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专题05 100个句子掌握高中核心语法 高考英语二轮复习词句通.docx

1、专题05 100个句子掌握高中核心语法 高考英语二轮复习词句通2022高考英语二轮复习词句通 100个句子掌握高中核心语法1.谓语动词的时态、语态和主谓一致1. People (who spend more time with their families) are usually much healthier and happier.花费更多时间和家人在一起的人通常更健康更幸福。(一般现在时) 2. When fat and salt are removed from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. 当脂肪和食盐从食物

2、中(被)移除,食物尝起来好像它缺少了一些东西。(一般现在时及被动语态)3. The other day/Two days ago/Earlier this month, I reached/got to/arrived at school so late that I was criticized by my headteacher. 前几天/两天前/这个月的早些时候,我到学校很晚,以至于我被班主任批评了一顿。(一般过去时及被动语态)4. So far/ up to now/ In recent years/ Over the past 10 years/ Since 10 years ago

3、/ For ten years, great changes have taken place in my hometown, because much work has been done to change it. 到目前为止/在最近的几年里/在过去的10年里/自从10年前/10年来,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化,因为很多工作已经被做来改变它。(现在完成时及其被动语态)5. The passengers are packing now and the plane is arriving in 5 minutes. 乘客们正在打包行李,飞机将会在5分钟之后到达。(现在进行时态表正在进行的动作

4、和将来的动作)6. With the development of AI technology, more robots will be made to help people with their daily routine and people will have more free time to relax. 随着人工智能技术的发展,更多的机器人将被制造来帮助人们解决日常琐事并且人们将有更多的放松时间。(一般将来时及被动语态)7. The train had left before I got to the station. 在我到达火车站之前,火车已经离开了。(过去完成时表示动作发生

5、在“过去的过去”)8. She promised that she would come to visit us.她承诺过他将会来拜访我们。(过去将来时表示站在过去“说将来”) .9. It has been raining in the past three weeks. 过去三周一直在下雨。 (现在完成进行时表示发生在过去并延续到现在并且将来还会继续发生的动作,意为一直在做某事)10. It has been/is 10 years since I moved here. 自从我搬到这里已经十年了。(固定句式It has been/is.since.自从.已经多长时间了)11. It is

6、 the first time that he has come to the city. /It was the first time that he had come to the city.这是我第一次来这个城市。(固定句式It/This is/was the first time that sb has/have/had done sth 某人第一次做某事)12. I was driving down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road. 我正在开车去伦敦这时我突然发现我走错了路。(固定句式be do

7、ing.when.某人正在做.这时突然) I was about to leave when the phone suddenly rang.我正要离开这时电话突然响了。(固定句式 be about to do sth when.某人正要做某事这时突然.)13. It is (high) time that we took/should take immediate actions to protect the environment. 是我们应该立刻采取行动保护环境的时候了。(固定句式 It is (high) time that sb did/ should do sth是某人应做某事的时

8、候了)14. The workers get paid by the month. 这些工人按月发工资。(get done表被动= be done)15. His theory proved/turned out (to be) true. 他的理论被证实是/结果是对的。(prove/turn out后可省略to be)16. This book sells well and is worth reading. Besides, it is easy to understand. 这本书好卖,而且值得一读,另外,这本书读起来易懂。(主动表被动)The patient needs operati

9、ng on at once. 这位病人需要马上做手术。(主动表被动need/want doing=need/want to be done)17. Mary (with/along with/together with/as well as/including) her parents lives in this house玛丽和她的父母亲居住在这个房子里。(就远原则:谓语动词live和主语Marry 保持一致)18. 就近原则: Once there was a man and two monkeys living in the same house. 曾经有一个人和两个猴子住在同一个房子里

10、。(There be句型)Neither he nor his parents are to blame. 他和他的父母都不应受责备。 Not only his parents but also he is to blame. 他的父母和他都应受责备。Here are some useful suggestions. 下面是一些有用的建议。19. Not getting enough sleep usually leads to poor judgement and even depression. 没有充足的睡眠通常会造成判断力差甚至抑郁。(动名词作主语看作单数形式)20. What doe

11、snt kill us makes us stronger. 那无法杀死我们的事情让我们更加坚强。(名词性从句作主语即主语从句一般看作单数形式)21. Someone is asking to see you. 有人要找你。(不定代词作主语看作单数)22. Parents should realize (that) their child can be shaped through proper education. 父母应该意识到他们的孩子能够通过适当的教育被塑造。(含有情态动词的主动语态和被动语态)23. They must have been driving at least 150 k

