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译林英语6AUnit 1 The Kings new clothes教案.docx

1、译林英语6AUnit 1 The Kings new clothes教案Unit 1 The Kings new clothes【教学目标】1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout,quick , next .2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:There was/were3. 学生能理解并掌握一般过去时动词的变化规则及读音,能理解并会听、会说、会读和会写动词的过去式。4. 学生能初步理解本篇童话故事,并通过故事学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。5. 学生能掌握字母组合“ar”的发

2、音。6. 学生能了解本单元文化知识:不同国家的穿着。7. 培养学生的自主学习能力以及语言综合运用能力。【教学重难点】1. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:There was/were2. 学生能理解并掌握一般过去时动词的变化规则及读音,能理解并会听、会说、会读和会写动词的过去式。【教学时间】六课时【教学方法】创设情境,任务型教学法,朗读教学,角色扮演【教具安排】各课时教学PPT,教学光盘第一课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout2. 学

3、生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:There was/were3. 学生能初步感知一般过去时动词的变化规则及读音。4. 学生能初步理解本篇童话故事并能复述。5. 情感教育:学生能明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。【教学重难点】1. 学生能理解掌握一般过去时动词的变化规则及读音。2. 学生能初步理解本篇童话故事并能复述。【教具安排】PPT,教学光盘【教学内容】Story time【教学过程】Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talkT: What day is it today?S: ItsT: What do you usually/ often/ always do o

4、n/after schoolS: I usually/ often/ always(复习一般现在时的回答)2. Play a game: Listen and doT: Now, lets play a game-Listen and do.walk shout eat run jump wash Wash your clothesShow me your English book.(复习个别动词,为本课学习做好铺垫)3. 本课学习目标出示a You can read the new words.b You can read the story.c You can retell the sto

5、ry.4. 课文导入T: I like reading .Do you like reading ?S: Yes, we do. T: Do you like reading English stories?S: Yes, we do.T: Good. Theres an English story about a king and his new clothes 揭示课题 : Today, well learn Unit 1 The kings new clothes.Step 2 Presentation1. 课文导入看图:This is the king. 教学单词king . T: D

6、o you know the story ?S: Yes, we do . T: What did the king like ?S: He liked the new clothes 出示板书:The king liked the new clothes. T(故事背景介绍)3. Watch the cartoon and answered the question:How is the king? (让学生选择:clever foolish )Ss: Hes foolish.出示并教授单词:clever foolishPPT 出示:(king和boy的图片)The king is fool

7、ish .The boy is clever .出示喜羊羊和灰太狼,帮助学生理解单词Pleasant goat is clever .The big wolf is foolish .组词:clever people foolish people 并教学people二、理解课文1. 自读课文并且判断下列句子Read the story and judge the sentences. 2. Check and understand the story. 判断:(1) The king liked new clothes. (True )T: 出示判断句子的板书:The king liked n

8、ew clothes. The king lived long time ago. So when we tell a story , we like to say : Long long ago , there was a king. 出示板书:Long long ago , there was a king. 翻译:很久很久以前,有一只猴子。Long long ago, there was a monkey. 练习:Long long ago, there was a _. T: Two bad men knew the kings hobby. They thought they cou

9、ld get money from the king . So they visited the king.教学过去式visited ,领读visited. 出示句子:Two men visited the king. T: What did they say?Ss: My king , we can make new clothes for you. T: Was the king happy?Ss: Yes. 出示板书:The king was happy. 判断:(2) Two men showed the king some magic clothes. (False)T:Were t

10、here any magic clothes?Ss: No. T: They cheated on the king. What did they say ?S: Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant see them. 判断 (3) The king was foolish. (True)T:The king believed the two men. He didnt put on his clothes. So he was foolish. 板书: The king was foolish. What did he do the

11、n ?S: The king walked through the city in his new clothes. 出示这句话的板书:The king walked through the city in his new clothes. 教学walked , through , 读好walked through .接着一边说一边出示:There were a lot of people in the street. 读好:There were 练习:There were some There were a lot of (4) People could see the kings new

12、clothes. (False)T: Actually they couldnt see the kings new clothes. What did they do ?S: They looked at the king and shouted : What beautiful clothes !T: Why did they say What beautiful clothes ! ?S: Because they didnt want to be foolish people. 出示板书:They looked at the king and shouted. 读好looked ,sh

13、outed (5) The boy was foolish because he could not see the kings new clothes. (False)T: The boy wasnt foolish . What do you think of the boy? 让学生先试着说一说。 T: Hes clever, brave and honest . What did the boy say?S: He isnt wearing any clothes!T: Thats right. The boy pointed at the king and laughed : He

14、isnt wearing any clothes!出示板书:The boy pointed at the king and laughed 教学pointed , laughed ,学生认真跟读学习pointed , laughed 3. Read by themselves 学生自读,圈一圈故事中的be动词及其他动词。请一位学生上黑板把黑板上板书的句子中的动词圈出来。(把句子的板书做成活动式的,让动词可以和句子分离的)Long long ago , there was a king.The king liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.Th

