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1、七年参考资料级下练习题一 汉译英。 1捡到 _ 2。向四周看 _ 3。在岁时 _4。和一起玩 _ 5。从前 _6领(某人)四处参观_7。民族英雄 _8。向(某人)问候_二按要求写出各词。1. difficult(反义词)_ 2. their(同音词)_3. build(过去式) _ 4.hero(复数)_5. arrive(同义词)_ 6. carefully(反义词)_7. busy (比较级)_ 8. TV(全写)_三选出与画线部分含义相同的选项。( ) 1. Tom and his parents reached Tianjin yesterday afternoon. A. went

2、to B. got to C. moved to D. lived in( ) 2. Do you want to have a rest? A. take B. give C. make D. do( ) 3. You had better go for a little rest. A.much B. a small C. a few D. a short( ) 4. She started for London last month. A. left B. began C. went D. came( ) 5. There was lots of water in the glass a

3、 moment ago. A. many B. little C. much D. some( ) 6. Did you enjoyed yourself at that party? A. have a good time B. have much time C. drink much D. go and watch( ) 7. My Green is going to New York by air tomorrow. A. by sea B. by train C. by ship D. by plane( ) 8. He watched TV for about thirty minu

4、tes last night. A. half an hour B. an hour C. half a hour D. a half hour四用所给的词的适当形式填空。1. My father is much _ (busy) than my mother.2. He is the _ (good) student in our class.3. You must help me do some _ (cook) tonight.4. You wont go to the West Lake. What about _ (go) to Beijing?5. She worked out t

5、he problem _ (easy).6. I _ (like) to go with you, but I have no time now.7. Stop _ (talk) and lets begin our lessons.8. This watch is the _ (cheap) of all.五选择填空。( ) 1. - How are you? -Im _ now, but I was sick last week. A. good B. very better C. much better D. more better真的不掉线吗?、?( ) 2. The storyboo

6、k is very _, Im _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting( ) 3. Zhan Tianyou was famous _ a railroad engineer. A. as B. for C. in D. with( ) 4. All the students got there in the morning _ the same day. A. in B. for C. in D. b

7、y( ) 5. How long _ there? A. did you stay B. do you stay C. do you go D. did you go( ) 6. She finished _ lunch at eleven today and then called my father. A. cook B. cooked C. cooks D. cooking( ) 7. Better _ more careful next time. A. to be B. are C. be D. were( ) 8. China is a country _ a population

8、 of 1.3 billion. A. for B. from C. with D. by( ) 9. Because Rose had a lot of homework to do, _ she didnt go to the park last Sunday. A. / B. so C. and D. but( ) 10. Shakespeare decided to be an actor when he finished school _ the age _ fourteen. A. at; at B. at; of C. at; for D. in; of( ) 11. The s

9、tories are _ and children enjoy _ them again and again. A. exciting; listening to B. cxciting; listen C. excited; listening D. excited; listen( ) 12. Linda is revising her maths notes _ the exam next week. A. to B. in C. with D. for( ) 13. It _ me _ hour to do the work. A. took; an B. take; a C. tak

10、e; an D. took; the( ) 14. I was born _ Tianjin _ September 2, 1999. A. in;in B. at; at C. in; on D. on; in( ) 15. They live in a place _ Richmind. A. calling B. calls C. called D. to call六完成句子。1航天飞行持续了多久?How _ _ the space flight _?2我写了一些明信片,并给他们发了些电子邮件。I wrote some postcards and _ _ some _.3. 他们期待着参

11、观颐和园。They are looking forward _ _ the Summer Palace.4. 他们花了两周的时间完成了那项工作。It _ them two weeks _ _ the work.5. 你觉得我们的新老师怎样?真的不掉线吗?、?What _ you _ _ our new teacher?七完形填空。Edison was born in the small town of Milan, Ohio(俄亥俄州). At seven he _ to a public school. As the teacher did not like him, his parents

12、 took him out of school and his mother taught him _. Edison loved books. He also liked to learn things _ by reading and experimenting. He even had a laboratory(实验室) in his home. Outside of studying at home, he also got a job as a newsboy _ twelve.One day Edison saved the life of a litle boy. _ of th

13、e child, a telegraph operator(报务员), offered(提出) to give Edison lessons in telegraphy. And _ the next five years, Edison was working as a telegraph operator in many cities of the United States. As a telegraph operator, Edison _ ways to improve(改进) the method of _ messages by telegraph.All Edisons inventions(发明) were the result of his hard work. He used to work for _ than other people. He _ even made thousands of experiments for one invention. He often said, “ Genius(天才) is 2per cent inspiration(灵感) and 98 percent perspiration(汗水).”( ) 1. A. was sending B. was

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