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1、桐乡市小学生英语知识与能力竞赛试题含答案2016年桐乡市小学生英语知识与能力竞赛试题(对象:五年级 时间:120分钟)一、读单词和汉语,找出拼写错误的词。将字母标号填入题前括号中。5% ( ) 1. A. mouthe(老鼠) B. paint(绘画) C. library(图书室) ( ) 2. A. pants(长裤) B. lunth(数学) C. candy(糖果) ( ) 3. A. alway(总是) B. often(经常) C. sometimes(有时候) ( ) 4. A. contest(竞赛) B. diary(日记) C. behinde(在旁边) ( ) 5. A.

2、 flower(花) B. autunm(秋天) C. forty(四十)二、找出类别不同的一个单词。将字母标号填入题前括号中。5% ( ) 1. A. banana B. orange C. strawberry D. cheap ( ) 2. A. hungry B. hurry C. eat D. try ( ) 3. A. driver B. farmer C. river D. teacher ( ) 4. A. hair B. hat C. sweater D. jacket ( ) 5. A. January B. February C. December D. Canada三、

3、从下列单词中找出一个不可能是正常的英语单词。5% ( ) 1. A. smooth B. cause C. bot D. thtok ( ) 2. A. vbrst B. lobster C. Hampshire D. igloo ( ) 3. A. nameless B. triumph C. coooael D. oink ( ) 4. A. yawn B. bitbn C. pronunciation D. homestead ( ) 5. A. telescope B. construct C. hpabunpmd D. hymn 四、下面这些稀奇古怪的单词,重新排列一下字母,就变成一

4、个学过的单词。 仿照例子,写出单词和汉语。5%例:upso - soup ( 汤 )1. sonsea - _( )2. hores - _( )3. rengad - _( )4. yodihal - _( )5. kefabrats - _( )五、从下列单词中找出划线部分的发音与其他2个不同的一个。将字母标号填入填入题前括号中。5%( ) 1. A. swim B. ice-cream C. dancing( ) 2. A. thin B. mouth C. brother( ) 3. A. meet B. eat C. bread( ) 4. A. pear B. near C. wh

5、ere( ) 5. A. November B. bridge C. pretty六、找规律,在横线上写出第四个单词。部分小题的第一个字母已经给出。5%1. red - orange - yellow - g_2. Saturday - Sunday - Monday - T_3. twenty - fifteen - eleven - _4. eleven - twelve - one - _5. ant - pig - hen - f_七、词组搭配,将字母标号填入括号中。5%( ) 1. doA. my new friend( ) 2. visitB. to a Christmas son

6、g( ) 3. milkC. homework( ) 4. listenD. busy( ) 5. keep E. a cow八、选择可以填入句子的最佳单词,将字母标号填入括号中。5%( ) 1. We are buying some snacks and drinks for the _ in the park this afternoon.A. boat B. bunny C. picnic D. shopping( ) 2. Oh, its 12:00 now. We are late for _.A. breakfast B. lunch C. the time D. clock( )

7、 3. You need to do some physical _ every day to keep healthy.A. tired B. exercise C. blackboard D. beans( ) 4. In _, winter is in June, July and August.A. Hong Kong B. Moscow C. New York D. Sydney( ) 5. When you read books in the library, you must keep _.A. happy B. high C. quiet D. open九、读每组中的2个句子,

8、判断划线单词意思是否相同,相同的在括号中写字母S,不同的写字母D。5%( ) 1.A. In the football match, John hurt his leg. He must see a doctor today.B. Eighteen boys are playing in this match. They all want to be the first.( ) 2.A. My family live and work in the busy city, and on the weekends we go to the country to enjoy the beautifu

9、l nature.B. Nepal is a small country next to China. It has many mountains.( ) 3. A. In the nature park, there is a big lake. We can go boating there.B. Im sorry, sir. You cant park your car in front of this building.( ) 4. A. People use fire to cook food. The fire makes the food hot.B. Gary doesnt w

10、ork hard in the office and the manager will fire him tomorrow. Can he find a new job?( ) 5.A. This nice table is made of glass. When you eat, you can see your legs under the table.B. The outside of the tall building is all glass. But we cant see anything in it in the day time.十、读句子或问句,选最佳答句,将字母标号填入括

11、号中。5%( ) 1. - Whose little puppy is that?A. Maybe its Bettys. B. My dog is that. C. Lets ask the puppy.( ) 2. - I dont like that picture on the wall.A. Me too. B. Me neither. C. Yes, it is.( ) 3. - Why are you so tired these days, Wu Yifan?A. I sometimes play sports.B. I usually get up at 7:00.C. We

12、 play basketball every day.( ) 4. - Could you please pass me that spoon, madam?A. Sure. Here you are. B. I dont see spoons. C. Yes?( ) 5. - Which is your favourite holiday?A. I dont have a favourite one.B. We usually go to Hainan.C. What about yours?十一、单项选择。5%( ) 1. Amy is a _ girl. A. lovely B. lov

