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1、纠错笔记英语之阅读理解主旨大意和猜测词义(完成)I、主旨大意:主旨大意题是高考阅读理解中不可缺少的阅读题型之一,而且难度比较大。细分起来,主要考查学生对文章的中心思想、作者的态度以及写作意图等的理解能力。本文结合近几年高考试题(保留原题号)来谈一谈主旨题的一些特点及解题技巧。 一、设题方式 考查文章的中心思想 The main idea/key point of this passage is that_ . The passage is mainly about _. From the passage we can learn/conclude that_ . Which of the fo

2、llowing statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 考查文章标题的选择 The best title/headline for this passage is_ . Which of the following is the best title? What would be the best title for the text? The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is_ . 考查作者的写作态度和意图 What is the authors

3、 main purpose in this passage? The writers purpose in writing this story is_ . In the passage the author wants to tell_ . The writers attitude toward . is_ . 二、干扰项特点1. 以偏概全。干扰项只阐述了文章的一部分内容,也就是文章的局部信息。 2. 断章取义。干扰项常常以文章中的个别信息或个别字眼作为选项的设置内容,或者以次要的事实或细节冒充全文的主要观点。3. 主题扩大。干扰项所归纳、概括的范围过大,超过文章实际所讨论的内容。4. 张冠

4、李戴。命题者有意地把属于A的特征放在B的身上,构成一个干扰项。考生不注意的情况下,会造成错选答案。 5. 无中生有或似是而非。有的干扰项中的关键词语好像在文章中谈到了,但认真分析之后你会发现这类干扰项的内容与文章的内容毫无联系。 三、解题指导1.分清主次,抓住主干,找出主题句。主题句是归纳表达文章中心思想的句子,它的出现有四种情况: 1)主题句在开头主题句出现在段落或文章的开头部分,起着开宗明义点明主题的作用,它可以使读者一开始就明白文章所讲的内容主旨而支撑句则使用一些具体的人、物、数字或具体的步骤来阐述或论证主题,常伴有 for example i.e. that is first seco

5、nd finally once another time for one thing 等词。 例如: 【考例分析1】71. The passage is mainly about . A. honour and writers B. identity and signature C. signature and responsibility D. anonymity and signature 【答案】C【解析】考生可以快速浏览每段首尾两句来确定每段的主题句,从而确定文章的主题句。例如文章首段就举例引出名字和责任的关系,从最后一句Responsibility is the name of th

6、e game可看出;第二段和第三段分别举出两个反例来论证,注意两段的开头的关键短语to accept responsibility for the relationship和remain anonymous for various reasons。最后一段总结,与首段形成照应。A项是断章取义。命题者利用最后一段中的honour来命题,从而设置干扰项。B、D两项是以偏概全。Identity和anonymity只是在第三段提及。【考例分析2】60. What is the text mainly about? A. The research into war history. B. The fin

7、ding of a forgotten hero. C. The pilots of the two world wars. D. The importance of military studies. 【答案】B【解析】文章讲述由一张旧报纸上的照片重新发现英雄McKayde过程以及对McKay的了解和评价,所以B项正确。文章首段便是主题句。A项断章取义,文章只是提到了一战,并非讲述历史;C项似是而非,命题根据文中的pilot来设题迷惑考生,实际上只是讲述了一战时的一位飞行员;D项无中生有,根本没有提及军事研究的重要性。【考例分析3】45. What is the passage mainly

8、 about? A. The changes of the authors attitude to her mothers English.B. The limitation of the authors perception of her mother.C. The authors misunderstanding of “limited” English.D. The authors experiences of using broken English. 【答案】A【解析】文章讲述的是作者对母亲的broken English由开始的“认为是不完美的(imperfect)” 到后来逐渐认识

9、到母亲的语言“内涵丰富”的一个变化过程。首段点明主旨,末段最后一句与之形成照应。B、C两项均以偏概全。B项是对第二、三段的概括,C项是对最后一段的概括。D项是张冠李戴,实际上是作者的母亲的经验。2)主题句在结尾用归纳法写的文章,其结构是表述细节的句子放在前面,概述性的句子放在后面,并以此而结尾,所以结尾的句子起着总结归纳画龙点睛的作用,多伴有so thereforethus in short as a resultthat is why 等词。例如: 【考例分析4】71. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Music education dese

10、rves more attention.B. Music should be of top education priority.C. Music is an effective communication tool.D. Music education makes students more imaginative.【答案】A【解析】文章强调音乐教育的重要性,应当引起人们的广泛关注。最后一段的“So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.”是主题句。B项无中生有,文章没有提及top educatio

11、n priority;C项是以偏概全,只是第四段的大意;D项是断章取义,命题者以第四段中的imagination为出题依据来迷惑考生。 【考例分析5】75. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Science and its applications bring us many dangers.B. The development of science mostly lies in peoples attitudes.C. Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.

