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1、21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册unit3教 案授课单元21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 Unit 3本(章)节授课方式课堂讲授( ) 实践课( )教学时数6授课要点本 (章) 节 教 学 目 标1, 指导学生理解课文内容;了解人物Michael Jordan2, 熟悉课文的体裁,结构3, 教授学生掌握核心单词和短语的用法;4, 话题讨论,深化学生对本单元主题的认识.教 学 重 点 和 难 点1,approach, challenge, reasonable, exact, puzzle等词的用法2,课文解读,3,从形散的课文中提炼课文观点思考题或作 业1, Review the key

2、 expressions from the previous lesson. 复习上次课的重点短语,随机提问。2, Read Text B of this unit, and deepen your understanding of the theme in this unit. Share your reflections on this theme in class. 3, Review the new words and phrases of this text. Try to use them in your daily life. 4, Finish the reading and

3、listening tasks of this unit.教学内容与组织安排1st periodText A (Global Reading)2nd periodText A (Detailed Reading)3rd periodGrammar Review 4 th periodPractical Writing 5th periodText B6th periodImprove Your Reading Skills 1st period Text A (Global Reading) 1 Background InformationMichael Jordan was born on

4、February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, including two older brothers and an older and younger sister. Michaels dad worked hard at an electric plant while his mom labored

5、 full-time at a bank. Jordans parents worked hard to provide him and his siblings with a comfortable lifestyle.By the time Jordan was finishing his senior year at Laney, he had grown to 65” and attained a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina. Jordans ever-growing popularity b

6、egan at UNC where he made a last minute game winning shot in the NCAA championship game.Michaels talent and personality transcended the very lives of his fans. He single-handedly paved the way for off-the-court athlete endorsements a billion dollar industry today!2, Group Discussion1) Whats Michael

7、Jordans ultimate goal2) How did he approach his goals3) What did Jordan learn when he got cut from the varsity team in high school4) How did Jordan achieve his goal of becoming a starter on the varsity5) What did Jordan visualize each time6) What did Jordan gain every time he reached his goal7) What

8、 does the writer think of success3, OverviewNothing seek, nothing find (无所求则无所获), as the saying goes. Set a goal, try to approach it, and theres a good chance youll be successful. Talk to your classmates and tell them what your personal and professional goals are and how you achieved / will achieve

9、them.If you try as hard as you can and dont succeed, dont get down on yourself. Actually you will have some accomplishments along the way. Besides, not everyone is going to be the greatest at something. But you still can be considered a success.4, Understanding the TextWhat did he visualize each tim

10、eWhat did he gain every time he reached his goalWhat does the writer think of successWhy does he always set short-time goalsWhats the best way of accomplishing something2nd period Text A (Detailed Reading). Words and Expressionsprofessional a. of or belonging to a profession; earning money by playin

11、g a game, acting, etc.职业的;属于某专业的;职业性的approach 1. vt. move towards; come or go near(er) to; (begin to) deal with靠近;接近;(着手)处理;(开始)对付,对待 2. n. act of approaching; way leading to sth.; path; road; way of dealing with a person or thing 接近;途径;入门; (处理问题的)方式,方法challenge n. invitation or call (to sb.) to tak

12、e part in a game, contest, fight, etc. to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etc.; difficult, demanding or stimulating task 挑战;邀请比赛;艰巨的任务She refused to take up the challenge that was offered. Bringing up a child is a tough challenge most people will face.step by step: proceeding steadily from

13、 one stage to the next; gradually 一步一步地;逐步地He is improving step by step. Step by step he learned the rules of the game.level n. relative position in rank, class or authority 水平,级别catch up with advanced world levels 赶上世界先进水平Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with grammar.这一级别的学生往往会

14、有许多语法问题。sophomore n. student in the second year of high school or university(中学或大学的)二年级学生相关词汇:freshman 新生,一年级学生 junior 三年级学生 senior 四年级学生chemistry n. scientific study of the structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another, and how they behave under different cond

15、itions 化学taste. n. sensation caused in the tongue by things placed on it; sense by which flavor is known 味道,滋味;味觉 Taste is one of the five senses. 味觉是五种官能之一。2. v. be able to perceive (flavors); test the flavor of (sth.); have a certain flavor 能辨别(味道);尝,品尝;有某种味道 I can hardly taste what Im eating beca

16、use of my cold. Come and taste the coffee weve just made. look back: think about or remember things that happened in the past 回顾; 回想 When I look back I realize how happy my childhood was. 现在回想起来,我才意识到自己的童年是多么幸福。I enjoy looking back on my school days. 我喜欢回忆我的学生时代。work on: be engaged in 从事于,致力于 She wo

17、rks hard on keeping herself fit. 她努力保持身体健康。I worked all night on that article. 我整夜都在写那篇文章。reasonable a. (of people) ready to use or listen to reason; sensible; (of emotions, opinions, etc.) in accordance with reason (人)讲道理的;通情 达理的;(感情、见解等)合理的 He is a perfectly reasonable person. 他是个十分通情达理的人。He gave

18、a reasonable excuse for his being late. 对他的迟到他提出了一个正当的理由。build on: use as a foundation; rely on 以为基础;依赖 The companys success is built on its very popular washing machines. 这家公司的成功在于其生产的洗衣机非常受欢迎。The insurance business is built on trust. 保险业务是以诚信为基础的。come through: complete or endure sth. successfully

