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1、商务英语备考复习 MNC Multinational Corporation跨国公司 FDI Foreign Direct Investment国外直接投资 TFC Total Fixed Cost固定成本总额 AFC Average Fixed Cost平均固定成本 TVC Total Variable Cost可变成本总额 L/C Letter of credit 信用证 S/C Sales confirmation 销售确认书 B/L Bill of lading 提单 S.S. Steam Ship 轮船 M.V. Motel Vessel 轮船 U.P.S United Parcel

2、 Service 联邦快递公司 ROE Return on Equity 股东资产净值盈利 ROI Return on investment 投资报酬率 ROS Return on Sales 销售利润率 EPS Earning per share 每股收益 AVC Average Variable Cost平均可变成本 MR Marginal Revenue边际收入 MC Marginal Cost边际成本 CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight.named port of destination成本加保险费,运费 CIP Carriage, Insurance pa

3、id to.named place of destination运费,保险费付至(指定目的地) CFR Cost and Freight.named port of destination成本加运费(指定目的地) FOB Free on Board.named port of shipment船上交货(指定转运港) IPI Insurance Proof of Interest保险证明,保险权益 WPA With particular average 水渍险 FPA Free from particular average 平安险 EC European Community欧洲共同体 EEC

4、European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体 EU European Union欧洲联盟 IPD Interest, Profit and dividend利息利润和分红 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织 IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 EFTA European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟 NAFTA North American F

5、ree Trade Area北美自由贸易区 UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关贸总协定 SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications环球同业银行金融电讯协会 parent company 母公司subsidiary company 子公司foreign-owned company 外资公司holding company

6、控股公司trade company 贸易公司trust company 信托公司china ocean shipping company 中国海洋运输公司Nanjing cereals,oils and foodstuff import and export corporation南京粮油食品进出口公司china national offshore oil corp 中国海洋石油总公司Beijing stone group co 北京四通集团公司Guangzhou Kimberley mechanical and electrical enterprises ltd 广州金宝机械电力有限公司c

7、apital investment 资本投资portfolio investment 有限证券投资investment portfolio 投资总额investment environment 投资环境real estate investment 房地产投资research and development investment 科研与开发投资investment appraisal 投资评估 公司的战略,政策和计划 Corporate strategy, policy and planning 种种其他因素 A variety of other factors 世界贸易和投资的模式 World

8、 trade and investment patterns 除了采掘工业之外 With the exception of extractive industries 建立海外子公司最重要的动机 The most important motive for setting up overseas subsidiaries 寻求新的利润来源 The search for new sources of profit 对国外经销方法的不满意 Dissatisfaction over distribution techniques abroad 国外生产设备的定址 The location of for

9、eign production facilities 企业兼并的巨浪 A tremendous surge of acquisition of enterprises 通过在国外生产的方式 By way of foreign production 像税收待遇优惠之类的补贴 Subsidies such as preferential tax treatment 国际商务决定 International business decisions 公司经理考虑了将冒的风险之后,决定在东道国再投资60万美元(to allow for) After allowing for risk, the corpo

10、rate managers decided to make an additional investment of $600,000 in the host country. 为了进一步开发国外市场,很多公司已在国外设立了销售部或者子公司(to tap) In order to further tap overseas markets, many companies have set up their foreign marketing divisions or subsidiaries. 降低生产成本是决定建立海外生产设施的主要因素之一(to underlie) Reduction of p

11、roduction costs is one of the major factors that underlie the decision to set up overseas productive facilities 他建议减价10%,以便扩大市场占有率,这一建议已纳入公司的销售计划。(to incorporate)He suggests cutting down the price by 10% so as to enlarge the market share. His suggestion has been incorporated into the companys market

12、ing plan. global economy 全球经济the newly emerging economies 新兴国家经济consumer economy 消费者主导的经济planned economy 计划经济market economy 市场经济economic reform 经济改革economic take-off 经济起飞economic return 经济回报special economic zone 经济特区economic and technical development district 经济技术开发区economic prosperity 经济繁荣economic

13、recession 经济衰退economic sanction 经济制裁economic blockade 经济封锁economic life-line 经济命脉overheated economy 经济过热home economics 家政学Keynesian economics 凯恩斯经济学 做正式的物价预测 To do official price forecasts 由公关部主任主持的专题座谈会 A panel discussion hosted by public relations manager 主要受益人 The main beneficiaries 套头保值的好处 Hedgi

14、ng benefits 所需要供给的原材料 Needed supplies of raw materials 技术的不断进步 Continued advances in technology 技术革新 Technological innovation 商品与金融资产之间的价格差别 Price disparity between commodities and financial assets 一个较令人信服的思想学派 A more credible school thought 随着利率的提高,预计基本建设开支很快将平定下来,不再增长了。 With the rise of interest r

15、ate, spending on capital construction is expected to level off soon. 外贸赤字的增大意味着美国必须吸引更多的外资。The larger foreign trade deficit means that the U.S will have to attract more foreign capital. machine tool industry 机床制造业machine building industry 机器制造业raw materials industry 原材料工业aerospace industry 宇航工业texti

16、le machinery industry 纺织机械制造业textile industry 纺织业advertising industry 广告业processing industry 加工业infant industry 新生工业service industry 服务行业the tertiary industry 第三产业the canning industry 罐头工业the construction industry 兼职工业nonresidential construction 非民用建筑housing construction 住房建筑construction budget 基建预算

