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新pep2 unit1教案与反思.docx

1、新pep2 unit1教案与反思_年_月_日课题始业教育Education before starting lessons第 课时 教学过程(内容、方法、手段)一、 课前检查学生的书本及作业本准备情况,并讲明使用方法。二、 简单读解英语书中的人物,快速浏览所有内容。1、 contents单元主题。2、 认读人物名字。3、 认识书本上的一些标志与其要求。主情景图。Unit 单元标志:本册共6单元,其后的数字代表第几单元。A B C: 每单元为A B C 三部分 4、家中有电脑的,可带U盘来老师这里复制电子课文,里面还配有简单的游戏。三、 Free talkWhats your name? How

2、 old are you? How are you?Nice to meet you. Nice to see you的区分。四、 Know some new person in the book.Amy Zhang Peng五、 讲解本学期的评价方式及要求。主旨:注重平时表现,为平时和期末测试取得好成绩而努力。平时:上课认真听讲,积极举手发言,认真细致完成各类书面作业; 课后完成教师要求的读或背内容; 在家有计划地听、跟读、读熟课文,尝试背诵,然后完成家长签名(签在书上)。评价:书面作业用“A五角星” ,不定期进行兑换。 测验成绩90分以上为优秀。六、 动手准备。1、 英回:1)读熟P_,家

3、长签名;听P_ _遍,最好能读会。 2)每天记忆书上至少一个单词,不定期默写。3)完成英语的相关书面作业。 2、 选英语组长和课代表。3、 完成写名字的任务,可做抄写本p2-6。4、 Homework1 听第一单元一遍,跟读,包括单词与句子。2 完成抄写本至11页。板书设计教后感 Unit1 Welcome back to school!课时安排共 课时 _年_月_日课题 A lets talk Look and say 第 课时 教学目标知识:1.能够听懂、会说句型:Im from _. 2能够听懂、认读并尝试会说句型:boys and girls, we have two new frie

4、nds today. Welcome!能力:1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型“Im from_.”进行自我介绍。情感:学会与人沟通,准确表达个人信息。重 点难 点重点:1.能够听懂、会说句型:Im from _. 2能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型“Im from_.”进行自我介绍。难点:能够听懂、认读并尝试会说句型:boys and girls, we have two new friends today. Welcome!教 学准 备录音机,PPT, 单词卡片(friends, boys, girls, new, today, Im from)教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1

5、Warm up and revision. 1 enjoy the song “ boy and girl”.2 Free talkHello! *. Nice to meet you.How are you?Step2. Presentation1 T shows the characters ( Miss White, Mr Jones, Zoom, Zip)a Say hello to them.b T: Look. They are my friends. We have many friends.c Learn the word and sentence: friend, frien

6、ds- We have many friends.2 T shows the characters ( boys and girls)T: Look! We have many old friends. They are boys. They are girls. a Introduce: This is _. b Learn: boy, girl3 Introduce Amy & Zhang Peng: We have two new friends today. a Learn the words and sentence: new, today- We have two new frie

7、nds today. b try to read about Amy and Zhang Peng.4 Lets talk. a Watch the cartoon. b Listen and repeat. c Read follow T, pay attention to the words: friends, boys, girls, new, today, from. d Read and act.Step3. Practice 1 Look and say.a To be Mike and Sarah, read the self-introduction.b Learn: Im f

8、rom _. Then train work. T: where are you from? S: Im from _. 让学生注意表达,如Haining, Hangzhouc To be Amy and Zhang Peng, make a self-introduction.d make a self- introduction. 示范: Hello. Im *. Im a boy/ girl. Im _ years old. Im from _. 2 Read the words on p6 cat bag dad hand 3 WB p 1 2) p2 1) 2) 3) p3 4)St

9、ep4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题Main scene A lets learn lets chant B lets sing第 课时 教学目标知识:1.能够听、说、认读单词:China, Canada, the UK, the USA.能力:1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型 “Im from _”熟练地进行自我介绍。 2能够听懂、会说chant。 3初步感知歌曲节奏,尝试唱。情感:1. 学会与人沟通,准确表达个人信息。 2. 通过学习国家名称,了解中国和主要英语国家的国旗以及标志性的建筑物。重 点难 点重点:1.能够听、说、认读单词:China, Canada

10、, the UK, the USA.2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型 “Im from _”熟练地进行自我介绍。难点:1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型 “Im from _”熟练地进行自我介绍。 2能够听懂、会说chant。教 学准 备录音机,单词卡片(China, Canada, the UK, the USA).教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1 show time: 让学生进行自我介绍或合作表演p4的课文。2 Review the new words: friends, boys, girls, new, today, fr

11、om 3 Sing the song “ boy and girl”.Step2. Presentation1 Main scene a watch the cartoon. b answer the question: where is Amy from? She is from the UK. c to be Amy. Pay attention to the.2 Learn the words about countries. (the) UK Im from (the) UK. (the) USA Im from (the) USA. Canada Im from Canada. Ch

12、ina Im from China. 3 增加一些课外的关于国家的标志性物体,如熊猫来自中国.4 在书上p5 p7 做好中文笔记。英国大本钟 多伦多电视塔 自由女神像 长城熊猫 海狸 鹰 袋鼠Step3. Extension and consolidation1 Read on main scene1(同学间相见): *, This is _. Nice to meet you. main scene2(与老师相见):Miss *, nice to meet you. main scene3: 欢迎。 2 Lets say. Im *. Im from_.3 Enjoy the chant.

