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1、妙语集训汇编妙语集训 (一) 抄写并背诵下列经典句式。 要求:1、背诵要准确、熟练。2、抄写要认真、规范。1. It might be many years before we meet again. 大概要过多年我们才能再见面。2. Its years since I enjoyed myself so much. 我有好几年没有玩的这么痛快了。3. Its the second time that he has been praised for that. 这是他第二次受到表扬了。4. I hate it when people speak with their mouths full.

2、我不喜欢人们吃着东西说话。5. It is suggested that we start out early in the morning. 有人建议我们一大早就出发。6. It was in the factory where he once worked that he received a warm welcome.是在他工作过的那个工厂他受到了热烈欢迎的。图表写作:【写作例文赏析】在你校举行的 “感恩”教育活动中,在你校学生间进行了一次调查。请根据下列饼图所提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文,发表在校报上。要求简要分析图表,并发表自己的看法。13%18%69%注意:1、说明饼图所揭示的问题

3、,并表达你对调查结果的看法。 2、词数120-150。【写作思路点拨】1、人称:第三人称2、时态:一般现在时3、要点提示:学校调查69%不知道父母的生日 13%为父母打过洗脚水18%帮父母在家里做家务,如洗碗、筷等结论和号召4、篇章结构:文章可分三段.【文采修饰】1、高档词汇的选用:admit,have no idea,much less than,show our respect and thanks for,get down to dong something等。2、复杂句型的选用:主动句与被动句的交互使用;过去分词做定语;宾语从句等,使得本篇书面表达行文流畅。【范文】 Recently,

4、 a survey has been done among the students in our school about what they did for their parents.69% of the students surveyed admit that they have no idea when their parents birthday is, which surprises us greatly since we can all remember ours. Only 13% admit having ever prepared water for their pare

5、nts to help wash their feet, and another 18% admit having helped wash dishes or chopsticks after meals at home.From the figures above we can see that what we did for our parents is much less than what they have done for us. So how can we be indifferent to the trouble that they have taken to bring us

6、 up? We should learn to show our respect and thanks for them. And just from now on, from little things around us, lets get down to dong something for our parents. ( 145 words )妙语集训 (二)(常考句式) 抄写并背诵下列经典句式。 要求:1、背诵要准确、熟练。2、抄写要认真、规范。1. The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a go

7、od knowledge of English, so we cant overemphasize the importance of learning English. 社会的发展使得我们有必要精通英语,因此,无论怎样强调学习英语的重要性都不过分。2. Granted that he has the money to buy the house, it doesnt mean he is going to do so. 的确,他有钱买那房子,但是这并不意味着他要去买。3. Had you come earlier / If you had come earlier, you would ha

8、ve seen the famous singer star. 要是你早点来,你就会见到那个著名歌星了。4. There being so much work to do, we need two other little boys to help us.这里有这么多工作要做,我们还需要另外两个小男孩来帮忙。5. Not until he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted too much time playing computer games. 直到他考试不及格了他才意识到自己花在电脑游戏上的时间太多了。6. While

9、 I agree that the problem is difficult, I dont mean it cant be solved. 尽管我认为这个问题很难,但我并不是说就无法解决了。 书信:【写作例文赏析】假定你是王军,看到英语测试报上登载了一则招聘英语编辑的启事,你想申请这份工作。请根据下列表格中的内容,写一封E-mail英文信,120-150词,介绍自己的情况。姓名王军年龄出生于1982年10月12日籍贯吉林省长春市毕业学校及专业长春大学外语学院英语专业工作经历在一家企业做过翻译,做过英语导游其他情况口语很好;精通电脑;身体健康联系方式Email: wangjun1012注意:

10、1、开头和结尾已为你写好;2、介绍须包括所有内容,但不要逐条译成英语。Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to _ Yours,Wang Jun【写作思路点拨】1、体裁:应用文- 书信 2、时态:一般现在时为主 3、人称:第一人称4、 要点提示:(1)得知招聘的事情,想申请;(2) 介绍和推荐自己 be born in; graduate from; once work as; be good at(3)想得到工作的愿望及自己的联系方式5、篇章结构:可以分成三段【文采修饰】1、连接词的选用:as for, so, apart from.2.、高档词汇的选用:apply f

11、or, be fit for, as for, work as, deal with, have a good knowledge of, look forward to等。3、复杂句型的选用:定语从句;if条件句;and引导的并列句等。【范文】Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to apply for the job you advertised in the newspaper. I read the advertisement in your English paper this morning and I think Im fit for the job. I

12、 was born on October 12th 1982 in Changchun, Jilin Province. I graduated from the Foreign Language Department of Changchun University. As for my work experience, I once worked as an interpreter in a big company and later as an English guide, which not only broadened my knowledge but also taught me h

13、ow to communicate with others. And I think I know what to expect with an English editor. Apart from all these, I have a good knowledge of computer and can drive perfectly. I think Im just the person you are looking for. And Im sure you wont regret if you hire me. My E-mail is wangjun1012, and if you

14、 are interested, please let me know. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Wang Jun(Words: 141)妙语集训 (三)(倒装与其它句式) 抄写并背诵下列经典句式。 要求:1、背诵要准确、熟练。2、抄写要认真、规范。1. Who do you suggest be sent to work there? 你认为应该派谁去那里工作?2. It so happened that I had no money with me at the moment.碰巧我当时没有带钱。3. When the doo

15、r to the church opened, in came the man walking down the church with his head down.当教堂的门打开时,那个人低着头沿着教堂走了进来。4. Hardly / No sooner had I got home when / than it began to rain. 我刚一到家就开始下雨了。5. Much as I like the car, I wont buy it, for I lack money. 尽管我很喜欢那辆车,但我也不会买的,因为我缺钱。6. It was not so much the many

16、 blows he received as the lack of fighting spirit that led to his losing the game.他比赛失败的原因不在于他受到的那么多的打击,而更多的是在于他缺少战斗的勇气。 【写作例文赏析】-柱图最近,你校学生会分别对100名男生和100女生上网的目的进行了一次调查,调查结果如下。请你用英语给校报写一篇报道,通告此事,以引全校师生的关注。注意:1、简要说明图表所示的内容,并表达自己的观点。2、词数120-150。3、短文层次要清晰。_【写作思路点拨】1、时态:一般现在时2、人称:第三人称3、要点提示:调查上网目的;读新闻;发送

17、邮件;聊天;学习;玩游戏;自己的观点。4、篇章结构:文章可分三段。【文采修饰】1、 连接词的选用: but, bothand moreover otherwise2、 高档词汇的选用:keep in touch with, as for,useas, benefit from, pay attention to, in ones opinion.3、复杂句型的选用:what.most 引导的定主语从句;as引导的让步状语从句;倒装语序等。【范文】Recently, a survey on the purpose of the students surfing the Internet has

18、been made among 100 boys and 100 girls in our school. According to the survey, girls favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What the boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like it. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. As for study, the numbers

19、 of boys and girls are equal, but only several of them will use Internet as a tool to study. In my opinion, useful as the Internet is, the students should make better and wiser use of it. Otherwise, its impossible for us to benefit from it. I also hope the parents will pay enough attention to their

20、children using the Internet in their spare time. ( 137 words ) 妙语集训 (四)(定语从句) 抄写并背诵下列经典句式。 要求:1、背诵要准确、熟练。2、抄写要认真、规范。1. There is nothing that is too difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。2. His sister has become a lawyer, which she wanted to be. 他姐姐成了一名律师,这是她所希望的。3. The boy and his d

21、og that were believed to be lost in the woods were rescued this morning. 被认为迷失在森林中的男孩和他的狗今天早上已经获救了。4. Whoever comes first wins a gold medal, but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. 不论谁先到都能够获得金牌,但是第四名将什么也得不到。5. The journey around the world took them nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 da

