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1、非谓语动词完成句子练习非谓语动词完成句子练习非谓语动词专练 1.You look rather tired today. _ (被提醒不要错过) the 4:20 flight, I didnt dare to close my eyes. (remind) 2. On August 12,2009 Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan island, _ (毁害了很多村庄) .(leave) 3. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered _ (创建了) the World Wide Web, on which all t

2、he information is shared by all.(found) 4. On the bank of the river, we found him seated on a beach, _ (眼睛盯着) a kite in the sky. (fix) 5. With some books he needed _ (要买) , he went into the bookstore quickly. (buy) 6. After the Shenzhou VI capsuletouched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling a

3、round the earth, thus again _ (因而证明了) China is a global space power. (prove) 7. _ (被忽视) by his parents for long, John feels sad in the heart though he appears _ (不烦恼) about it.(ignore; bother) 8. We are _ (不应该) talk loudly in the dormitory when others are taking a noon-break. (suppose) 9. The latest

4、 survey, _ (实施) , found more than 12 percent of teenagers want to work as pilots. (carry) 10. The construction of an economic zone to the west coast of the Taiwan Straits, _(在讨论) at present, will surely stimulate the declining economy on both sides of the Straits. (discuss) 11. Completely _ (沉浸于) a

5、piece of science fiction, Anne was totally unaware of the outside world. (lose) 12. The police have caught the murderer. Yes, but he refused to admit _(杀害) his wife on a rainy night seven years ago. (kill) 13. _ (决心) to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, “an English

6、teacher _ (需要) for a ten-year-old girl.” (determine; need) 14. Lucy doesnt seem to be what she was. No. _ (目睹) so much in the war has made her more thoughtful. (see) 15. _ (检查) twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city. (exam) 16. Som

7、e people against toll booths (收费站) argue that roads, _ (一旦建成) , should be free. (build) 17. Something extraordinary happened in that hospital. A man, clinically _ (宣布死亡) , suddenly came to life. (declare) 18. _it with me and everything will be all right. (leave) 19. I really can t understand _ (你为什么

8、那样对她). (treat) 20. There are a lot of students in the reading room, _ (大多数人的头) bent over their books.(bend)Keys 1-20 CACACADCBA AAACCACBCC 21-40 DAADBBCDBC CBBCCBCDAC 41-60 DDCDDCACDC DCBCDCABDC 61-80 DBCBDBBABC AABCDDBCAD 81-100 CDABABCDBD DABDADDBAD Keys 1-20 CACACADCBA AAACCACBCC 21-40 DAADBBCDBC


10、C 41-60 DDCDDCACDC DCBCDCABDC 61-80 DBCBDBBABC AABCDDBCAD 81-100 CDABABCDBD DABDADDBAD 高二全册词汇检测题 1. As we joined the big crowd I gotfrom my friends. A. lostB. sparedC. separatedD. missed 2. I was still sleeping when the fire, and then it spread quickly. A. broke out B. put outC. came out D. got out

11、3. The poor sick baby was deserted by his parents. My heart him. A. cried forB. blessed for C. bled for D. prayed for 4. The pop music fans to music in many ways when listening to a concert. A. respondB. referC. reply D. react 5. After three months investigation, the police at last caught the man wh

12、o_ the building. A. set an example to B. set off toC. set fire to D. set sail to 6. The street was named after a great man _ his great contribution to the city. A. in honour ofB. instead ofC. in case of D. in need of the meeting, world nuclear powers are called to _ all weapons of mass destruction,

13、thus leaving a clean and safe world for our generation. A. circulate B. advocateC. abuse D. abolish murderer then drove the victims red Honda to escape, and the police later found the car _ a few miles off the scene.A. dismissed B. stoodC. abandonedD. quit of danger in the street at night, she had t

14、o go home with a friend _ her. A. companyingB. accompanyingC. competingD. accomplishing , Chinese people _ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings.A. cut outB. cut off C. cut up D. cut down the interview, I found Tom to be _, having high aim in his lif

15、e, and I decided to employ him on the spot.A. ambitious B. adventurous C. absurdD. outgoing this part of the country, there is a harmonious mix of people from different backgrounds, so there are many culturally _ Christmas celebrations. A. diverse B. regionalC. common D. beneficial offering free acc

16、ess to a wide range of public facilities, our school now is a quite satisfying place for study, _ the poor accommodation. A. apart from B. as well as C. in addition toD. because of should attach great importance to the use of the Internet, for violent programs are bound to have a bad _ on children.

