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1、m2u2m2u3龙列义修改版Module2 Unit2 Wish you were here 第一课时(Period1)考纲导航A. 写出下列单词1、冒险 2、安排 3、不同寻常的 4、不舒服的 5、供给、补给 6、使恐惧 7、让人疲劳的 8、没完没了的 9、沙漠 10、保护 11、看待、景色 12、出版 13、高耸;塔 14、形成 15、官方的 16、汹涌的、粗糙的 17、和谐,融洽 18、美 19、小说 20、宝石 21、阳光 22、探索 23、空气 24、牛 25、衣物 26、温和的 27、宣布 28、目的地 29、计划 30、王国 31、地点,场所 32、反射,反映 33、徘徊 B.写

2、出下列短语1.在黑暗中 2.救生衣 3.万一 4.提前 5.靠近地 6.期望 7.缆车 8.旅游点 9.争辩 10.的家园 11.在草地上 12.赢利的名声 13.寂静地 14.吓跑 15.骑骆驼 16.在晴朗的夜晚 17.延伸到天边 18.接近 19.确保 教材短语复习1. a sleeping bag 睡袋 2. be astonished at/by sth./sb. 对感到吃惊3. go white-water rafting 白浪漂流4. provide sth. for sb./supply sth. to sb. 提供某物给某人5. places of interest 名胜古迹

3、6. at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下7. tourist spot 旅游景点8. watch the beautiful sunrise on the mountain top 在山顶看日出9. endless natural treasures 无尽的自然珍宝10. be busy(in) doing sth. /with sth.忙于做某事11. go to university 上大学 12. travel on camels/by camel 骑骆驼旅行13. go on a trip 去旅行 14. follow the footprints of

4、追随的足迹15. get close to 靠近,离近16. scare the animals away 把动物吓走17. look forward to sth./doing sth. 欣然期待某事/做某事18. make a discovery/discoveries 发现19. make a fire 生火 20. lose ones way 迷路 21. run out /give out用完 22. hold a tourism festival 举行旅游节23. interview sb. about sth. 为某事采访某人24. in total silence 安静地,不出

5、声地25. stay young forever 永葆青春 26. reach to the sky 直通天空,延伸到天空27. at sunset/sunrise 在日出/日落时28.leave any viewer at a loss for words令任何参观者无言29. be surrounded by被包围30. live in perfect harmony with 与和谐共处31. on clear nights 在晴朗的夜里32. in the dark 在黑暗中;不知道,蒙在鼓里33. at dawn 黎明时分34. up close 靠近地,近距离地35. all on

6、es life 某人的一生,一辈子36. feed sb/sth on sth / feed sth to sb/sth 给(人或动物)食物;喂养37. be home to 之乡,的栖息地38. be covered with 被覆盖39. in case 万一,以防万一40. provide/supply sb/sth with sth 提供某人某物41. in the desert 在沙漠42. turnupside down 使颠倒43. tower over 远高与(周围的人或物)44. in total 总共,合计45 at its mildest 最为温和【习题训练】I. 用适当

7、的介词填空1. He lives close _ me, so we go to school together every day.2. The government calls on the whole country to provide children in the flood-stricken area _ food and clothes.3. Before going on the trip, she covered the furniture _ cloth to keep them from getting dusty.4. Ive heard that we can se

8、e beautiful stars _ clear nights.5. Can you imagine travelling alone _ camel in Sahara Desert? You wont get lost easily _ camels.6. The three generations live _ harmony _each other and they never quarrel about anything.7. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall. He towers _ all his classmates.8. He jumped with

9、 joy _ the news of his being admitted to the distinguished university.9. My uncle phoned to say that he would be _ a business trip to Hong Kong next month.10. The tourists stood _ silence and watched the flag being raised. Module2 Unit2 Wish you were here 第二课时(Period2)一.根据中文补全句子1.Well live with the

10、local people in their villages ,and eat and drink , including cow s blood!我们要和当地的村民生活在一起,他们吃喝什么我们就吃喝什么,包括喝牛血!2.Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, for the local people. 大自然给香格里提供了无尽的天然宝藏,使这块土地成为了当地人的幸福家园。3.You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, you fal

11、l into the water. 你得戴上头盔还要穿上救生衣,以防你落入水中。考点详解A.重点词汇1. Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local vt /n.提供,供给,供应品a supply of 大量的in short supp

12、ly 供应短缺supply sb with sth.供应某人某物supply sth to/for sb.供应某物给某人provide sb. with sth 提供某人某物provide sth. for sb.提供某物给某人offer sb. sth给某人某物offer sth to sb .把某物给某人offer to do sth.主动提出做某事即学即练He to help us. A. supplied B. provided C. offered D .saidThey are provided a supply of advanced Equipment. A. with B.

13、to C. for D. In2.Take a night train to Feng huang to view a traditional way of life知识讲解view vt.观看,看待 n.观点,风景view观点,风景(常指具体某一位置所看到的景色)scenery指自然风景,是不可数名词scene指自然风景,是可数名词,也常指有人在其中的活动场景sight指眼中所见的景象,也指旅游景点即学即练Standing at the top of the building, you will have a better of the city A. scene B. scenery C.

