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1、外研版初二英语上册根据汉语提示完成英语句子期末精练精根据汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词1. 这是一个很好的学英语的方法。This is _ _ _ _ learn English.2. 每天骑自行车上学要用我姐姐 20分钟的时间。_ _my sister 20minutes _ _to school by bike everyday.3. 我们的老师要给我们一些有关提高英语的建议。My teacher is going to give _ _ _about _English.4. 你们为什么不他们记下来呢?Why don t you _ _ _5. 这些都是开始对话的好问题。These are

2、 good questions _ _ a _.6. 看英文报纸怎么样?What about _ _in English.7. 尽量不要逐词翻译。_ _to _every word.8 .每天检查词汇笔记是个好主意。It is a good idea _ _your _notebook every day.9. 微笑总是很有用的。_always_.10. 你曾经参加过比赛吗?Have you ever _ _ _?11. 他去了长城,他去过那儿两次。He _ _ _the Great Wall, he _ _ there _.12. 我们通常与人第一次见面时同他们握手。We usually _

3、 _ _ people when you meet them for the first time. 13. 我们已经获奖了。We have already _ _ _.14. 你曾经想过要周游世界吗?Have you ever _ _ _ _the world.15. 他邀请我参加他的生日聚会。He invited me _ _ _ _ his birthday.16. 票价太高了。The _ _ _ _ is too _.17. 飞机起飞很困难在有雾的天气里。It is very difficult for a plane to _ _on a _ day.18. 他总是犯同样的错误。He

4、 always _ _ _ _ all the time.19. 她已在世界各地举办了音乐会。She has already _ _ all over the world.20. 到达那儿花了几个月的时间。It _ _ _ months to go there.21. 你在干什么?What are you _ _?22. 他父母去上海出差了。His paents have gone to Shanghai _ _.23. 地球是一颗行星,围绕太阳旋转。The Earth is a planet and it _ _ the Sun.24. 他们刚在地球着陆。They _ _ _ on the

5、Earth.25. 太阳系是我们星系的一小部分。The solar system is _ _ _ _ our galaxy.26. 我们星系中有两千多亿颗星星。There are _ _ 200 _ stars in our galaxy.27. 他已经把信息传回地球。It has already _ _ _ to Earth.28. 他父亲去世 3年多了。His father _ _ _ for thee years.29. 自从两周以前,他就买了这本书。He _ _ this book _ two weeks _.30. 你学习英语多长时间了?_ _ have you _ English

6、.31. 大明和同学相处的很好。Daming _ _ _ _ his classmates.32. 希望工程已帮助成千上万的穷孩子重返校园。Project Hope _ _ _ _ poor children _ _to school. 33. 不要辍学,大家会帮助你的。Don t _ _ _ school and everyone _ _ you.34. 国内外人士已经为希望工程捐资 22亿之多。People in China and _ _ already _ 2.2_ yuan for Project Hope. 35. 汤姆是个八岁大的男孩。Tom is _ _ boy.36. 他们来

7、自德国,是德国人。They come from _,and they are _.37. 音乐声音太大了,让我们清静一会吧。The music is too loud,Give _ _ _.38. 维也纳是奥地利首都。V ienna is the _ _ Austria.39. 这是说唱乐吗?我简直难以相信。Is it rap music?I _ _ _.40. 你没有听说过他,是吗?不,我听说过。Y ou havent _ _ him,_ _?_, I _.41. 玛丽不但漂亮而且心的善良。Mary is _ _ beautiful _ _ kind hearded.42. 莫扎特是欧洲最伟

8、大的作曲家之一。Mozart was _ _ _ _ Europens _.43. 冼星海出生于 1905年逝世于 1945年。Xian Xinghai _ _ _ 1905 and died in 1945.44. 穿红色大衣的女孩叫爱丽丝。The girl _ a red coat _ Alice.45. 有一天她正拿着一本书坐在河边。She was _ _ _ the river _ a book one day.46. 爱丽丝跟着兔子跑然后掉进一个兔子洞。Alice _ _ the rabbit and _ _ a rabbit hole.47. 柴郡猫正坐在一棵树上朝着每个人笑呢。T

9、he Cheshire Cat _ _ _the tree and _ _ _ everyone. 48. 我们看见它钻进树篱下的一个大兔子洞里。We saw _ _ _ a large rabbit hole under the hedge.49. 它是有关一个叫爱丽丝的女孩的。It s _ a girl _ Alice.50. 她没事可做。She had _ _ _.51. 有关那个没有什么奇怪的。There was _ _ about that.52. 她正想做一个雏菊花环。She was _ _ _ a dasiy chain.53. 我想记住所有的生词I _ _ _all the n

10、ew words.54. 牛奶闻起来酸。The milk _ _.55. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。_ _ I don t like cheese.56. 你一定要把我介绍给他。Y ou must _ me _her.57. 我感到身体不舒服。I _ _ very _.58. 收到你的来信真是太好了。It was great _ _ _ you.59. 我迫不及待要见到你。I _ _ _meet you.60. 对于来中国我感到非常激动。I m very _ _ _to China.61. 我还喜欢运动,尤其是网球。I enjoy sports _ _,_ tennis.62. 大多数女孩都害怕蛇。M

11、ost girls _ _ _ snakes.63. 当我做错事时,总是很难过。I m always sorry when I _ _ _.64. 向左拐进长安街,银行就在右边。_ _ into Chang anjie,the bank is _ _ _.65. 直走,你会发现书店紧挨着公园。_ _ and you can find the bookshop _ _ the park. 66. 在那条街道拐角处有一家商店。There is a shop _ _ _ _ the street.67. 我怎么去紫金城?_ do I _ _ the Forrbidden City?68. 北海公园有