12、ilometers an hour at that time. 在那时他们肯定是以150k/h的速度在开车。(must have done sth 一定做了某事,表示对过去的肯定的推测)He should have told me the truth earlier. 他本应该该早点告诉我事实真相的。(should have done sth 本应做某事却未做,表示与过去事实相反)We all surprised to hear that Jenny should have accused her parents of their family violence behaviors.我们都很惊

13、讶地听说Jenny竟然起诉她父母的家庭暴力行为。(should have done sth 还可表示某人过去竟然做了某事)He might/could have had a hand in planning the murder.他可能参与计划了这起谋杀案。(might have done sth 可能做了某事,表示对过去的可能推测)24. If I were you, I wouldnt help him. 如果我是你,我就不会帮他。(虚拟语气:与现在事实相反)If you had come earlier, you would have met him. 如果你早一点来你就会遇上他了。(虚

14、拟语气:与过去事实相反)If it were to rain /If it should rain/If it rained tomorrow,I wouldnt go for the picnic. 如果明天下雨,我就不去野餐。(虚拟语气:与将来事实相反)25. The doctor suggested that I (should) come again next day.医生建议我第二天再来。(虚拟语气:suggest/advise/insist/order.+that .(should) do sth 建议/坚持/命令某人应该做某事)2.非谓语动词26. Thereisno denyi

15、ng thatdoingexerciseonaregularbasisisof great benefit to us students. 不可否认 , 定期锻炼对我们学生很有益处。(动名词作主语看作单数形式)27. I cant imagine his /him swimming across the river alone.我无法想象他独自游过了这条河。(动名词doing 作宾语) 28. The boy( lying on the grass) is reading an interesting book. 躺在草地上的男孩正在读一本有趣的书。(现在分词doing作定语)29. He d

16、ied of cancer, leaving his son an orphan. 他死于癌症,使他的儿子成为一名孤儿。(现在分词doing作结果状语,表示自然伴随的结果)30. Not having received a reply, he decided to write a sixth letter.没有收到回复,他决定写第6封信。(现在分词doing作原因状语,doing的否定形式在前面加not)31. He saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds surrounding the mountain top. 他看到

17、薄雾从河面升起、轻云环绕山顶。(现在分词doing作宾语补足语)32. To enter a key university is my dream. 上大学是我的梦想。( to do不定式作主语看成单数)33. I desire to achieve this goal. 我渴望实现这一目标。(to do不定式作宾语)34. My dream is to enter a key university. 上大学是我的梦想。(to do不定式作表语)35. The lady had no plans (to retire from her 36-year-old business). 这个女士没有

18、(要从她36年的事业中退休的)计划。( to do不定式作定语)36. You dont have to run fast or for long to see the benefit of running. 你不必跑太快或太长时间来看到跑步的好处。(to do不定式作目的状语)He arrived at the station, only to find the bus had left.他到达车站却发现车已经离开了。(to do不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果)37. The familys increasingpoverty forced the poor child to drop

19、 out of school at an early age.家庭的日益贫困迫使这个贫穷的孩子早年辍学。(to do不定式作宾语补足语)38. These flowers are easy to care for. 这些花很容易照顾。(主语+be+adj.+to do结构)39. The professor came in, followed by the students. 教授来了,后面跟着学生。(过去分词done作伴随状语)Addicted to playing computer games, he was absent-minded in class. 沉迷于网络游戏,他上课心不在焉。

20、(过去分词done作原因状语)40. I was shocked to hear the news that he died from cancer. 听到他死于癌症这一令人震惊的消息。(过去分词作表语)41. I saw/watched/noticed him get on the bus. (省略to的不定式结构表示看到某人做某事的全过程) The doctor make/let/have me lie on the bed. 医生让我躺在病床上。(三大使役动词make/let/have sb do sth要用省略to的不定式结构) My English teacher helps me

21、(to) learn English. (help sb to do sth 可用省略to的不定式结构)42. While walking in the garden, you can enjoy a variety of plants. 当漫步在花园中,你可以欣赏各种各样的植物。When asked why he was late again, the boy kept silent. 当被问及为什么他又迟到了,小男孩缄默不语。(连词+非谓语动词)43. I had my broken watch repaired yesterday. 昨天我修理了我的坏手表 (have sth done