19、胜利,成功;安然度过 Most of the troops came through the fighting unharmed. 经过这场战斗,部队大部分士兵都安然无恙。 We dont know whether hell come through the operation. 我们不知道他能否安然通过这次手术。Mental a. of, in or to the mind 精神的;思想上的;内心的;存在于脑中的 mental power He made a mental note to remember to get the lock fixed. 他心中记住要请人修锁。otherwise

20、 conj. if conditions were different; if not 不然;否则 Lets go now otherwise well be late. 我们现在就走吧,否则就要迟到了。Its perfectly harmless, otherwise I wouldnt have done it. 这没有一点坏处,否则我也不会去干的。failure n. act or state of being unsuccessful; person, attempt or thing that fails 失败;失败的人(或事) As a writer he was a failur

21、e. 作为一个作家他是失败的。She had many failures before finding the right method. 经历了多次失败,她才找到正确的方法。puzzle1. n. question that is difficult to understand or answer; mystery; problem or toy that is designed to test a persons knowledge, ingenuity, skill, etc. 难题;令人费解的事;谜;测试智力、技巧等的问题(或玩具),智力玩具 I was in a puzzle as

22、to what to do next. 我很茫然,不知道下一步该做什么。I do the Times crossword puzzle every day. 我每天都做泰晤士报上的字谜游戏。2. vt. make (sb.) think hard; perplex 使(某人)苦思;使迷惑 I have been puzzling my head over this problem for weeks. 这个问题我已经苦思冥想了好几个星期了。His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行为使我迷惑不解。realistic a. based on facts rathe

23、r than sentiment or illusion; practical 现实的;注重实际的;实际可行的 a realistic attitude 实事求是的态度Our income has got smaller, so we must be realistic and give up our car. 我们的收入减少了,所以我们必须面对现实,不再用车。. Difficult Sentences1, I knew I never wanted to feel that bad again. I never wanted to have that taste in my mouth, t

24、hat hole in my stomach. 我知道我永远也不想再有那种糟糕的感觉,永远不想再品尝那种滋味,也不想再那么伤心。两个I never wanted 句式和三个that 在英语中被称为排比句式,起到强调的作用。2, Step by step, I cant see any other way of accomplishing anything: The sentence can be paraphrased in this way: The best way of accomplishing something is step by step. Or: I cant see any

25、 other way of accomplishing anything other than step by step. 此句可解释为:一步一步地走,这是最好/唯一的成功之路。3, Nothing wrong with that:This is an elliptical sentence. The complete sentence is “Nothing is wrong with that.” 这是一句省略句,主语Nothing后省去了is。3rd period Grammar Review 动词-ing形式与不定式的比较(2)有些动词能直接带不定式作它们的宾语,而不能带-ing形式,

26、如agree, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, learn, refuse, wish, fail, manage, neglect, offer, promise, threaten等。Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education. 在我的家庭中创造历史是我希望从大学教育中得到的又一样重要的东西。From a college education I plan to pursue hi

27、gher learning, to begin a career and to make history in my family. 我计划从大学教育中追求更高深的知识,开始一种职业生涯并在我的家庭中创造历史。One must learn to do such things as applying math skills as well as being responsible and independent. 一个人不仅要学会如何应用数学技能,还要学习成为负责、独立的人。He promised to keep the secret. 他承诺保守秘密。We tend to get caught

28、 up in everyday business and concerns and forget some of the things that are most important. 我们往往被日常事务缠住而忘记一些最为重要的事情。有些动词后面常跟“宾语+不定式”,这些动词包括allow, advise, ask, cause, consider, enable, encourage, force, invite, order, show, teach, tell 等。Though in great pain, he forced himself to exercise daily and

29、finally took a few painful steps.虽然疼痛难熬,但他仍然强迫自己每天锻炼,最后终于痛苦地走了几步。We invited Miss Smith to attend our party. 我们邀请史密斯小姐参加我们的晚会。Learning allows us to be familiar with our environment and everyone in it, and it allows us to maintain assurance of ourselves.学习让我们熟悉我们的环境和环境中的每一个人,它让我们对自己保持信心。Our teacher en

30、courages us to speak English whenever theres a chance.我们的老师鼓励我们一有机会就讲英语。有些动词后面可以跟“ 疑问词”(WH-word) + 不定式”,这些动词包括 ask, explain, imagine, learn, understand, decide, forget, know, remember, wonder 等。I didnt know what to call him. 我当时不知道该怎样称呼他。She had forgotten how to do it. 她已忘了如何做了。Its up to you to deci

31、de where to have the party.由你决定在哪里聚会。有些动词后面可以跟“宾语+疑问词+不定式”,这些动词包括ask, remind, show, teach, tell 等。I asked him what to do. 我问他该怎么办。Well show her how to use the dictionary. 我们会教她如何使用这本词典。Our teacher taught us how to write personal letters in English. 我们的老师教过我们怎样用英语写私人信件。4 th period Practical Writing Notes Asking for a Leave of AbsenceHow to write a request for a leave of absence An employee or a student who is going to be absent from his/her duties because of planned hospitalization or other personal affairs must make his/her request for

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