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1、医学英语情景会话实战一、一般问诊和检查What is your name? My name is Wang Ming.Where do you live? I live in Hong Kang.How old are you? I am 40 years old.What is your occupation? I am a worker.What trouble do you have? I have a cough and a sore throat. How long have you been sick? I have been sick since yesterday.Did yo

2、u fall sick abruptly or gradually? I fell sick gradually.What diseases have you had before? I had the age of thirty-three.Here, put this thermometer under your tongue.Let me feel your pulsea little fast.Give me the thermometer. Do I have a fever?Just a little.Unbutton your shirt and let me li

3、sten to your chest.Breathe deeply.Open your mouth and say “Ah”.Lie down on the bed, please.Lie on your back.Loosen your waistband.Bend both legs.Relax your muscles.Does it hurt when I press here? It hurts greatly.Point to the painful place.Well, up please. May I go now?No .You have to have a blood t

4、est and a chest X-ray. When shall I come back?Come back tomorrow to see the X-ray film. Thank you, doctor. See you tomorrow.The next day According to the symptoms and findings inexaminations, your disease may be diagnosed as T.B.Are your parents in good health? No, my father died of T.B.20 years ago

5、.And how is your mother? She has been sick for a long time.Dose your mother have the same disease as your? Yes, she dose. Doctor, can this disease be cured?Were determined to try our best to cure you.Here is your prescription.You may go over there for the medicine. Is there anything I should or shou

6、ldnt do?You should rest properly.You had better take a walk in the open air every day.Smoking should be avoided. Thank you very much for your advice.Not at all. Its my responsibility.二、医护常用会话What class of case is the patient? (这位病人是哪科的?)She is a gynecological patient and she should go to the gynecol

7、ogical ward on the first floor.Whose service will this patient enter? (这病人该归哪位医生治疗?)He will go to Doctor Wangs service in the Department of Internal Medicine.(该归内科王医生)Send the patient to the hospital by ambulance.Bring this patient to the emergency room for first aid quickly.The patient has copious

8、hemorrhage. Please get the blood-transfusion equipment ready immediately. Ill give her a blood transfusion at once.All right. Ill bring it to you now. Is there anything else you want?Telephone to the blood bank to ask whether there is preserved blood available for this patient.Ive just telephoned to

9、 ask them, but they say there is no blood available for this patient. What shall we do now?Please tell the patients relatives to come to the hospital and donate blood to her.Ill talk over with them at once.Lets go to make the morning ward-round. (查房)The beds in this ward look untidy. Please charge t

10、he bedding today.Let us make up (铺好)Bed 2 now.The patient is in danger and its necessary to take his pulse, respiration and blood pressure.All right. Ill take them every hour.If the patients condition becomes worse, send for me immediately, please.Ill surely do so.There is oozing of blood (渗血) form

11、the patients wound and the dressing is soiled. Please change it for her today.The patient in Bed 1 suffered with a severe pain last night. His left buttock is inflamed. (发炎) It is swollen, red, hot and painful. An abscess has formed. We have to incise it.Well, Ill get the instruments and dressing re

12、ady for you.The patient has been in a state of shock. Please the patient in the head-low position. Elevate the foot of the bed. Put hot water bottles around him. Give him some fluid by intravenous drip.I think his right femur is broken. Send him to the X-ray department to make sure if there is a fra

13、cture.Doctor, the condition of that patient is very poor. What are the orders for her?Give her 100ml.of 50%glucose solution by intravenous injection at once.Doctor Li, that new patient is so excited. I cant quiet her.Here is an ampoule of Sodium Luminal. Give it intramuscularly(肌注)at once. It will q

14、uiet her.When did that patient die?He died at midnight.When will this patient go home?Hell go home tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.Have those instruments been used?Yes, theyve been used, but I have cleaned and sterilized them.Is this medicine to be taken by mouth?The medicine in this bottle is po

15、isonous. Dont drink it. Its only for external use.The new patient has a high fever.Examine her blood for malaria parasites. (疟原虫)What shall I do with the patient who has taken poison?Give him a gastric lavage immediately and then give him the antidote.The patients bowels havent moved (未排大便)for three

16、 days.Ill give him a cathartic now.I am going to operate on the patient in Bed 6 tomorrow. Please shave his abdominal area and clean the skin with soap and water.The patients condition is very critical and he has been in a state of coma.Ill let his relatives know by telephone.The patients life is in

