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1、英语现在进行时练习题含答案(英语)现在进行时练习题含答案一、单项选择现在进行时1They wont buy any new clothes because they _ money to buy a new car.Asave Bwere saving Chave saved Dare saving【答案】D【解析】用现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。2 Have you got any job offers?No. I _. Hopefully, I will get one by the end of this month.Awaited Bhad been waitingChave wa

2、ited Dam waiting【答案】D【解析】句意:你收到工作邀请函了吗?没有,我正在等待,在这个月底很有希望能收到一份。根据下方提到Hopefully, I will get one by the end of this month.可见作者正在等待,故选D项。3Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.Atakes off Bis taking offChas taken off Dtook off【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:女士们先生们,请系好安全带。飞机马上要起飞了。Be doing 可以

3、表示最近的将来,常用的动词有come ,go, leave,take off 等,根据句意可知用将来时态,选B。考点:考查动词时态4-Have you seen Tony recently? -No, but I _ dinner with him on SundayAwould have Bhave hadChave been having Dam having【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查动词时态。句意:你最近见过Tom吗?没有,但这周日我将和他一起吃晚餐。A. would have过去将来时,表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态;B. have had现在完成时,表示

4、到现在为止已经完成了的动作或状态;C. have been having现在完成进行时,表示动作从某时开始一直延续到现在;D. am having现在进行时,可表示在最近或按计划要进行的动作。故选D。5-The concert wont start till seven. Why_ so early?-You know I don t want to be at the traffic there. Its terrible during the rush hour.Aare you leaving Bdo you leaveCwere you leaving Dhad you left【答案

5、】A【解析】试题分析:考查时态。句意:-演唱会七点才开始,为什么要走这么早?-我不想堵在路上,高峰期的交通状况很糟糕。根据句意可知是现在的情况,排除C、D;go, come, leave, move等表示位置移动的词,常用进行时表示将来,故选A。考点:考查时态6As the job-hunting season is on the way,many graduates from anxietyAwill be suffered Bare sufferingCwere suffering Dare being suffered【答案】B【解析】B。大学毕业生在找工作前就已经开始为工作焦虑了,故用

6、现在进行时。7 Oh, you said youd tell me the latest news about the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.- Sorry, I with my work at hand. I to that.Adeal; will come Bwas dealing; comeChave dealt; have come Dhave been dealing; am coming【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-你说你要告诉我关于马航MH370的最新的消息。-对不起,我手头一直有事情要处理。我马上就来讲这件事。第一

7、空用现在完成进行时,表示从过去到现在一直在处理工作,第二空填现在进行时表示将来时,所以选D。考点:考查时态8You have no chance of getting the position. Im afraid you _ your time if you apply for it.Awaste Bhave wastedChave been wasting Dwill be wasting【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:你没有机会得到这个职位。如果你申请它的话,你会浪费你的时间的。故选D.现在进行时表动作从过去开始一直延续到现在,并有可能延续下去。将来进行时表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间正

8、在进行的动作。例如:At 7:00 this evening I will be watching the news programmes on TV。今晚七点,我将正在收看电视上的新闻节目。What will you be doing at five tomorrow afternoon?明天下午五点你们将要干什么? 还可以在口语中常用来表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作。例如:When shall I be expecting you this evening ?今晚我几点等你?考点:动词时态点评:动词时态是高考必考的三大语法点之一,所以平时对动词时态要多进行练习,分清各个时态之间的差别并掌

9、握其用法。9- Joan, what_in your hand?- Look! Its a birthday gift for my grandmother.Ahad you held Bare you holding Cdo you hold Dwill you hold【答案】B【解析】本题考查时态用法。通过语境判断是现在的时间,并且表达动作正在发生,故选B;10Are you free tomorrow? I was wondering if we could have lunch together. No, Im afraid not. I John then.Aam meeting

10、Bmet Chave met Dwas meeting【答案】A【解析】试题分析: 句意:-明天你有空吗?我想知道我们能否一起吃午饭。-不,恐怕不能。我那时将和约翰见面。Then指的是tomorrow,所以用现在进行时表示一般过去式,选A。考点:考查时态11That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who _ the piano upstairs?Ahas played BplayedCplays Dis playing【答案】D【解析】考查时态。句意:这段音乐听起来很熟悉。谁在楼上弹钢琴?可知下文描述的是正在发生的动作,故用现在进行时态,选D 。1