22、ys.环球旅行花了他们九个月的时间,其中航行时间为226天。6. The place at which the bridge is supposed to be built should be where the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. 大桥被建的地点应该是在跨河交通最为繁重的地方。 【例文赏析】近期,你班同学们就学生是否能够带手机进课堂一事发生了不少争论。有人认为应该禁止,有人则表示不该对此进行限制。请你就此事件写一篇英语短文,记述争论情况,并说明自己的看法。要求:1、层次要清晰。2、词数120-150。_【范文】At present, a

23、heated discussion is being carried on among the students in our class about whether a mobile phone should be taken into class.Some students believe its unnecessary for us to carry a cell phone as we are just students, whose main task is to study. Besides, many students cant concentrate on their less

24、ons because some often have their phones ring during classes. On the contrary, there are students who raise an objection to this point. In their opinion, its their right to have a phone and they need it to keep in touch with their friends or parents. As far as Im concerned, I wouldnt carry a cell ph

25、one. On one hand, it costs money to own a phone, and on the other, its not necessary since its very convenient for me to make a call at a phone box. ( 143 words )【范文评析】本篇书面表达的思路清晰, 范文结构明朗、紧凑, 表达内容明确、合理。本文开门见山,明确提出本文论点,然后记述了讨论情况,最后说出自己的观点,属于辩论式议论文。1、 段落结构:第一段,引出话题,树立论点;第二段,表述说明赞同与反对双方的讨论情况;第三段,陈述自己的看

26、法,表明自己立场,观点鲜明,准确。 2、 时态 本文主要用的是一般现在时,符合议论文的写作特点。 3、 人称 文章用第一、三人称,符合题目要求。 4、 连接词的使用:本文使用了诸如 “besides, because, on the contrary, , as far as Im concerned, on one hand, on the other hand等词语,使得句与句之间连接顺畅,且逻辑合理。5、 高级词语的使用:本文还使用了一些较为新颖和高级的词语,如:a heated discussion, concentrate on, raise an objection to, kee

27、p in touch with等,表达准确、得当。6、 高级句式的使用:句式变化多样,正确运用了较多的句型结构。如运用了较为复杂的宾语从句与定语从句的结合:Some students believe its unnecessary for us to carry a cell phone as we are just students, whose main task is to study。此外,本文主动与被动句式交互使用,避免了行文单一、表达不畅的情况,这些都是写作中的亮点。 妙语集训 (五) (情态动词的用法) 抄写并背诵下列经典句式。 要求:1、背诵要准确、熟练。2、抄写要认真、规范。

28、1. We used to swim every day when we were children-we would run down to the lake and jump in. 孩提时,我们每天去游泳-我们会跑向湖,跳进去。2. You cannot pay too much attention to your reading skills as they are so important. 你越注意阅读技巧越好,因为那很重要。3. Its nearly seven oclock. Jack should be here at any moment.现在接近七点了,杰克随时会到的。4

29、. You shall get the book on condition that you give it back to me on time. 你会得到那本书的,只要你能够及时把它还给我。5. Should you be fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. 要是你被解雇了,你的医疗保险和其它福利并不会马上被取消的。6. Naturally, after I told my daughter what to do, she must go and do the opposite. 很自然,在我告诉女儿去做什么时, 她却偏偏去反着做。【写作例文赏析】-书面通知从语言表达上来看, 英语的通知可以分为两类,即书面通知和口头通知。 书面通知一般用NOTICE或是Notice 作标记,通常写在正文上方的正中间位置。发出通知的单位写在正文结束的右下角,或者写在NOTICE的正上方,发出通知的日期一般写在正文左下角,单位和日期两项有时也可以省略。 书面通知的正文就是通知的内容,这是通知的主题部分,包括通告的对象、事由、时间、地点等。通知的语言要简练,条理要清楚,要求精确无误,特别是时间问题,一定要表达清楚,不能含糊不清。结束语:书面通知的结束语常常有:Please atte

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