14、 sight D. viewLook at the boys playing in the field. What a happy !A. sight B. scene C. scenery D. viewIn my ,your success depends on your own efforts.在我看来,你的成功取决于你自己的努力。1.In September 1997,the government of Yunnan Province announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hiltons story.知识讲解announce宣布c

15、laim声称,自称;索要;认领;夺走(生命)declare宣告,宣称(正式)claim to be/to do/to have done/to be doing声称是/要做/已经做了/正在做claim that 从句 声称即为即练President Roosevelt war against Japan. 罗福斯总统对日本宣战The flood 50 lives.洪灾夺走了50条人命。The final result will tomorrow morning,明天早上将宣布最后结果The young man a famous doctor 这个年轻人自称是个名医So far, nobody

16、the bag I found yesterday 到现在为止还没人认领我昨天发现的那个包。2.In this peaceful land ,people live in perfect harmony with nature, far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.知识讲解harmony n 和谐,协调live in harmony with 与和谐相处harmoniously adv 和谐地即学即练Man should with nature.人类应该和自然和谐相处。3.Ive been quite busy arra

17、nging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.知识讲解arrange vt /vi 安排 arrangement n.安排arrange sth.for sb 为某人做某事arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事arrange to do.sth安排做某事即学即练 Dont worry too much about itIve a car to pick you up at the airport Aarranged for Barranged Cdone Dasked【习题训练】单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可

18、以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Dad, would you please take down that picture book on the shelf for me? It is out of my _.A. touch B. reach C. hold D. arrival2. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some just _.A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time3. He sat_ against the wall and listened to the teach

19、er_.A. close; close B. closely; closely C. closely; close D. close; closely4. Hearing the roar of the wild animals in the forest, he felt _.A. scary B. scared C. scare D. scaring5. Mr. Smith is a workaholic and he is always busy _ his office work.A. doing B. to do C. being done D. to be done6. You m

20、ust go all out to finish the task in time, _ it is very difficult.A. unless B. even though C. instead D. in case7. After the long _ walk, I felt very _, so I went to bed very early without doing the housework.A. tiring, tired B. tired, tiring C. tiring, tiring D. tired, tired8. Ill tell you _ I see

21、in my new school immediately I settle down there. A. whatever B. whenever C. However D. wherever9. A car knocked into a signpost and _ upside down. Luckily, the driver crawled(爬) out without being hurt. A. put B. turned C. sent D. made10. According to the rule of that company, all the workers are of

22、fered a _ medical examination for free once a year.A. normal B. usual C. regular D. common Module2 Unit2 Wish you were here 第三课时(Period3)1.The African part of our trip will take about four weeks我们将在非洲旅行大约4周。知识讲解take花费,需要(时间、耐心等)It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人一段时间 sthtakes sbsth某物花费某人多长时间 pay

23、money for sth为某物付钱 spend花费(时间、钱) spend timemoney(in)doing sth花费时间金钱做某事 spend timemoney on sth花费时间金钱在某事上 cost花费(钱);使某人付出代价 sth.cost(s)sb.money某物花了某人多少钱 cost sbsth使某人付出代价即学即练It will us one day to get to Shanghai去上海要花我们一天的时间。He all his time on his work他把所有的时间都花在工作上了。1he shirt him l00 yuan那件衬衣花了他100块钱。H

24、is laziness him his job懒惰使他丢了工作。2.We11 try to get as close as possible to the animal知识讲解 get close to接近(动作) bekeep close to接近(状态) standsit close to站坐得近其他常见的以介词to结尾的短语: look forward to期盼,期待 turn to翻到;求助于;转向 refer to涉及;提到 apply to适用于;向申请 pay attention to注意 addto把加在上 be devoted to专心于be used t0习惯于即学即练 W

25、hen you learn English,you should pay more attention to your speaking skills Aimprove Bimproving Cimproved Dbeing improved The man you referred to this termour new teacher Ais Bbeing C are Dto be3Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water 知识讲解in advance提前ahead

26、of time提前即学即练 Its cheaper if you book the tickets . Ain advance Bon time Cat advance Dof time4So Colin and l will make sure that we get plenty of rest知识讲解 make sure确保,保证 make sure that从旬(从旬中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时)即学即练 Before you leave the classroom,make sure that all lights . Aturn off Bare turned off Cwill

27、 turn off Dwill be turned offC重点句型 1Well live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do,including cows blood!我们要和当地的村民生活在一起,他们吃喝什么我们就吃喝什么,包括喝牛血!知识讲解句中whatever引导的是宾语从旬,whatever既可 以引导名词性从句也可以引导让步状语从句。 No matter what只能引导让步状语从旬。即学即练。 ,whatever you do,1 will be right her

28、e waiting for you无论你去哪里,不管你做什么,我都会在这里等你。 ,do it well无论你做什么,都要做好。Dont trust him, 。 Ano matter what does he say Bwhatever he says Cno matter what he will say Dwhatever he will say2Nature has provided Shangrila with endless natural treasures,making the land a happy home for the local people大自然给香格里拉提供了无

29、尽的天然宝藏,使这块土地成为当地人的幸福家园。知识讲解 making the land a happy home for the local people做结果状语,是自然而然的结果。出乎意料的结果要用不定式to do。 1 woke up only to find l was alone in a little room 我醒来结果发现我一个人在一个小房问里。即学即练His parents died in the road accident, an orphan(孤儿)A1eaving B1eave C1eft Dto leaveHe hurried to the meeting ,only

30、 the meeting was overAto tell Btelling Cto be told Dhaving been told3You have to wear a helmet and life jacket for protection,just in ease you fall into the water知识讲解 in case位于句首,相当于if“如果”;位于旬中,意 为“以防万一”,后接从句。也可以单独位于句末, 意为“以防万一”。 in ease of位于句首,相当于if“如果”;位于旬中, 意为“以防万一”,后接名词。in thisthatany case 在这种那种情况下;in no Case在任何情况下都 不,位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。即学即练 fire,press this buttonAIn case BIn case of CDes

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