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1、如何跟老外用英文聊电影如何跟老外用英文聊电影如果你刚刚认识一位外国朋友,聊什么好呢?聊食物?聊爱好?聊历史?似乎都不是那么合适,该和对方聊什么来break the ice(打破沉默),电影是个不错的选择,毕竟大部分人都看过好莱坞大片。小编整理了一些讨论电影常会问到的问题,注意文章中的表达哦!Movie Genres电影种类Lets start with what type of movies you like. Do you like thrillers, science fiction, comedies, romantic comedies (or romcoms), westerns,

2、costume dramas, horror, animated, action, historical, musicals, chick-flicks (just like chick-lit in books, chick-flicks deal with women issues and tend to be light-hearted fun)?让我们先从你喜欢的电影种类开始。你喜欢惊悚片、科幻片、喜剧片、浪漫喜剧片、西部片、古装剧、恐怖片。动画片、动作片、历史片、音乐电影还是女性电影(就像书中描写的年轻女性一样,女性电影关注女性问题,并且基调轻松愉快)?Do you prefer b

3、lockbusters or independent (indie) films? I prefer indie films and I especially look out for foreign films as I find that they deal with themes in a more honest and direct way than a lot of American films that are often just crowd-pleasers (more interested in attracting large audiences than communic

4、ating an important message through film).你是更喜欢大片呢,还是更喜欢独立电影?我比较喜欢独立电影,而且我会常常找一些外国电影来看,因为相对于美国那种更重视迎合大众口味而不是传递某种讯息的电影来说,外国电影对待主题更加诚实,更加直接。What makes a good movie for you?你认为好的电影应该具备什么?Do they have to be action-packed, have fantastic special effects, be a tear-jerker, realistic, heart-warming, be a fe

5、el-good movie, hilarious, scary, keep you on the edge of your seat, have a great plot, be an emotional roller-coaster, have great acting, have a fabulous soundtrack, breathtaking scenery, be informative? Can you think of other qualities that make a memorable movie?电影需要有动作戏,超凡的特效,催泪弹?还是电影要比较现实,感人,让人感

6、觉愉快?好笑,恐怖,刺激,情节好?情感起伏大,演员表演好,原声音乐赞,景色好,有内容?你还能想到其他好电影应该具备的品质吗?The people involved in making a movie the film crew拍电影涉及到的人电影团队Well for starters, theres the cast leading actor and actress, the supporting actors and actresses. There are some actors and actresses who are just so brilliant that I will se

7、e them in any movie regardless of the reviews Dame Judi Dench, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr to name a few.对于入门级影迷,应该知道演职人员男主角、女主角、男配角、女配角。有些演员简直太棒了,无论他们出现在哪部电影中,哪怕电影口碑不好我也会去看的比如朱迪丝奥莉薇亚、梅丽尔斯特里普、汤姆汉克斯、小罗伯特唐尼等等。Then theres the director, producer, screenwriter, director of photography, stun

8、tmen and thousands more.然后是导演、制片方、编剧、摄影导演、特技演员等等。Where do you like to watch your movies?你喜欢在哪看电影?Do you prefer to see your movies at the cinema (on the big-screen) or on DVD? Perhaps, you download your movies from Lovefilm or Netflix?Do you rent movies or buy DVDs?你是喜欢在电影院(大银幕上)看电影,还是喜欢DVD?或者从电影网站Lo

9、vefilm和Netflix上下载?你是租电影看,还是买DVD?If you go to the cinema to watch films, do you buy a big bucket of popcorn with a fizzy drink? Do you like to watch the trailers before the film starts? Do you find that there are too many trailers?如果你去电影院的话,你会买一大袋爆米花和汽水吗?在看电影之前你喜欢看预告片吗?你不觉得预告片剧透太多了吗?Do you like matin

10、ees or the evening shows?你是喜欢看午场呢还是夜场呢?And finally最后What was your favourite movie in 2013 and why?2013年你最喜欢的电影是哪部?为什么?My absolute favourite film so far in 2013/2014 is 12 Years a Slave. The story is heartbreaking and brutally honest and the leading actors performance is outstanding. The film is a powerful portrayal of slavery that is told bluntly without shielding the audience. No matter how difficult, this is a must-see movie.2013到2014年间我最喜欢的电影绝对是为奴十二年。这部电影非常感人,而且真实,男主角的演绎实在是太好了。在这部电影有力地描述了奴隶制度,而且直率不遮掩。无论多难,这都是必看的电影之一。天津尚赫保健用品有限公司 嵃吀夻

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