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1、外研社初中英语单词总汇中英文版精1. table tennis 乒乓球2. in front of 在前面3. have got 拥有4. ice cream 冰激凌5. What about ? (询问其他人的情况怎么样?6. get up 起床7. go home 回家8. a pair of 一双;一对9. lots of 大量;许多10. a lot of 大量;许多11. on television 通过电视;在电视上12. think of 想出13. polar bear 北极熊14. switch on 接通;开(电灯、机器等15. take photos 拍照16. wait

2、 for 等待;等候17. the Great Wall 长城18. a good time 美好时光19. a lot 非常20. at home 在家21. hot dog 热狗22. at the moment 现在,此时23. look at 看24. See you later 再见。25. good night 晚安26. Spring Festival 春节27. get ready for 为准备好28. dragon dance 舞龙29. Lantern Festival 元宵节30. sweep away 扫去31. at work 在工作32. New Year 新年

3、33. New Years Eve 新年前夜34. all the year round 一年到头35. revise for 温习;复习36. have a picnic 吃野餐37. walk up 沿走;登上38. look forward to 期待39. do some sightseeing 观光40. get from to (从到达41. go sightseeing 去观光42. go cycling 去骑自行车43. go shopping 去买东西;去购物44. go out 外出45. in the future 在将来;在未来46. cable TV 有线电视47.

4、cell phone 移动电话48. satellite TV 卫星电视49. no one 没有人;无人50. get warm 变暖51. heavy rain 大雨;暴雨52. be good at 擅长53. take around 领(某人四处参观54. think about 思考;考虑55. bus stop 公共汽车站56. ferry terminal 客运码头57. be born 出生于58. primary school 小学59. go back 回去60. once upon a time (常用作故事的开头语从前 61. look around 向四周看62. c

5、hange into 变成63. go away 走开;离开64. at the age of 在岁时65. go through 穿过66. air force 空军67. on holiday 在度假;在休假68. do some shopping 买东西;购物69. play with 和一起玩70. write down 写下,记下71. pen friend 笔友72. each other 互相73. enjoy yourself 过得快乐74. all the time 总是;一直75. take off 起飞76. come true 成为现实77. more than 超过,

6、多于78. sell out 卖光79. roast duck 烤鸭80. space station 太空站;宇宙空间站 81. the latest news 最新消息82. space shuttle 宇宙飞船83. solar system 太阳系84. head teacher 校长85. get on well with 与相处(融洽 86. hear about 听说87. take part 参加88. drop out of school 退学89. in addition to 除以外90. go off (灯熄灭;停(电91. water skiing 水橇运动,滑水运动

7、 92. shake hands 握手93. nature reserve 自然保护区94. less and less 越来越少95. take place 发生96. from time to time 有时 97. compared to和比较98. best of all 最好的99. hang on 等一下 some cleaning 打扫卫生101.clear up 收拾102.take up 占用103.all the time 一直,总是 interested in 感兴趣 感兴趣 105.senior high school 高中e out 出版107

8、.as a result 结果 拿,举,持 108.hold the line 别挂断109.right now 现在110.feel like 觉得 the way 顺便说112.junior high school 初中113.far away 遥远的 afraid to do 害怕做某事 115.make friends with和交朋友 116.worry about 担心 that moment 在那时 by day 一天天 first 开始120. Dont mention it 不客气121.look down 向下看

9、122.close down 关上;倒闭,关上? camera 录像机e on 算了,停下;快点125. save ones life 挽救某人生命 126.all together 一起 the end of 在结束时128.take off sth. 卸掉 /拿走 /拔 least 至少130.pocket money 零用钱131.after all 不管怎样 sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 133.face to face 面对面的134. in ones opinion 以某人的观点,某人看来 135. as s

10、oon as 就 一就136.all over 遍布137.depend on 依靠138.count down 倒数139.get together 聚会140.a list of 一个列表 out 帮克服困难142. Mothers Day 母亲节143. on ones own 独自,自己e up with 想出145. give ones life to 献身于146.First World War 第一次世界大战 spite of 尽管 the end 最后149.take care of 照顾150. so that 如此以致151.go t

11、o college 上大学152. not at all 一点也不153.see sb. off 送别某人154.belong to 属于155.listen up 请注意156.get out of 从内出来157.look over 从上面看158.on the edge of 在的边上 the bottom of 在的底部160. Whats up? 什么事? far as 就来说;至于162. not any more 不再 away 潜逃,逃跑164.for a time 暂时,一度165.grow up 成长, 成长,长大成人 166.tal

12、k about 谈论167.get to v 到达;惹怒168.set up 建立169.first of all 首先170.finishing line 终点线 camera 数码相机172.see to 负责,注意173.make from 用制造 a time 一次 hand 手工(制造 the beginning of 在的开始 a way 从某种程度上讲 178.rather than 胜于179.CD-ROM 光盘驱动器 day 某天181.fountain pen 自来水笔,钢笔

13、llpoint pen 圆珠笔 attention to 集中注意力于 well 也 out 计算出186.try out 试出187.launch pad 发射台188.above all 首先189.drop in 顺便走访190. as as 同一样191.throw away 扔掉 about 关心193.instead of 代替,而不是194.air conditioning 空调 harm to 对造成伤害196. make a difference to 有影响 有影响 197.put up 挂起198.m

14、ade up of 组成, 组成,构成199.a number of 许多200. it takes to do 花费去做 201.have a look at 看一眼202.similar to 同相似203.water sports 水上运动204.on the left/right 在左边 /右边205.even though 即使206.over there 那边207.have a word with 和某人说几句话 the heart of 赢得的心209. ever since 开始 从开始 210.weight lifting 举重211.give up 放弃21

15、2.bump into 碰见213.junk food 垃圾食品214.along with 与一起215.thanks to 由于216.add to 向增加 增加217.make progress with 在进步 of interest 旅游胜地219.fill in 填写220.check in 登记221.departure lounge (机场的候机厅 222.set off 动身;出发223.get off 下(火车、公共汽车等 224.secondary school 中学 225. either or 要么要么 226.fall off 从跌落227.get married 结婚228. lead a life 过(某种生活 229.have on 穿着;戴着 assistant (音标 店员 231.keep to 沿着走232.lead the way 领路;带路233.fall asleep 入睡234.reach out 伸手去摸 order to 目的是 the role of 扮演角色 matter 无论238.stay in touch 保持联系239.role model 楷模 行为 楷模 ; 行为榜样

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