13、e C. loving( ) 2. How _ you usually go to school on rainy days?A. are B. do C. can( ) 3. On my Grandpas farm there _ about fifty sheep.A. is B. are C. have( ) 4. My Grandpas birthday is _ September 13th.A. at B. in C. on( ) 5. Whats the weather _ like in spring here?A. very B. usually C. so十二、排列成句子。

14、所有内容都要用到。正确运用字母格式与标点。5%1. often, my aunt, in her study, listens to English, 2. like, in April, the weather, in your city, whats, 3. for your new friend, will, buy, you, the gift, when, 4. noodles, chinese people, on their birthdays, eat, often, 5. the, crayons, are, those, on, whose, desk, teachers,

15、十三、选择句子补全对话,将字母标号填入横线中。有一项是多余的。5%Sarah: Hi, Peter. What are you doing there? A. What can it do?B. Does it have a name?C. Can it play computer games?D. I am making a robot.E. But there are four wheels under its body.F. Does it have arms?Peter: Look. _ Sarah: A robot like Robin?Peter: No, a robot like

16、 a box.Sarah: Thats funny. _Peter: It can talk and sing.Sarah: Can it walk or run?Peter: Well, it has no legs. _ Sarah: _ Peter: Yes, it does. There are four. But usually the arms are inside the body. When I want it to work, the arms will come out.Sarah: Cool. _Peter: I will call it Robox.Sarah: Tha

17、t sounds very cool.十四、猜谜。在横线上写出一个单词。要写的词不在这个小段落中。5%1. I have two long ears and red eyes. I am quiet. I have white fur. _2. This season is so hot. Many people like to stay inside. The sun is very bright. Many people go swimming. Children like to eat ice-cream. _3. This is a busy month. People are ver

18、y busy for a big festival. The shops show nice gifts and Christmas trees in their windows. You can see Father Christmas in the shops and markets. _4. Two people or four people can play this game. They play with a small yellow or white ball on a table. One player must hit the ball to the other player

19、. _ 5. It is very easy to make. You dont need to cook it. First you wash the vegetables. Then you cut them into small pieces. Next put all the things in a big bowl. And put in some sweet cream. Now the food is ready. Enjoy this delicious food with your family! Eat it with a spoon or a fork. _十五、跨学科题

20、。阅读图文材料,将答案用英文或数字写在横线上。5%1. math Its 7:00 now. It will be 9:00 two hours later. What time will it be five hours later? _2. mathA plus B is 8, A minus B is 4, A times B is 12, and A divided by B is 3. What is 7 times 4? _3. Chinese This English poem is from a Chinese poem.After a spring sleep I see a

21、 late morning.Here and there I can hear birds singing.Night wind and rain made lots of sound.How many flowers fell to the ground? Who is the writer(作者) of this poem? _4. social studies This is a small country on the world map. In this country, there are four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and North

22、ern Ireland. London is in this country. The Thames River runs through London. The people in this country speak English. This country is _.5. science注:本小题之地图仅用作本次竞赛的示意,不作他用。Hainan(HN) is in the south of China.Hainan(HN) is to the south of Guangxi(GX).It is to the southwest of Guangdong(GD) and to the

23、 southeast of Yunnan(YN).Heilongjiang(HLJ) is in the _ of China. (下一页还有题目,请勿遗漏。)十六、阅读理解。6%Do bears hibernate? In the winter, we dont see the frogs, snakes and some other animals in cold places. Why? Because they are hibernating. A lot of animals hibernate. If an animal hibernates in winter, this ani

24、mal is a hibernator. The bear likes to sleep in winter. Does it hibernate in winter?Some scientists say bears are not real hibernators. First, the bears body doesnt get very cold in winter.Second, the real hibernator wake up very slowly when the weather becomes warm. But the bear wakes up easily and

25、 quickly. So these scientists say the bearsdenin winter. In other words, they just have a long sleep in winter. You know what, bears can go for 100 days without eating and drinking when they have a winter sleep!( ) 1. Are frogs real hibernators?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. They swim in th

26、e water.( ) 2. What does den mean?A. sleep for a short time B. sleep for a long time C. hibernate( ) 3. How long can the bears go without food or water in their winter sleep?A. About a year. B. About a season. C. About a week.十七、用一句完整的话回答问题。4%1. Whats your favourite food?2. Whats your school like?十八

27、、英译汉。你可以先在白纸上打草稿。15%英语原文汉语译稿WinterSnow falls,Like a pretty girlPlaying in the sky,Like a young womanDancing in a white dress.White here, white there.The grass looks like cream on the ground,Clean and bright.The trees look like clouds on the hills,Nice and white.Winter has the cold wind.Winter has th

28、e cold snow.Winter has the cold ice.It doesnt have many colours for the eyes.It doesnt have much food for the mouths.But winter is still happy.She is a motherWaiting to see her baby, The new fresh warm colourful spring._【小词典】bright:明亮的,明快的。grass:草,草坪。 2016年桐乡市小学生英语知识与能力竞赛答案一、ABACB二、DACAD三、DACBC四、如果有别的正确答案,也是可以的。 season季节;horse

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