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1、五年级英语下册期中检测考试题五年级英语第二学期期中试卷姓名 班级 分数 听力部分一、听录音,圈出你所听到图片。(10分) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. 5月20日 5月12日 A B A B5. A B二、听录音,判断图片是否符合录音内容,符合的在该图片下面的括号里打“”,不符合的打“”。(10分)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )三、听句子,选答语。( 10 分 )( )1. A. I fly kites. B. Im a student. C. I can swim.( )2. A. I often get up. B.I usually eat

2、lunch C.I often do morning exercises.( )3. A. Cold. B. Hot. C. Cool.( )4. A. Because I can plant trees. B. Because its too cold. C. Because I can swim.( )5. A. Amys. B. Amy. C. My.笔试部分(70分)一、选择合适的词的序号。18分( )1.He _ hiking. I go hiking, _ .A. gotoo B. goeseither C. goestoo( )2.Lets _ a birthday card f

3、or our mother.A. make B. making C. makes( )3. _ birthday is in October? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos( )4.Which _ do you like best? A. season B. seasons C. a season ( )5.My mother is a teacher. She goes to school _ 7:00 _ the morning. A. aton B. atat C. atin( )6.The tree _ are green in spring. A. leafs B.

4、 leaves C. leaf ( )7. _ is the ninth month of a year. A. September B. August C. October( )8.I like winter. I can _ snow. A. play with B. play on C. playing in( )9.Winter is beautiful, but its _ cold _ me. A. tofor B. toofor C. tooto二、根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。5分1.Every weekend I climb m_2.I l_ fall i

5、n Canada.3.Today is Chen Jies birthday. John is sending h_ a card.4.Its May. What s_ is it in Beijing?5.Autumn is beautiful. I can watch the leaves f_1. 2.3. 4.三、看图完成句子。8分1.Today is _.2.Zoom likes _ .3.Summer is _.4.My mother and I _ on the Sundays.四、情景对话。8分( )1.Why do you like spring? ( )2.Which mo

6、nth does Mike like best? ( )3.What do you usually do on Saturday? ( )4.Whats Zoom doing? A. Hes sending Grandpa an e-card.B. Usually I do my homework.C. Because I can plant trees.D. November.五、用序号将它们连成一段完整的对话。7分( )Thats good idea. When do you do?( )On October 1st.( )During(在期间)the National Day holid

7、ay. Im going to Beijing.( )How is the weather in Beijing?( )Oh, its cool. What do you so in Beijing.( )Its always windy and sunny.( )I visit the Great Wall with my father.六、根据中文提示,用单词完成句子。10分1.我最喜欢春季。 I like _ _.2.你在周末通常做些什么?What _ you usually do on the _?3.明天让我们一起去晨练。 Lets do _ _ tomorrow.4.五一是一年的第

8、五个月。_ is the _ month of a year.5.今天是几月几日? _ the _ today?七、阅读理解。判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。14分 Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游). Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳大利亚)! Its so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜). But Zoom doe

9、snt like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada, Its winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).( )1.The season in Australia and Canada is the same.( )2.Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.( )3. Zoom likes swimming.( )4.Zip has a new bathi

10、ng suit and sunglasses.( )5.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.( )6.Its warm in Australia.( )7.Zoom can skate all day in Canada.2019-2020年五年级英语下册期中检测考试题二、听录音,判断图片是否符合录音内容,符合的在该图片下面的括号里打“”,不符合的打“”。(10分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、听句子,选答语。( 10 分 )1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、听句子,选答语。(

11、10 分 )1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _笔试部分(70分)一、 选择合适的词的序号。18分1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7_ 9_二、 根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。5分1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、 看图完成句子。8分1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 四、 情景对话。8分1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 五、 用序号将它们连成一段完整的对话。7分1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7._六、 根据中文提示,用单词完成句子。10分1._ _ 2._ _ 3._ _ 4._

12、 _ 5._ _七、 阅读理解。判断下列句子意思与短文意思是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。14分1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册期中检测试卷(2)听力部分Listening (30%)一、选择你听到的单词。10%( ) 1、A. I B. R C. A( ) 2、A. gj B. gi ) 3、A. gpb B. bgq C. bdg( ) 4、A. feel C.bring( ) 5、A. ok B. Thank you C. Here you are( ) 6、A. water B.soup C.veg

