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1、7AUnit2同步讲义 学员编号: 年 级:初一 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 课程主题:7AU2授课时间:学习目标教学内容 内容1. 课后作业讲解一、同步知识梳理Unit 2 Our animal friends1. officer fis n. 官员;高级职员 【词性转换】office fis n. 办公室 A police officer came to help when our car broke down on the way. 我们的汽车在路上出了魔兵,一位警官帮了我们的忙2. society ssaiti n. 社团;协会 【词性转换】 social s

2、ul adj. 协会的;社会的 The Chemical Society of China 中国化学学会3. prevention privenn n. 预防;防止;防范 【词性转换】 prevent privent v. 预防,防止 Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗。4. cruelty kru:lti n. 残酷 【词性转换】 cruel krul adj. 残酷的,悲惨的 cruelty to children 虐待儿童5. someone smwn pron. 某人 【近义词】somebody smbdi pron. 某人,有人 Someon

3、e wants to talk with you. 有人想和你谈话。6. puppy ppi n. 小狗;幼犬 【提示】 dog一般用来指“成年狗”或表示狗的总称;puppy特指小狗,复数形式为puppies,类似地,cat表示“成年猫”或猫的总称,kitten表示小猫7. thirsty :sti adj. 口渴的 【词性转换】 thirst :st n. 口渴 I often feel thirsty when its very hot. 天热时我常感到口渴。8. lovely lvli adj. 可爱的;有吸引力的 The house has many large rooms and t

4、here is a lovely garden. 这幢房子有很多大房间,并有一个可爱的花园。9. as s prep. 作为,当作 She works as an interpreter in that company. 她在那个公司里担任口译员的工作。10. prefer prif: v. 更喜欢 【用法】 prefer A rather than B 宁愿A而不要B prefer A to B 喜欢A二不喜欢B;喜欢A胜过B Do you prefer coffee or tea? 你喜欢咖啡还是茶? I prefer coffee to tea. 我喜欢咖啡胜过茶。11. care k

5、n. 照顾;照料 【词性转换】 care v. 关心照料 The baby needs a lot of care. 这婴孩需要精心照料。 I dont care much about going to the party. 我不太想去参加晚会。12. take care of 照看;照料;照顾 【近义词】 look after 照看;照顾 Take care of your younger brother while I am away. 当我不在的时候,你要照顾好弟弟。13. booklet buklit n. 小册子 【近义词】 brochure bru n. 小册子14. specia

6、l spel adj. 特殊的;特别的 【词性转换】 specialist spelist n. 专家It is a very special place. 这是一个非常特别的地方。15. chew tu: v. 咀嚼 He cant chew without his false teeth. 没有加压他就嚼不动。16. basket b:skit n. 篮;筐;篓 【联想】basketball n. 篮球17. blanket blkit n. 毯子18. cave keiv n. 山洞;洞穴 The Stone Age family lived in a cave. 石器时代的家庭都住在一

7、个山洞里。19. guard g:d v. 守卫;保卫The guard in front of the gate is guarding the embassy seriously. 大使馆门前的这名卫兵正严肃认真地保卫着大使馆。20. blind blaind adj. 瞎的,失明的 He is blind in one eye. 他的一只眼睛瞎了。21. safely seifli adv. 安全地 【词性转换】save seiv v. 拯救 safe seif adj. 安全的 safety seifti n. 安全22. police pli:s n. 警方 【词性转换】 polic

8、eman n. 警方 【提示】police作“警察;警务人员”解释时,是集合名词,是复数概念。因此,谓语动词的使用要特别注意。 There were over 200 police on duty. 有200多名警察在值勤。23. thief i:f n. 窃贼;小偷(pl. thieves i:vz ) The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. 警察订下了捉贼的计划。24. missing misi adj. 失踪的 Two of our planes are missing. 我们有两架飞机下落不明。25. hunt hnt v. 猎

