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1、北京大学考博英语真题北京大学考博英语真题2011年Part Listening Comprehension略Part Structure and Written ExpressionDirections: For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.1. Whether the extension of consciousness is a good thing for human

2、 being is a question that _ a wide solution.A.admits ofB.requires ofC.needs ofD.seeks for答案:A解答 句子大意为:对人类来说,意识的扩展是否是一件好事是一个可能有广泛答案的问题。A项admits of“容许,有的可能”;B项requires of“要求,要求得到”;C项needs of“满足需要”;D项seeks for“寻找,追求,探索”;所以A项符合题意。2. In a culture like ours, long _ all things as a means of control, it is

3、sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message.A.accustomed to split and dividedB.accustomed to splitting and dividingC.accustomed to split and dividingD.accustomed to splitting and divided答案:B解答 accustomed to中的“to”为介词,后面跟名词或动名词,and连接的两个动词为并列关系,都应该用动名词形式,选B。3. Apple pie is

4、_ neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its itselfC.on itself答案:D解答 “in itself”为固定短语,意为“以其本身而言,本质上”,at/as/on itself短语不存在,也无此意义。4. _ us earlier, _ . your request to the full.A.You have contacted.we could comply withB.Had you contacted.we could

5、 have complied withC.You had contacted. could we have complied withD.Have you contacted.we could comply with答案:B解答 在if引导的表示虚拟的条件状语从句中,有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be或have的虚拟条件句中的连词if省去,而将had,should,were等词提到主语之前。本句表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,主句用would/could/might/should+现在完成时,选B。5. The American Revolution had no medie

6、val legal institutions to _ or to root out, apart from monarchy.A.discardB.discreetC.discordD.disgorge答案:A解答 句子大意为:除了君主制,美国革命没有中世纪法律机构_或铲除。四个选项:A项discard“丢弃,抛弃”;B项discreet“小心的,慎重的,有思虑的,贤明的”;C项discord“不和”;D项disgorge“吐出”。or前后为并列关系,所选词语与root out意义相近,所以A项正确。6. Living constantly in the atmosphere of slav

7、e, he became infected _ the unconscious _ their psychology. No one can shield himself _ such an答案:D解答 “通过感染”,infected后只能用介词through;“使某人摆脱”,shield后只能跟from;所以选D。7. The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appear

8、s to create _.A.boreB.boredC.boredomD.bordom答案:C解答 句子大意为:起先电动技术的影响是焦虑,现在好像产生了_。A项bore“令人讨厌的人”;B项bored“无聊的,无趣的,烦人的”;C项boredom“厌倦”;D项boredom为一错词。create后跟名词,再结合句意,C项正确。8. Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite _ in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz.A.lackedB.lackingC.for l

9、ack ofD.lack of答案:B解答 lack修饰dance,两者是主动关系,所以用现在分词,选B。9. There are too many complains about society _ move too fast to keep up with the machine.A.that have toB.have toC.having toD.has to答案:C解答 空格前“there be”句型结构完整,不缺成分,所以排除B、D两项;空格后内容是“complains”的具体内容,如果跟that从句,不能放在society后,容易产生歧义,所以排除A项。10. The poor

10、girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now _ for it.A.none the worseB.none the betterC.never worseD.never better答案:B解答 本题考查固定搭配,none the better for it意思为“不因此而好些”。11. As the silent film _ sound, so did the sound film _ color.A.cried out for.cried out forB.cry out for.cry out forC.had

11、cried out for.cried out forD.had cried out for.cry out for答案:D解答 后半句中的did修饰空格处动词短语,所以空格处用动词原形,排除A、C两项;由于前半句描述的事情发生在后半旬描述的事情之前,后半句用过去时,所以前半句用过去完成时,选C。12. While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very _.A.triggerB.meagerC.vigorD.linger答案:B解答 句子大意为:虽然他的努力很巨大,但是结果好像非常_。A项trigger“引发,引

12、起,触发”;B项meager“贫乏的,不足的”;C项vigor“精力,活力”;D项linger“逗留,闲荡,拖延,游移”。B项符合题意。13. Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, _ by industrial much the Africans are detribalizedB.the Africans are much being much as the Africans are being mu

