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1、学年最新外研版九年级英语上册Module1单元综合测试题及答案精编试题综合能力评估试题-Module 1 Wonders of the world 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) 一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听到的句子内容相匹配的图画。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. How did t

2、he woman go to Mount Huang? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. 6. What does Grace want to do? A. To join a famous band. B. To play sports. C. To find a good job. 7. Who did the girl visit the Grand Canyon with? A. Her father. B. Her aunt. C. Her mother. 8. How long has Mary kept a diary? A. For four

3、 years. B. For five years. C. For six years. 9. Where did the girl stay while she was camping in the mountain? A. In a tent. B. In a hotel. C. At a villagers home.10. How does Lisa improve her spoken English? A. By listening to tapes. B. By watching English movies. C. By practicing conversations wit

4、h friends.11. What does Lily think of the singer? A. He sings very well. B. His voice is terrible. C. He looks very smart.12. How does Alice speak? A. Quickly. B. Simply. C. Slowly.13. Why doesnt Sue like Mr. Smith? A. His pronunciation is poor. B. His writing is too poor. C. He isnt good at grammar

5、.14. What is easy for Lin Fang? A. Studying grammar. B. Remembering words. C. Practicing conversations. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有三个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17小题。15. Where is Li Fang going? A. To the USA. B. To the UK. C. To Australia.16. How does Li Fang often learn English? A. By work

6、ing with a group. B. By listening to English songs. C. By listening to tapes.17. What is Li Fang going to do this summer holiday? A. To study English. B. To find a part-time job. C. To join a club. 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20小题。18. When did the speaker go to visit Singapore? A. Three weeks ago. B. Two months

7、ago. C. A year ago.19. What did they see in the Tiger Balm Garden? A. Animals. B. Flowers. C. Trees.20. What did he do every night? A. He went shopping. B. He went to visit his friends. C. He went around the city.二、单项选择(共20小题;共20分)21. - We did interview with our maths teacher this morning. - Really?

8、 What was interview about? A. an; an B. an; the C. the; an D. the; the22. They couldnt go the forest because they got lost. A. along B. across C. below D. through23. - Who taught Mr. Li Japanese? - Oh, he learned it by . A. he B. him C. his D. himself24. Therere a lot of shops on sides of the street

9、. A. all B. both C. each D. every25. If you study hard, youll get good in the exams next term. A. grades B. notes C. answers D. jobs26. Look! The sky is so . We can see many stars. A. new B. empty C. lonely D. clear27. Susan would like to go swimming with her friends, she has to look after her broth

10、er at home. A. and B. so C. but D. or28. Theres a small town Xiaozhai in the west of our city. A. calls B. called C. calling D. to call29. , everyone! I have some important news to tell you. A. Look out B. Listen up C. Look around D. Go away30. - will the train arrive? - In about ten minutes. A. How

11、 far B. How long C. How soon D. How often31. The little girl is to move the box. Lets help her. A. too weak B. so weak C. too strong D. so strong32. - I called you at 8 oclock last night, but nobody answered. - I a movie at the theatre. A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching33. Miss Smit

12、h in this school since eight years ago. A. works B. worked C. has worked D. will work34. - Can you tell me ? - Maybe next Wednesday. A. when did you go to Beijing B. when you went to Beijing C. when will you go to Beijing D. when you will go to Beijing35. - What can you see when you look your left?

13、- A stone bridge. A. in B. to C. by D. at36. - Did they the top of the hill? - No. It rained too heavily that day. A. climb B. arrive C. reach D. get37. - Did you know Cathy has a magazine of her own? - Yes. It was about movies. A. treated B. started C. trained D. invented38. Henry wanted me to appe

14、ar in his movie, but I told him I was to do it. A. so busy B. too busy C. so personal D. too personal39. It was too dark in the room and Linda could see there. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything40. - George spent his winter holiday in Hainan last month. - A. Good idea! B. Thank you. C

15、. Thats news to me! D. Sorry to hear that.三、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) In the past few years I have had many difficult things while trying to learn 41 , but I have got over (克服) them and made a lot of progress(进步). The spelling of words and the meanings of them were the first difficult things I met 42 a begin

16、ner, but I have found my own 43 to deal with (解决) them. As for spelling, I never write a new word over and over again to remember it, but I try to practise its 44 . Now, I can spell a word out 45 I read it out. As for meanings, I like to put a word into a 46 to learn its meaning. If I use a word qui

