage smb (in doing wrong) abeyancesuspended action abhorto hate to detest abidebe faithful to endur

2、e abjurepromise or swear to give up abradedrubbed off worn away by friction abrogaterepeal or annul by authority abscondto go away suddenly (to avoid arrest) abstrusedifficult to comprehend obscure abutborder on abysmalbottomless extreme acarpouseffete no longer fertile worn out acclaimedwelcomed wi

3、th shouts and approval accoladepraise approval accretionthe growing of separate things into one adamantkind of stone inflexible admonitorycontaining warning adornadd beauty decorate adulterationmaking unpure poorer in quality affablepolite and friendly affinityclose connection relationship aggravate

4、make worse irritate agileactive quick-moving agogeager/excited ailtrouble be ill alacrityeager and cheerful readiness alcoverecess/partially enclosed place allegianceduty support loyalty alleviatemake (pain) easier to bear alloyto debase by mixing with something inferior aloofreserved indifferent am

5、algamatemix combine unite societies ambidextrousable to use the left hand or the right equally well ambiguousdoubtful uncertain ambivalenthaving both of two contrary meanings ameliorateimprove make better amortizeend (a debt) by setting aside money anguishsevere suffering animositystrong dislike ant

6、idotemedicine used against a poison or a disease antitheticaldirect opposing apartheidbrutal racial discrimination aplombself-confidence apostateone who abandons long-held religious or political convictions apotheosisdeification glorification to godliness appeasemake quiet or calm apprehensivegraspi

7、ng understanding fear unhappy feeling about future apprisegive notice to inform approbationapproval aproposappropriate to the situation apt aptwell-suited quick-witted arabesquea complex ornate design arborealof connected with trees ardorenthusiasm arduoussteep difficult ascent laborious argotjargon

8、 slang arrantin the highest degree arroganceproud superior manner of behaviour articulatespeak distinctly connect by joints ascendgo or come up ascertainget to know asceticpracticing self-denial austere stark ascribeconsider to be the origin of or belonging to asepticsurgically clean asperityroughne

9、ss harshness ill temper irritability aspersionslander assailwith attack violently assiduousdiligent hard-working sedulous assuagemake smth (pain desire) less asteriskthe mark * (e.g. omitted letters) astringentsubstance that shrinks astuteclever quick at seeing to get an advantage atonementrepayment

10、 death of Jesus attenuatemake thin. weaken enervate attunebring into harmony audaciousdaring foolishly bold impudent auguryomen sign augustmajestic venerable auspiciousfavorable successful prosperous austereseverely moral and strict simple and plain auxiliaryhelping supporting averaffirm assert prov

11、e justify aversionstrong dislike avideager greedy avowadmit. Declare openly balefulharmful ominous causing evil balkobstacle purposely to get on the way of banefulcausing harm or ruin pernicious destructive barrageartificial obstacle built across a river barrennot good enough unable to have young on

12、es without value baskin enjoy warmth and light beatifyto bless make happy or ascribe a virtue to bedizento adorn especially in a cheap showy manner belaborbeat hard bellicosebelligerent pugnacious warlike belligerent(person nation) waging war benefactorperson who has given help benevolencewish or ac

13、tivity in doing good benignkind and gentle mild (climate) bequestarrangement to give smth at death beratescold sharply bereftrob or dispossess of smth (material) bewilderpuzzle confuse bigotstubborn narrow-minded person bilgebulge the protuberance of a cask blandishmentflattery coaxing blandnesspoli

14、te manner comforting uninteresting blatantnoisy and rough blithecheerful casual carefree bogussham counterfeit not genuine boisterousloud noisy rough lacking restraint bolstergive greatly needed support boorishcrude offensive rude brashhasty rush cheeky saucy brassyellow metal (mixing copper and zin

15、c) brazenmade of brass breachopening broken place breaking brittleeasily broken broachbring up announce begin to talk about brookto tolerate endure buoyantable to float light-hearted burgeongrow forth send out buds burnishto polish rub to a shine cabala scheme or plot a group of plotters cadgeto beg

