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1、中考英语完形天天练系列综合类2018中考英语完形天天练系列综合类 阅读和完形填空是中考的2个重要部分,分值可达到总分的一半,多练习是阅读准确率提升的一个重要方法,从2017年10月开始,每天练习一道完形和阅读,在中考一定能取得胜利。本练习为2018年2月的练习,精选与2017中考模拟卷和中考卷,难度从易到难,有极大的价值。1、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。In China,safety education(安全教育)is becoming more and more important now.

2、The last Monday in March is for students to learn it at school.It helps students learn more about 1 they should do to keep themselves safe.What are the 2 at school?Take a look.stampedes(踩踏),earthquakes and forces are the main accidents at school. A stampede always happens in 3 places. When students

3、around you begin to push(推),just stand there and try to hold onto something.If you 4 in the crowd,move to one side and protect your head with your hands around. When earthquakes happen,you can get 5 a desk quickly and hold on. Itll protect you from failing things.If you are 6 , find a place away fro

4、m buildings, trees, and power lines(电线). When theres a 7 , leave the classroom quickly. Its better to put 8 over your mouth and nose.In this way,you wont breathe in smoke.Many people die in a fire,not because of the fire but smoke.It makes them 9 and they cant breathe.Thats very dangerous! 10 when y

5、ou want to get out,you should make yourself close to the floor.Then you can breathe some fresh air.( )1. A. how B. why C. who D. that( )2. A. accidents B.stories C. questions D. reasons( )3. A. busy B. crowed C.dirty D. Safe( )4. A. get lost B. become mad C. fall behind D. fall down( )5. A. on B. be

6、hind C. under D. Near( )6. A. outdoors B. indoors C. surface D. Something( )7. A. smoke B. fire C. flood D. drought( )8. A. anything wet B. anything dry C.something wet D.something dry( )9. A. cry B.cough C. shout )10. A.But B. What C. OrD. So2、完形填空阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Someo

7、ne says, “Time is money.” But I think time is 1 important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 , itll never 3 . That is 4 we mustnt waste time.It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make fu

8、ll use of our time to do 6 useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who 7 know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that washing time means wasting part of their own 8 .In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 9 todays

9、 work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 .1.A.much B.less C.much less D.even more2.A.cost B.boughtC.gone D.finished3.A.return B.carry C.take D.bring4.A.what B.that C.because D.why5.A.moneyB.time D.food6.A.nothingB.something C.anything D.every notB.does notC.did not D.do8

10、.A.time D.life9.A.stop B.leave C.let D.give10.A.lose C.spend D.take3、完形填空In these years, computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy (1)_ have changed into (2)_ game houses in order to get more money. These places a

11、re always crowded with (3)_ especially young boys.In the computer game houses, people (4)_ a lot of money competing with the machines. Its (5)_ for one to win a computer, but one can make progress after (6)_ again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology ( 赌博心理) when they play computer g

12、ames. The more they (7)_, the more they want to win. For school boys, they have no (8)_for their lessons. When class is over, they run to the nearby computer game houses. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not (9)_ enough to get the money. They begin to take a

13、way other students money and (10)_ thieves.( )1. A. rivers B. cities C. villages D. streets( )2. A. small B. big C. computers D. sports( )3. A. people B. person C. women D. girls( )4. A. take B. win C. use D. spend( )5. A. easy B. hard C. important D. beautiful( )6. A. drive B. to make C. trying D.

14、ran( )7. A. hope B. lose C. do D. make( )8. A. difference B. secret C. mind D. duty( )9. A. bad B. angry C. difficult D. lucky( )10.A. are B. look like C. become D. like4、完形填空 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。The lady with the white fence(篱笆)taught me to leave the gale to life open. .My husband die

15、d in an accident and I became very angry. I hated being alone. One day, as I was 1 down a busy street, I suddenly noticed a new fence around a house. I pulled off to really watch it. It was such a good 2 that I was deeply touched. I could not send 3 away. The fence still smelled of fresh paint.“Hell

16、o! I came up and said to a lady in the back garden, “I came to see the fence. Its so beautiful!“Oh! The fence is not there for me, the lady explained to me in a calm voice, “I live alone. _ 4 so many people pass by every day, and I think they may be pleased to see something really attractive. 5 stop

17、 like you and come up to have a chat. But werent you sad when they expanded (拓宽) the road and everything changed so much?Change is part of life and takes part in 6 us who we are. When something we do notlike happens to us, we have two choicesto become a 7 person or to become a better person.Her repl

18、y changed my life. I carefully left the gate open and drove on 8 a new feeling inside me. I could not tell 9 it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And 10 a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone

19、that came my way.( ) 1. A. walking B. riding C. driving D. running( ) 2. A. street B. paint C. house D. job( ) 3. A. it B. them C. myself D. her( ) 4. A. But B. ThusC. And D. As( ) 5. A. Few B. A few C. Everyone D. None )6. A. finding B. telling C. catching D. making( )7. A. fitter B. bitterC. smart

20、er D. sweeter( )8. A. with B. for C. to D. by( ) 9. A. when B. where C. who D. what( ) 10. A. beyond B. once C. insteadD. though5、完形填空。根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案。What does “self-control” mean? Suppose you have a ticket for an exciting film which you want to see very much, but unluckily

21、you have to study 1 an exam tomorrow. What will you do? See the film 2 study for the exam? If you can give up seeing the film and work hard at your 3 , it means that you have self-control. Self-control is not something that you have at birth. It needs to be cultivated(培养,改善) in your life.Often, youn

22、g children are easily 4 when their needs or wishes are not met at once. Almost daily, children see a lot of food, toys and activities that are attractive(引入注目的) to them. Many times children do not know how to 5 their frustration(挫折) when they are told “no” or “later”. Also, sometimes young children

23、do not understand 6 they are not allowed to do anything. In order to have positive(积极的) experiences at home and at school, children need to learn 7 to deal with their feelings when they cannot have something. These skills will increase childrens self- control.Dont go to bed late because of a nice TV

24、 program, or you may go to school 8 and it is a waste of time. Every one of us has some hobbies, a few of which may 9 us from making progress in life. We must use our 10 to become free of them.( ) 1. A. for B. at C. on D. about( ) 2. A. and B. with C. but D. or( ) 3. A. school B. lessons C. films D.

25、 listening( ) 4. A. happy B. upset C. tired D. excited( ) 5. A. begin with B. play with C. deal with D. do with( ) 6. A. what B. which C. why D. who( ) 7. A. skills B. lessons C. ways D. strategies( ) 8. A. early B. late C. on time D . slowly( ) 9. A. leave B. make C. stop D. push( )10. A. decision

26、B. energy C. knowledge D. self-control6、完形填空Keeping safe: not as hard as you think. Everyone is talking about bird flu. Yes, it is a very dangerous illness that could make people very sick. It will be 1 months still before we have good medicine 2 bird flu. But that doesnt 3 you cant do anything to p

27、revent(预防)it now. So far, all the people who have caught bird flu have been those who touched sick chickens or their 4 . So its a good idea for people 5 living chickens. “People 6 go to the markets to buy living chickens to eat, but now they have to 7 that habit(习惯),” said Peter Cordingley, a WHO expert(专家). But if you do touch a sick bird, remember 8 your hands carefully with soap 9 Exper

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