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1、药师英语 用药时间1.When to take medicine?何时服药?2.Take this medicine approximately 30 minutes before your meals.饭前30 分钟服药。3.Certain kinds of medicines should be taken before food enters the stomach.有些药物应该在空腹时服用。4.Take this medicine approximately 30 minutes after your meals.饭后半小时服用。5.Take this medicine about 1

2、 hour after your meals.饭后1小时服用。6.Take this medicine about 30 minutes before going to bed.睡前30分钟服药。.7.Take the medicine as needed.需要时服8.Medicines which are supposed to coat the stomach lining should be taken on an empty stomach.对胃粘膜有保护作用的药应在空腹时服用。9.Take one tablet after each meal and at bedtime.每餐后和睡

3、前服一片。.10.How long do I have to wait after meal?饭后多久服药?11. Take it between 30 minutes and 1 hour after each meal.饭后30分钟到1小时服药12.Take one tablet every morning after /before breakfast.每天早饭后/前服一片。 重点短语及词汇1. 30 minutes before meals.饭前30分钟2. Right after meals 饭后立即服用3.30 minutes after meals 饭后30分钟服用4.One h

4、our after meals 饭后1小时5.Two hours after meals 饭后2小时6.Medicines taken periodically 定时服用7.Before going to bed 睡前服用8.Medicines to be taken only once 顿服9.Anytime prior to dose 服药前10.Immediately prior to dose 用药前立即11.Anytime after dose 服药后12.Immediately after dose 服药后立即13.Take two tablets every six hours

5、.每6h 吃两片14.Once a day/ once daily 每天一次15.Twice a day / two times daily 每天两次16.Three times a day /three times daily 一天三次17.Take one capsule four times a day after each meal and at bedtime 一日四次,每次一粒,饭后和睡前服用18.Every eight hours 每8小时一次19.Take the medicine as needed 需要时服 20.nausea 恶心21.stomach upset 胃不舒服

6、22. Dry mouth 口干23.diarrhea 腹泻24.constipation 便秘25.sleepiness 嗜睡26.drowsiness 困倦27.headache 头痛28.lack of appetite 食欲不振29.plugged nose , stuffy nose 鼻塞 rash 皮疹,湿疹31.weakness, fatigue 乏力,疲劳32.on a diet 节食33.antibiotics 抗生素34.medicine for controlling blood sugar 控制血糖的药35.pain medications or pain

7、 pills 止痛药或止痛丸36.cough medicines 咳嗽药37.sleeping pills 安眠药38.Compound a medicine/ fill the prescription. 配药,配方,调剂39.Dispense a medicine .配药40.Administration of medicine. 用药途径41.Dispensing counter .调剂窗口42.Service counter 服务窗口43.Counseling counter 咨询窗口44.Hospital pharmacy.医院药剂科45.Pharmacist 药剂师46.keep

8、it in a cool and dark place. 阴凉处保存 not freeze it .不要冷冻48.keep it in a tightly closed container 密闭容器保存49.shake well before using 服用前摇匀50.instruction 说明书51.have a cold 感冒52.have a fever发烧have a high temperature发高烧slight fever 低烧53.have a headache 头痛54.have a flu 得了流感55. have a dry cough at midnig

9、ht 夜间干咳56.have a runny nose. 流鼻涕57.have a cough咳嗽58.body temperature 体温 专业名词1.Over-the-counter drugs OTC 非处方药 2.Prescription drugs 处方药3.Internal Use 内服4.Oral口服5.Powder 散剂6.capsule 胶囊剂7.pill丸剂8.Tablet片剂9.solution 溶液剂10.syrup 糖浆剂11.emulsion 乳剂12.sublingual tablet 舌下含片13.External Use外用14.inhalation 吸入剂

10、15.aerosol 气雾剂16.gargle含漱剂17.mouth wash漱口剂18.vaginal suppository 阴道栓剂19.nasal drop 滴鼻剂20.ear drop solution 滴耳剂21.eye drop 滴眼剂22.ophthalmic ointment 眼膏剂23.eye wash 洗眼剂24.ointment 软膏剂25.cream 乳膏剂26.lotion 洗剂27.intraarterial injection 动脉注射28.intravenous injection静脉注射29.intramuscular injection 肌肉注射

11、tracutaneous injection皮下注射31.subcutaneous injection 皮下注射 医生33.nurse护士34.Pharmacist 药剂师35.prescription 处方附:一到十:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 对话篇11.Please wait for a while till we can call your name.请稍等,一会儿我们会叫你名字。2.How long will it take?要等多久呢?3.We have many outpatients tod

