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1、单项选择实战训练及精析07高考英语第一轮复习系列试题集 单项选择实战训练及精析:(第一组)1.It is difficult to judge what words are _ and what words are not.A.worth to look up B.worth being looked upC.worth looking up D.worthy of looking up 解析:短语be worth后面要求跟动名词形式,且用主动形式表示被动的意思,而be worthy后的结构为of being done或to be done。答案:C2.The brake of your bi

2、cycle has come loose.Youd better_it.A.settle B.fix C.pick D.correct 解析:本题考查动词的辨析。前一句话说明自行车闸松了,因此这里使用动词fix,表示加固;拧紧的意思。答案:B3.The road sign is easy to read;the words _ well.A.come out B.stand out C.go out D.keep out解析:短语stand out的意思为突出;显眼;醒目。答案:B4.On the opposite wall _ dozens of pictures_ two maps of

3、China.A.hang;including hung;together withC.are hanged;with D.are hanging;as well as解析:从第二个空所给的四个选项来看,都可以用来连接并列成分,主语根据前面的那个词来定,including的逻辑不合适。从主谓一致排除B项。此处是表示客观的事实悬挂而不是强调由谁挂的。答案:D5.The question _ we can get enough coal for the winter has not been cleared up yet.A.that B.if C.which D.whether解析:本题

4、考查同位语从句的引导词的用法。根据句子has not been cleared up yet判断,此处使用whether,表示是否的意思。答案:D6.The computers made by our company sell best,but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they_.A.were playing B.were to playC.had played D.played 解析:此句话的意思为:几年前没有人能够想象到计算机在市场中将会扮演的角色。be to do

5、sth.表示将来的动作。答案:B7.The reason _ she missed school this morning was _she had to look after her sick grandpa.A.why;that B.because;whyC.that;because D.which;that解析:这是个复合句。reason后面是个定语从句,was后面是个表语从句。reason作先行词时,关系副词用why;reason作主语时,其后面的表语从句只能用that引导,故答案为A。答案:A8.The year 1959 _ the first appearance of a re

6、al flying ship in the world.A.saw B.watched C.came D.took 解析:本句话的意思为1959年见证了世界上第一艘飞船的出现。此处为拟人的手法。答案:A9.Not only _to leave his homeland,but _ taken away.A.he was forced;was everything he hadB.was he forced;everything he had wasC.was he forced;was everything he hadD.he was forced;everything he had was

7、解析:not only.but(also)连接的并列句,只是not only(否定词)分句倒装。答案:B10.Not only I and Mary but also Jane_having one exam after tired of B.are tired tired with D.are tired with 解析:be tired of厌倦;厌烦; be tired with因而疲劳。not only.but also句型的主谓一致遵循就近一致的原则,故该句话的主语为Jane。答案:A11.It made many countries angr

8、y_America,without the _ from the UN,started a war in Iraq.A.that;permission B.which;permitC.which;permission D.that;permit解析:第一空为that引导的主语从句,陈述事实,it为形式主语。名词permission为不可数名词,表示许可,同意的意思,而permit为可数名词,意思为通行证。答案:A12.Your face seems _.Ive probably met you here in the old days.A.familiar B.known C.similar

9、D.alike解析:familiar熟悉的;similar相似的。答案:A13.Im sure the red team will _ the game over the blue B.beat C.defeat D.succeed解析:动词win的宾语为比赛;奖项等,而beat的宾语为人或运动队。答案:A14.They spend the money on themselves rather than _ it to their contribute B.contributed C.contributing D.having contribu

10、ted解析:rather than的前后为对比的并列关系,所以应根据前面的谓语动词spend来使用动名词形式,构成spend money doing sth.结构。答案:C15.The long-lasting meeting,filled with arguments and quarrels,ended in disorder,_ no agreements.A.reached reach C.reaching D.would reach解析:此处为动名词形式作伴随状语。答案:C16.-Where is our English teacher?-She is in the cla

