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1、导游业务应变能力50个问题导游业务应变能力50个问题 1、由于客观原因,旅游团要提前离开某地。地陪导游员应做好哪些工作? (1)尽量抓紧时间,将计划的参观游览安排完成。若有困难,地陪应有应变计划,突出本地最具代表性。最具特色的旅游景点,使旅游者对本地旅游景观有一个基本的了解;(2)向旅行社报告与饭店车队联系,及时办理退房、退餐。退车事宜。(3)及时通知下一站,做好变更接待计划安排。Try best to complete the original schedule, if should be shifted, highlight the locals most representative a

2、nd unique sites, let the tourists have a brief understanding of locals sitesReport the agency and contact with coach, deal with the cancellation of housing, meal and coachNotify the next stage, change the schedule2、地陪导游员应如何防止漏接事件发生,(1)认真阅读接待计划,对旅游团抵达的日期、时间和接站地点等要亲自核实清楚;(2)核实交通工具到达的准确时间。(3)提前半小时到达接站地

3、点,等候团队的到来。Read the schedule carefully, confirm the reaching date, time and venue of the tourist groupConfirm the exact reach time of the transportationWait the group at the stop half an hour in advance3、地陪按计划和预定时间到机场接一个日本旅游团,可是没有接到这个团。你做为地陪应如何处理(1)立即与旅行社联系,查明原因;(2)如果推迟时间不长,地陪可留在机场等候。(3)如果推迟时间较长,地陪应按

4、旅行处的安排、重新落实接待事宜。Contact the agency and find out the troubleLocal guide wait at the airport if the delay is in a short timeLocal guide should rearrange the schedule by the agency if the delay is long4、如果发生了错接事故,应如何办理?如果错接发生在同一家旅行社接待的两个旅行团时,经旅行社同意,地配可不再交换旅游团,但全陪应交换旅游团,并向游客致歉,如果错接的是另一家旅行社的团时,地陪和全陪应立即向旅

5、行社汇报,设法尽快交换旅游团,并向旅游者说明情况并致歉。If these two groups are accommodated by same agency, local guides can continue their jobs without exchanging under the agencys permission, while national guides are notIf these two groups are accommodated by different agencies, local guides and national guides should repo

6、rt the agency and try their best to exchange the groups and explain and apologize to the tourists5、何谓误机事故?应怎样处理?由于某种原因或旅行社工作失误造成旅行团没有按原定班次离开本地区而导致暂时性的滞留叫误机。游客乘近班次离开本站或者采取包机和其他交通工具前往下一站。Since some causes or agencys mistake, the tourists group did not leave as original schedule and the group stays tem

7、porary. The tourists take the nearest flight or charter flight or other means of transportation to next city.6、如何防止误机事故发生?(1)地陪和全陪应提前做好离站交通票据的落实工作,核对并确认日期、班次、时间。目的地等。带团期间要随时与旅行社联系,询问班次有无变化;(2)临行前,不安排旅游团到围广、地域复杂的景点参观游览,不安排团队到热闹的地方购物或自由活动;(3)安排充裕的时间去机场,保证旅游团按规定时间到达离站地点,按时登机。离开本站Local guide and nationa

8、l guide should confirm the transportation tickets in advance, including date, number, time and destination etc. Contact the agency during the tour for asking the change of the flightsDo not arrange the group to visit the sites with vast space and complicated situation, and do not arrange the group f

9、or shopping or free activities before the leavingKeep enough time for the group to the airport, confirm the group leave at original time7、你带一新加坡教育界旅游团。突然团员女士跑过来对你说,她的护照丢失,你做地陪如何处理?(1)安慰女士,请其仔细回忆可能丢失地点,积极协助寻找,(2)确认丢失后,办理手续如下:A根据女士申请,由旅行社出具证明;B持证明到当地公安机关报失,由公安机关出具证明;C持公安机关证明和女士照片到新加坡驻华使、领馆补办新护照;D领到新护照

10、后再到我国公安机关办理签证明手续;(3)费用由女士自理Console Lady Li, let her recall the missing belongings place, assist her to find the missing objectAfter confirming it is missing, follow the procedures as: a. the agency makes the testimony by Lady Lis application; b. report the local police station with the agencys testi

11、mony, then the police makes the testimony; c. go to the embassy or consulate of Singapore for the new passport with Lady Lis photo; d. go to the Chinese police administration for the new visa with the new passportThe expenses incurred are on Lady Li8、一名法国游客在我国旅游期间所带财物被盗。导游应如何处理?(1)确认被盗后,应立即报告旅行社,公安机

12、关和保险公司,协助查找线索,力争破案;(2)若找不回被盗物品,导游应协助失主持旅行社出具的证明到当地公安机关开具失窃证明书,以便回国出关查验或保险公司索赔;(3)安慰失主,缓解他的不快情绪。Report the agency after confirming be stoned, call the police and the insurance corporation to assist find the clues and try the best to solve the caseIf the missing objects cant be found, tour guide shoul

13、d assist the owner of lost property to police for losing testimony with the testimony by the agency, facilitate the processing of customs on the way back home and insurance corporations claimsConsole the tourist, relieve his unpleasant emotions9、在千山旅行创览中发现有一名游客走失,你作为地陪应如何处理?(1)了解情况,讯速寻找。一般情况下是由全陪和领队

14、带人分道去寻找,地陪带领其他游客继续游览;(2)向千山风景区和当地公安派出所报告,请求援助;(3)向旅行社报告,必要时向公安机关报案;(4)与饭店联系。询问走失者是否已回到下塌饭店;(5)若是未找到旅游团可按计划时往返住地,导游可与领队、全陪商量留下两个人继续寻找,待找到后可搭乘其它车辆返回宾馆;(6)做好善后工作,找到走失者后,导游要问清走失原因。如属于导游责任,地陪应向走失者道歉,责任在走失者,应对其安慰,提醒以后注意。Get the information, search the tourist instantly. Under regular situation, national g

15、uide and leader with relatives search the tourist respectively, local guide continue the tour for the rest touristsReport the Qianshan Scenic and local police station for helpReport the agency, and report the police if necessaryContact the hotel for asking whether the lost tourist in it or notIf the

16、 tourists cant be found, the rests return to the hotel and leave two persons to continue the searching, and return to the hotel after the appearance of the touristDeal with the remedial work, tour guide should clear the reason why the tourist lost. If because of guide duty, local guide should apologize to the tourist; if tourists duty, he should be consoled an

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