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1、八年级英语下册第三单元复习题 八年级英语下册第三单元复习题八年级英语下册第三单元复习题IListening prehensin(A)Listen and nuber the pitures1 2 3 4 5(B)plete the harth hat were they ding in the park yesterday ? hat did they d when it began t rain ?ld lady 1. 3.ver her headld en sitting and talking up andhildren 2. fast as they uldIIVa

2、bularyFill in the issing letters in these wrds1hats the weather like there? Its ld and w .2hat was he ding? He was king d .3Lets g t a ball gae t .Srry, I antI have t study this evening4hile the alien was visiting the useu, the by alled the TV s .5The by was walking dwn the street when a UF l .IIIhs

3、e the rret answers()1She said she was having a party fr ary SaturdayAn Bin at Dfr()2I n the phne when a friend went int a barbers shpAtalked Bwas talking talk Dis talking()3hat abut re trees t keep the air lean?At plant Bplant planting Dplanted()4hen the UF tk , the girl was in the shpAut Bff n Dup(

4、)5It will be t wrk ut this prble in se yearsAenugh easy Beasily enugheasy enugh Dvery easily()6Hw I was at that tie!Asurprised Bsurprise surprising Dsurprise()7I a srry yuve issed the trainIt ten inutes agAleft Bwas leaving will leave Dleaves()8 hn was walking t shl, he saw a at in a treeABeause BSi

5、ne hile DIf()9y ther ften asks e earlyAget up Bgt up getting up Dt get up()10She said she a paper kite at 7: 00 yesterdayAakes Bis aking will ake Dwas akingIVFr sentenes1when, he, ding, what, was, arrived, UF, the2a, unusual, n, Sunday, I, very, had, experiene3fllw, see, please, hi, ging, when, is,

6、he, t4was, t, ut, get, bed, diffiult, it, f5abut, utside, statin, he, think, lking, didnt, theVhse the right wrds t fill in the blanksI had a very unusual experiene n SundayAt 1 ten lk in the rning, I was walking dwn the street when a UF 2 right in frnt f eyu an iagine hw 3 it was! An alien 4 ut and

7、 walked dwn entre StreetI fllwed 5 t see where it was ging, and was very 6 when it went int a suvenir shphile it was lking 7 the suvenirs, the shp assistant 8 the plieBefre the plie arrived, the alien left the shp and then 9 the useu f Flighthile the alien was in the useu, I alled the TV statinIsnt

8、that 10 !( )1Aall Bleast first Darund( )2Atk ff Blanded flew Dstpped( )3Ahappy Bstrange exiting Dupset( )4Agt Buped libed Dran( )5Athe Bhi it Dthat( )6Aexited Bexiting surprising Dsurprised( )7Afr Bat ut Dafter( )8Aalled Basked shuted Dvisited( )9Aae Bwalked visited Dwent( )10Afunny Bfantasti disapp

9、inting DaazingVIReading prehensin(A)In alst every big university in the United States, ftball is a favrite sprtAerian ftball is differentPlayers seties kik the ball, but they als thrw the ball and run with itThey try t take it t the ther end f the fieldThey have fur hanes t ve the ball ten yardsThey

10、 an arry it r they an thrw itIf they ve the ball ten yards, they an try t ve it anther ten yardsIf they ve it t the end f the field, they reeive six pintsIt is diffiult t ve the ballEleven en n the ther tea try t stp the an with the ballEah university wants its wn tea t winany thusands f peple e t w

11、athThey all shut fr their favrite teayung en and wen e n the field t help the peple shut reThey dane and up while they shutEah tea plays ten r eleven gaes eah seasnThe seasn begins in Septeber and ends in NveberIf a tea is very gd, it ay play anther gae after the seasn endsThe best teas play again n

12、 anuary 1, the first day f the New yearany peple g t see these gaes and any thers wath the n TV()1The passage talks abut .AftballBhw t play ftballAerian sprtsDAerian ftball()2e an the ftball in bth Aerian ftball and serAkik Bthrw run with Dath()3hy is it diffiult t ve the ball? Beause .Aten yards is

13、 a lng wayBany en n the ther tea try nt t let the ball e nearthe playing field is very largeDeleven en have t ath the ball ne by ne()4If they , they will play n anuary 1Areeive six pintsBplay eleven gaes in the seasnare the best teasDve the ball t the end f the field()5any peple e t wath ftball and