11、2As they couldnt satisfy my _, Im _now.Aneeding; hunger Bneed; starved Cneeded; starvation Dneeds; starving【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意“由于他们不能满足我的需要,我快要饿死了”。这里的 “satisfy ones needs”“满足某人的需求”, starve动词,“挨饿”,hunger名词“饥饿”,。starvation名词“饥饿”,选D。考点:考查固定短语和动词13Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy t

12、ask because technology _ so rapidly.Ais changing Bhas changedCwill have changed Dwill change【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查动词时态。句意:选择一款供个人使用的手机并不容易,因为技术变化太快了。本句的主句一般现在时表达的是目前的情况,而“科技发展迅速”也是现阶段正存在的一种状态,因此只能用现在进行时表达。故选A。14Joan,what _ in your hand?Look!Its a birthday gift for my grandma.Ahad you held Bare you holdingC

13、do you hold Dwill you hold【答案】B【解析】考查时态。根据答语中的Look可知,“拿”这一动作正在进行,故用现在进行时。句意:Joan,你手里拿的是什么?看看!这是我给奶奶的生日礼物。15.- I hear you_at Smiths. - Yes, I _ there for about three months.Awork; had been working Bworked; was workingCare working; have been working Dworked; have worked【答案】C【解析】考查时态。根据语境我听说你在史密斯办公室工作。

14、是的,我在那儿工作了大约3个月。可知用现在进行时和现在完成进行时,选C。16The constant noise around here_ me crazy!Calm downIts no use complainingAdrove BdrivesCis driving Dhad driven【答案】C【解析】试题解析:句意:这里连续不断的吵闹声要把我逼疯了!冷静点。抱怨也没用。根据谈话内容可知:使用现在进行时。故选C。考点:现在进行时及其被动式17 - Hello, I _ to ask if I can book two tickets for tonights film.- Sorry,

15、 weve already sold out.Aam phoning Bwill phoneCphone Dhave phoned【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查情景交际和时态。句意:-你好,我打电话是询问一下能否预定两张今晚的电影票。-抱歉,电影票已经售完了。根据句意可知,“我”正在打电话,表示说话时正在进行的动作,应该用现在进行时,故选A。考点:考查情景交际和时态18Tom, our manager, _ for America in two days and he has asked me to find out when the earliest plane _ next Sunday

16、.Ais to leave; is going to take offBwill leave; is taking offCis leaving; takes offDleaves; will take off【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查时态。句意:我们的经理汤姆两天后将要去美国,他让我查一查下个周日最早的班机。in+一段时间,与将来时连用,根据“in two days”可知,第一空用将来时,排除D;find out后是一个宾语从句,其中包含一个when引导的时间状语从句,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时,排除A、B,故选C。考点:考查时态19Some researches have p

17、roved that water quality _ due to too many dams and pumps in some areas.Ahas been declined Bis being declinedCis declining Dhad been declining【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意: 许多研究表明,水的质量由于过度开采而下降。根据语境提到研究表明,这个问题正在发生,故用现在进行时,故选C项。考点 : 考查动词的时态20The zoo keepers is worried because the number of visitors _ smal

18、lerand smaller.Abecome Bbecame Cis becoming Dhave become【答案】C【解析】考查主谓一致。the number of的数目,谓语动词用单数形式。根据句意用现在进行时。句意:动物管理员担心游客的数量正在变得越来越少。21I think we should accept that offer, for we _ such bad luck up till now and time _.Ahave;is run out Bhave had;is running outChave had;is run out Dhave;is running ou

19、t【答案】B【解析】考查时态语态。up till now=so far是“到目前为止”的意思,是现在完成时的标志;run out意思 是“用光,用尽”,无被动。此句用现在进行时态表将来。故选B。22- Hi, its time we worked out a plan for the research project.-Sorry, Im not available right now. I _ for the upcoming final exam.Aam preparing Bprepared Chave prepared Dwill be preparing【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查

20、现在进行时。句意:-嗨,我们该为这个研究项目制定计划了。-对不起,我现在没空。我正在为即将到来的期末考试做准备。由“Sorry, Im not available right now.”可知,我现在没空,正在为即将到来的期末考试做准备。所以本句为现在进行时。故选A项。23Mum, is the pair of gloves _ mine?Yes. You have to wear another pair.Awashing Bhave washedCbeing washed Dhaving washed【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:妈妈,这双正洗的手套是我的吗?是的。你不得不带另一

