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1、真题1同义词1. admonition gentle warning discouragement monition2. alleviate release cushion slacken3. animate make a life invigorate enliven4. annotation explanatory comment5. aqueduct channel6. badger harass annoy pester7. belligerent hostile8. clique sect faction clan9. collateral secondary parallel se

2、curity 10. concede yield11. constrict tighten compact squeeze12. denigrate minimize belittle derogate13. destitution poverty indigence impoverishment14. divulge reveal unwrap bring out15. doleful joyless16. elude escape17. eminent famous18. epilogue concluding paragraph continuation appendix19. face

3、t side aspect smooth surface20. frugal thrifty submissive complaisance21. hyperbole exaggerated word22. implicate involve23. impoverished poor24. innuendo sly suggestion insinuation hint25. jaunt short journey trip travel26. judicious wise heady prudent27. laudatory28. literal actual genuine real29.

4、 meditation thought contemplation speculation30. motif thesis31. natal referring to birth innate inherent32. nebulous vague cloudy unclear33. ominous threatening baleful sinister34. onslaught assault assail attack35. paltry worthless trivial trifling36. paramount supreme uppermost primary37. potency

5、 strength effectiveness authority38. prevail triumph predominate reign 39. purloin steal pilfer appropriate40. replenish refill make full renew41. stipulate order42. swivel turn around pivot rotate43. tranquility serenity quiescence composure 44. trifling negligible paltry worthless45. unprecedented

6、 novel unduplicated exceptional完整真题1. FEASIBLEA. combustibleB. classicalC. accidentalD. possibleE. visible2. TEMPOA. toneB. paceC. clarityD. designE. texture3. IMPLYA. accuseB. gossipC. flatterD. apologizeE. hint4. ANALYSISA. diagnosisB. perceptionC. expansionD. confusionE. suffering5. PROVOKEA. ste

7、alB. stopC. catchD. annoyE. reduce6. CONFERA. sharpenB. objectC. consultD. exchangeE. forecast7. DISMANTLEA. run intoB. argue withC. give awayD. work onE. take apart8. CLARIFICATIONA. reproductionB. decreaseC. overchargeD. explanationE. connection9. SOMBERA. alarmingB. gloomyC. feebleD. cruelE. ugly

8、10. COMPELA. forceB. tightenC. agreeD. instructE. settle11. TENACITYA. perfectionB. commencementC. altercationD. persistenceE. delegation12. SERENEA. slowB. meekC. calmD. patientE. sober13. RELINQUISHA. decodeB. observeC. decideD. surrenderE. presume14. GARRULOUSA. shyB. promptC. truthfulD. attentiv

9、eE. talkative15. COMPRISEA. containB. understandC. controlD. interruptE. remember类比1. articulate orator agile acrobat2. bland taste boring experience3. bottleneck traffic impasse negotiation4. brandish threat5. bread dough6. cello viola tuba trumpet7. cherish fondness complain discontented8. chisel

10、marble spatula clay9. composer arranger writer dramatist10. cultivate plant11. descent nadir ascent pinnacle12. desecrate sanctity blemish reputation13. ebony wood 14. frail emaciated robust invigorated15. funny hilarious obvious conspicuous16. geriatrics aged 17. gill fish18. grandfather clock gran

11、d piano19. grid lines 20. hoe weed insecticide pest21. hose water artery blood22. humorous hilarious 23. impregnable fortress unconquerable warrior24. indulgence abstemiousness gluttony dieting25. jabber talk skitter walk26. jog run trot gallop27. miserly money laconic word28. monopoly competition d

12、ictate freedom29. myth history unicorn horse30. outline document sketch picture31. owl wisdom ant diligence32. palatable delicious33. pane window 34. pinnacle mountain apogee orbit35. pitfall dangerous gamble risky36. pole tent rib umbrella37. pragmatic realist 38. pungent flower poignant 39. ram ew

13、e stallion mare40. semantics meaning phonetics sound41. sidewalk concrete coat cloth42. snoop look43. subservience obedience complacency 44. sumptuous meal ostentatious dress45. syndication newspaper automation machine46. table altar recess alcove47. taxi bus yacht liner48. torque twist 49. tutor le

14、cturer mentor guider50. wash dirt sterilize bacterium51. unflappable poise unflagging 52. urbanity bumpkin wise dupe53. xenophobia foreigner acrophobia height处理中annotationimplicatefrugaleminentstipulationcomplianceeludecompriseconcedegarruloustriflingrelinquishserenehyperboletenacitybelligerentcompe







21、usadamantpallidprofusionaffinitynuancepedagogueimpartReceiptAssortmentTransplantDistressPryClamorAddressInvertConsolationAmpleBeneficialZealousAptRefrainEndeavorLapseOminousPrecipiceMeticulousPallidImpartMeticulousPedagogueProfusionNuance作文1It is best never let your action influenced by your fears.2

22、It is better to judge people by their actions rather than their intentions.3Best thinking comes from open minds.4Change is most difficult.5It is easier to succeed by doing less.6It is easier to destroy than to construct.7 Common things are more useful than formal education.8 Truth lies between two e

23、xtremes.9 Thinking is more difficult than doing things.10 Good judgment comes from experience.11 Collaboration results better than competition.12 A persons greatest limitation is a bad attitude.13 Do you think intension is more important than actions.14 Sometimes people can be both beautiful and ugl

24、y at the same time.15 The best way to overcome the fear is action.16 Simple questions are the hardest to answer.17 Smile can overcome sadness.18 It is better to be alone in the unpleasant company.19 It is as hard to be a good leader as to be a good loser.20 It is better to see good things in others

25、than bad things in ourselves.21 Do you agree with the following statement silence is better than noise.22 The greatest benefit of education is tolerance.23 It is better to see good things on others and see bad thing on ourselves.24 Is there even nothing positive from the violence?25 Silence is bette

26、r than noise.26 People dislike things they do not understand.27 Collaboration produces better result than competition.阅读阅读1讲英文单词 2/5是专业词汇 60000非专业大多数有synonym 例如Buy = purchase skinny=slender 但是这些同义词的用法不同第一题文章大意第二题关于同义词,下列那个正确 key: synonyms have different shades第三题文章作者最同意哪句key: 应该小心用词语阅读2一个墨西哥人M融入美国社会

27、的故事美国人不应该放弃美国人自身的一些heritageHomer是一个白人 H教M融入社会在一次投票中H投票给自己 M投给H最后H赢了通过此事M知道了应该投票给自己第一题scrubbing away什么意思第二题文章大意adapting life in America第三题他对老师态度 respect第四题作者哪国人墨西哥人第五题H是什么样的人smart第六题作者对对astonish class持何态度proud阅读3过去广告商觉得客户是聪明人但是最近不是铺天盖地的广告出现沒政策保护消费者无效政策第一题procure是什么意思第二题广告对人们有何引导mislead第三题argument for key consumers阅读4船撞击开头时两个人对话Mac和captainMac是IMO船上的captain是M船上的Mac慌了要撞starboard最后还是撞了第一题标题collision第二题Mac的original concern是啥第三题哪个问题文章回答了阅读5 宇宙如何形成?普遍理论是big bangnucleus放出重元素 iron一种是质量减少star变成white dwarf另一种是质量变大mass of star更好爆

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