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1、北师版高一必修2现在分词导学案 无答案现在分词导学案Learning aims: By the end of this class, n加油we are able (1)to masn加油ter different kinds of an加油dverbials that present participlesn加油 can express. (2)to use present n加油participles as adverbials corren加油ctly. Learning procen加油dures: Step1:Lead-in (3mins) Apprecn加油iate a short

2、 poem and fn加油ind out the present participles usedn加油 as adverbials. Before my bed thn加油ere is moonlight. So that it sen加油ems frost on the ground.n加油 Lifting my head, I watch tn加油he bright moonlight. Lowering my head,I n加油dream that Im home. Step2:Presn加油entation (32mins) Part1:Chan加油nges in tense a

3、nd voice of presen加油nt participles (5mins) (现在分词在时态和语态变化) 语n加油态 时态 一般式 完成式 主动 语态 主n加油动关系 被动 语态 被动关系 几乎同时 有n加油明显时间差 (1). _ in the streen加油t,she saw an old friendn加油. A.Walking B.walk C.havin加油ng walked D.being walked (2)._n加油 by his father, my friend was unhappyn加油. A.Having punished B.punished C. Bn

4、加油eing punished D.Punishing (n加油3)._ such heavy polln加油ution already,it may be difficult n加油to clean up the river. A. Having sufferen加油d B.Suffering C.To suffer D. Sufn加油fered (4). _ for three minutes, tn加油he girl felt nervous. A.sn加油tare at B.Being stared at Cn加油.Having been stared at n加油D.To stare

5、 at Part2 识别现在分词所充当的各n加油种状语 (8mins) 1.Review:判断V-ing在句中所n加油做的成份 . Coming late for schoon加油l is a bad habit. .We should avoin加油d talking loudly in a libran加油ry. .They are excitn加油ing . . They are visitors con加油ming from several countries. . Comin加油ng late, the girl missed the trainn加油. 2.Observe and

6、think :现在分词n加油可以做哪些状语? Competition: Recognize the adn加油verbials according to the information an加油nd tell what kind of adverbial itn加油 is.) Example:Having been tn加油ranslated into 20 languages, then加油 book is famous all over the world non加油w. (原因状语) .Being ill, he couln加油dnt come to school ton加油day. (

7、 ) .Using your head, you willn加油 find a way. ( ) .Having arrin加油ved at the factory,they immedin加油ately set to work. ( ) Having a cn加油old, the boy went to schn加油ool as usual. ( ) .She was so ann加油gry that she threw the toy on the grn加油ound, breaking it into pieces. ( )n加油 .The girl came in smin加油ling

8、.( ) 小结:现在分词可以充当原因条件、时间、让步、结果、伴随n加油或方式状语。其中,_、_、_、_n加油_常位于句首,_、_常位于句尾,有时伴随状n加油语或方式状语可谓语句中或句首。 Part3现在分词作状语,与状语从句的转n加油换(13mins) 1.一句多译:观察并试着总结状语从句怎样n加油转换成分词作状语。(从句 分词) When we are crossing thn加油e road, we often say: “Be careful!” n加油When we are crossing the road,we ofn加油ten say: “Be careful!” When we

9、 are cn加油rossing the road,we on加油ften say: “Be careful!” n加油小结:当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语和主句主语是主动关系时n加油,可以省略状语从句的_、_,当谓语中含有bn加油e或助动词do时,也应一起省略),再把谓语中的实义动词变成n加油_,其他不变。 2.请把下列状语从句转换成现在分词作状语。 n加油Eg: After he heard a strong soun加油nd, he went out of the rn加油oom for a look. = Hean加油ring a strange sound, he went o

10、ut of n加油. .As the girl was serion加油usly ill, she was taken ton加油 hospital immediately. _n加油_n加油_ .Beingn加油 seriously ill, the girn加油l was taken to . _n加油_n加油_ .As sn加油he didnt know any French,n加油 she couldnt get any one to help her.n加油 _n加油_ 3.看谁反n加油应快?判断下列现在分词作哪种状语,并把其可n加油以替换的逻辑连词填入括号中。 .Workn加油in