22、表示使.被做) He had his arm broken. 他的一条胳膊(被)折断了。(have sth done 表示遭受某种不幸)44. With time going by, I gradually realize the importance of reading. 随着时间的流逝,我逐渐意识到阅读的重要性。(with+n+doing的复合结构作时间状语) With all the work finished, LiHua left his office with delight. 所有的工作都(被)完成了,李华高兴地离开办公室。(with+n+done的复合结构作原因状语)With

23、 no one to talk to, John felt bored. 由于没人可以聊天,约翰感到很无。(with+n+to do 的复合结构作原因状语)45. Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她干完了活,坐下来喝茶。Weather permitting(=If weather permits), they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。 (独立主格结构作状语)3.并列句46. There the air is clean an

24、d mountains are green. 那里空气清新,群山翠绿。47. The problem is a little hard, but/yet I was able to work it out. 这个问题有点难,但我能够解决它。48. Work hard, or you will fall behind others. 努力学习,否则你会落后他人。Now you can either have a rest or go to the cinema. 现在你要么休息要么去看电影。It is said that the joy of travelling is not in arriv

25、ing at your destination but in the journey itself.据说旅行的乐趣不在于到达目的地,而在旅行本身。49. His eyesight was failing, so he found it increasingly difficult to read. 由于他的视力正在下降。4.状语从句50. When I arrived, I saw a two-month-old panda. 当我到达时,我看到一个两个月大的熊猫。(when引导时间状语从句既可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和非延续性动词连用, 此句不能用while)While (I was) w

26、alking down the street, I came across an old friend. 当我正沿着大街走时,偶遇一位老友。(while引导的时间状语从句:while 只和延续性动词连用)As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important. 随着世界变成一个地球村,英语变得越来越重要。(as引导的时间状语从句:as 可表示当时;一边一边;随着)As soon as/The moment /The minute/The instant the teacher c

27、ame in, the students stopped talking.老师一进来,学生就立即停止了谈话。(as soon as/the moment /the minute/the instant引导时间状语从句)He didnt start the lesson until the pupils settled down. 直到学生安静下来,他才开始上课。(until引导时间状语从句) We should solve the problem right away before it gets worse. 在它变得更糟前,我们应该立刻解决这个问题。(before/after引导时间状语从

28、句) Once I started the car, my mind went blank. 一旦我开动汽车,我的大脑一片空白。 (once引导时间状语从句)Every time she saw me, she always smiled at me. 她每次看到我 都对我微笑。(every time 引导时间状语从句) 51. We must camp where/wherever we can get water. 我们必须在我们能获取水的地方露营。(where/wherever引导地点状语从句)52. Because/Since(=Now that)/as you have grown

29、old, you should learn to be independent. 因为/既然你已经长大了,你应该学会独立。(because/since/as引导原因状语从句不能和so连用)53. The Internet celebrity always wears a sun glasses when going out, so that/in order that no one can recognize him. 这个网红外出时总是戴着墨镜,以便于没人能认出他。(so that/in order that引导目的状语从句)Keep an eye on the stove in case

30、/for fear the milk boils. 注意着炉子,以防/以免牛奶沸腾溢出。 (in case /for fear 引导目的状语从句)54. He is so learned (a person) that we all admire him very much.= He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much. 他是如此博学, 以至于我们都非常欣赏他。(so/such.that引导结果状语从句)55. If we dont stop climate change, many animals and pla

31、nts in the world will be gone forever. 如果我们不停止气候改变,许多世界上的动植物将会永远消失。Unless we take immediate actions to stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone forever. 除非我们立刻采取行动来停止气候改变,许多世界上的动植物将会永远消失。As/So long as you stick to your plan for your study, you are sure to make great pro

32、gress. 只要你坚持你的学习计划,你一定会取得进步。(if/unless/as long as引导条件状语从句)56. Although/Though/While/Even if/Even though the online shopping has changed our life, not all of its effects have been positive. 尽管网购已经改变了我们的生活,但它的影响并不都是积极的。(although/though/while引导让步状语从句不可以和but 连用,但可以和yet连用)We should respect others whoever(=no matter who) they are.无论他们是谁,我们都应该尊重他人。(-ever(=no matter- 引导让步状语从句) )57. The old lady treats the boy as if/as though he were her own son. 老人对待这个男孩就像是自己

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