12、ay, you might need to wait for over 10 minutes.因为今天门诊病人很多,所以你可能要等十分钟。4.Can I come back to get my medicines later on ?我可以过一会儿来取药吗?5.Yes, sure, please give your name and show your number ticket when you return.当然可以,你回来时,请出示你的名字和票号。6.Thank you very much,I will come back later.非常感谢,我一会儿就回来。 对话篇21.Excuse

13、 me, can you fill this prescription for me?劳驾,能给我取药吗?2.This is your medicines for today. 这是你今天的药。3.We will fill the prescription for you.我们将为你按处方取药。4.Your doctor prescribed three kinds of tablets for oral use and cream for external use.医生为你开了三种口服片剂和一种外用药膏。5.Can I come here for more if I run out of t

14、hese medicines?如果吃完这些药我还可以再来买吗?6.Well, we need a new prescription even if iss the same medicines.可以,但是需要重新开一张处方。7.Yes,certainly.当然可以。8.Your number light goes on when we finish filling your prescription.当你的药取好后,显示屏上会显示你的票号。 对话篇31.What can do for you?我能为你做什么?2.Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long

15、.对不起,让你久等了。3.You are welcome.不客气。4.This is your medicine.这是你的药。5.Are you feeling better?/ How are you feeling today?感觉好点没?/ 今天感觉如何?6.Not bad.还好。 对话篇41.This is your medicine.这是你的药。2.Whats the matter? / Whats your problem?/ Is these anything wrong?怎么了?3.What symptoms do you have?/ What are your sympto

16、ms?有什么症状?4.When did it start ? / When did it first appear ?什么时候出现的? 对话篇5 不良反应1.Do all medicines have side effects ?药物都有副作用吗?2.This medicine may make you feel sleepy or drowsy.这药可能会使你感到困倦和瞌睡。3.You had better take this medicine after meal to avoid the adverse effects.最后饭后服用,以避免药物不良反应。4.You may feel na

17、useous after taking this medicine .用药后可能会感到恶心。5.You may feel thirsty after taking this medicine.用药后可能会感到口渴。6.This medicine may give you an upset stomach.用药后可能会感到胃不舒服。 对话篇6 服药与喝酒1.Is it all right to drink alcohol when I am on medication?服药期间可以喝酒吗?2.There are a number of cases in which alcohol can tri

18、gger side-effects in some types of medication.关于酒精引起一些药物副作用的病例很多。3.Alcohol mixed with medicines for reducing blood sugar can cause the blood sugar level to drop drastically.如果降血糖药与酒精一起服用,可导致血糖水平急剧下降。4.If you drink which under medication for high blood pressure, the mixture can temporarily lower bloo

19、d pressure too far.如果服用抗高血压药同时喝酒,血压会一过性降得很低。5.When mixed with sleeping pills or tranquilizers, alcohol can cause dizziness and headaches.服安眠药、镇静药时同时喝酒,可引起头昏头痛。6.It makes you feel much more sleepy or drowsy.它将使你更加困倦、瞌睡。 对话篇 7 药物的服用1.Is these such thing as a vitamin overdose?像维生素可以过量服用吗?2.It is possib

20、le to develop problems related to excessive doses.过量服用时可能会引起一些问题。3.Mr.Li, these are your medicines of two weeks .李先生,这是你两周的药。4.Is it all right to stop taking medicines if I feel better ?如果我感觉好了,可以停止服药吗?5.Do not stop taking them suddenly without the approval of your doctor.没有医生的同意,不要突然停药。6.Keep takin

21、g it regularly until all is gone.要坚持服药,直到所有的症状消失。7.I see .知道了。8.I sometimes forget to take it when I dont have breakfast.有时我不吃早餐,就忘记吃药了。9.You should take this medicine everyday as directed.你应遵医嘱每天服用。10.If you miss a dose of this medicine, do not double the dose .如果漏服一次,下次服用时药量不要加倍。 对话篇8 用药史过敏史1.Mr.l

22、i, have you taken this capsule before? 李先生,你以前服过这种药吗?2.No, I think its the first time for me.没有,我想这是第一次吧。3.I have never taken it before. It is the first time for me .我是第一次服用这种药,以前没有吃过。4.Are you allergic to any medicines ?你对药物有过敏史吗?5.I may be allergic to penicillins.我可能对青霉素过敏。6.Have you ever been told that you are allergic to penicillins by your doctor?医生曾经告诉过你对青霉素过敏吗?7.Have you ever had a rash on your body due to any medicine?你有没有服药后出现皮疹的经历?8. No.I have never noticed any.没有,我从来没有注意过。9. Have you ever had any problems after taking medicines ?你服药后出现过身体不适吗?10.None at all.没有。

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