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1、七年级英语下册Unit8TheSeasonsandtheWeatherTopic2Thesummerholidaysarecoming学案仁爱版Topic2 The summer holidays are coming.Section A【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油!1. 能够掌握并应用表示意愿或计划做某事的表达方式,如:want/ plan/ wish/ hope/would like to do. 2.能够掌握并应用表示祝愿的表达方式:I hope you all have a wonderful time. 【重点难点】能够掌握并应用表示计划或意愿做某事的表达方式,如:want/ pla

2、n/ wish/ hope/would like to do.【知识链接】1 按要求转换词型。cloud _(形容词) fog_(形容词) rain_(形容词)sun_(形容词) snow_(形容词) heavy_(副词)sudden_(副词) strong_(副词) bright_(副词)2.用所给词的正确形式填空。 (1)I _ (like)winter before, but now I _ (like) summer best. (2)It_ (be) rainy today. But it _ (be) sunny and warm yesterday【快乐预习】“不打无准备之仗,只

3、有准备充分,方可取得成功。我相信我是最棒的!”1、结合课后注释,预习对话1a, 完成下面任务,为课堂学习做好准备。找出含有动词不定式(to do)的句子:_ _ 写出后接动词不定式的动词。 2、标出对话中重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。谈 论 计划做某事 周游全国 拍 照 欢聚一堂 名胜古迹 我们每人 去度假 希望做某事 暑 假 _ _ 【自主学习】 专心、细心、留心,成功将会属于我! 任务一:快速阅读1a对话内容。 任务二:仔细阅读1a对话内容, 完成1b。 任务三:详细朗读1a对话,完成1c。【合作学习】1、小组对学:分组大声朗读1a对话,然后分角色朗读并相互检查1b、1

4、c答案。2、小组互学:相互检查2b所编写的对话。大声朗读短文,为复述对话做准备。【展示交流】挑战一:对话表演 机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编好的对话拿到全班面前展示吧。挑战二:复述对话 根据1a对话内容和图片及2b提示内容复述对话。相信你一定行!Come on! 【你探我究】1、观察模仿:trip / travel 两者均表示旅游,其主要区别为:(1)trip指短途旅行。如:The round trip was ten dollars.(2)travel指长途旅行,尤其指到国外旅行 Do you want to travel around the world?2、观察模仿:Each of you

5、 has a good plan for the holiday.句子中的主语为each,当它做主语时谓语动词只能用第三人称单数。试一试:Each of them (come) from China.3、观察分析:(1)Each of you has a good plan for the holiday.(2)I plan to go to Austrlia.这两个句子中的plan的词性不同,请你分析一下:(1)句中为 词 。 (2)句中为 词。【达标检测】 今日事今日毕! 运用今天所学知识,完成下面句子。我能行!一、用动词适当形式填空1、The Summer holidays (come)

6、 soon.2、I plan (go) to Australia.3、My friend and I wish (travel) around the country.4、We hope (get) together with our parents.5、Each of us (have) a good plan for the holidays. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1、You are going to Beijing. I hope you (玩得愉快)。2、We are planning to go to the Great Wall and (拍照)。3、They will vi

7、sit some (名胜)in England.4、Its time to have a class. We must (返回)to classroom in time.5、 What is Tom doing?He is (谈论)his plan with his friends. 三、单项选择( )1、 does Mary want to go for a holiday? A. Which B. Where C. What( )2、Each of them an English-Chinese dictionary. A. has B. have C. is( )3、I wish tog

8、ether with you.A. getting B. get C. to get( )4、Mary and Jane come from England. They would like in China. A. travel B. to travel C. travels( )5、Where is Tom? He is .A. come B. coming C. comes【学后反思】1、这节课我收获了: 2、我的疑惑: Section B 【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油!1.能够听懂征询和提出建议的对话2.能够运用本话题所学内容写出有关旅行计划的小短文【重点难点】1能够熟练应用征询别人意