12、点安静。Baihai Park is _ _ quiet.69. 走过广场,一直往前走。_ _the square,Go _ _.70. 紫禁城在天安门广场对面。The Forbidden City _ _ the Tian anmen Square.71. 你能告诉我去公园的路吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ the park.72. 我可以在那里购物?Where can I _ _ _ .73. 我们本来打算喝些茶,但我们决定呆两个小时。We only _ _ _ _ _,but we _ _ _ for two hours. 74. 我们希望下次理解的更多。We hope

13、_ _ _.75. 我们计划这个周末去看京剧。We plan _ _ _ _ _this weeked.76. 他主动提出带领我们参观他们的城市。He pffered _ _ us _ their city.77我尽量去理解这个句子,但几乎是不可能的。I tried _ _ the sentence ,but it was _ _.78. 请把字典递给我。Please _ _ _dictionary.79. 你发现京剧很容易理解吗?Did you find Bingjing Opera _ _ _.80. 我不能决定什么时候动身。I can t decide when _ _.81. 他发生在

14、 1938年 8月。It _ _ in August in 1938.82. 观赏我们城市最好的方式是坐公交车。The _ _ _ _ our city is _ _.83书店在电影院和银行之间。The bookshop is _ the cinema _ the bank.84. 我们需要更好地保护他们。We need _ _ them _.85. 很多动物没有地方住。Many animals have no place _ _ _.86. 我们究竟能做什么?What _ _ can we do?87我们正在带走他们的陆地和森林。We re _ _ their lands and fores

15、ts.88. 他们的睡不够干净,不能喝了。Their water is not _ _ _ _.89. 还有很长的路要走。There is still a _ _ _.90. 那婴儿哭得越来越厉害。The baby is crying _ _ _.91. 熊猫主要吃竹子。Pandas mainly _ _ bamboo.92. 今天大约有 1000只熊猫生活在自然保护区。There are about one thousand padans _ in _ _ today.93.他的父母送他去了北京师范学校。His parents _ him _ the _ _ in Beijing.94. 老

16、舍被称作人民艺术家。Lao She is _ _ _.95. 老舍茶馆热烈欢迎来自中国和世界各的每一个人。Laoshe s Teahouse _ a _ _ to everyone _ China and all over the world. 96. 它把观众带到了 1945年的抗日战争。It _ the audience to the Anti Japanese _.97. 在湖里划船令人愉快。It _ pleasant _ _ _ in the lake.98. 你这样说你真是太好了。_ very kind _ you _ _ so.99. 对我们来说在山顶拍照是个好主意。It is a

17、 good idea _ _ _ at the top of the mountain.100. 你一定在开玩笑。Y ou must _ _.101. 我肯定他在家里。I m _ he is _ _.102. 来我们国家最好的时间是九月份。The _ _ to come to our country _ in September.103. 春天雨水很多。It _ a lot in Spring.104. 明天天气怎么样?What _ the _ _ _ tomorrow.105. 昨天气怎样? How _ the _ yesterday.106. 在中国新年第一天,你一定不要打扫卫生。Y ou

18、 mustn t _ _ _ on the first day of the Chinese New Year.107. 当你接受礼物时要用双手。Use _ _ ,when you _ a presant.108. 在给别人礼物前,要用红纸包起来。Before you give someone a presant,You must _it _ red paper.109. 记住家人和朋友的生日之重要的。It s _ _ _ the birthdays of family and friends.110. 这和中国的婚礼是有相当差别的。It s very _ _ a Chinese _.答案:

19、1.a good way to 2.It takes .to go some advice imporving 4.write them down start .conversation 6.reading newspapers 7.Try nottranslate check vocabulary 9.Smilinghelps 10.entered the competion 11.has gone to has been there twice 12.shake hands with the prize. ar

20、ound the world 15.invitedto take part in 16.priceticket 17.price .ticket .high 18.makesall the time 19.has given concerts 20.has taken several 21.up to 22.on business 23.goes around 24.have just landed 25.a small part of our galaxy 26.more than.billion 27.sent messages back 28.has been dead for 29.h

21、as kept.since. ago 30.How long 31.gets on well with 32.has helped thousands of go back 33.drop out of .will help 34.abroad have .raised. .billion eight-year-old 36.Germany.Germans a break 38.the capital of 39.dont believe it 40.havent heard of.have .yes I have 41.not onlybut also

22、of the greatest Europen composers 43.was born in .died 44.wearing/in .is 45.was sitting by .with 46.ran after .fell down 47.was sitting in .was smiling at go down 49.about .called 50.nothing to do 51.nothing strange 52. of making 53.want to remember 54.smells sour 55.Im afraid 56.introduce .to

23、 57.dont .well hear from 59.cant wait to meet 60.amexcited about coming well .especially 62.are afraid of something wrong 64.Turn left into.on the right 65.Go straight .next to 66.on the corner 67.How .get to 68.a bit 69.Walk across .straight ahead opposite 71.the way to 72.d

24、o some shopping 73.planned to have some tea.decided to stay understand more 75.plan to see Beijing Opera 76.offered to take .around understang.almost impossible the dictionary 79.easy to understand start 81.took place way by 83.between.and protect.better l

25、ive in 86.on earth 87.taking away 88.good enough to drink 89.a long way to go 90.harder and harder on reserves 93.sent .to the Teachers School 94.called Peoples Artis t a wonderful welcome 96.brings.the Anti-JapaneseWar 97.It .to go boating 98.Its.of .to say so .idea to take photos joking home 103.rains 104.will weather be like 105.was any cleaning on 107.both hands .accept 109 imporant to remember 110.different from wedding

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