14、they want their tea t winhih f the fllwing is NT their behavir?AupingBDaning rying DShuting(B)r. Hill arrived at Lndn Airprt, at the end f a three-week hliday in FraneUsually he wre a beardSine it was ht there, he tk it ffBut his passprt pht shwed hi with his beardAn ffier lked at the pht fr a ent,

15、and says, “ill yu exuse e? Please sit dwnI wnt keep yu lng” ith this, he walked away, shwed the pht t a send ffier, and said, “I knw that fae” The send ffier lked at the passprt and asked where r. Hill ae frhen he heard that r. Hill arrived bak fr Paris, the send ffier siled and said, “An Englishan

16、with a beard stle a painting in Paris n Friday, and that an lked ust the kind f an. ”Suddenly it ae t the first ffierHe returned the passprt t hi and asked, “Did yu teah at the N2 High Shl?” hen r. Hill answered, in surprise, that he did, the first ffier siled and said, “I thught sI ak Sithyu taught

17、 e Frenhyu havent hanged a bit”()1r. Hill .Aae bak fr the airprtBwas n his way t Parisspent three weeks in Paris befre he went t FraneDhas been in Frane fr three weeks()2r. Hill .Ahad a beard n his fae but nt in his phtBgrew a beard while he was n hlidayhad a beard in his pht but nt n his faeDtk his

18、 beard ff lng befre he went n hliday()3The first ffier was sure .Ar. Hill stle the paintingBhe saw the fae in the pht befrehe knew the send ffiers faeDa an withut a beard stle the painting()4The send ffier said that .Ar. Hill stle the paintingBa an with a beard, fr Frane, stle a painting in Englisha

19、n Englishan tk his beard ff and stle a paintingDa an with a beard, fr England, stle a painting in Paris()5r. Hill taught .Aak Sith Frenh at the N2 High ShlBak Sith t be a first ffierat the N2 High Shl in FraneDFrenh se years ag and his nae was Sith, nt HillVIIritingulia和ane是双胞胎下面是她们上周末的时间安排表,请你描述一下她

20、们上周末的生活。(字数60左右)Tieuliaane9: 0010: 0 d hewrk study fr the test10: 0011: 0 play sprts d hewrk12: 001: 0 have lunh have lunh2: 004: 30 g shpping g shpping4: 306: 0 study fr the test study fr the test三、相关信息The Beruda TriangleThe three pints f the triangle (三角形)knwn as “the Beruda Triangle” are Beruda,

21、Flrida and Puert RiFr 1945 until the present day ver 1,000 lives have been lst in this area withut trae (痕迹,踪迹) n bdies have ever been fund!The st rearkable (显著的)lss was a grup f six US Navy planes in 1945Five f these were n a training flight fr Frt Lauderdale Naval Air Statin when they seeed t lse

22、their way and siply disappearany sall bats and light airrafts have vanished (消失)in this areaBut s have large shipshat akes these lsses even re ysterius (神秘的)is the fat that hardly SS signals are ever reeived fr the ships and bats whih disappearAls, these things happen in gd weather and withut warnin

23、gShips ust see t vanish int thin airThis fat has led se peple t suggest all srts f strange explanatinsFr exaple, se peple believe that the planes fly int a “hle in the sky” fr whih they are unable t esapethers think that the ships that have disappeared have been the vitis (牺牲)f beings fr uter spae w

24、h have snathed (攫取)the fr the surfae f the sea and taken the t se unknwn wrld!re reasnable peple say that the large nuber f lsses in this area an be explained re siplyThey say that the extree weather nditins whih ur in this part f the wrld are the reasn why s any ships and planes disappear in this a

25、reaFr instane, huge freak (反常的,奇异的)waves an fr quite quikly and these an rush (压碎,碾碎)a ship befre it has tie t esapeAls watersputs are fund in this areaThese are siilar t ylnes (过滤器)but beause they are ver the ean they fr a great lun f water whih an be ver 60 eters highThey uld destry a sall ship r

26、planeSe peple pint ut that the Beruda Triangle is ne f the tw plaes n earth where a agneti (有磁性的)pass des nt pint twards agneti nrth and that beause f this, navigatrs (航海家)ften find theselves ff urse and in dangerSe peple even say that the Beruda Triangle des nt exist and that all the aidents that have happened there are siply inidenes

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