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本文(新教材学年外研版英语必修第二册培优教程练习Unit 6 Earth first Period Ⅲ.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新教材学年外研版英语必修第二册培优教程练习Unit 6 Earth first Period Ⅲ.docx

1、新教材学年外研版英语必修第二册培优教程练习Unit 6 Earth first Period Period Developing ideas课前自学导引Whats really green?什么是真正的环保?我们大多数人都知道我们必须保护环境,并且我们大多数人都采取措施来节约能源,减少浪费和污染。但最近,一些“绿色真理”被证明只有一半是真的,甚至完全是假的。这里有一些常见的例子。哪些是真正环保的?纸质购物袋比塑料袋好。塑料袋会造成垃圾,对野生动物是一种危险,野生动物会误把塑料袋当作食物。塑料需要几百年才能分解,而纸张需要的时间则要少得多。正因为如此,人们认为纸袋是更好的环保选择。然而,制作纸袋


3、粮食生产,而不是运输。在某些情况下,即使考虑到运输,当地农产品所消耗的能源和产生的温室气体也可能比在很远地方种植的农产品要多。?淋浴比泡澡好。这取决于你淋浴的时间和你的浴缸有多大。如果你淋浴时间超过8分钟,你将用掉和在浴缸洗澡时一样多的水大约50升水。因此,关键是尽量缩短淋浴时间。环境意识现在是日常生活的一部分。但值得审查一下常见的想法和观点,看看什么是真正环保的。课堂合作探究1amount n. 数量,数额vi. 合计;总计(P68)归纳拓展(1)a large amount of不可数名词,谓语动词用单数large amounts of不可数名词,谓语动词用复数no amount of 即

4、使再大(或再多)的(也不)any amount of 无数的,大量的(2)amount to 合计;等于A_large_amount_of money was spent on the new building.Large_amounts_of money were spent on the new building.建这座新大楼花了很多钱。The total cost of repairs amounted_to $100. 修理费用总计达100美元。(1)单句语法填空A large amount of water _ (waste) every day.Large amounts of w

5、ater _ (waste) every day.Their annual income amounted _ 90,000 yuan last year.答案:is wastedare wastedto(2)单句写作再多的金钱也比不上那样的记忆。_ can equal memories like that.答案:No amount of money2remove v. 移走,搬走,去掉;脱去;摘下;开除,解除(职务)(P69)归纳拓展remove . from . 把从移开remove from . to . 从搬迁到remove sb. from school/office/ones po

6、sition 开除/免职remove ones clothes 脱下某人的衣服remove ones doubt 消除某人的疑惑The student removed his jacket and began to remove the ink in it.那个学生脱掉夹克,开始除去上面的墨水。The company has_removed_from London to Oxford.这家公司已经从伦敦搬迁到牛津。Teenagers shouldnt be_removed_from_school although they dont do well in studies. 即使青少年们在学业上

7、做得不好,也不应该被学校开除。易混辨析remove, move相同之处两词都有“移动,搬动”之意,表示“迁居,搬家”时二者均可区别remove强调完全放弃原来物体所处的位置而到达新的地点,remove还可以表示“开除、消除、除去”等意思;move强调“移动、搬动”,指事物位置和姿态的改变形象记忆(1)单句语法填空She removed my name _ the name list.He _ (remove) from the company yesterday.答案:fromwas removed(2)选词填空(remove/move)First, she _ the dishes from

8、 the table. Then she asked her husband to _ the table.答案:removed; move3urge v. 竭力主张,强烈要求,敦促n. 强烈的欲望;冲动;迫切的要求(P71)归纳拓展(1)urge sb. to do sth. 力劝某人做某事,敦促某人做某事urge that . 敦促/力劝(从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“should动词原形”,should可省略)(2)have all urge to do sth. 有做某事的欲望/冲动(3)urgency nU 紧急,紧迫urgent adj. 紧急的;急切的He urged his p

9、arents to_approve_of his marriage.他强烈要求父母同意他的婚事。I urge_that you (should)_be_accustomed_to acquiring knowledge from the Internet as soon as possible.我劝你尽快习惯从互联网上获取知识。They have_a_strong_urge_to_learn to read and write.他们迫切地要求学习读写。单句语法填空More and more people urge the government _ (do) more for the disab

10、led.Many concerned Chinese have repeatedly urged that immediate actions _ (take) to improve the traffic situation.They forecasted an _ (urgency) storm warning.答案:to do(should) be takenurgent4concerned adj. 焦急的,担忧的;关注的,关切的(P71)归纳拓展(1)be concerned about/for 担心,关心be concerned with sth. 与某事有牵连as far as

11、Im concerned 就我而言,依我看(2)concern nU 担心;关切 C 关心的人(或)事vt. 涉及,参与;(使)担忧show/express ones concern for/about . 对表示关心/担心(3)concerning prep. 关于;有关Im_concerned_about the future of wildlife in Africa.我很担心非洲野生动物的未来。I am not concerned_with that matter any longer.我和那件事情不再有牵连了。As_far_as_I_am_concerned,_he is the r

12、ight man for this job. 我认为他是做这份工作的合适人选。He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。名师点津concerned用作前置定语时,表示“焦急的”“担忧的”;用作后置定语时,表示“有关的”“有牵连的”。(1)单句语法填空His mother is always concerned _ his future and his happiness.You should pay attention to questions which are concern

13、ed _ personal problems.答案:about/forwith(2)单句写作依我看,健康和财富对我们生活都很重要。_, both health and wealth are important to our life.答案:As far as I am concerned5contribute v. 促成,造成(某事发生);捐赠,捐献;(为报纸、杂志、电台或电视节目)撰稿(P72)归纳拓展(1)contribute . to . 把捐献给contribute to 为做出贡献;有助于,增进;导致;给投稿(2)contribution n. 捐献;贡献;投稿make contri