13、a Listen and repeat 3 times. b Try to say. 4 game: Whats missing? 让画面中的图片消失,学生说出相应的国家英语名。 5 Listen and repeat follow the tape p2-6 6 WB Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题A lets spell第 课时 教学目标知识:1.知道元音字母a在单词中的短音发音/ /。能力:1. 能够正确说出元音字母a在单词中的短音发音/ /,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。情感:能够逐步做到见到符合发音规律的词能拼读,听到符合发音规律的词能拼写

14、。重 点难 点重点:知道元音字母a在单词中的短音发音/ /。难点:能够正确说出元音字母a在单词中的短音发音/ /,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。教 学准 备录音机,字母Aa教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1 show time: 让学生进行自我介绍或合作表演p4的课文。2 Lets say. Aa Aa Aa / / / / / / Bb Bb Bb / / / / / / 3 try to spell. T say: / / / / S spell: / /Step2. Presentation1 T shows the pict

15、ure “ cat”. a let S to spell. b listen and write down the word.2 teach other words like above: bag dad hand3 Game: hot seat. 教室前放三把椅子,分别粘上标签“beginning, middle, end”,每组派一位学生根据老师读出单词的某个音素判断该音素在单词中的位置,并坐在相应的椅子上。4 Game: 拆音训练。5 try to read: can pan ant bat fan gas hang jam lamp map rat Sam tap van Step3.

16、 Extension and consolidation 1 Dictation. 2 Read and repeat follow the tape p6-8Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题Main scene B lets talk Look and say lets chant第 课时 教学目标知识:1.能够听懂、会说句型:Where are you from? Im from _. He/She is _. 2能够认读句子:Where are you from? Im from _.能力:1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型“Im from_. He/

17、She is _.”等简单介绍自己以及他人。 2能够在情景中运用句型Where are you from? Im from _.询问他人的国籍或籍贯并回答。情感:1. 学会与人沟通,交流个人信息。 2. 学习对人有礼貌的好行为。重 点难 点重点:1.能够听懂、会说句型:Where are you from? Im from _. He/She is _. 2能够在情景中运用句型Where are you from? Im from _.询问他人的国籍或籍贯并回答。难点:正确区分he, she教 学准 备ppt教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1

18、 Review the new words: friends, new, boy, girl, today, UK, USA, China, Canada, Australia。b Make a self-introduction: Hello. Im*. Im a boy/ girl. Im from _.Step2. Presentation1 老师根据学生的自我介绍make an introduction: this is *. He/ She is a boy/ girl/ student.2 扮演人物进行介绍。3 Learn the new words: shes = she is,

19、 hes = he is, student, teacher a Introduce Amy: This is Amy.Shes a girl.Shes 9 years old.Shes from the UK.Shes a new student. b Introduce Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng.Hes a boy.Hes 10 years old.Hes from Shandong.Hes a new student, too.c Introduce Mr Jones: This is Mr Jones.Hes a teacher.4 lets tal

20、k a watch the cartoon and think: Where is Amy from?b learn to say. Shes a new student. Shes= she is, Hes= he is, student Where are you from? c train work. Where are you from? Im from China.出示各种动物,再次问答。 d read follow the tape 并让学生做好笔记。 e act.Step3. Extension and consolidation 1 Look and say. 老师一一出示四种

21、小动物,提问:Where are you from? 学生回答: Im from _. 并请学生贴卡片于黑板上。 2 lets chant. 3 Read and repeat follow the tape p1-8Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题B lets learn lets chant lets sing第 课时 教学目标知识:1.能够听、说、认读单词:he, she, teacher, student(pupil).能力:1. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型 “This is _. He/ She is a teacher / student(pu

22、pil)”介绍他人。 2能够听懂、会说chant。 3能够听懂、会唱歌曲“ boy and girl”.情感:1. 学会与人沟通,准确表达他人信息。重 点难 点重点:1.能够听、说、认读单词:he, she, teacher, student(pupil).2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中运用句型 “This is _. He/ She is a teacher / student(pupil)”介绍他人。难点:正确区分he, she教 学准 备录音机,教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1 Review the new words: friend

23、s, new, boy, girl, UK, USA, China, Canada, he, she. 2 ask and answer. This is *. Nice to see you. Where are you from? Im from _.Step2. Presentation1 T draws 4 person, then teach the words. he boy student pupil she girl student pupil he teacher she teacherStep3. Extension and consolidation 1 let s dr

24、aw best friend, then introduce him/ her. This is *. He/ Shes a _. 2 Enjoy the chant. 3 Read and repeat follow the tape p9-11, 第一单元词汇表及常用表达法。Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题B Start to read lets check lets sing C story time 机动第 课时 教学目标知识:1.完成Start to read lets check的练习能力:1. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“boy and girl”. 2.

25、能听懂并理解故事大致意思。情感:培养英语的自主学习能力。重 点难 点重点:完成Start to read lets check的练习难点:能听懂并理解故事大致意思,能讲述故事。教 学准 备录音机,教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1 review the words and sentences of u1.Step2. Presentation1 finish “Start to read lets check”, then check the answers. 2 learn to sing the song 3 story time.Ste

26、p3. Extension and consolidation 1 read or act the story.Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感 _年_月_日课题A lets learn lets chant A look and say B lets sing第 课时 教学目标知识:1.能力:1. 情感:重 点难 点重点:难点:教 学准 备录音机,教学过程(内容、方法、手段)Step1 Warm up and revision. 1 Step2. Presentation1 Step3. Extension and consolidation 1 Step4. Homework.板书设计教后感

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