11、ssroom,_ the exercise_the students have done at home.A.explaining;/ B.explaining;forC.explained;to D.explained;from解析:本题考查非谓语动词和定语从句引导词的用法。分析句子结构,第一空为现在分词作伴随状语,后面为定语从句,因引导词修饰先行词exercises,并在定语从句中作have done的宾语,所以可省略。答案:A17.After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for _an hour,thinking of

12、her young and happy long as soon much as many as解析:an hour表示的是一段时间,所以用as long as表示长达的意思。答案:A18.With all the magazines I needed_,I left the post office.A.buying buyC.bought be bought解析:I needed为定语从句,根据后面一句话所提供的语境要求,此处应该使用过去分词,表示被动和完成的动作。答案:C19.Yassins death was no

13、t _ to stop Hamas ability to _ terror attack.A.hoped;go on B.decided;hold outC.intended;break out D.expected;carry out解析:本题考查动词及短语动词的辨析。从句子的意思分析,第一处使用expect表示预计的意思;第二处用短语动词carry out表示实施的意思。答案:D20.Most museums are just for looking.But today some of them have things for you to touch.The_ say,_! A.sign

14、s;Do touch B.notices;To touchC.signals;Be touching D.signs;No touching解析:本题考查名词的辨析以及动词的用法。从句子的意思分析此处用signs,表示一些博物馆的告示牌你摸吧!。动词do 在此起强调谓语的作用。答案:A (第二组)1.Shall we _ our discussion and have some tea or coffee,please?A.break off B.break down C.break into D.break out解析:本题根据句意及词语辨析得出答案。break off折断;断绝关系;中断谈

15、话; break down出故障;身体出毛病;break into闯入;break out爆发。答案:A2.She becomes a success in business at the _ of her health.A.price B.worth C.cost D.pay解析:此处表示以为代价的意思。答案:C3.As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed解析:此题通过动词意思与动词搭配结合在一起考查动词的区别。根据句子的意思和语法要求,B项spared和D项

16、missed均不正确。根据动词与后面的介词from的搭配,正确选项为A,符合separate.from. 把和分开的结构。答案:A4.Never lose heart _ difficulty you may meet with.A.what B.whatever D.however解析:whatever=no matter what用来引导让步状语从句,而however后面应该使用形容词或副词。答案:B5._ is not until everyone is seated _the lesson will begin.A.It;that B.That;when C.This;th

17、at D.It;when解析:本题考查强调句型结构。被强调的部分为时间状语从句,无论被强调的内容是什么,都用that引导。答案:A6.It is difficult to _ these results to any known cause.A.relate B.connect C.take D.fix解析:本句话的意思为这些结果很难与任何已知的原因相关联。所以使用结构。答案:A7._ I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cant be solved.A.While B.When C.

18、As D.Because解析:此处表示对比。我承认难,但并不是说不能解决。答案:A8.If you go for a long ride in a friends car,its the _ to offer to pay some of the _.A.habit;expenses B.custom;expense C.custom;expenses D.habit;expense解析:这种情况应该是一种共有的习惯(即风俗),而不应该是某个人的习惯,所以使用custom。而expense在表示花费的钱时,为可数名词。答案:C9.Though she changed much,I recogn

19、ized her at first _.A.sense B.sight C.look D.sign解析:短语at first sight的意思为第一眼。答案:B10.All her time_experiments,she has no time for films.A.devoted to do B.devoted to doingC.devoting to doing devoted to doing解析:devote ones time to doing为固定结构,此处用过去分词形式作状语,因主语和主句的主语不一致,故在前面使用其逻辑主语all her time构成独立主格结构

20、。答案:B11.Jobs exist,but they are not _ for someone like you.So,Im afraid,we will not be able to offer you the job.A.suitable B.necessaryC.possible D.comfortable解析:本题通过语境考查形容词辨析。我们这里有活,但不适合你这样的人,所以不能给你。其余形容词和语境不符。答案:A12._is known to the world,the Chinese in many places_the old tradition.A.That;keep on