14、butions to 对做出贡献More and more people are willing to contribute food and clothes to the homeless people.越来越多的人愿意为无家可归的人捐献食物和衣服。His visit contributed_to a better understanding between the two countries.他的访问有助于增进两国之间的了解。Yuan Longping made_great_contributions_to the development of agriculture.袁隆平为农业的发展做

15、出了巨大的贡献。(1)单句语法填空His bad eating habits might have contributed _ his heart disease.He made a very positive _ (contribute) to the success of the project.答案:tocontribution(2)单句写作老一辈革命家为国家的独立做出了巨大的贡献。The revolutionists of the older generation _ the countrys struggle for the independence.答案:made great co

16、ntributions to6average adj. 平均(数)的n. 平均水平,一般水准(P72)归纳拓展on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说below average 在平均水平之下,低于平均水平above (the) average 在平均水平以上,高于平均水平On_(the/an)_average,_there are 3,000 visitors to the museum every day.平均每天有3,000名游客参观博物馆。Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0

17、.68 above_the_average.去年是有史以来最暖和的一年,全球温度比平均水平高出0.68摄氏度。Temperatures are below_average for the time of year.对一年中的这个时候来说,气温低于平均温度。单句写作一般来说,不吸烟的人比吸烟的人更健康。_, people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.今年的降雪量低于平均水平。The amount of snow this year is _.汤姆的功课在一般水平之上。Toms work at school is _.答案:On

18、(the/an) averagebelow averageabove (the) averagetake . into account 把考虑进去(P69)归纳拓展(1)take . into accounttake account of 考虑到,把考虑在内(2)account n. 叙述;描写;报道;账单;账户v. 说明;解释;占(一定数量或比例);认为是give an account of 对进行描述on account of 因为,由于on no account 决不(位于句首时句子用部分倒装)account for 解释,说明;(数量/比例上)占When judging his per

19、formance, we should take his age into_account.评价他的表演时,我们应该把他的年龄考虑在内。The policeman gave_an_account_of the traffic accident.警察叙述了交通事故的经过。Innocent people get into trouble on_account_of others misfortune.城门失火,殃及池鱼。On_no_account should we give up the plan.我们决不放弃这个计划。The women teachers account_for 30% of

20、all the staff in our school.女教师占我们全校职工的30%。单句语法填空Can you account _ how the money got into your bag?He has a bad name _ account of his dishonesty.We should take the interests of the whole _ account._ no account must you accept any money if he offers you.答案:foronintoOn1However, making a paper bag uses

21、 four_times_as_much_energy_as making a plastic bag and up to three times the amount of water. 然而,制作纸袋所消耗的能源是塑料袋的四倍,水的消耗量是塑料袋的三倍。(P68)剖析本句中four times as much energy as是倍数表达的常用形式,其结构为: . 倍数as many/ . 归纳拓展常见的倍数句型:(1) . 倍数asadj./adv. 原级as . (2) . 倍数adj./adv. 比较级than . (3) . 倍数性质名词(the size/lengt

22、h/height/depth/width)of . This room is three_times_as_big_as that one.This room is three_times_bigger_than that one.This room is three_times_the_size_of that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。名师点津表示“两倍”时,用twice或double,三倍或三倍以上则用“基数词times”来表达。句式中表示倍数也可用分数、百分数、half等其他程度状语。一句多译为迎接2022年北京冬季奥运会而修建的体育场将是现在的三倍大。The new sta

23、dium built for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be _ the present one.The new stadium built for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be _ the present one.The new stadium built for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be _ the present one.答案:three times as big asthree times bigger thanthree tim

24、es the size of2But its_worth_checking common ideas and opinions to see whats really green. 但值得审查一下常见的想法和观点,看看什么是真正环保的。(P69)剖析本句中is worth checking为“be worth doing”结构,意为“值得做”,其中动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。worth为表语形容词,常用well修饰。归纳拓展(1)be worth(2)be worthy值得做(3)It is worthwhile to do/doing sth. 值得做A bird in the hand

25、is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。The matter is_worth_consideration/considering.The matter is_worthy_of_consideration/being_considered.The matter is_worthy_to_be_considered.It_is_worthwhile_considering/to_consider the matter.这件事情值得考虑。语境串记Li Bai was a great poet in the history. His poems are_worth_

26、reading. Even many foreigners come to study his poems. They think the famous poems are_worthy_of_being_studied_and_appreciated. In their eyes, it is_worthwhile_to_put much energy into it. 李白是历史上一位伟大的诗人。他的诗值得一读。甚至有许多外国人来研究他的诗歌。他们认为这些名诗值得研究和欣赏。在他们眼里,这值得投入大量精力。一句多译这个地方值得一游。This place is worth _.This pl

27、ace is worth _.This place is worthy of _.This place is worthy of _.This place is worthy _.It is worthwhile _ this place.It is worthwhile _ this place.答案:a visitvisitinga visitbeing visitedto be visitedto visitvisiting.单词拼写1Switch the camera into the automatic _ (模式)答案:mode2How to use _ (电) safely ha

28、s become general knowledge in our village.答案:electricity3How much does the advertising _ (活动) cost?答案:campaign4The _ (担忧的) mother stood at the gate, waiting for her son to come back home.答案:concerned5Its more convenient to eat in the _ (食堂)答案:canteen6His words gave us the f_ impression that he would lend us money, but he would not.答案:false7There is a need for us to buy a watersaving d_.答案:device8You should take a s_ phone with you in case your present one is out of power.答案:standby9The capacity of this bottle is one l_.答案:litre10He spent a large a_ of time in New

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