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1、施心远听力教程1第三版第二单元文本及答案Unit 2 Visiting a New PlaceSection 1 Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsA. Listen and repeat1. Oh, you need some lean meat, some vegetables, some butter, flour, salt.2. Id like to. But I cant.3. A: I had a call from Bill.B: From Bill Whos BillA. Hes a very special friend of min

2、e. He telephones me from overseas. Every day.B. Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Woman: Good evening.Man: Good evening. Can you (1) make up this prescription, pleaseWoman: Certainly. (2) Would you lik

3、e to waitMan: How long (3) will it takeWoman: (4)Itll be ready in twenty minutes.Man: Oh, (5) Ill come back later.Woman: All right, sir,Man: (6) Shall I pay now or laterWoman: (7) Laterll be all rightPart 2 Listening and Note-taking Exercise:Where they are now Cinema Bridge Street Station Tapescript

4、:Man: Excuse me. How can I get to the station please Woman: The station, the station, the station .let me see. Ah, yes. You can go down . no. Go straight on until you come to a cinema. Lets see now thats the second turn on your right. The cinemas on the corner. Turn right at the cinema and youll be

5、in Bridge Street. I think its Bridge Street. Go along Bridge Street for a few minutes and then take the second no, not the second, the first, thats fight, the first turning. On your left. The station is straight ahead, right in front of you. Man: So thats second right and first left. Thank you very

6、much. Thats very kind of you. Woman: Dont mention it.Section 2 Listening Comprehension Part 1 Words or MessageA. Listen to two sentences. Is it “eligible” or “illegible” Tick the right box.1. No one knows why the most prescriptions written by doctors are almost illegible, including those in the gene

7、ral hospitals.2. The people in the United States are eligible to claim a refund if they buy anything undesirable within 30 days.B. Listen to some sentences and rewrite them with the help of the clue.1. His knowledge of English is very limited.2. At time have I have a member of that club.3. Little is

8、 known about that primitive tribe.He speaks very little English.I have never been a member of that club.Nobody knows about that primitive tribe.Part 2 DialoguesDialogue 1 Welcome to Bristol Exercise A: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F

9、 in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1. Etienne Bertrand is from Switzerland. (Im Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.)T 2. The Bakers are expecting Mr. Bertrand. (Mrs. Baker says “Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.”) T 3. There

10、 have probably been hijacks in recent days. (Mr. Baker says “How was your trip No hijacks” and Etienne answers “No, it was all fight, thank you/” We may draw a conclusion that they were serious.)F 4. The plane was late because there had been a hijack attempt. (The plane was late probably because it

11、was the holiday season.)T 5. The airport is usually crowded at this time of the year. (It is the holiday season.)T 6. It is probably still cold. (Mr. Baker mentions central heating and tells Etienne to use extra blankets if he feels too cold.)F 7. The central heating doesnt work. (It doesnt work ver

12、y well.)T 8. Mr. Baker cant find the blankets. (Mr. Baker asks Mrs. Baker where the blankets are.)Exercise B: Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words.Mrs. Baker: Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.Etienne: Hello. Pleased to meet

13、you, Mrs. Baker.Mrs. Baker: Oh, call me Nicola. And this is my husband, Nigel.Tapescript:Etienne has just arrived in England,Etienne: Hello. Are you Mrs. Baker Im Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.Mrs. Baker: Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol. Etienne: Hello. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Bak

14、er. Mrs. Baker: Oh, call me Nicola. And this is my husband, Nigel. Mr. Baker: How was your trip No hijacksEtienne: No, it was all right, thank you. But the plane was late and the airport was crowded.Mr. Baker: Well, its the holiday season. You expect it at this time of the year. Here, let me take yo

15、ur bags upstairs. Etienne: Oh, thats all right. Ill take this one. Its heavy. Mr. Baker: Well. Heres your room. I hope its big enough for you and not too cold. We do have central heating but it doesnt work very well There are extra blankets in the cupboard, I think. Oh, well Nicola, where are the bl

16、ankets Lets go down and meet the rest of the family.Dialogue 2 Have You Ever Lived AbroadExercise A: Listen to the interview and complete the following questionnaire. Questionaire Name: Phyllis Nationality: British Being abroad: Yes: No: _ If has been abroad: Country: Australia Length of stay: 12 ye