11、g harder at English, you will make gn加油reater progress. (_ 状n加油语) _you work harder at Englisn加油h, you will make greatn加油er progress. .Feeling very tn加油ired, they kept runningn加油. (_ 状语) _n加油 they felt very tired, they n加油kept running. .Having fn加油inished their homework, they wen加油nt home. (_ 状语) n加油

12、_ they had finished thein加油r homework, they went home. *Havn加油ing finished their homework表现的动作在wn加油ent home( ), 故用分词的( )n加油式. .The children ran out of the n加油room,laughing merrily. (_ 状语) 提示:现n加油在分词作伴随状语相当于一个由_连接的并列谓语或n加油并列句。 Part4:主语的一致性 (6minsn加油) 1.从句的主语和主句的主语必须一致。 判断下列句子的n加油正(T)误(F): Hearing the

13、 newn加油s, tears ran down her face. ( ) Hen加油aring the news, she cried. ( ) Lookn加油ing out through the window,I foundn加油 the garden beautiful. ( ) 提示:n加油 (1).从句的主语和主句的主语必须一致。即-ing分词作n加油状语时,它的逻辑主语就是整个句子的主语,并表示主动的关系。否n加油则, (2).分词必须有自己的主语。这种带n加油主语的分词叫做分词的独立结构。在句中作状语,表n加油示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随或方式。 2.完成句子 .n加

14、油_,well do n加油another two exercises. 如果时间允许,我们将做另两个练n加油习。 ._,we dn加油ecided to go swimming. 天气好,我们决定去n加油游泳。 Step3:Consolidation (5mn加油ins) 用动词的恰当形式填空。 Looking n加油out through the window,the garden n加油is beautiful. ( ) While inn加油 London,I just had to go to then加油 British Museum.Theres sn加油o much1._(se

15、e) and I only han加油d time to spend a few hours thern加油e. 2._ (see) the pocket n加油watches,I was reminded od the old watcn加油h my grandfather used to wear.I dont thn加油ink I ever saw him witn加油hout it.Then I went to the Monken加油y Gallery.They have got an 3. _ n加油(amaze) collection of coin加油ns,some 4._ (

16、be) over 2n加油,000 years old.Next stop was the Chin加油nese collection. 5._(live) in Honn加油g Kong for so many years,I was vern加油y interested in this. After looking an加油t the Chinese collectionn加油, I had hoped to see the Mexican加油n collection.Unfortunately, whn加油en 6._(get) there,I found that itn加油 was

17、closed. 7._(sn加油pend) the whole morning walking n加油around the museum,I deciden加油d that I wanted to do n加油something very different in n加油the afternoon.So I went to then加油 London Eye 8._(get) n加油a birds view of the city.When 9.n加油_ (see) from the top of the n加油Eye,some of the biggest buildings appen加油

18、ar very small.After thn加油at,tired from all the walking,I n加油went back to my room n加油at the hotel 10._(n加油stand) on the riverside an加油nd slept for a couple of hourn加油s before going out to have dinnern加油. Step4:Homework Go on to n加油fill in the blanks with the correct n加油forms of Verbs 学习反思:_n加油_n加油_ _

19、n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_ _n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_ _n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_ 【学习目标】1.知识与技能理解并熟记现在分词作状n加油语的语法条目并灵活应用2.过程与方法积极讨论,合作探究,大胆质疑,n加油全力以赴攻克重难点3.情感态度激情投入学习,享受攻克重难点n加油的快乐【重点难点】灵活应用现在分词作状语语n加油法知识【自主学习】Task 1.现在分词的时态和语态主动n加油形式被动形式一般式doingbeing don加油ne完成式having donehaving n加油been doneTask 2.v-