16、 to get by begging cajoleuse flattery or deceit to persuade calipersmetal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument calumnyslander aspersion candidfrank straight-forward cantinsincere talk/jargon cantankerousbad-tempered/quarrelsome canvassdiscuss thoroughly sort of touting castigateto chas

17、tise correct by punishing castigationsevere punishment catalystsubstance that causes speeding up causticbiting sarcastic censureexpression of blame or disapproval a rebuke centurionleader of a unit of 100 soldiers charycautious wary chastenedcorrected punished chastisementpunishment chauvinista blin

18、dly devoted patriot chicanerylegal trickery/false argument chiselsteel tool for shaping materials churlbad-tempered person clamorshout complain with a lot of noise clientelecustomers clinchcome to grips/settle conclusively clingto resist separation clothalf-solid lump formed from liquid clotureclosi

19、ng device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting coagulationchange to a thick and solid state coalescingcoming together and uniting into one substance coaxget smb to do smth by kindness codapassage that completes a piece of music coddletreat with care and tenderness coercecompel to force to make

20、obedient coevalof the same period coexisting cogentstrong convincing cogitatethink deeply mediate cognizantbeing fully aware of colanderbowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water collusionsecret agreement for a deceitful purpose combustionprocess of burning commemoratekeep the memory

21、 of commodioushaving plenty of space for what is needed commuterperson who travels regularly complaisancetending to comply obliging willingness to please compunctionfeeling of regret for ones action concealhide keep secret conceitover-high opinion of too much pride conciliatoryreconciling soothing c

22、omforting mollifying concordagreement or harmony concuragree in opinion happen together condenseincrease in density strength make laconic condoneforgive congealmake or become stiff and solid conjointo join together connoisseura person with good judgement (e.g. in art) connotationsuggestion in additi

23、on to consequentialpompous self important consolegive comfort or sympathy to conspicuouseasily seen remarkable consternationsurprise and fear dismay constraincompel constrictmake tight or smaller consumeget to the end of consummateperfect/make perfect/complete contemnto scorn or despise contentiousa

24、rgumentative pugnacious combative quarrelsome contiguoustouching neighboring near contritefilled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing contumaciousinsubordinate rebellious conundruma riddle dilemma enigma convictionconvincing firm belief convokecall together summon convolutedcomplicated coiled twisted cor

25、dialwarm and sincere cordonline (of police acting as a guard) cornucopiaabundant supply corporealphysical of or for the body correlatehave a mutual relation corroborationadditional strengthening evidence countenanceto favor or approve of counterfeitforgery countervailcounterbalance covertdisguised c

26、ovetouseagerly desirous cowercrouch shrink back coyshy/modest (esp of a girl) crassvery great (es. stupidity) cravatpiece of linen worn as a necktie cravencowardly creaseline made by crushing white line on the ground in cricket credulitytoo great a readiness to believe things credulousready to belie

27、ve things crushpress lose shape subdue overwhelm crypticsecret with a hidden meaning cumbersomeburdensome heavy and awkward to carry curmudgeonbad-tempered person curriculumcourse of study cursoryquick hurried curtailmake shorter then was planned daintypretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please daunt

28、intimidate make fearful dawdlerperson who is slow waste of time dearthshortage debaclea breakup overthrow sudden disaster decorumpropriety properness decreeorder given by authority decrydisapprove of deferpostpone give way (to show respect) deferentialshowing respect defianceopen disobedience or res

29、istance delineateto portray depict sketch out delugegreat flood heavy rush of water demagogueperson appealing not to reasons demurto hesitate raise objections denigrateblacken belittle sully defame denouementan outcome or solution the unraveling of a plot depleteuse until none remains depositiondethronement depositing depravemake morally bad corrupt deprecateprotest against express disapproval of derelictiondeserting and leaving to fall into ruins derisionridicule mockery deriding derivativeunoriginal obtained from another source derogatoryinsulting tending to damage descryc

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