17、ars Where were his family during his stay in that country: They were with her. Advantages of living in that country: good climate; relaxed at work as well as socially Time when he returned home: ten years agoExercise B: Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and write down what the speaker really

18、 wants to say.1. Home to me is being near the people youre fond of.2. And presumably they came back to the U.K.Tapescript:Interviewer: Have you ever lived abroad, Phyllis Phyllis: Yes, I have actually. What about you Interviewer: No, unfortunately I havent. Phyllis: Oh, what a shame!Interviewer: Whe

19、re did you live when you were abroadPhyllis: I lived in Australia.Interviewer: Really Thats a long way away.Phyllis: Uhm, uhm, yes!Interviewer: How long were you there forPhyllis: I was there for twelve yearsInterviewer: Oh! What a long time!Phyllis: Yes. Rather,Interviewer: Erin. So how long have y

20、ou been back in the UK Phyllis: Ive been back about, erm, ten years now.Interviewer: Uhm. When you were in Australia, did you think of it as your homePhyllis: Well, it depends on what, you mean by home. When 1 was. home to me is being near the people youre fond of.Interviewer: Uhm, yeah. So does tha

21、t mean that your family were with you in Australia Phyllis: Yes, they were there with me.Interviewer: And presumably theyve . they came back to the UK Phyllis: Yes, they did. They came back with me.Interviewer: Uhm. If you had a choice, where do you think youd be living now Phyllis: Oh. I would real

22、ly like to go back to Australia Interviewer: Oh, yeah Whys that Phyllis: Well, for one thing, its the climate. Interviewer: Uhm.Phyllis: And, er, secondly, its . very relaxed. Interviewer: Oh In what wayPhyllis: Well, you know, the wave of life, nobody hurries. Interviewer: Uhm. Is that at work as w

23、ell as socially Phyllis: Thats right, everythingPart 3 Passage Welcome to London! Exercise A: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. How many tourists pour into London in the summer2. What will happen to Oxford Street3. How about the food and weather i

24、n London4. Which of the following is not one of the many obvious tourist attractions mentioned in London5. Where can travelers find a good introduction to the historical London6. What does “democratic” refer to7. What does the speaker say about shopping8. What does the speaker say about eating1. A 2

25、. A 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. BExercise B: Complete the following sentence with what you have remembered.You can spend a lot of money, in shops from aristocratic Knightsbridge to democratic Marks and Spencer.Tapescript:Welcome to London! You and seven million other tourists will fill Britains capi

26、tal city this season, jostling* each other along Oxford Street, getting lost on the Underground, staring at Buckingham Palace, and complaining about the food and the weather.What can you do when youre here There are the obvious tourist attractions of royal London, the London of pageantry* and soldie

27、rs in fancy uniforms. There is historical London, with the ancient buildings and magnificent churches. A good introduction to all this can be found in the London Museum in the Barbican*.You can spend a lot of money, in shops from aristocratic* Knightsbridge* to democratic Marks and Spencer*, all of

28、them anxious to receive travellers cheques in almost any currency. There are many hotels at your service, and your chambermaid may well be able to talk to you in your own language though probably not in English, Restaurants are here by the hundred. You can eat your way round the world in London, fro

29、m China to Argentina*, though you may have a bit of a job finding good English food.Section 3 Oral Work Part 1 Questions and AnswersExercise: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some questions about it. You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once. Answer each question with a complete s

30、entence after you have heard it.1. What did the woman order(She ordered the roast beef.)2. What would the woman like to have as a starter- (She would like to have the garlic mushrooms.)3. What vegetables does the restaurant offer(It offers cauliflower and carrots.)4. What vegetable did the woman ord

31、er (She ordered carrots.)5. What sort of drink did she order (She ordered a glass of water.)6. She ordered a dessert, didnt she(No, she did not order any dessert.)7. Did the woman like the bread served(No, she didnt like it.)8. Why didnt she like the bread (Because it was stale / not fresh.)Tapescript:Man: Are you ready to order Woman: Er, yes, please. Ill have the roast beef.Man: Uhm, Would you like a starterWoman: No thanks, oh, why not Ill have the garlic mushrooms please. Man: And would you like salad or vegetables with your roast beefWoman: Er, what vegetables have you

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