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1、全国通用届高考英语专题复习练习完形填空Section 14完形填空记叙文两年高考真题演练Cloze 1(2015陕西高考)Dad had a green comb.He bought it when he married Mum.Every night,he would hand me his_1_and say,“Good girl,help Daddy clean it,OK?”I was _2_to do it.At age five,this dull task brought me such _3_I would excitedly turn the tap_4_and brush

2、the comb carefully.Satisfied that Id done a good job,I would happily return the comb to Dad.He would _5_affectionately at me and place the comb on his wallet.Two years later,Dad started his own_6_,which wasnt doing so well.That was when things started to _7_Dad didnt come home as early and as much a

3、s he used to.Mum and I became _8_with him for placing our family in trouble.With _9_,an uncomfortable silence grew between us.After my graduation,Dads business was getting back on track.On my 28th birthday,Dad came home _10_As usual,I helped him carry his bags into his study.When I turned to leave,h

4、e said,“Hey,would you help me _11_my comb?”I looked at him a while,then _12_the comb and headed to the sink.It hit me then:why,as a child,_13_Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure.That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home early to _14_the evening with Mum and me.It _15_a happy and loving family.I passed

5、the clean comb back to Dad.He smiled at me and _16_placed his comb on his wallet.But this time,I noticed something _17_Dad had aged.He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled,_18_his smile was still as _19_as before,the smile of a father who just wanted a good_20_for his family.1A.bag Bwallet C

6、comb Dbrush2A.annoyed Brelieved Cashamed Bsadness Ccourage Dpain4A.out Bover Cin Don5A.stare Bsmile Cshout Bbusiness Ctask Djourney7A.progress Bchange Cimprove Dform8A.satisfied Bdelighted Cmad Dstrict9A.time Bpatience Cspeed Dease10A.occasionally BearlyCfrequently Dra

7、rely11A.sharpen Brepair Cclean Dkeep12A.dropped Btook Chanded Dthrew13A.watching Bletting Chelping Dhearing14A.find Blose Cwaste Dspend15A.affected BbrokeCmeant Dsupported16A.firmly Bhurriedly Ccasually Dcarefully17A.different Bexciting Cinteresting Durgent18A.for Bor Cso Dyet19A.convincing Bheartwa

8、rmingCcautious Dinnocent20A.origin Blife Creputation DeducationCloze 2(2014山东高考)Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved to Montreal,Canada at the age of five with her family.While _1_ her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _2_ in medicine.At 18

9、she married and _3_ a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a _4_.Her husband supported her decision._5_,Canadian medical schools did not _6_ women students at the time.Therefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study _7_ at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia.It to

10、ok her five years to _8_ her medical degree.Upon graduation,Charlotte _9_ to Montreal and set up a private _10_.Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,Manitoba,and there she was once again a _11_ doctor.Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps.Charlotte _12_ herself operat

11、ing on damaged limbs and setting _13_ bones,in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.But Charlotte had been practising without a licence.She had _14_ a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was _15_ .The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons,an allmale board,wanted her

12、to _16_ her studies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotte refused to _17_ her patients to spend time studying what she already knew.So in 1887,she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to _18_ a licence to her but they,too,refused.Charlotte _19_ to practise without a licence until 1912.She died fou

13、r years later at the age of 73.In 1993,77 years after her _20_,a medical licence was issued to Charlotte.This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor“this courageous and pioneering woman.”1A.raising Bteaching Cnursing Dmissing 2A.habit Binterest Copinion Dvoice 3A.invented Bselected C

14、offered Dstarted Bmusician Clawyer Dphysicist 5A.Besides BUnfortunately COtherwise DEventually6A.hire Bentertain Ctrust Daccept 7A.history Bphysics Cmedicine Dlaw 8A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn 9A.returned Bescaped Cspread Dwandered Bmuseum Cclinic Dlab 11A.busy Bwealthy Cgreedy

15、 Dlucky 12A.helped Bfound Ctroubled Dimagined 13A.harmful Btired Cbroken Dweak 14A.put away Btaken over Cturned in Dapplied for 15A.punished Brefused Cblamed Dfired 16A.display Bchange Cpreview Dcomplete 17A.leave Bcharge Ctest Dcure 18A.sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow 19A.continued Bpromised Cpretended D

16、dreamed 20A.birth Bdeath Cwedding Dgraduation 一年模拟试题精练Cloze 1(2015山西太原五中月考)Jazzy is a lovely pug(哈巴狗) who always seems to be smiling.You cant help but _1_ when you look at Jazzy now, because you would never guess the horrible situation she was rescued from and the _2_ this little dog had.Jazzy was t

