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本文(车辆设计毕业论文外文翻译伊卡洛斯一款概念车的设计过程节选.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、车辆设计毕业论文外文翻译伊卡洛斯一款概念车的设计过程节选3622汉字,2200单词,12400英文字符出处:Simes J A O. Icarus: the design process of a conceptual vehicleJ. Materials & Design, 2001, 22(22):251-257.外文翻译伊卡洛斯:一款概念车的设计过程J.A.O.Simoes*阿威罗大学机械工程学研究室,阿威罗3810-193,葡萄牙2000.05.02认可,2000.10.18使用摘要一款概念原型车的设计和制造过程描述如下。这个项目是阿威罗大学的学生以及艺术学院设计师的共同协作的成果。








9、境改造学研究完成。最终最佳的几何外形是建立在对驾驶员的视野可见度的研究的基础之上确定的,研究包括驾驶姿势和驾驶命令的可到达度(手和脚)。对于这些研究,驾驶员的体位图像是计算机合成的,如图.2和图.5所示,它们的设计原则都要尽量减少汽车的尺寸从而减轻汽车的重量。驾驶员的可见度是建立在从车辆正前方到两侧90度内的直接能见度的基础上的。模型允许改变驾驶员的腿定制了一个人体工程学座位。为了这个目的,座位的几何尺寸是通过把驾驶员以驾驶姿势放置在汽车的驾驶室里而按照那个原尺寸而定的。座位是手工用液体的聚氨酯制造的,然后再涂一层环氧树脂然后再盖上一层柔软的泡沫和绵纸。图3 伊卡洛斯的渲染图像3原型车制造在概


11、传统材料和先进的复合材料的选择。事实上,材料的选择是活的理想形状的一个重要因素。如图.1所示的设计过程,包括对概念的定义,三维CAD模型,人类环境改造学研究,比例模型的制造,设计和底盘的制造,车身(驾驶室),传输驱动列车,制动系统和转向系统,发动机的改装和适应,空气动力学测试,电子和遥测技术的实施。底盘是汽车上的一个重要结构件,可以由复合材料来制造或者传统的管状焊接结构体系来制造。但是由于汽车的几何形状,要用复合材料技术来制造车辆。图4 车辆正投影图5 车的1:10模型和驾驶位置底盘和驾驶室的结构是使用先进的复合材料与CAD/CAM冲模技术相结合而制作的。汽车的结构件是根据它们的结构的重要性而

12、区分的,因此对于这些汽车上的这些考虑部分制造了不同的冲模。这些战略包括模具的制造部分,这些模具是用低密度(100kg/m3)的聚氨酯泡沫材料制造的。对于用磨具制造的汽车部件的考虑因素如图。6所示。 制造了四个模具即底盘,驾驶室车身,前后盖。驾驶员的事业区域的表面材料是以丙烯酸材料作为磨具的。由于数控机床(的限制磨具是分部分来制作的,由几部分模具来共同形成这个完整的磨具。.结论伊卡洛斯是在艺术学院和设计纽什的计算机实验室诞生的,在那里概念设计被转化为基于人体工程学基础研究上的计算机模型。在阿威罗大学的机械工程系学院的车间里变成了原型车。设计研发的过程考虑了汽车的功能和美学特征,也综合考虑到了材料


14、后勤和财政支持的赞助商们。外文原文Icarus: the design process of a conceptual vehicleIntroductionMaterial is something that is known to common people. And design? For different people, design can mean different things. Common people do not realize how the design process of a certain object can be materialised from id

15、ear concept to the manufacturing of it. While some people associate design to the aesthetics of products, others, the word design means a project that integrates complementary different and related areas of knowledge. Design can be the process of converting an idea into information necessary to manu

16、facture a product w1x. For a mechanical engineer, design can be defined as the application of scientific principles, technical information and imagination on the definition of a product system to perform pre-defined functions with maximum economy and efficiency w2x. The responsibility of the designe

