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上海五年级英语第二学期 知识整理点修订版.docx

1、上海五年级英语第二学期 知识整理点修订版 5B M1U1 What a mess!P2-P3一 单词notebook 笔记本 paints 绘画颜料 crayon 蜡笔 brush 毛笔,画笔/nutbuk/ /peints/ /krein/ /br/tape 胶带 glue 胶水 school bag 书包 mine 我的/teip/ /glu:/ /main/yours 你的,你们的 his 他的 hers她的 ours 我们的/juz/ /hiz/ /h:z/ /auz/theirs 他们的 mess 杂乱,不整洁 storybook 故事书/z/ /mes/ /st:ribuk/二 词

2、组all her books 她所有的书 whose school bag 谁的书包三 句子1 What a mess! 多乱啊!2 -Whose notebook is that? 那是谁的笔记本? -Its Kittys. 是基蒂的。3 -Whose picture books are these? 这些图画书是谁的? -Theyre Alices, I think. 我想它们是艾丽斯的。4 Is it Dannys? 它是丹尼的吗? -No, its not his. 不,不是他的。5 Put all her books on her desk. 把她的书全都放在她的书桌上。6 The

3、paints are Peters. They are his. 绘画颜料是彼得的。它们是他的。P4一 单词tidy 整洁的 whose 谁的 put 放/taidi/ /hu:z/ / put /二 词组tidy up 收拾,整理 whose ball 谁的球whose T-shirt 谁的T恤衫 put it in his box把它放在他的箱子里put it on the sofa 把它放在沙发上 in Mum and Dads bedroom 在爸爸妈妈的卧室里三 句子1 Tidy up the room! 收拾房间!2 Whose ball is this? Is it yours,

4、 Peter? 这个皮球是谁的?是你的吗,彼得? -No. Its Pauls. 不是。是保罗的。3 Whose T-shirt is this? 这件T恤衫是谁的?-Its mine. 是我的。4 Dont put it on the sofa. Put it in your bedroom. 不要放在沙发上。把它放在你的房间里。P5一 单词baby 婴儿 grade 年级 space 空间 paint 画,绘画/beibi/ /greid/ /speis/ /peint/stay 停留 weight 重量 line 列,排 die 死/stei/ /weit/ /lain/ /dai/li

5、e 躺,说谎 race 比赛,赛跑/lai/ /reis/二 句子1 Whose scarf is this? 这条围巾是谁的? - Its her scarf. This scarf is hers. 是她的围巾。这条围巾是她的。2 Whose gloves are these? 这些手套是谁的? -Theyre his gloves. These gloves are his. 是他的手套。这些手套是他的。P6-P7一 单词magic 神奇的 workshop 车间,工场,作坊 nail 钉子/mdik/ /w:kp/ /neil/try 尝试 give 给 magnet 磁铁 soon

6、不久/trai/ /giv/ /mgnit/ /su:n/二 词组a magic stone一块神奇的石头 in his fathers workshop 在他爸爸的工场里a lot of nails 许多钉子 fall onto the floor 掉到地上give him a black stone给了他一块黑色的石头 hard and smooth又硬又光滑stick to 粘住,粘贴 pick up 捡起,拾起三 句子1 Be careful. 小心。 2 Try this stone. 试下这块石头。3 Jim puts the stone near the nails. 吉姆把石头

7、放在钉子附近。4 All the nails stick to the stone. 钉子全都吸到石头上。5 What should I do? 我应该做什么?M1U2词汇表P8-9页一、单词was 是(am, is的过去式) butterfly 蝴蝶 interesting 有趣的 insect 昆虫 grow 生长 egg 卵,蛋 caterpillar 毛毛虫 cocoon 茧 chick 小鸡/chicken 鸡,鸡肉 duckling 小鸭子 duck 鸭子 puppy 小狗 beautiful 漂亮的二、 词组an interesting insect 一只有趣的昆虫 an egg

8、 一个卵a green caterpillar 一只绿色的毛毛虫 many legs 许多腿like eating leavese 喜欢吃叶子 a brown cocoon 一个棕色的茧a beautiful blue butterfly 一只漂亮的蓝色蝴蝶 a yellow duckling 一只黄色的小鸭子三、 句子1. A butterfly is an interesting insect. 蝴蝶是一只有趣的昆虫。2. It was a white egg. Now it is a green caterpillar. 它过去是一只白色的卵。现在是一只绿色的毛毛虫。3. It was

9、a brown cocoon. Now it is a beautiful blue butterfly. 它过去是一只棕色的茧。现在是一只漂亮的蓝色蝴蝶。4. It was an egg. Now it is a chick. 它过去是一个蛋。现在是一只小鸡。P10页一、单词were 是(are 的过去式) silkworm 蚕宝宝 worm 蠕虫 silk 蚕丝 moth 飞蛾 lay 产卵 wing 翅膀 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 Thursday 星期四 Wednesday 星期三 Monday 星期一 Saturday 星期六19th =nineteenth 15