20、ing作状语时,用来修饰谓n加油语动词。表示动作发生的时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或表n加油示主要动作发生的伴随情况,通常相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。一般说来 这种n加油结构的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。1,作时间状语n加油Hearing the news, they all jn加油umped with joy.(When they heard then加油 news, they all jumped witn加油h joy.)听到这个消息时 他们都高兴得跳了n加油起来。2,作原因状语Being sick,I stayed an加油t home.(Because I was n加油sic

21、k, I stayed at home.n加油)我因病呆在家中。Not knowing her addn加油ress,I cant write to her.(Bn加油ecause I dont know her addrn加油ess, I cant write to her.)由于不知道n加油她的地址 我没法给她写信。3,作结果状语Her husbn加油and died ten years agn加油o,leaving her with three cn加油hildren to look aftern加油.(Her husband died tenn加油 years ago and left

22、 her witn加油h three children to look aftn加油er.)她丈夫十年前去世了,撇下她和三个孩子。4n加油,作条件状语 Studying hard, you n加油will make great progress.n加油If you study hard, you will makn加油e great progress.如果你努力学习,就会n加油取得很大的进步。5,作让步状语Havn加油ing been told many times, she stiln加油l knew nothing.( Though/ Althougn加油h she had been to

23、ld n加油many times, she still knew nothinn加油g.)尽管告诉她许多次了,她还是什么都不知道n加油。五、作伴随或方式状语He sat in thn加油e armchair, reading a nn加油ewspaper.(He sat in then加油 armchair, and read a newspapn加油er.)他坐在扶手椅里读报。All night lon加油ng he lay awake,thinking ofn加油 the problem.(All nightn加油 long he lay awake,andthought of thn加油

24、e problem.)他整夜躺在床上睡n加油不着,思考着那个问题。注意:1,v-ing形式的否定结n加油构是在之前加not。2,如果现在分词的动作结束之后,谓语动词的动作才发生n加油,现在分词应用完成式。Having eatn加油en his dinner,the boy rushed out.n加油那男孩吃完了饭就跑出去了。3,v-ing形式作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子n加油的主语保持一致。【探究合作】Task 1:_(hear )then加油 bad news, they couldnt help cn加油rying_(give) more attention, thn加油e trees c

25、ould have grownn加油 better._ (see)from the top of the bn加油uilding, we saw the house like a n加油match box._ (see)from thn加油e top of the building, the house ln加油ooks like a match box.思考:现在分词与过去分词作状语的n加油区别?Task 2:判断正误Having been told manyn加油 times, but he still couldnt understn加油and it.【当堂练习】1. _many tim

26、en加油s , but he still couldnt understan加油nd it .2. _many times , he stn加油ill couldnt understand in加油t .A. Having been toldB. ToldC. n加油He was toldD. He been tn加油old3. _from space , the earth ln加油ooks blue .4._from space n加油, we can see the earth in加油s blue .A. SeenB. SeeingC. Tn加油o seeD.See5.The secr

27、etary worken加油d late into the night, _n加油_ a longspeech for the presin加油dent.A. prepareB. prepn加油aringC.preparedD. was pn加油reparing6.European football is plan加油yed in 80 countries,_ it thn加油e most popular sport in the world.n加油A. makingB. makesC.maden加油D. to make7“Cant you n加油read?” Mary said _n加油_

28、to the notice.A. angrily poinn加油tingB. and point angn加油rilyC. angrily pointedD. and ann加油grily pointing8. _ n加油a reply, he decided to write n加油again.A.Not receivingn加油B. Receiving notC. Not having rn加油eceivedD. Having not n加油received9.The missing singer was last n加油seen _ the voice closen加油 to the bridgeAexercisingBton加油 be exercisingCexercn加油iseDto exercisen加油10.The directors discussed thn加油e project that they would lin加油ke to see _ the ne

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