13、ch as the Africans are detribalized答案:C解答 句子大意为:西方人被自己本身较快的速度西化了,就像工业技术使非洲人丧失部落特性一样。这里考查句型“asas像一样”,根据句意,这里是被动,所以选C。14. We _ admire his courage and self-confidence.A.can butB.cannot onlyC.cannot butD.can only but答案:C解答 句子大意为:我们禁不住佩服他的勇气和自信。A项can but“只能,不得不”;B项cannot only“不能只”;C项cannot but“不得不,禁不住”;D

14、项无此用法。所以C项符合题意。15. In the 1930s, when millions of comic books were _ the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.A.inundatingB.imitatingC.immolatingD.insulating答案:A解答 句子大意为:二十世纪三十年代,当成千上万的漫画书用打斗和杀戮淹没了年青一代时,没有人意识到其实街道上汽车的暴力

15、损害更疯狂一些。A项inundating“淹没,泛滥,使充满”;B项imitating“模仿,仿效,仿制,仿造”;C项immolating“牺牲,献出,献祭”;D项insulating“使绝缘,隔离”。所以A项符合题意。16. _ you promise you will work hard, _ support you to college.A.If only.will IB.Only.I willC.Only if.will ID.Only if.I will答案:C解答 only if“只有”,用倒装;if only“但愿”,后用虚拟语气。所以本题选C。17. It is one of

16、the ironies of Western man that he has never felt _ invention as a threat to his way of life.A.any concern withB.any concern aboutC.any concern inD.any concern at答案:B解答 本题考查固定用法:concern about+sth. or sb.“对的关心/忧虑”。18. One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, si

17、mply _ when better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching.A.resolvedB.absolvedC.dissolvedD.solved答案:C解答 句子大意为:一间教室的学校,同时教所有年级所有的科目,当较好的交通设施允许专业空间和专业教学时,这种学校就被解散了。A项resolved“决心,决定,决心要”;B项absolved“宣布免除”;C项dissolved“解散,使终结”;D项solved“解决,解答”。所以C项符合题意。19. People are living long

18、er and not saving enough, which means they will either have to work _ longer, live _ less in retirement or bailed _ by the for.,答案:B解答 句子大意为:人们的寿命越来越长,但是储蓄不够多,这就意味着人们必须延长工作时间,更少依赖退休,或者靠政府摆脱困境。live on“靠生活”,bail out“帮助摆脱困境”,所以B项符合题意。20. The country

19、s deficit that year _ to a record 169.8 billion dollars.A.soaredB.souredC.soredD.sourced答案:A解答 句子大意为:那一年,这个国家的赤字突然飙升到1698亿美元的纪录。A项soared“飙升,骤然上升”;B项soured“发酵,变酸,厌烦”;C项sored“弄伤”;D项sourced“发起,寻求来源”。所以A项符合题意。Part ClozeDirections: Read the following passage carefully and choose ONE best word for each nu

20、mbered blank. 2009 was the worst year for the record labels in a decade. 1 was 2008, and before that 2007 and 2006. In fact, industry revenues have been 2 for the past 10 years. Digital sales are growing, but not as fast as traditional sales are falling. Maybe thats because illegal downloads are so

21、easy. People have been 3 intellectual property for centuries, but it used to be a time-consuming way to generate markedly 4 copies. These days, high-quality copies are 5 . According to the Pew Internet project, people use file-sharing software more often than they do iTunes and other legal shops. Id

22、 like to believe, as many of my friends seem to, that this practice wont do much harm. But even as Ive heard over the past decade that things werent 6 bad, that the music industry was moving to a new, better business model, each years numbers have been worse. Maybe its time to admit that we may neve

23、r find a way to 7 consumers who want free entertainment with creators who want to get paid. 8 on this problem, the computational neuroscientist Anders Sandberg recently noted that although we have strong instinctive feelings about ownership, intellectual property doesnt always 9 that framework. The