17、construction work in process 在建工程construction contract 施工合同 比较富裕的那部分人口 The more affluent part of the population 在劳工方面 On the labor front 对利率比较敏感的那部分经济 The more interest-sensitive sector of the economy 房屋重新装修上的总开支 Overall spending on repair and remodelling 大大低于最高生产能力 Well below full capacity 占有市场优势的公

18、司 Firms with a dominant market share 上涨的原材料成本 Rising raw materials costs 全国消费者协会 The National Association of Consumers 工业建筑的回升 A pick up in industrial construction 乐观的理由 Reasons for optimism 政府已经采取了果断措施使长达3年的过热经济降温。 The government has taken drastic measures to cool the 3-year-long over-heated econom

19、y 非耐用消费品开支8年来第一次与收入同步增长。 For the first time in 8 years, spending on consumer nondurables has kept pace with the rise in income 经济衰退对美容业比对其他行业构成的威胁要小。 The recession posed less of a threat to the beauty industry than to other industries. commercial banks 商业银行investment banks 投资银行exchange banks 汇兑银行Cit

20、ibank corp 花旗银行chase manhattan bank 大通曼哈顿银行hong kong and shanghai banking corp 香港汇丰银行bank deposit 银行顿款bank reserve 银行准备金bank loans 银行存款bank charges 银行手续费bank draft 银行汇票bank overdraft 银行透支the financial position of banks 银行财政状况a banks balance sheet 资产负债表non-bank financial companies 非银行金融机构banking pani

21、cs 银行恐慌banking reform 银行的改革deregulation of the banking industry 取消或减少对银行业的管制 向急需资金的公司贷款 To make loans to companies badly in need of capital 超过任何一家美国银行的资产 To exceed the assets of any American bank 把所有的各种保险索赔计算在内 To count in whole classes of insurance claims 垄断有关投资者的信息 To monopolise information about

22、investors 将信用卡应收款项证券化 To have credit-card receivables securitised 遵照公司的规章制度行事 To comply with the companys rules and regulations 已出具本票的方式筹集资金 To raise capital by issuing promissory notes 降低拖欠风险 To reduce the risk of default 将 18%的资金留做准备金 To put1 8% of capital in reserve 担保储蓄存款 To guarantee savings de

23、posited in banks 把个人债务和资产转换成证券 To convert individual liabilities and assets into securities 发行5万份每股面值50美金的股票 To issue 50 thousand shares with the face value of $50 per share 银行业所受到的来自这两方面的攻击可能将导致它的最终衰落,这样说可能有悖于人们的直觉 It may seem counter-intuitive to say that the two-pronged assault on banking might b

24、e leading to its terminal decline 你清楚投资海外可能带来的风险吗? Are you aware of the risk that investing abroad may entail? 什么导致美元连续不断贬值? What lies behind this continuous depreciation of the US dollars?insurance business 保险业insurance coverage 保险范围insurance clause 保险条款insurance portfolio 保险业务总量insured value 保险金额

25、open policy 预约保险单premium rate 保险费率insurance claim 保险索赔insurance indemnity 保险赔偿land transportation insurance 陆运保险through transport insurance 联运保险life insurance 人寿保险medical insurance 医疗保险insurance underwriter 保险承保人insurance broker 保险经纪人insurance agent 保险代理人policy proof of interest 凭单证明保险权益reinsurance

26、再保险 蒙受货物损失 To be prejudiced by the loss of goods 证明具有可保权益 To prove ones insurable interest 品保险单索赔 To make a claim against a policy 受理索赔 To accept/meet a claim 背签提单 To endorse a bill of lading 赔偿投保人 To indemnify the insuredv 按保险金额计算保险费v To calculate premiums on the insured value v 空运发货v To make a shi

27、pment by airv 注销一笔债款v To write off a debtv 对负有责任的承运人采取行动v To take actions against the liable carriersv 由保险公司接替这些权利v To subrogate the claim to the insurance companyv 确定造成损失的直接原因v To establish the actual/proximate cause of the lossv 由于你公司持有保险单,希望你公司能先付款,然后向保险公司索赔保险金额。v As you hold the insurance policy

28、, we should be grateful if you would make the payment first and then claim for the insured value on the insurance company.v 如你方同意接受此费率,请告知船货的详细情况,以便我公司据此出具保险单。v If you find the premium rate acceptable, please inform us of the details of your shipment so that we may issue the policy accordingly. v 漏损

29、险是一种特别险别,需额外收保险费v Leakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be chargedthe all America beverage 纯正美国饮料all weather operations 全天候操作an all time record 空前纪录 all china federation of trade union 中国全国总工会the intercountry red tape 各国之间的繁文缛节inter company bond holdings 公司之间的互控债券inter-b

30、ank deposits 银行之间的存款international economic cooperation 国际经济合作intra European service 欧洲内部服务intra governmental service funds 政府内部服务基金intra company transaction 公司内部交易multilateral trade 多变贸易an multi disciplinary project 多科性项目pan European strategies 泛欧战略pan American world airways 泛美航空公司the fifth pan American games 第五届泛美运动会an transnational powerhouse 以加强大的跨国企业transregional commodity supplies 跨区商品供应a trans African expedition 一次穿越非洲的探险th

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