21、 B.Which;keep outC.It;keep back D.As;keep up解析:as在此为正如的意思。keep up the tradition保持传统的意思。答案:D13.The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets _.A.was booked B.had been booked C.were booked D.have been booked解析:分数作主语时,谓语动词与of后的名词一致,即与句中的the tickets一致;另外,book的动作发生

22、在was happy之前,故应用过去完成时态。答案:B14.It was not until dark_he found_he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A.that;what B.that;thatC.when;what D.when;that解析:本题考查强调句型和主语从句的引导词。第一个空为强调句型,用that引导;第二个空为found后的宾语从句中的主语从句的引导词,what he thought表示他所想到的。答案:A15.Only in this way _ get rid of the bad habitsm

23、 can B.can you will D.can 解析:本题考查倒装句的用法。根据句型要求,only引导状语位于句首时,主语和谓语要倒装。答案:B16.It was reported that the forest fire _ last Sunday and that it _ itself and wasnt _.A.went out;broke out;put out B.broke out;went out;put outC.broke out;put out;went out D.put out;broke out;went out解析:本题考查短

24、语动词的用法。break out爆发;go out火自燃熄灭;put out扑灭。答案:B17.-So why do we _ the people who do them so poorly?-There can be only one answerbecause they are women,and the work is so hard.A.punish B.blame C.reward D.claim解析:本题考查动词辨析。从后面一句话所提供的语境分析,此处用动词reward,表示奖赏的意思。答案:C18.America was_ was first called India by C

25、olumbus.A.that B.where C.what D.the place解析:本题考查表语从句的用法。本表语从句缺少作表语从句主语的引导词。that陈述事实,本身没有意思,和语境不符,where不能作主语。如用the place,后面应该是定语从句,但缺少作定语从句主语的引导词。答案:C19.-I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.-Oh,that was probably_I was seeing the doctor.A.why B.when C.what D.that解析:本题考查表语从句的用法。分析句子意思知,此处用w

26、hen引导表语从句,表示你在给我打电话时我在看医生。答案:B20.-How wide is the Yellow River?-That_from where to where.A.depends B.changes C.refers D.lies解析:本题考查动词的辨析。从句子的意思分析,此处用depend,和that构成固定用法,表示视情况而定的意思。答案:A(第三组)1.The shop owner will get all these ordered TV sets _ to the customers today.A.delivered B.passed C.shown

27、ed解析:get sth.done=have sth.done,根据句意选择A。答案:A2.-Do you think the fine weather will keep up?-_.A.I believe it B.I dont believe itC.I believe not so D.I dont believe so解析:I dont believe so.=I dont think so.=I believe/think not.so可用来代替宾语从句,常置于一些表示看法、意见的动词believe/think/suppose/hope,etc.之后,用not表否定。答案:D3.I

28、 cant see the screen.His head is _.A.on the way the a way the way解析:on the/ones way在路上;即将;in the way妨碍某人;in a way在某种程度上;by the way顺便说。答案:B4.The poem is hard to understand.Can you make _ of it?A.idea B.knowledge C.sense D.understanding解析:固定短语make sense of表示理解的意思。答案:C5.The children h

29、ave been playing with my hat theyve knocked it out of _.A.shape B.size C.control D.line解析:本句话的意思为孩子们一直拿帽子玩,玩得都变了形。答案:A6.Please_the numbers and Im sure they will _more than 1000.A.add;add up B.add up;add up C.add up;add up to D.add;add up 解析:短语add up的意思为加起来,add up to表示加起来达到。答案:C7.-I cant understand h

30、im well.-Hes not very good at getting his meaning B.across C.up D.down解析:短语get sth.across的意思为使某事传播或为人理解,本句话的意思为他不善于表达思想。答案:B8.It is said that the company in_charge of him is in_debt now.A.the;the B./;/ C./;the D.the;/解析:短语in charge of.的意思为某人负责,而.in the charge of sb.的意思为在某人的负责下。短语be in debt在负债的意思。答案:D9.Everything _ into consideration,they ought to have a

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