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1、翻译考试必备翻译词汇日积月累第31天翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第31天汉英词汇航海博物馆 maritime museum黑车 unlicensed car红色旅游区 red tourist destinations黄金周 golden week机场建设费 departure tax推广节水灌溉法 popularize water-efficient irrigation methods推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development退耕还林还草 return farmland to forests and restore l

2、ivestock pastures to grasslands尾气净化器 exhaust purifier污染控制期限制度 pollution control deadline system案件受理费 court acceptance fee案情陈述书 statement of case案由 cause of action案值 total value involved in the case办案人员 personnel handling a case英汉词汇electrifying effect 令人震撼的效果fashion designer 服装设计师fashion victim 时尚牺牲者

3、film critic 影评家film production assistant 电影摄制助理UN General Assembly 联合国大会unilateral action 单边行动UNs peacekeeping activities 联合国维和活动verbal note 普通照会weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器inspection and supervision 督导interdisciplinary talent 复合型人才jacked-up tuitions 学费上涨joint custody 共同的监护权latchkey children

4、 挂钥匙儿童缩略语动物保护协会SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)国际货币基金组织IMF(international monetary fund)国际事务研究中心CFIA(Center for International Affairs)政府和国际研究中心CGIS(Center for Government and International Studies)麻省理工学院MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第32天汉英词汇促进国际关系民主化

5、promote democracy in international relations弹性外交 elastic diplomacy等距离外交 equidistant diplomacy东海问题 East China Sea issue独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace相声 cross-talk小品 witty skits新文学运动 New Literature Movement宣纸 xuan paper high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligr

6、aphy艺高胆大 superb skill engenders bravery旅游巴士包租、游览服务 charter bus and coach services and tour旅游城市 tourist city旅游淡季 slack season for tourism旅游定点商店/餐厅 officially designated shop/restaurant旅游景点 attraction for tourism英汉词汇temperature tipping points 气温“引爆点”thermal power generation 火力发电the worlds leading emit

7、ters 世界最大的排放国three-D climate 立体气候throwaway society 一次性社会ringleader 首要分子search warrant 搜查令sentence disparity 量刑不当shelter and investigation 收容调查sole right of use 专用权(screen) debut/premiere 首演;首映show business 演艺业simultaneous narrative 同步叙述solo concert 独唱音乐会spinach cinema 菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影)缩略语联合国安理会UN

8、SC(United Nations Security Council)联合国环境规划署UNEP(UN Environment Programme)美国医药协会AMA(American Medical Association)中国人民银行PBOC(Peoples Bank of China)美国国际集团AIG(American International Group)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第33天汉英词汇作战能力combat capability群众路线活动mass line campaign底线思维bottom-line mentality无党派人士代表non-party repre

9、sentative和谐世界 harmonious world龙头产品 flagship product龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry内联企业 inland associated enterprises配套工程 auxiliary/supporting project配套资金 supporting funds学术机构 academic institution学习型社会 learning society学习知识 acquire knowledge学以致用 study knowledge to apply it学杂费 tuition

10、 fee and miscellaneous charges英汉词汇average student 中等生award/confer degree 授予学位basic literacy 基本读写能力campus medical center; school clinic 校内诊所CAT(computer adaptive test) 机考ambassador with special function 特任大使a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议armed intervention 武装干涉arms race 军备竞赛arms control 军控in the scarcel

11、y settled grasslands 在人烟稀少的大草原issue a visa 签发签证locker service 寄存行李marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统monsoon climate 季风气候缩略语自由度DOF(Degree of Freedom) 北美自由贸易协定NAFTA(North America Free Trade Agreement) 美国国际集团AIG(American International Group) 最惠国待遇原则MFNS(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) 不良资产救助计划TARP(Troubled Asset R

12、elief Plan) 翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第34天汉英词汇潜在恐怖袭击possible terrorist attacks保持高度警惕keep up extreme vigilance预防措施cautionary measure监控局势monitor the situation情报机构intelligence agencies全球警报global alert双边会谈 bilateral negotiation铁饭碗 iron rice bowl; a secure job外汇储备 foreign currency reserves外汇牌价 foreign exchange quo

13、tation外贸工作者 foreign trade personnel亭、台、楼、阁 pavilion, stage, building and multi-storied pavilion同仁堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine徒步旅行 walking tour途中休息停车 comfort stop英汉词汇tidal wave(tsunami) 海啸 tobacco-free environment 无烟环境total emission control 总体污染物控制UN Habitat Award 联合国人居奖unleaded gas 无铅汽油prize-award

14、ing ceremony 颁奖仪式production coordinator 制片协调员reality show 真人秀road show 巡回演出salad days 少不更事的青涩时代a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约bargaining agent 谈判代表cats paw 傀儡certificate of appointment 委任证书circular note 通知照会缩略语联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)UNCED(United Nation Conference on Environment and Development)联合国环境规划署UNEP(Un

15、ited Nations Environment Programme)联合国气候变化框架公约UNFCCC(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)人口零增长ZPG(Zero Population Growth)不良资产救助计划TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累 第35天汉英词汇体质下降 physical decline缺乏运动 lack of exercise腰围 waist circumference臀围 hipline肠胃病 gastro-intestinal trouble传染病 contagious disease创建卫生城市 build an advanced clean city低脂饮食 low-fat diet碘缺乏症 iodine deficiency disease多发病 frequently occuring disease保险箱服务 saf

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