17、aken from her _3_ owners, who were immediately _4_ with animal cruelty.Why? Because neighbors had _5_ seeing little Jazzy moving around her back yard with two broken front legs.Her owners, who were supposed to _6_ her most, did absolutely nothing about it.They had never sought any kind of _7_ for po

18、or Jazzy.Nobody knew how it _8_ and it was believed that she was hit by a car, or that someone had done this to her._9_Jazzys cruel owners didnt take her to the veterinarian, her condition went from bad to worse.Over time her front right leg _10_ loosely, and her left leg was permanently bent at a s

19、harp angle.The pain must have been astonishing.She moved around like a baby seal.She needed _11_In a Los Angeles animal shelter, things got even _12_The shelter could not provide the costly operations that could be _13_ to restore Jazzys ability to _14_ and lead a normal life, and it was impossible

20、to find a family who would be able to _15_ a dog in this condition.The difficult _16_ was made to euthanize(使安乐死) sweet Jazzy.All _17_ was lost.Then a miracle happened.A volunteer from Dogs Without Borders saw Jazzy.Jazzy was pulled out of the _18_ and rescuers got busy working on a plan to ensure t

21、hat Jazzy would get treatment.For months, Dogs Without Borders cared for Jazzy, while _19_ enough money for her operations.Donations came in.Finally in December 2013 the money was enough and it was time to get her operations _20_!By the spring of 2014, Jazzy had fully recovered.1A.complain Bforgive

22、Ccelebrate Dlaugh2A.pain Bshock Chappiness Dresponsibility3A.lazy Boriginal Cangry Dnew4A.combined Bcharged Ccompared Dprovided5A.reported Bimagined Cregretted for Bdepend on Clook for Dtalk Bcontact Ctreatment Dinformation8A.fell Bfelt Cimproved Dhappened9A.If BUntil CA

23、lthough DSince10A.stepped Bstood Chung Dwaved11A.instruction BencouragementChelp Ddiscipline12A.harder Bworse Csafer Dclearer13A.prevented Brequired Creleased Dchecked14A.breathe Bbark Cwalk Dlisten15A.adopt Bbuy Cwatch Dcatch16A.promise BdecisionCappointment Dexperiment17A.hope Bwealth Cmedicine Dc

24、 Byard Cshelter Dhome19A.borrowing Bsaving Cearning Draising20A.corrected Bdone Cfed DdevelopedCloze 2(2015贵州铜仁一中月考)Lunch hour is crazy at SAME Cafe,the 40seat restaurant my husband and I run in Denver.A woman in a(n) _1_ suit stepped in.“Hi,Libby.” she said.Wow,what a _2_! The

25、first time she came to the cafe two years ago,she had no money to pay._3_ many customers,she volunteered to wash dishes and _4_Look at her now:confident and hopeful.Wasnt this what wed hoped for?In 2003,wed _5_ this crazy dream:start a restaurant with a donation box instead of a cash register(收款台)Ri

26、ght away we hit hurdles(阻碍)“There is no such thing as a _6_ lunch,” one potential landlord(房东) sniffed.I met brokers,bankers and suppliers,only to watch them _7_,shaking their heads.No bank would lend us the money to open a restaurant with no _8_The only fund we could get was our individual retireme

27、nt account._9_ we rented space from a landlord on Colfax Street.We put flyers(传单) around the neighborhood,asked friends to _10_ the word,and held our breath.Word traveled fast,_11_ stories in the papers and on TV.Soon we had more than 50 customers a day.A few ate without paying or _12_ an hour of wo

28、rk.But most gave what they could,_13_ it was just a dollar.Those with money gave,and then more.One of our customers left a _14_ for 500 dollars.Another bought 1000 dollars in gift certificates._15_ another donated a truck so we could transport _16_ from suppliers.People came here partly for what our

29、 caf _17_SAME:So All May Eat.We treat everyone with _18_We hoped to develop a sense of communityso that we might _19_ one another.The woman in business suit was one of them.Our _20_ to open the cafe was worth it.1A.dinner Bevening Cbusiness Dsummer2A.change Bbeauty Cfool Dcoincidence3A.With BLike CB

30、esides DTowards4A.wait Bsing Cperform Dsweep5A.lived Bhatched Cignored Dachieved6A.packed Bdelicious Cfree Ddelivered7A.crowd together Bflood inCwalk away Dturn up8A.staff support Bregular customersClunch boxes Dcash register9A.Unfortunately BFinallyCInterestingly DIllegally10A.analyze Bread Cspread Dapprove11A.thanks to Bapart fromCahead of Daccording to12A.regretting Bgaining Cdonating Dbalancing13A.only when Band for

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