9、见和给予建议的表达方式。 【知识链接】Its hot. I want _ (go) swimming.I wish _ (fly) to the moon.My father plans _ (move) to Shanghai.Kangkang would like _ (visit) Quangzhou.She hopes _ (have) a birthday party.【快乐预习】“不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,方可取得成功。我相信我是最棒的!”1、结合课后注释,预习对话1a, 完成下面任务,为课堂学习做好准备。(1)讨论四位主人公会带什么东西去旅游。(2)Question: Wha

10、t places does Jane plan to go to?2、标出对话中重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。最佳的时间 任何时候去 春城 一年到头 最好做某事 一副太阳镜 3、预习Section A 2a,完成下列问题翻译成汉语:Which season do you like best? 词组 去年 我最喜欢的季节 难说 【自主学习】 专心、细心、留心,成功将会属于我! 任务一:快速阅读1a对话内容。 任务二:仔细阅读1a对话内容, 完成1b。 任务三:详细朗读2a对话,根据1c的提示,编写对话。合作探究找出重点句型并总结情态动词 should and shouldnt

11、的用法。_根据3a的问题提示,写一篇有关旅游计划的作文。_【你探我究】1、观察模仿:(1)You should visit Dali and Lijiang.(2) You shouldnt miss Xishuangbanna.(3)What should I take with me ?从这三个句子中可以观察出情态动词should后面只能接动词的原形,其否定式为: 。其一般疑问句式为: + 主语 + (动词的原形/动词的ing)?试一试:(1)I should ( take ) some photos.(2)She shouldnt (wear) sports shoes .(3)She

12、should drink safe water .(变成一般疑问句并作答) she safe water? , (肯定回答) . , (否定回答)2、观察模仿: It sounds very interesting.句子中的sound为连系动词,意为“听起来”,其后一般只能接形容词作表语。试一试:It sounds 。(good/well)还有类似的表示感受的动词:taste,look .3. 观察 Whats the best time to go there?句子中的动词不定式 to go there作定语修饰time.试一试:(1)Spring is the best time (fly

13、)kites. (2) I have much homework (do)this evening .【达标检测】 今日事今日毕! 一、运用今天所学知识,根据汉语完成下面句子。我能行!1.这里一年四季都是春天。It is spring_ _ _ .2你能告诉我关于你家乡的一些情况吗?Can you tell me _ _your hometown?3你想带一些别的什么东西吗?What _would you like to _?4昆明是一个你随时可去的春城。Kunming is a Spring City that you can _ _.5别忘了给我买一副太阳镜。 Dont forget to

14、 buy me _ _ _ _.二、单项选择: ()1.The best time_ is in the morning. A. read English B. reading English C .to exercise D. exercise()2._ofthemtakesmanyphotos. A.All B.Each C.Every ()3.It s _outside.Youd better_your raincoat. A. rain ; put up B. raining; put on C.raining ;take off()4.Thecustomsofthiscountrya

15、redifferent_ours. B.for C.from()5.Bequick,oryoull_thetrain. A.catch B.miss C.take() 6.They are new students and _ of them _ a new schoolbag.A .each; have B. each; has C. every; has 【学后反思】1、这节课我收获了: 2、我的疑惑: Section C 【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油!1.能够听懂征询和提出建议的对话;2.能够读懂关于旅行注意事项的短文,提高skimming的能力;3.能够写出建议信,注意对象和

16、场合。【重点难点】能够正确运用表示建议和旅行注意事项的表达方式:should, shouldnt, had better【快乐预习】“不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,方可取得成功。我相信我是最棒的!”1、 结合课后注释,预习短文1a, 完成下面词组,为课堂学习做好准备。2、 翻译下列短语和句子。计划旅游_ 准备好_ 携带地图_ 饮用干净水_长期呆在太阳下_ 单独游泳_ _你应该计划你要去的地方。_不要去危险的地方。_ 享受你的假期吧!_ _ 【合作学习】1、小组对学:分组大声朗读1a课文,然后分角色朗读并相互检查1b答案。2、小组互学:相互检查2ad的选项是否正确,讨论并改正。3、分组讨论:根据