17、r covers all the design process, from conception to product instruct tions, and its interest maintains throughout the life expectancy of the product w3x. Following Charles and Crane, design is a complex process aiming at the specification of everything necessary to make something w4x. The process ca

18、n be characterized by four attributes w5x: function; aesthetics; manufacturing process; and cost. Three of these four essential design features were considered in the design process of the conceptual vehicle, namely function, aesthetics and manufacturing process. Due to the defined objectives to be

19、achieved within the Icarus project, the cost parameter was not considered as a relevant parameter in the design process of the vehicle. Shell France has organised over the past few years a fuel economy competition called the Shell EcoMarathon. The competitions objectives are to test vehicles conceiv

20、ed to minimise the consumption of fuel in common thermal motors and stimulate the research and development of prototype vehicles. Within thecompetition a design prize is awarded w3x. This award isessentially based on the integration of the designsaesthetics within the manufacturing process. Consis-t

21、ions, and its interest maintains throughout the life expectancy of the product w3x.Following Charles and Crane, design is a complex process aiming at the specification of everything necessary to make something w4x. The process can be characterized by four attributes w5x: function; aesthetics; manufa

22、cturing process; and cost. Three of these four essential design features were considered in the design process of the conceptual vehicle, namely function, aesthetics and manufacturing process. Due to the defined objectives to be achieved within the Icarus project, the cost parameter was not consider

23、ed as a relevantparameter in the design process of the vehicle. Shell France has organised over the past few years afuel economy competition called the Shell Eco-Marathon. The competitions objectives are to test vehicles conceived to minimise the consumption of fuel in common thermal motors and stim

24、ulate the research and development of prototype vehicles. Within the competition a design prize is awarded w3x. This award is essentially based on the integration of the designs aesthetics within the manufacturing process. Consis- to be developed have well-defined objectives. Throughout the developm

25、ent of the project we experienced the dedication and enthusiasm of the students and the recognition that they have learned extra engineering skills such as materials science, structural mechanics, CADrCAM,electronics, telemetry, fluid mechanics and design communication.The objective of this paper is

26、 to describe the development of a conceptual vehicle, from conception to prototype manufacturing, which involved different designrengineering areas of knowledge. Fig. 1 shows the different design tasks idealised for the development of the vehicle. Only those related to the conceptual design, materia

27、ls selection and manufacturing of the chassisrbodywork _cockpit., which correspond to the grey zone, are described.2. The conceptual designThe Greek mythological story of Icarus and Daedalus is a universal well-known story. Within the story, the method used by Daedalus and son Icarus to escape from

28、the labyrinth and therefore from King Minos is described. Idealised by father Daedalus, they built themselves wings by bonding feathers with wax, and attached them to their bodies and flew out of the labyrinth over the sea. Icarus, by flying too close to the sun, melted the wax fastenings and fell i

29、nto the waters below. Within the story, the wing was the element used to achieve an objective. The wing, as a concept, has always fascinated man throughout history and has been extensively studied by many investigators since Leo- Wireframe computer model of the prototype vehicle _Icarus.nardo da Vin

30、ci. He was the first man to consider thepossibility of flight from a technical point of view, by studying the flight of birds and their anatomy, and his notebooks contain many sketches showing designs for flying machines, usually operated by flapping wings w6xFig. 1. Identified design areas.Fig. 2Wi

31、reframe computer model of the prototype vehicle _Icarus.As said elsewhere, the vehicle developed is a conceptual one, based on the wing concept, which is intimately related to the aerodynamics principle of lift, which presupposes weight reduction and attrition to the soil when in movement. After pre

32、vious studies and sketches drawn, the geometry of the vehicle was modelled using Studio V8.0 computer-aided design software _Alias Wavefront, Silicon Graphics. Fig. 2 shows a wireframe model of the vehicle and pilot. A computer image rendering a perspective of the vehicle and its orthographic projections is shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.Two models at a scale of 1:10 were machined from polyurethane _UreolW. material to analyse the vehicles Fig. 3. aesthetics and volumetric dimensions, which were then optimised based on the pilots ergonomic

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