12、D. The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas.【答案】B.【解析】文章主要讲述了科学向好的方向还是坏的方向发展主要由人的态度决定。最后一段点明主旨; A是项以偏概全,是第四段的大意;C项也是以偏概全,是第二段的大意;D项断章取义,命题者根据文中的dangerous 和idea来出题迷惑考生,而实质上并没有表达这样的意思。【考例分析6】68. What is the text mainly about? A. Fish dieting and human dieting. B. Dieting and hea

13、lth. C. Human dieting. D. Fish dieting. 【答案】D【解析】本文主要讲述了鱼类保持身体瘦小的原因。末段首句是文章的主题句。A项主题扩大,文章开始使用了人类瘦身与鱼类瘦身相类比,目的在于引起读者的兴趣,但不是文章叙述的主要内容。B项无中生有,文章并没有提及health。C项断章取义,文章只是用human dieting来衬托fishing diet。3)主题句在中间主题句出现在文章中间的情况通常是文章的开头部分提出问题,陈述细节,导出主题句,然后再进一步用细节支持说明主题句在文章中间的主题句通常起着承上启下的作用例如: 【考例分析7】56. The auth

14、or of the text mainly_. A. describes the activities of a law-breaker B. suggests an ideal way to travel C. argues against the air-courier travel D. tells us about a developing business 【答案】D 【解析】本文大意是介绍一个新型的职业航空投送员。第六段最后一句点明主旨,即:“It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier,

15、but it is quick.”。文章开头举例以引起读者的兴趣,最后一段介绍这种新职业的发展情况。值得注意的是:有些文章和段落无明显的主题句,只是暗示性地体现主题这就要求考生在阅读过程中,根据文章中所叙述的事实或提供的线索来概括和总结文章的大意 2.理清层次关系,,选出最佳标题标题是文章中心思想的精练表达,多为一个名词词组,短小明了,函盖性强做这类题目时,要在阅读全文的基础上,把握好层次关系。注意选项的归纳范围要恰如其分,干扰项往往是局部信息,是某一小节或文章里的某一句。所以我们在解题时要反复推敲,把概括范围过窄或过宽的选项过滤掉。例如: 【考例分析8】75. Which of the fo

16、llowing would be the best title for this passage? A. Saving Energy Starts at Home.B. Changing Our Habits Begins at WorkC. Changing Climate Sounds ReasonableD. Reducing Emissions of CO2 Proves Difficult 【答案】A【解析】本文作者说明人们从日常生活的细节做起,从自己家庭开始,一点一滴着手保护环境。文章首段最后一句是文章的主题句。接下来三段讲述的是个人节约能源的方法。B项是断章取义。末段最后一句提到

17、了B项内容,但只是说明这是节约能源的方法之一;C也是断章取义,文章虽然提到个人的行为也能改变气候,但这并非主题;D项是无中生有,文章并没有提到此项内容。3.抓住关键词,判断作者意图 作者在描述事实或传递信息时,不管他的意图是什么,其观点和态度都不可避免地在文章中反映出来常见的涉及到作者态度的词有褒义类此(approving, positive, optimistic,等),贬义类词(critical, pessimistic, doubtful, questioning)和中性类此(indifferent, serious, objective, concerned, neutral)。这就要

18、求考生在阅读时应特别注意文章的措辞,尤其注意那些表达感情色彩的形容词如improving, encouraging, disappointing, fail, ignore等,以及作者对人物语言行为和思想的描写,从中领悟作者的写作意图和态度例如: 【考例分析9】65. The author intends to _ A. make consumers aware of the promoters false promises B. show the weakness of the law on product safety C. give advice on how to keep young

19、 and beautiful D. introduce the organization of FDA. 【答案】A【解析】通读全文可知,作者的目的是让消费者注意虚假的承诺。注意第四段第一句中的关键短语nothing more than money-making things, dangerous to health以及文章最后一句都能体现作者的意图。B、D两项都是以偏概全;C项无中生有,文中根本没有提及。【考例分析10】68. The main purpose of the text is to tell parents_.A. how to get along with a teenage

20、rB. how to respect a teenagerC. how to understand a teenagerD. how to help a teenager grow up 【答案】D【解析】本文主要讲了作为父母,我们应该如何帮助孩子成长。首段最后一句是主题句。注意这些关键词句:give your child.; teach your teenager; expect a lot from child等,这些都表明了作者写本文的目的。A项主题扩大,和孩子相处包含很多内容,而文章所讲只是其中的一个方面;B项以偏概全,在第二段最后提及,并非主题句;C项是无中生有,文章没有提及。总之,