9、取;猎杀 【词性转换】 hunter hnt n. 猎人Young lions have to learn to hunt. 幼狮得学会捕食。重要句型1. Thats right. 说对了。 请注意Thats right, Thats all right, All right之间的区别。 Thats right意为“对的;答对了”,表示某人的观点正确,或是某人的回答与答案一致; Thats all right意为“没关系;不客气”,用于Sorry或Thank you的回答; All right与OK意思相近,意为“好的;好吧”,用于接受别人请求或建议等。2. Someone left thes

10、e puppies and their mother in the street. 有人把这些小狗和他们的妈妈丢弃在街头。 句中的left是动词leave的过去式,在本例中leave意为“遗弃;丢弃”。与之类似的用法有 Some people leave rubbish on the beach. 有人在海南上乱扔垃圾。3. They had no food or water. 它们没有吃的,也没有水喝。 no相当于not any。 本句可改写为:They didnt have any food or water. or用于否定句中连接并列成分,表示“和;与”之意。如: There isnt

11、any air or water on the moon. 月球上既没有空气也没有水。 【注意】肯定句中并列连词用and。在把含有and的肯定句改为否定句时,要记得吧连词and改为or。如:The students sang and danced in the park yesterday. 昨天学生们在公园里又唱又跳。4. I found them and took them to the SPCA. 我发现了它们,并把它们带到了SPCA。 take sb./sth. to some place是“把带去(某地)”的意思,其反义短语为bring sb./sth. to some place

12、“把带来(某地)”。试比较如下: Dont forget to bring your textbook to school tomorrow. 明天别忘了把课本带到学校来。 Dad took us to the museum last Friday. 爸爸上周五带我们去了博物馆。5. Would you like to keep one as your pet? 你们愿意饲养一只(小狗)当宠物吗? 本句中的keep是“饲养,养”的意思,与raise意思相近。 6. How to take care of your new puppy? 如何照料你家新来的小狗 take care of是“照顾;

13、照料”的意思,后接名词或名词短语、代词或动词的ing形式,如: You should take care of your health. 你应该注意自己的健康状况。(接名词) Hes old enough to take care of himself. 他大了,能照顾自己了。 (接代词) 7. Give him/her a basket to sleep in. 给他/她一个睡觉用的篮子。 在这个句子中,to sleep in是用来补充说明a basket的用途。 在课文中还有下面这个句子: The SPCA officer has given them a booklet to read.

14、 SPCA的官员给了他们一本小册子要他们阅读一下。 其中to read也是补充说明a booklet的作用。 8. Take him/her to a park or the countryside for a walk every day. 每天都带他/她去公园或乡下散步。 take.for a walk 意为“带去散步”。如: My grandparents always took me for a walk in the estate garden after dinner when I was in kindergarten. 上幼儿园的时候,祖父母常常在晚饭后带我在小区花园里散步。9

15、. Well need to buy a lot of things for our puppies. 我们需要给我们的小狗买很多东西。 本例中的need为实义动词,意为“需要,必须”。need to do sth. 意为“需要做某事”。当need做实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,其后接to的不定式。如: I need to do my home work now. 我现在就要做我的作业。 它的否定形式为not need to。如: I dont need to do my homework now. 我现在不必做作业。10. SPCA officers save animals from d

16、anger and take them to the SPCA. 爱护动物协会的官员们把它们从危险中解救出来,并把它们带回了爱护动物协会。 save.from.是“挽救以免与”的意思。 例题:I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案)( ) 1. We must try to keep animals _ danger. A. from B. in C. out D. away( ) 2. Cathy looked _ a sick dog well. A. after B. at C. for D. into( ) 3. The SPAC has got _ m

17、oney to look after the animals. A. a lot B. a great many C. a huge amount of D. a large number of( ) 4. We must promise to look after the animals _. A. good B. well C. nice D. happy( ) 5. Jane and Mary collected old newspaper to _ money for the SPCA. A. offer B. raise C. give D. take( ) 6. _ do you

18、take your pet to the clinic, once a month or twice a month? A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many( ) 7. Keep a pet at home is _. A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. funny( ) 8. The firemen _ a lot of people from the big fire last Monday. A. took B. brought C. saved D. carriedII.