17、te 47 , both its spelling and meanings will not be that difficult to remember. After all, learning English is to 48 it. Grammar is 49 difficult thing. But I have dealt with it, too. I read few grammar books; I often 50 lots of time reading the articles written by English speakers. By doing so, I hav

18、e got a good sense(感觉) of English. Finally, I want to say that learning English takes time and hard work.41. A. maths B. physics C. English D. Chinese42. A. with B. to C. for D. as43. A. friends B. ways C. plans D. jobs44. A. name B. letter C. grammar D. pronunciation45. A. when B. although C. unles

19、s D. because46. A. dictionary B. book C. sentence D. note47. A. always B. hardly C. sometimes D. often48. A. tell B. use C. explain D. face49. A. another B. other C. others D. the other50. A. take B. spend C. give D. cost四、补全对话(选择)(共5小题;共10分)A: Hi, Brad! The weekend is coming. 51. B: Yes, Id love to

20、. But where should we go?A: 52. Its a great wonder of the world.B: Thats really a good place to visit. 53. A: We can climb the wall and take some photos.B: That sounds great. 54. A: The best way to go there is to take a bus. It takes about 2 hours.B: 55. A: Lets meet at the bus station at 7:00 tomor

21、row morning, OK?B: OK. See you then.A: See you. A. Why not go to the Great Wall? B. How long does it take to go there? C. How can we go there? D. Would you like to go on a trip with me? E. When and where shall we meet? F. Have a good time! G. Then what can we do there?五、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A At the firs

22、t day of my senior high school, I met a nice teacher. She looked at me and said, I am happy to have an international student in my class. I was very excited. One day I was three minutes late for school. She told me to write my name and the word late on a piece of paper. In that way she could know I

23、was late for the first time. At the beginning, I was angry. But later I understood why she did that. She did it because she wanted to teach me an important lesson(教训): time is valuable(宝贵的). I learnt another important lesson during my first exam. After finishing my exam paper, I did not review the a

24、nswers because it was the end of the exam time. One week later, she returned my exam paper. I found that one of my answers was wrong. Although A, B and C were the only choices(选择) on the paper, I chose D, but not C. I tried to explain my mistake, I chose D although I knew C was the right answer. How

25、ever, she told me, I do believe you, but I am not going to forgive your mistake. This will remind(提醒) you to be more careful before you hand in your papers. I knew she was right.56. What did the writer think of the teacher when they met for the first time? A. She was kind. B. She was strict. C. She

26、was serious. D. She was quiet.57. Why did the teacher ask the writer to write his name and a word on a piece of paper? A. To welcome him to join the class. B. To remind him to be more careful. C. To tell him how important time was. D. To see how good his writing was.58. Why did the writer choose D,

27、but not C? A. Because he saw others choose D. B. Because he made a careless mistake. C. Because he didnt know what C meant. D. Because he knew D was the right answer.59. What does the underlined word forgive in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A. 改正 B. 宽恕 C. 训斥 D. 宣布60. Which can be the best title of th

28、e passage? A. Lessons I Learnt from My Teacher B. An Unforgettable Exam C. My Favourite Teacher D. Time Is ValuableB You probably never thought there was a bar(酒吧) inside a huge tree. But there is one. On Sunland Farm in Limpopo, South Africa, there is a 6,000-year-old baobab(猴面包树). It is home to th

29、e Big Baobab Bar, which has seats for 15 people. Many people travel from miles away for a drink there. The huge tree can naturally keep the drinks cool and its trunk(树干) is so wide that it takes 40 people to encircle(环绕) it. More than 7,000 visitors from all over the world come to see the tree each

30、year and have a drink in its bar. Heather van Heerden and her husband bought the farm in the late 1980s. Years later they found the surprising hole in the baobab and decided to open a bar in it. People call the baobab the king of all trees. When it is 1,000 years old, it begins to hollow(变空) natural

31、ly. People also call it the tree of life because it can provide homes, food and water for animals and people. Its fruit, monkey bread, is many animals favourite. There are many stories about the baobab. The baobab is a magic tree in African culture. If a baby drinks the water of the baobab, it is said the baby is going to grow up strong, said Mrs. van Heerden.61. What do we know about the bar? A. It is famous for its drinks. B. It has seats for 4

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