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本文(吉林省长春市朝阳区学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题图片版.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、吉林省长春市朝阳区学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题图片版长春市朝阳区学生学业情况阶段性诊断测试卷七年级英语听力材料及参考答案 一、听力(共25分)根据所听到的句子,选择最佳答语。(5分)1. Is there a post office near here?2. How is the weather today?3. What kind of noodles would you like?4. How was your trip last weekend?5. What did you do last Saturday?15 CBACA 根据所听到的对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。(5分)6

2、. W: Its sunny today, what do you want to do this afternoon, Dave? M: I want to play badminton with my classmates. Question: What does Dave want to do this afternoon?7. W: What would you like to drink, green tea or apple juice, Steve? M: Green tea, please. Question: What would Steve like to drink?8.

3、 W: What did you do last Sunday, Jeff? M: My friends went boating, but I studied for the test. Question: What did Jeff do last Sunday?9. W: Jack, what did you see on the farm? M: I saw a lot of vegetables and fruit. W: Did you pick any fruit? M: Yes, I picked some strawberries. Question: What fruit

4、did Jack pick on the farm?10. W: Excuse me. Im new in town. Can I find a bank around here? M: Yes, its behind the school. Question: Where is the bank around here?610 CBACB 根据所听到的描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分) 11. Look! A few children are making delicious cakes. They look happy!12. Summer vacation is

5、coming, people like traveling to the sea by ship.13. My favorite food is noodles. I have a bowl of beef noodles for lunch. 14. Mikes mother often buys vegetables and fruit in the supermarket. 15. Mary is a beautiful girl. She likes walking on rainy days with an umbrella.1115 FADBE根据所听到的对话内容,选择最佳答案。(

6、5分)听第一段对话,作答第1617小题。M: Good morning, Madam, Can I help you?W: Yes. Id like a pair of sports shoes for my little son.M: What size do you want?W: Size 35.M: What color do you want?W: White.听第二段对话,作答第1820小题。W: Hello! This is House of Dumplings! May I take your order, sir?M: Yes. Id like two bowls of du

7、mplings. W: What size would you like, small or large?M: Two small bowls. W: What would you like with it? M: Id like beef and carrot. W: Anything else?M: Thats all. How much are they?W: Fifty yuan. You will get them soon. 1620 ABABC根据所听到的短文内容, 选择最佳答案。(5分)Tom went to see his aunt in the city by train

8、with his parents. Tom thought everything was interesting. He liked animals. The zoo was near his aunts house. He wanted to go there again.One day, Tom went to the zoo after lunch. He watched some of the animals sleeping. He was thirsty but he had no money to buy any drinks. He walked and walked. He

9、saw a lot of pears on a tree. He looked around and nobody was there. He climbed the tree and began to eat the pears on the tree.“What are you doing in the tree?” an old man asked Tom.“Look at the small blackboard. It says, “Dont walk on the grass, please.” Tom answered. 2125 BACAC 二、基础知识 (25 分)VI. 在

10、下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整,语法正确。 (5分)26. wish 27. from 28. tired /sleepy/exhausted/thirsty 29. again/ loudly 30. teach VII. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)31. third 32. fed 33. songs 34. Natural 35. LuckilyVIII. 单项选择(15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。3640 BBCDB 4145 DCADB 46 50 CBDBA三、交际运用(5分)IX. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对

11、话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)5155 EDBCA四、阅读理解 (45分)X. 完形填空.(15分) 5660 BACAB 6165 CDBCD 6670 ACABAXI. 阅读理解(30分)(A) 7175 BCADD(B) 7680 DCABA(C) 8185 TFFTT(D) 8690 DEBCA(E) 91.We / You /I have to pay for them.92. By the door. / We / You can put them by the door.93. From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.94. Two. / Two books.

12、/ We / You can borrow two books each time.95. For two weeks. / We / You can keep them for two books.五、书面表达(共20分). (A) 96. At/In 97. kinds 98. or 99. taste/eat/have 100. good/nice/great/wonderful(B) 略。评分原则:1.此题共15分,内容和语言14分,字数1分。按5个档次给分。评分时根据其内容、语言表达的准确程度及其书写情况分档,最后确定分数。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后根

13、据该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。3. 总词数少于试题要求所规定的,在本题总分得分中扣去1分;超过规定总词数的,不扣分;如果书写太差,格式、标点符号错误太多,以至于影响阅卷的,降低一个档次给分。4. 句子的整体结构、动词的时态、语态用法错误的每项各扣1分,不重复扣分;单词拼写、标点符号和大小写满4个扣1 分,不重复扣分。5. 评分时,应注意的主要内容有:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。6. 对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。7. 对完成了试题所规定的全部任务,语言得体、地道的书面表达,可给满分。评分档次:第一档:(1415分)内容完整,表达充分,层次结构清晰,语言流畅,可读性强,基本上无语法、拼写错误,书写工整。第二档:(1113分)内容比较完整,表达比较充分,层次结构比较清晰,语言比较流畅,有个别语法、拼写错误,书写比较工整。第三档:(810分)内容不够完整,表达基本充分,语句基本通顺,有一些语法、拼写错误,书写不够工整。第四档:(47分)内容不完整,表达不充分,层次结构不合理,语言不流畅,语法、拼写错误较多,书写不工整。第五档:(03分)只写出个别词语,内容不可读。

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