17、2a用should或shouldnt 写出对应的句子。【你探我究】1、观察理解: (1)You decide what you want to visit.(2) Remember you shouldnt swim alone.细心观察这两个划线部分的句子,它们都放在行为动词的后面,作动词的宾语。可以看出划线部分是一个完整的句子,在语法上这样的句子叫宾语从句。试一试:请画出下面句子中的宾语从句。You should plan where you want to go. 2、观察比较:1 If you trip is in the summer, you should drink lots o

18、f safe water. 2 If you like to swim , Remember you shouldnt swim alone. 想一想:这两个句子含有引导词:if.意为“假如,假设” 它引导的从句被叫做条件状语从句。3、观察运用:I learned to swim last year 去年我学游泳。翻译:上周Tom学弹钢琴Tom leraned 4、观察模仿:Dont go to dangerous places.可以说成:You shouldnt go to dangerous places.试一试:(1)Dont play in the street. You in the

19、 street. (2) You shouldnt stay in the sun too long. in the sun too long. (3)、You shouldnt eat with your left hand(同义句)._ eat with your left hand.【达标检测】 今日事今日毕!我能行!一、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。When you want to take a trip on your holiday, you should make a careful plan. Here are some rules. They may help you to k

20、eep safe on a trip.1. Youd better travel with your friends. And you should always keep together with your friends.2. If there are a lot of people around you, you should carry your bag in front of you. Dont put it on your back.3. Put on a life jacket when you take a boat or ship. If you fall out of a

21、 boat or ship, it can keep you safe.4. Dont go swimming alone or in a wrong place.5. Dont sleep on a bus or train. Never put your head out of the window. Its not safe.6. Take a map, a cellphone(手机)and some clothes with you.7. Have safe food and drinks.Everyone should be careful when traveling. Enjoy

22、 your trip! ( ). When you go on a trip you should_.A. make a careful plan B. travel with your friendsC. travel alone D. A and B( ). Which of the following is TRUE when you are on a trip? A B C D( ). Itll be _when people put their heads out of the window of a bus.A. interesting B. cool C. in danger D

23、. we dont know( ). Which of the following is NOT true?A. You should have safe food and drinks on a trip.B. You can go swimming with others in a safe place.C. You dont need to wear a life jacket when taking a boat or ship.D. You should take some clothes with you on a trip.( ). The best title(标题)for t

24、he passage(短文)is _.A. Have safe food and drinks B. How to keep safe on a tripC. A careful plan D. How to swim【学后反思】1、这节课我收获了: 2、我的疑惑: SectionD 【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油!1.能够听懂有关计划、征询和提出建议的对话。 2. 能够和他人谈论自己的计划。 3. 能够征询和提出建议。 4.能够对阅读文章进行信息的加工、转化。【重点难点】1.引导学生复习巩固表示计划或意愿做某事的表达方式。2.引导学生复习巩固表示征询别人意见和给予建议的表达方式。【快乐预习】“

25、不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,方可取得成功。我相信我是最棒的!”1、结合课后注释,完成1,选择正确的答案填在每个问句的括号里。 2、标出对话中重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。旅途愉快 到达那里 玩得开心 名胜 例如 与.不同 拍照 把某物给某人 3、 预习2,完成下列表格。 Jacks Trip in SichuanTimeWeatherPlaces of visitFoodPeople【合作学习】认真阅读Grammer 和Function部分的划线,与同伴熟读对话。【你探我究】1、观察模仿: I arrived there by plane with my family .

26、 我和我的家人坐飞机到达了那里。观察例子:(1) Tom arrived in London yesterday.(2) Kate arrived at the bus stop just now.(3) They arrived here last Sunday.补全结论:到达较大的地方,用arrive ,如例(1);到达较小的地方,用arrive ,如例(2);如果所接地点为副词时,不需要用 ,如例(3)。2、观察:How are you doing? 你最近好吗?此句为问候语,相当于How are you?1、 Please give my love to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。此句也可以写成:Please give your parent my love。动词give后可以接双宾语,有两种不同的表现形式:(1)give sb sth (2)give sth to sb.但要注意的是,当直接宾语为代词时(them/it),只能用give sth(them/it)to sb .4、观察:Which season do you like best? I lik

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