13、etables( ) 7、A. forget B. borrow C. tomorrow( ) 8、A. have B.havent C. want( ) 9、A.thin B. thick C.puppy( ) 10、A. basket B. but C. butter二、选择你听到的句子。10%( ) 1、A. Have some rice, please. B. Have some cakes, please.( ) 2、A. Can I have a puupy? B. Can you have a puupy?( ) 3、A. Shes hungry. B. Hes full.( )

14、 4、A. Yes, here you are. B. No, thank you( )5、 A. I want some bread B. I want some buns.三、听短文,填入所缺的单词。10%morning afternoon Friday lunch noodlesToday is . Lingling has four lessons(课) in the .At seven oclock, she has some at home. Her first(第一) lesson is English. It begins(开始) at eight. She likes Eng

15、lish very much.She has at twelve oclock in the classroom. After two lessons in the , She plays games with Anne. She goes home at five oclock.笔试部分Reading and Writing(70%)一、根据所给情景,选择适当语句。10%( ) 1、当你想喝一杯冷饮时,说:A.Can I have a cold drink? B. Would you like a cold drink?C. I dont like a cold drink.( ) 2、当别

16、人送你礼物时,你应先说:A.Thank you. B.Youre welcome. C. Its very nice.( )3、你要给别人东西时,你应说:A.Here you are B.Thank you C.Ok ( )4、当你问别人问题之前或打扰别人讲话时,应说:A.Sorry B. Excuse me. C. Hi.( )5、别人给你东西时,你不要,应说:A.Yes, please. B. No, thank you . C.Youre welcome二、选词填空。13%( )1、Which one do you want, o long one a short one?A. and

17、B or C but( )2、-Which one do you like, a hard one or a soft one?- _.A、Yes, I can. B、No, I cantC、I like soft ones D、Yes, of course.( )3、I dont want the white toy. I want .A. the green one. B. green one C. the one D one( )4、Where are all your things? . A. They are my books B. Theyre in my school bag.

18、C. I like them.( )5、_ you want a cold drink? A. Are B. Do C. Have D Is( )6、 -_?-My name is Tom . A、A re you Tom ? B、Come here ,please .C、Hello ,Tom. D、Whats your name ? ( )7、-Good morning ,_ . -Good morning , Miss liu . A、a boy and a girl B、boy and girl .C、boys and girls D、a boy and the girl( )8、I _

19、 like apples. A. am not B. do C. dont( )9、-Good night ,my child.-Good _ .A、evening ,Dad B、night ,boys and girlsC、afternoon ,Mum D、ningt , Mum ( )10、-Can I have some noodles, _? -Yes, of course!A、Thank you B、OKC、right D、please( )11.-Here you are . - _. A、sit down , please. B、OK C、Thank you. D、Hi.( )1

20、2.- How are you ? - A、How are you ? B、Nice to meet you .C、Good afternoon. D、Fine ,thank you .( )13. Can you see the monkeys? _ A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I am C. No, I cant D.Yes,it is三、阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误。10%It is Saturday afternoon. Its fine. Kitty, Alice , Linda, Mike and John are in the Park. T

21、heyre having a picnic. Tom isnt in the park with them. Hes ill(生病) today. The boys have some sweets, hamburgers ,cakes and bread. The girls have some water, Coke, cold drink, apples and grapes. Theyre very happy . They want to go to Toms home in the evening and take (带) some nice food to him.( )1. I

22、t is Saturday.( )2. Six children go to the Park.( )3. Tom is sick(生病) but he is still (仍然) in the park.( )4. Girls have some drinks and fruits.( )5. They want to take Tom to the park in the evening.四、将下列问句与应答句配对。12%( )1.What would you like? A. I like swimming.( )2. Do you have any bobbies? B. I like

23、 yellow.( )3.How are you? C. At home.( )4. What color do you like? D. Id like some buns( )5. Can I borrow a pencil,please? E. Yes, you can.( )6. Wheres your schoolbag? F. Fine,Thank you .五、在迷宫中圈出所给单词。12%biscuit sweetlollipop breadnuts jellyABCDEFIGHIBISCUITPJKLMNWOPOQMRSCAKEPTAUVWXYPIEEZNABCDLERTFUGHILJCKLSTMNOOEPQRSSTLUCVWJELLYXIBREADOUX八、默写26个字母。13%

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