10、th =fifiteenth 20th =twentieth 2nd =second 二、 词组five silkworm 五只蚕宝宝 put them on some leaves 把他们放在叶子上a lot of leaves 许多叶子 make a lot of silk 产许多丝silkworm cocoon 蚕茧 come out 出来lay eggs 蚕卵三、 句子1The silkworms were small. Now they are big. 蚕宝宝过去很小。现在很大。2. What do the silkworms eat? They eat a lot of leav

11、es every day. 蚕宝宝吃什么? 他们每天吃很多的叶子P11页一、单词once 一次 bright 明亮的 cry 哭 happily 开心地 deer 鹿 cheer 欢呼,鼓舞 dear 贵的 beer 啤酒wear 穿 clear 清晰地 air 空气二、词组sit on a leaf 坐在叶子上 in the bright blue sky 在明亮蓝色的的天空play happily with my football 开心的踢足球P12-13页一、单词spring 春天 born 出生 river 河流 tail 尾巴 turtle 乌龟 catch 抓 fly 苍蝇 fir

12、st 首先 next 下一个 then 接着 finally 最后二、词组born in a river 在河中出生 small and black 又小又黑a big mouth 一个大嘴巴 catch flies 抓苍蝇三、句子1Little Justin is born in a river. Justin 在河中出生。2. Your mum has big eyes and a big mouth. 你妈妈有大眼睛和一个大嘴巴。3. He has no tails. 他没有尾巴。4. She is catching a fly. 她正在抓苍蝇。Unit 3 How noisy!P14、

13、15一、单词lorry卡车 lorries卡车(复数) did (do的过去式) motorbike 摩托车 telephone 电话机television 电视 doorbell门铃radios 收音机(复数) heard ( hear的过去式) sat (sit 的过去式)wanted(want 过去式) watched(watch 过去式) are(were过去式)二、词组at home 在家 another loud noise 另一阵吵闹声音 watch a cartoon 看卡通片 around you 在你周围三、句子Whats that noise? 那是什么声音?Its a

14、drill. 那是一个钻头。What noise can you hear in the street? 你在街上能听到什么声音?I can hear aeroplanes.P16一、单词loudly 响亮地 played(play过去式) enjoyed(enjoy过去式) had(have/has过去式)二、词组pop group流行乐队 at City Square 在城市广场 三、句子Ben enjoyed the loud music very much. Ben非常喜欢响的音乐。He had great fun. 他很感兴趣。Kitty played the drum loudly

15、. Kitty把鼓敲得很响。Ben did not like it at all. Ben一点也不喜欢。P17一、单词join 加入 piont 指 tour旅行 poor 穷pour倾倒 everywhere 每个地方二、词组live on Mars住在火星上 a noisy place 一个吵闹的地方on Sunday morning 在一个周日早上 hear the birds singing 听到鸟歌词三、句子My city is a noisy place,with all the buses and cars.I love going to the library to read

16、the good books there.P18、19一、单词quietly 安静地 loudly 吵闹地 shout 大叫二、词组the loudest noise 最响的声音 in the world 世界上make noise 制造噪音 on his birthday 在他生日时the Noise Kingdom 噪音王国 the songs of the birds 鸟叫声二、句子They do everything loudly. 他们做事情很吵闹。After that,the Noise Kingdom becomes quiet.从那以后,噪音王国变的安静。A child say

17、s to his parents,Lets just open our mouths and listen.一个孩子跟他父母说,我们只要长大嘴巴然后听就可以了。5A Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Food and drinksP20 一、单词sound sand声音,听起来 healthy hel健康的 important mp:tnt重要的 should d应该,将会 二、句子What did you have for breakfast, Danny? 丹尼,你早饭吃了啥?I had a hamburger and a cola. 我吃了一个汉堡,

18、喝了瓶可乐。That doesnt sound healthy. 听起来不健康。I wasnt hungry this morning. 今天早上我不饿。Thats not healthy either. 那也不健康。Breakfast is very important. 早餐是很重要的。We should eat breakfast every morning. 我们每天早上都应该吃早餐。An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 每天吃一个苹果,让医生远离你。Thats my favourite breakfast. 那是我最爱的早餐。P21一、单词 po

19、rk p:k猪肉 beef bi:f牛肉 vegetable vedtbl蔬菜,植物人 tomato tm:t西红柿 potato ptet土豆 carrot krt胡萝卜 cabbage kbd卷心菜 breakfast brekfst早饭 dinner dn(r)晚饭 yesterday jestde昨天二、句子What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? 昨天早餐/午餐/晚餐你吃了啥?I had some chicken and vegetables. 我吃了些鸡肉与蔬菜。Chicken is my favourite

20、 food. 鸡肉是我的最爱。P22 一、单词healthy 健康的 unhealthy 不健康的二、词组 play sport very often 经常做运动 a lot of soft drinks三、句子These children like running, jumping and playing. 这些孩子喜欢跑跑、跳跳和玩。These children do not play sport very often. 这些孩子不经常运动。They watch too much TV and eat too much sweet food. 他们看太久电视,吃太多甜的食物。Unhealt