21、主旨大意类题虽然综合性强,对考生的能力要求较高,但只要我们掌握了一定的解题技巧,在读懂读透文章的基础上,仔细对比四个备选项之间的内涵与外延之间的差异,定能准确地找出正确答案。II、词意猜测我们在阅读英语文章以及学习英语的过程中,经常会遇到生词或者词组。这个时候,大家往往需要通过查字典才能理解文章的意思。其实,如果我们掌握了一些技巧的话,我们可以通过构词法或者上下文猜测出词义,这样既能学习新单词,还能省去查字典的麻烦。 总体来说,推测生词含义有两种方法,一是通过词根词缀来猜测;另一个就是通过上下文来判断。1.通过词根词缀推测生词的含义 在英语中一个基本词根加上各种不同的词缀构成不同词性或不同词义

22、的单词,叫衍生词。一般前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性。例如:act v. 做(词根) active adj. 积极的;活跃的tell v.说;告诉(词根) retell v. 重复;复述前缀un- 不unhappy (不高兴的)re- 又;再;重新replay (重放)dis- 否定;除去dislike (讨厌;不喜欢)后缀gold (黄金) golden (金色的)friend (朋友) friendly (友好的)use (使用) useful (有用的)danger (危险) dangerous (危险的)2.通过上下文推测生词的含义 通过上下文推测生词含义的方法有4种:同义法、反义法、逻辑

23、法和常识法。同义法 利用解释推测生词的意思。(1) 用动词或词组be, mean, refer to给出前面生词的含义。例如:Equipment refers to the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity. (equipment设备)You know what a siddur is? Its a Jewish book. (siddur犹太教的祈祷书)(2) 通过举例的方法给出生词的含义。例如:After a day of hunting, Harold was ravenous. He ate two

24、bowls of soup, a salad, a large chicken, and a piece of chocolate cake before he was finally satisfied. (ravenous饥饿的)(3) 通过生词后括号内或者破折号后的内容给出生词的含义。例如:He got a score of love in the tennis match (his score is zero). (a score of love参加比赛时,一方得零分)(4) 通过生词的同位语或定语给出生词的含义。例如:Hes a barber. Thats to say, a per

25、son whose job is to cut mens hair.(barber理发师)反义法 在阅读过程中,如有表示转折的词,如but , though, however和表示对比关系的词或表达unlike, different from, on the contrary等出现,那就表明这些词语的前后就是两个完全相反的概念。例如:Unlike her pesky sister, Joan is a lovely girl. (pesky讨厌的)Friendship is a priceless thing. If Chris puts a price, or conditions, on

26、her friendship, its no longer priceless. In fact, its not really friendship at all! (priceless无价的)逻辑法 利用句子间的类比、因果、递进等逻辑关系推测生词的含义的方法。表示类比的词或表达有similarly, in the same way等;表示因果关系的词或表达有as a result, therefore, because, due to, in order to等;表示递进关系的词或表达有and then, even, in fact等。例如:Water is added to the li

27、quid in order to dilute it. (dilute冲淡,稀释) The games postponement was because of bad weather.(postponement推迟)常识法 利用科普知识和生活常识推测生词含义的方法。例如:The snake slithered through the grass.(根据蛇的生活习性的知识,我们推断出slither的词义为爬行。)3.考查猜测词义的提问方式有:1. The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means _in Chinese.2. The

28、 underlined word in the fifth paragraph means _in Chinese.3. The word in the second paragraph can best be replaced by _.4. The word s in the middle of the passage is the closest in meaning to _.纠错排误 易错点1、只见树木不见森林,误把细节当主题 No one knows for sure when advertising first started. It is possible that it gr

29、ew out of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or foucs, on doing one specific job Lets take a man well call Mr. Fielder, for example. He did everything connected with farming He planted seeds, tended the fields, and harvested and sold hiscrops. At the same time, he did many oth

30、er jobs on the farm However, he didnt make the bricks for his house, cut his trees into boards. make the plows(梨), or any of the other hundreds of things a farm needs. Instead, he got them from people who specialized in doing each of those thingsSuppose there was another man we shall call Mr.Plowrig

31、ht. Using what he knew about farming and working with iron, Mr. Plowright invented a plow that made farming easier. Mr. Plowright did not really like farming himself and wanted to specialize in make in greatly good plows. Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will trade what they grow for one of my plows.How did Mr. Plowright let people know what he was doing? Why, he advertised

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