21、双了。根据下文可知,手套是正在被洗,用现在进行时的被动,故选C。24A study shows a worrying tendency that the window for saving the worlds coral reefs from the effects of global warming_.Awas being rapidly closed Bwill be rapidly closedChas rapidly closed Dis rapidly closing【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:一项研究显示了一个令人担忧的趋势拯救世界珊瑚礁免受全球变暖影响的窗口正在迅

22、速关闭。根据句意可知,这种趋势是正在发生的,用现在进行时。故选D。25-I will have two final exams tomorrow.-Me too. So you _ any sympathy from me here.Aarent getting Bdidnt getCarent going to get Dhavent got【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:明天我有两科期末考试。我也是,所以在我这里你得不到同情。语境表明第二个人明天也有两科期末考试,所以此刻不能给与同情,应该用现在进行时表示正在进行中的事情,故A项正确。26It is almost five yea

23、rs since Jimmy taught high school students and he _ as an interpreter in a foreign enterprise.Aserved Bhad servedCis serving Dwould serve【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意为:吉米不教高中生已经快五年了,他现在在一家外企做翻译。从前半句看,吉米不教高中生已经快五年了,后半句说的是他现在在外企做翻译,故用现在进行时。此题的关键是对前半句要理解准确,不能理解为“吉米教高中已经快五年了”。故选C。27 Can we play basketball in the

24、 school gym? No, it _ during the summer holidays.Ais repaired Bis being repairedCwas repaired Dhas been repaired【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查时态语态。句意:-我们可以在学校操场上打篮球吗?-不行,暑假期间操场正在被修葺。根据句意可知,这里是表示正在进行,所以要用现在进行时。主语it和动词之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态。故选B。28Ladies and gentlemen, we _ at Nanjing Station. Please get ready to get off t

25、he train.Aare arriving Bare to arrive Care going to arrive Dwill arrive【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:女士们,先生们,我们即将到达南京火车站。请做好下车的准备。此处用现在进行时态表示将来,故选A。【点睛】用进行时态表是将来:在英语中有些词通常用进行时态表示将来,常用的有come/go/leave/arrive/take/fly等。He is leaving for Beijing.他将要去北京。29Do you feel like going to the cinema tonight?Sorry, I m so

26、 tiredI _an early nightAhave Bam having Chave had Dhad【答案】B【解析】考查时态.句意:今晚你想去看电影吗?对不起,我太累了。我想睡个早觉。某些的进行时态可以表示紧接着要发生的事情,故选B。30 Hello, I _ to ask if I can book a flight ticket to Hainan tomorrow? Sorry, weve already sold out.Aphone Bwill phoneCam phoning Dhave phoned【答案】C【解析】考查时态。上句:我打电话是想问明天我能订一张去海南的机

27、票吗?下句:对不起,我们已经卖完了。根据句意可知句子用现在进行时态,故答案为C。31Monitor?Im not monitor of our class. I _ with the teacher until the monitor is elected.Awill just help Bam just to helpCam just helping Dhave just helped【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查时态。句意:班长?我不是班长,我只是帮老师忙直到班长选出来。说明帮忙是暂时的,现在进行时可以表示现阶段暂时正在进行的动作,选C。32Many artifacts _ for the

28、 first time in the National Museum at present.Awere exhibited Bwere being exhibitedCare being exhibited Dare exhibited【答案】C【解析】考查动词时态与语态。句意:许多史前古器物目前正在国家博物馆首次展出。根据时间状语“at present”可知,句子描述现在正在进行的动作,主语artifacts与谓语exhibit之间是被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。故选C。33Now the worlds attention _ the stocking markets, as they

29、 have great influence on the worlds economy.Ais fixing on Bis being fixed onChas fixed on Dhad been fixed on【答案】B【解析】考查时态语态。句意:现在世界关注的焦点都在股票市场上,因为它们对世界经济已经产生了很大的影响。 attention与focus之间为被动关系,Now提示用现在进行时。34(湖南省部分重点中学5月联考)What are they up to?Its so noisy.Some students_a party.Ahave had Bare havingChad had Dwere having【答案】B【解析】考查动词的时态。根据问话人的问话内容可知,一些学生正在举行聚会,因此使用现在进行时。答案:B35Sitting cross-legged in a manner in which the bottom of a foot _ toward an Arab is a serious insultAhad pointed Bpointed Chave pointed Dis pointing【答案】D【解析】【分析】考查时态。【详解】考查时态。句意为翘腿而坐,脚底指着阿拉伯人被认为是严重的侮

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