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典范英语6 第一到第十八本 英文原文精编版.docx

1、典范英语6 第一到第十八本 英文原文精编版典范英语6 全篇原文1 第一篇Walrus Joins In1What will Walrus do?Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it.I will do skating, said Arctic Fox. Im good at that!Ill do tumbling, said Polar Bear. No one tumbles quite like me!Ill do singin

2、g, said Seal. Everyone says I have a very fine voice!Then Ill do diving, said Whale. I won a prize for diving at school, you know!They all looked at Walrus. What will YOU do? they asked.But Walrus was not good at anything.He wasnt good at skating, and he wasnt good at tumbling.He was terrible at sin

3、ging, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose.He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly.Never mind, said Arctic Fox. You can watch us.Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show.Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers.He wishe

4、d he was good at something.2The big nightAt last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She

5、 skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy.Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox.He couldnt stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I c

6、an skate,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldnt skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over.He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP!Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed.Next, it was Polar Bears turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white sno

7、wball. Everyone clapped wildly.Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head.Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear.All of

8、 a sudden, Walrus just couldnt stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice.“I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!”But Walrus couldnt tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP!Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED m

9、y act,” he wailed.3From bad to worseIt was Seals turn next. She gave Walrus a dont-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing:“O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights.My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he r

10、eally tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldnt stop himself again.“I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!”He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.But Walrus couldnt sing! He sounded terrible. In fact, he sounded like a rusty old bucket.Seal stoppe

11、d singing and burst into floods of tears.“Walrus has RUINED my song,” she wailed.Wale was last. He was pretty certain that Walrus could not ruin his act.Whale leaped high out of the water. Then he fell back with an enormous splash!Walrus watched. He wished that he could dive like that. His flippers

12、began to twitch, and his whiskers bristled with excitement. He tried and tried his very best not to join in.But then he had a brilliant idea.“Ill hold my nose when I dive,” he thought. “Then the water wont go up it!”Walrus just couldnt stop himself. He had to join in.“Everybody, look at me!” he crie

13、d, as he leaped into the water. “I can dive too!”But just at that moment, Whale was getting ready to spout a big jet of water.WHOOSH!Whale spouted Walrus high into the air!Everyone was watching Walrus now. They clapped and cheered as Walrus landed back in the sea with a SPLOSH!Whale was furious. “Yo

14、u are a meddling, incompetent BUFFOON!” he roared. “You have RUINED my act. Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”Whale was pretty scary when he was angry. Walrus turned tail and fled. He hid behind a snowdrift, feeling sad and very sorry.4The show will go on!The show was over. Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Wh

15、ale stood in a line, blushing and wishing that Walrus had not ruined everything.But everyone was cheering like mad.“Well done, Polar Bear, well done, Seal! Well done, Fox and Whale!” they shouted. “But wheres the clown? Why isnt he here? Wheres Walrus?”Behind is snowdrift, Walrus heard the cheers. W

16、ere they really cheering for him, too?Yes! They were!He shuffled up to Fox and Polar Bear and Seal And Whale.“Im very sorry,” he said.“So you should be,” said Fox.“At least everyone thought you were part of the show,” said Polar Bear.“I suppose,” said Seal, “if Walrus was really part of our next sho

17、w, it couldnt be any worse.”Walrus was overjoyed. “Me?” he cried. “Truly? Can I be part of the show? Can I join in next time?”“Yes,” said Whale. “It will bea lot safer that way. You can be the clown. As long as you do it properly.”Walrus practiced hard and became a very good clown indeed. Now he is

18、so good that Fox, Polar Bear, Seal and Whale are glad he is taking part.Sometimes, when Walrus is clowning around, they really just cant stop themselves. They have to join in too!2 第二篇Noisy Neighbours1Mr FlinchIn a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man.It was not his grey house

19、that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man.Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours.On one side of Mr Flinchs grim, grey house stood a

20、 jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars.Carl loved cars and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise.On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a mu

21、sic teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive.Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum brum, tootle to

22、ot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered.He put his fingers in his ears.He rapped on the wall but his neighbours did not hear.They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work.Brum brum, tootle toot, bang!Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his w

23、allpaper. It did no good.Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head.He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. Stamps cost far too much money! he said.Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise.But the cars still revved and the music still jangled.Mr Flinch w

24、as the grey filling in a noise sandwich.This cant go on, Flinch thought to himself. He even shouted it out loud:2Nasty TricksMr Flinch went next door to Carls house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge.That will get rid of him! said Flinch, a

25、nd smiled a nasty smile. Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and carefully, carefully crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppys chimney and gave a long, loud, Hooowooowoooo!That will get ride of her, he said with a grim grin. Nobody wan

26、ts to live in a house with ghosts!Then he climbed back into bed.Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping outside. He looked out of his window.Carl was sitting outside in the rood, with a table, a kettle, a loaf of bread and a bottle of tomato sauce.Carl called to

27、Mr Flinch, Cant use my kitchen today! Rays, urgh! My mum is cleaning up. She told me to eat my breakfast outside. Thats how I got this great idea! Take away breakfast! Drivers can stop here and buy breakfast.Just then, Poppy Plink came running out of her blue front door. Oh, Mr Flinch! Oh, Carl! Gue

28、ss what happened last night!I give up, said Mr Flinch, with a sumg smirk. Do tell.Poppy beamed with joy. Last night, angles sang down my chimney! They did, I promise! She frowned. But the music wasnt very good! I think they want some new songs to sing! Im sure they want me to write them, and I shall

29、! Oh I shall!She did.Poppy still had to teach music all day.But at night she wrote angle music. She made it nice and loud, with lots of cymbals and trumpets.It was all too much for Mr Flinch.3Mr Flinch has a PlanMr Flinch went next door to Carls house.He showed Carl a fistful of money. The day you m

30、ove house, all this is yours! he said.Anything you say, chief, said Carl, wiping his dirty hands on a rag.As long as I can mend cars, Ill be happy anywhere. Carl went on, Ill move out as soon as I can sell the house!Next, Mr Flinch went to Poppys house and offered her a hatful of money. The day you

31、move house, all this is yours! he said.Of course! If that is what you want, dear heart! Cried Poppy.She had never seen so much money in her life. As long as I have my music, I can be happy anywhere! I will move out just as soon as I can sell my little house!Mr Flinch went home a happy man well, as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be.He felt in his empty pockets and gulped. All that money gone! Ah, bu

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