17、A. affectionB. pressureC. influenceD. control New Brighton Police have to spy on some citizens as they search for suspects who _ a homemade bomb which destroyed a government office building the early Saturday. A. set out B. set asideC. set off D. set up an applicant is found to be physically or _ di

18、sabled to the point of being unable to work, the applicant can receive monthly payments. A. mentallyB. physiologically C. emotionally D. functionally 17. His _ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight. A. destination B. inspiration C. ambition D. promotion 18. Nowadays senior high school

19、 students are burdened with too many _, which is making them less and less confident. A. motivations B. expectations C. amusements D. opportunities 19. Your job here is only _, for you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for you. A. permanent B. compulsory C. temporary D. fundamental

20、20Many of the moreforms of cancer can be treated successfully if detected early. Ausual Bgeneral Ccommon Dpopular 21. Cheese is one of the oldest human foods and is thought to have been developed _ 8,000 years ago. A. especially B. totally C. briefly D. approximately 22. -Will $200 _ the cost of the

21、 damage? -Im afraid not. I need at least $100 more. A. cover B. include C. do D. afford 23. The clear sky _ fine weather. Lets go swimming, shall we? A. promises B. wants C. experts D. allows 24. Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. attend to B. devote to C. dedi

22、cate to D. contribute to 25. In the opinion of the doctor ,you are too fat, so youd better _ to lose your weight. A. go out B. work out C. give out D. give off 26. - You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill. - Not exactly. It was his courage _ his skill that really struck me most. A. other than B

23、. as well as C. rather than D. but also 27. Dogs have a very good_ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.A. viewB. means C. senseD. idea 28. If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. fairB. comfortable C. easy D. convenient 29. The teacher stressed aga

24、in that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. leave out C. let out D. make out 30. At the meeting, the people were _by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother although there is a scar in her face. A. surprised B. excited C. impressed D. comfor

25、ted 31. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great _ of goods.A. expressionB. mixture C. variety D. combination 32. For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree _. A. on earth B. in sight C. at a distance D. in place 33. At the end

26、 of each year, the HR department _ each members performance in the past year. If it is not good, the employee perhaps will be fired. A. praises B. evaluates C. puzzlesD. suggests 34. According to the _ passed by the court, half of his possessions shall belong to his wife. A. banB. consequence C. jud

27、gmentD. punishment you have those moments when you go out somewhere but are so bored that you _ need something to do? A. faithfullyB. illegally C. desperatelyD. constantly 36. The course book is a little too difficult, but we can _ it to suit the needs of the students. A. adoptB. adaptC. operate D.

28、abolish 37. China has decided to spend 600 million yuan building 190 special schools to make education _ to more disabled children. A. similarB. concrete C. accessible D. ambitious 38. In a few big cities some companies are adopting _ working hours so that their staff will not be caught in a traffic

29、 jam in the rush hour. A. steadyB. permanent C. automatic D. flexible 39. The housing prices in big cities have not gone down sharply with the new housing policy, so people just feel that the houses are _ cheap now. A. relatively B. absolutely C. obviously D. eventually relations, although they have

30、 experienced twists and turnsin the past, _ have moved forward. A. in returnB. in other words C. on the whole D. on the other hand 41. Though these dresses are low in quality, they may _ women who dont want to spend much on clothes.A. refer toB. devote toC. apply toD. appeal to 42. His laziness makes it impossible for him to the success of the research work. A. realize B. undertake C. support D. achieve 43. A terrible dise

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