21、hy children eat a lot of sweets,hamburgers,ice cream and chocolate. 不健康的孩子吃太多的糖,汉堡,冰激凌和巧克力。 They do not like rice,fruit or vegetables.他们不喜欢米饭,水果或者蔬菜。P23 一、单词blouse 女衬衫 photo 照片 crow 乌鸦 grow 生长 south 南面二、句子Whats in the fridge? 冰箱里有啥?Theres some apple juice in the fridge.冰箱里有一些苹果汁。There are some bottl

22、es of milk in the fridge. 冰箱里有几瓶牛奶。Theres some ham in the fridge.冰箱里有一些火腿。P24-25 一、单词exercise ekssaz 练习,运动 happen hpn发生 guess ges猜 safe 安全 二、句子Where do Jim and Matt live? 吉姆和麦特住哪?They live in a small hole in the wall. 他们住在墙上的一个小洞里。What does Jim do every day? 吉姆每天干什么?It does some exercise. 它做运动。Is Ma

23、tt fat or thin? Why? 麦特胖还瘦?为什么?Its fat. Because it never does any exercise and always eats too much.它胖。因为它从不做运动,还总是吃很多。 M2 Unit 2 FilmsP26,27单词:shall 将要 ticket 票 ticket office 售票处 exit 出口 entrance 入口 seat 座位 film 电影 funny 好笑的 princess 公主 dwarf 矮子(复数dwarfs) swan天鹅 词组:this afternoon 今天下午see a film 看电影

24、 at City Cinema 在城市影院 next time 下次 run away 逃跑句子:1 There are three films on at City Cinema. 在城市影院有三场电影放映。2 Shall we go to see a film this afternoon?我们今天下午去看电影好吗?3 Which one do you want to see? 你想看哪部电影?4 I want to see Snow White. 我想看白雪公主。5 Its on at two oclock.在两点上映。6 Lets leave home at one thirty. 让

25、我们一点半离开家。P28、29单词:adult 成人 quick 快的 tonight 今天夜里词组:go to the cinema 去电影院buy the tickets 买票get some drinks 买饮料in five minutes在5分钟内句子:1 Let me buy the tickets first. 让我先买票。2 Can I have three tickets for Snow White ,please? 我要买三张白雪公主的票。3 Shall we get some drinks? 我们可以去买饮料吗?4 The film starts in five min

26、utes. 电影在5分钟内开始。P30,31单词:queen 王后 mirror 镜子 fairest(fair的最高级) kill 杀 stay 呆词组:look like 看起来像 fall asleep 入睡 wake up 醒来 find out 找出a magic mirror 一块魔镜stay with them 和他们呆在一起句子:1 The hunter took(take的过去式) Snow White into a forest and let(let的过去式) her go.猎人把白雪公主带到深林里放她走。2 Snow White met(meet的过去式)seven d

27、warfs in the forest.白雪公主在深林遇到七个小矮人。3 She gave (give的过去式) Snow White a big red apple. 她给了白雪公主一个大苹果。4 The queen went (go的过去式) to the forest. 皇后去了深林(一般过去时态)。 5 The queen goes to the forest. 皇后去了深林(一般现在时态)。 M2 Unit 3 School subjectsP32-P33单词:subject学科 class课;班级 Chinese语文(中文);中国的;中国人/sbdikt/ /kl:s/ /tani

28、:z/English英语;英国的;英国人 Maths数学 Art美术 Music音乐/gl/ /ms/ /:t/ /mju:zik/IT信息技术 PE体育词组:my favourite subject(s) 我最喜爱的学科 Chinese class 语文课lunch break 午休句子:1 -What classes do we have today? 今天我们有什么课? -We have Chinese, Maths, English and IT in the morning. 早上我们有语文,数学,英语和信息技术。2 Its time for Chinese class. 语文课时间

29、到了。3 -What is your favourite subject? 你最喜爱的学科是什么? -My favourite subject is Music. 我最喜爱的学科是音乐。P34单词:timetable 时间表 because 因为 break休息;打破/tam,tebl/ /bikz/ /brek/ 词组:six classes 六节课 a short break 一次短暂的休息after each class 在每节课之后 句子:1 There is a short break after each class. 在每节课之后有一次短暂的休息。2 From 11.30 to

30、13.00, I have a lunch break. 从11:30到13:00,我有一次午休。P35单词:add 加 year年 when在时候 again再一次/d/ /j:/ /wen/ /ein/词组:learn things 学东西 in English class 在英文课上 new words 新单词 count from one to ten 从一数到十like to paint and draw 喜欢用颜料画画和画画(the)pretty things 美丽的东西 play, jump and run 玩,跳和跑have great fun 有很大的乐趣P36-P37单词:think 想 just只是,仅仅 ask 问 answer答 /ik/ /dst/ /:sk/ /:ns/nothing没有东西 really真的 carefully 小心地,仔细地/ni/ /rili/ /kefl/maybe 也许 say说/mei

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