24、harm done by individual acts of piracy is too small and too abstract. The nature of intellectual property, he wrote, makes it hard to maintain the social and empathic 10 that keep(s) us from taking each others things. 1. A.AsB.SameC.ThusD.So答案:D解答 空格所在句子大意为:对唱片公司来说,2009年是过去十年最糟糕的一年。2008年、之前的2007年和20

25、06年亦是如此。此处考查so的固定用法,“so+助动词/情态动词/be动词”表示“也是,也一样”。2.A.stagnatingB.decliningC.increasingD.stultifying答案:B解答 空格所在句子大意为:事实上,行业收入在过去十年一直在下降。A项stagnating“(使)淤塞,(使)停滞,(使)沉滞,(使)变萧条”;B项declining“下倾,下降,下垂”;C项increasing“增加,加大”;D项stultifying“使显得愚笨,使变无效,使成为徒劳”。B项符合文意。3.A.takingB.robbingC.stealingD.pirating答案:D解答

26、 空格所在句子大意为:几个世纪以来,一直有人在盗用知识产权,不过,生产明显低劣的复制品曾经是耗费时间的方式。A项taking“拿走,取,占领,获得”;B项robbing“抢夺,抢掠,剥夺”;C项stealing“偷,窃取,偷窃,偷盗”;D项pirating“盗印,盗版,掠夺,翻印”。D项符合文意。4.A.upgradedB.inferiorC.ineffectiveD.preferable答案:B解答 空格所在句子大意参考第33题。A项upgraded“使升级,提升,改良品种”;B项inferior“下等的,差的,卑的”;C项ineffective“无效的,(指人)工作效率低的”;D项pref

27、erable“更可取的,更好的,更优越的”。B项符合文意。5.A.numerousB.ubiquitousC.accessibleD.effortless答案:D解答 空格所在句子大意为:如今,制作高品质的复制品已经是轻而易举的事情了。A项numerous“众多的,许多的,无数的”;B项ubiquitous“到处存在的,(同时)普遍存在的”;C项accessible“易接近的,可到达的,易受影响的,可理解的”;D项effortless“容易的,不费力气的”。D项符合文意。6.A.soB.thisC.thatD.much答案:C解答 空格所在句子大意为:正如我在过去十年内听说的那样,形势并没有那

28、么糟糕,音乐行业正转向一个新的更好的商业模式,不过每年的数量优势却越来越差。这里用“that”代替上段提到的一种情况。7.A.satisfyB.helpC.reconcileD.equate答案:C解答 空格所在句子大意为:也许是时候承认,我们永远也无法找到一种方式,把需要免费娱乐的消费者和希望得到报酬的创作者协调起来。A项satisfy“满足,使满意,说服,使相信”;B项help“帮助,助长,接济”;C项reconcile“使和解,使和谐,使顺从”;D项equate“使相等”。所选词语构成“_sb. with sb”的结构,只有C项正确。8.A.BasedB.CapitalizingC.Re

29、flectingD.Drawing答案:C解答 空格所在句子大意为:最近,计算机神经科学家安德斯桑贝格反思了这个问题。A项Based(on)“基于”;B项Capitalizing(on)“利用”;C项Reflecting(on)“思考,反省,怀疑,导致,责备”;D项Drawing(on)“戴上,吸收,利用,引诱”。C项符合文意。9.A.match up withB.fill intoD.set up答案:C解答 空格所在句子大意为:他指出,虽然我们对所有权有强烈的本能感觉,但是,知识产权并不总是符合那种框架。A项match up with“和相配”;B项fill in“填充,填

30、写,填满,替代”;C项fit into“适合”;D项set up“设立,竖立,架起,升起”。C项符合文意。10.A.constraintsB.consciousnessC.normD.etiquette答案:A解答 空格所在句子大意为:知识产权的本质使它很难保持社会和移情限制,阻止我们相互使用彼此的作品。A项constraints“约束,强制,局促”;B项consciousness“意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟,个人思想”;C项norm“标准,规范”;D项etiquette“礼节”。A项符合文意。Part Reading ComprehensionDirections: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statement. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the

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