17、 danger, but well do everything possible to save him.Head nurse, please get the emergency drugs ready before you go off duty.All right. Ill do so.三、内科病史询问和检查1 消化系统疾病Where do you feel a pain? I feel a pain in my abdomen.Point out the place where you feel a pain.Do you have a good appetite? No, Ive no

18、 appetite.How long have you lost your appetite? For three days.What did you eat last night? Butter, bread, meat and salad.Do you have a sense of gastric distention after meals? Yes, I have a feeling of distention in my stomach after meals.Do you have a stomachache after meals? Yes, I have a bad stom

19、achache.How long after a meal do you feel a stomachache? About half an hour.Do you feel a pain when you are hungry? Yes.May your pain be relieved if you take some food? Yes, it is a little relieved.What kind of pain do you have? Its like burning.When dose it feel most painful? At midnight.Did you vo

20、mit? Yes.What did you vomit, food or blood? I vomited food with a little blood.Was the blood you vomited red or black? Like coffee.Do you drink wine? Yes, sometimes.Do you smoke? Yes, I do.How many cigarettes do you smoke everyday? About twenty.Did you drink coffee or tea? I drink coffee, four or fi

21、ve cups a day.You should avoid tobacco, alcohol, excessive coffeeand irritant foods. Theyll do you much harm. Let me try to do so.I think you should make up your mind. The sooner the better. Shall I take meat?No, you shouldnt take meat and greasy foods.You should take easily digestible foods.Here is

22、 your prescription.I suggest you a weeks leave. How many days do you think before I can resume work?I can hardly tell.Please come back after a week.How long have you had jaundice? For four or five days.Have you had jaundice before? I dont know.How did you feel before the appearance of jaundice? I ha

23、d no appetite and found I was losing weight.Do you have a disagreeable smell in your mouth? Yes, I do.Dose your nosebleed? Yes, it bleeds sometimes.Do you feel a pain in the liver? Yes, for several years.Do you feel a pain when I press hard? Yes, its very painful.You should be admitted to hospital.

24、(住院治疗)2 呼吸系统疾病What trouble do you have? I have trouble with my chest.Is it very long since you had trouble with your chest? No, its not very long. Its two days only.Did you have chills and fever at the onset? At first, I had a chill and then a high fever.Have you become thinner? (你瘦了吗?) Yes, Ive bec

25、ome much thinner in these two daysDo you get tired more easily than before? Yes, I do.Do you cough? Yes, I have a severe cough.Is it a dry cough? No, I spit a little(有些痰), but not much.What is the sputum like? It is viscous.What is the color of the sputum? It was white in the beginning and it has be

26、come yellow.What is the quantity of the sputum in 24 hours? About 200 c.c.Is the sputum fetid? Yes, it is.Is there blood in the sputum? There are only a few streaks of blood mixed with the sputum. Do you feel short of breath sometimes? Yes, breathlessness occurs after coughing.Is the breathlessness

27、continuous or in a fit? It comes in a fit.Do you feel relieved after expectoration? The suffocation disappears and my temperature becomes normal after expectoration. Do you have a severe pain in the side of the chest? Yes, I do.Point out the place where there is a thoracic pain.Dose the pain in the

28、chest become more intensive atthe time of cough or during deep respiration? Yes, it is so.Have you caught cold? (感冒) Yes, I caught cold the day before yesterday.Is your nose obstructed? Yes, it is.Have you any nasal discharge? (流鼻涕) Yes, I have much of it. It is watery.Do you sneeze? Yes, I sneeze b

29、adly.Do you have a fever? Yes, I have a high fever.Do you still have fever? Yes, I have had fever for more than three weeks.Do you have a dry cough? No, I spit mucopurulent sputum.Have you ever spit blood? No, never.Is there any relationship between your cough and the change of weather? Yes, I cough

30、 badly when it is cold.Do you have night sweats? No, I dont.Let me listen to your chest.You should have a roentgenographic examination.3. 循环系统疾病Have you had rheumatism before? Yes, I had it 3 years ago.Did you have swollen knees or other swollen joints? Yes, I had swollen knees.Did you have a fever

31、at the same time? Yes, I had a very high fever at the same time.Have you ever felt your heart beating fast? Yes, several times.Have you ever been aroused at night by a fitof oppression? Yes, I have.Did you expectorate in the course of a fit? Yes, I did, but very little.Did you have dizziness, vertig

32、o or fainting? Yes, I did.Did you have purple lips? Yes, I did.Is it a long time since you have suffered from heart trouble? Yes, it is.Have you taken any medicine? Yes, I ve taken digitalis.Did you ever have a pain in the heart? Yes, I did. Sometimes the pain radiated to the left arm.What trouble did y

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