19、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)1. We mustnt be _ to animals. (kind)2. The people are _. Do you want one? (love)3. Dog can help blind people walk across the street _. (safe)4. Look, the girl is _ and she is crossing the street _. (care) III. Rewrite

20、 the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1. The SPAC helps animals to find new homes. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the SPAC help animals to do?2. We saved a kitten from a farm in the New Town.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you save a kitten?3. We like the black and white dog better than the brown one. (保持句意基本不变) We _ the bla

21、ck and white dog _ the brown one.4. We should take care of animals. (保持句意基本不变) We should _ _ animal.练习答案:I. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. CII. 1. unkind 2. lovely 3. safely 4. careful, carefullyIII. 1. What does 2.Where did 3. prefer, to 4. care forIV. (A) 1. T 2.F 3. F 4. F 5. T (B) 1. A 2.

22、 B 3. D 4. A 5. D 易混淆词语辨析一、专题知识梳理1. 不定代词one用于泛指之前所提到过的人或物。可数名词的单数形式用one,复数形式用ones。 Look at the two mobile phones. Do you like the pink one or the white one? 看这两只手机,你喜欢粉色的还是白色的? I like the pink one. 我喜欢粉色的那只。【活学活用】选出正确的答案1. My watch doesnt work and I want to buy a new _. A. one B. ones C. it D. that2

23、. I would like to buy two bags. Do you like the red _? A. these B. those C. / D. onesKeys: 1. A 2. D2. prefer意为“更喜欢”,当用的形式有: prefer to do sth. 喜欢做某事 I prefer to have some noodles for lunch. 我午饭更喜欢吃些面条。 prefer + 名词/名词短语 I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。 prefer A to B 喜欢A更胜于喜欢B I prefer coffee to tea. 比起茶,我更喜

24、欢和咖啡。 该用法也同样适用于动名词:prefer doing A to doing B She prefers singing to dancing. 比起跳舞,她更喜欢唱歌。【活学活用】选出正确的答案1. We have apple pie and mango pudding. Which do you _?A. prefers B. prefer C. to prefer D. preferred2. All of us prefer _ to _.A. seeing a film.watching TV B. see a TVC. see a

25、ing TV D. seeing a TVKeys: 1. B 2. AI. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案)( ) 1. Do you remember when we first _ him? A. see B. sees C. saw D. seen( ) 2. Peter is ill. His mother has to stay at home and _ him. A. look for B. look after C. look out D. look at( ) 3. Dogs tell the blind person

26、 when it is _ to cross the road. A. save B. safe C. safely D. safety( ) 4. _ puppy would you like? I prefer the white one. A. Which B. What C. Whose D. How( ) 5. Dogs guard our homes and keep people _ danger. A. in B. for C. away D. from( ) 6. Dogs help the police _ thieves and find _ people. A. cat

27、ch.miss B. to catch.miss C. catch.missing D. to catch.missed( ) 7. He _ 5,000 English words since he was five. A. learn B. learns C. learnt D. has learnt( ) 8. Alice, I think we need _ a lot of things for our barbecue tomorrow. A. to buy B. buying C. dont buy D. boughtII. Complete the sentences with

28、 the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)1. We dont know if we can find the _ (miss) child.2. Hold the puppy _ (careful) with both hands.3. Mike always forgets feeding his dog. He is _ (kind) to his pet.4. What do SPCA _ (office) do to help animals?5. Jim helped the old man crossed th

29、e road _ (safe).III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1. Dogs ate meat too. (改为否定句) Dogs _ eat meat _.2. We can help the SPCA by asking other people to care for animals. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you help the SPCA?3. His parents like Chinese food better than western food. (保持句意不变) His parents _ Chinese food _ western food.4. The SPCA looks after animals in many countries. (保持句意不变) The SPCA _ _ _ animals in many countries.

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