15、e king was happy.The king was foolish.he king walked through the city in his new clothes.They looked at the king and shouted.There were a lot of people in the street. The boy pointed at the king and laughed.一起校对,和学生一起读一读这些词。让学生说说它们有什么特别之处。Ss: 它们都是动词的过去式。T: Yes , they are all past forms. 观察发现:大多数动词的过

16、去式都是在动词后面加d或者ed.再读一读。(初步感知一般过去时,为课文学习扫清语法障碍)也许有的同学还圈了wearing .问一问wearing是不是过去式?它是什么词?(present participle现在分词)4. 听录音跟读,完成Read and write1) The king liked .2)Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. The king was .3)The men showed the king his new clothed, but the king could not them.4) The king

17、 walked through the city in his new clothes. A laughed at him.5. 学生自读,大声读。Step 3 Consolidation1.分段复述课文。方法:a.把板书句子中的动词拿掉复述。b.句子拿掉,根据动词及图片提示复述第一幅图。2. 情感教育:Be honest! Be yourself!【作业布置】1.熟读课文,并试着全文复述。2.设计故事的结局: The king was back home【板书设计】Unit 1 The kings new clothesThe king liked The king was The king

18、 walked through There were in the street.They looked at and The boy pointed at and 【教后记】第二课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1. 学生能理解并能表演故事:The kings new clothes.2. 学生能理解并会听、会说、会读和会写动词的过去式。3. 学生能理解并掌握一般过去时的语法规则。4. 通过故事学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。【教学重难点】1. 学生能理解并能表演故事:The kings new clothes.2. 学生能熟练书写动词的过去式。【教具安排】PPT,教学光盘【教学内容】Gram

19、mar time& Fun time【教学过程】Step 1 Warm up 1. GreetingT: Today well continue to learn Unit 1 (和学生一起读出课题:The kings new clothes )Lets review the story .复述课文,出示上一节课的板书。Step 2 Presentation巩固教学单词:clever, foolish, laugh, point at , shout 1. T:From the story we know the foolish king and a clever boy. 出示图片教学foo

20、lish和clever 拼读单词,组词:foolish people , clever people 放在句子中练一练:The two men said : Foolish peopleClever people 让学生补充完整。2. T: The king walked through the city in his new clothes. People looked at him and shouted : What beautiful clothes !出示图片shout ( That means speak loudly )读一读:sh + out shout T: But at t

21、hat time a little boy pointed at the king and laughed : (让学生说) Ha ! Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes! 出示图片 point at 指着,学一学。看句子读一读并翻译:My sister pointed at the boat on the river and said,“Lets go boating!”Mr Smith pointed at the dog over there and laughed ,“What a funny dog! ”3. 出示图片laugh 并读一读。把

22、laughed , pointed , shouted几个过去式认真读一读。 Step 3 Grammar time 1. 说一说laughed , pointed , shouted 几个过去式的特点:直接加ed 2. 看着黑板上的板书或书上,把其中的过去式找出来读一读,注意把动词原形写出来。 3. 找出直接加ed的过去式:looked. walked , showed , visited , 还有几个过去式有哪些特点?4. 直接加d 的:lived , liked 5. 两个特殊的:was , were 6. 总结动词过去式变化规则:1)一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:look - looke

23、d 2)结尾是e加d,如:live - lived 3) 不规则变化,如:am, is was are were 注意过去式的读音:清辅音后面加d或ed读/ t / ,浊辅音和 元音后面加d或ed读/ d / ,本身/ t /或/ d / 后面的读/ id / 7. T: When do we use the past form ?讲解什么是一般过去时:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。8. 练一练1)写出下列动词的过去式 isam_ plant_ are _play_ dance_ ask _ pass_

24、2) 用be动词的适当形式填空(让学生注意观察这些句子末尾的过去的时间状语,初步接触了解)aI _ at school just now.bHe _ at the camp last week.cWe _ students two years ago.dThey _ on the farm a moment ago.eYang Ling _ eleven years old last year.fThere _ an apple on the plate yesterday.g. Long long ago, there _ a king . Step 4 Fun timeT:We know

25、the story very much. Now , its your show time. Are you ready?S:Yes. 学生分小组活动,进行角色扮演,参考Fun time中的表演稿。学生可以在原表演稿的基础上增加自己的内容,使表演更丰富。Say and actKing: I like new clothes. Who can make for me?Man 1: My king, we can make new clothes for you.Man 2: Clever people Foolish peopleKing: Make the clothes for me.Man

26、 1: My king, pleaseMan 2: Do they fit?King: Oh yes. They fit well.People: Look at the kings new clothes. Theyre Boy: Ha! Ha! The king isnt【作业布置】1. 背诵story time中的新单词和词语,准备默写。2. 预习Checkout time和Culture time。【板书设计】Unit 1 The kings new clothesam- was is was are-werelaugh laughed point pointed like- like

27、dlive- lived look liked shout shoutedshow showed walk - walked【教后记】第三课时授课时间: 总第_课时【教学目标】1. 学生能熟练掌握一般过去时的语法知识。2. 学生能熟练掌握动词过去式的变化方法。3. 学生能理解运用动词的过去式并讲述checkout time中的新故事。4. 学生能了解本单元文化知识:不同国家的穿着。【教学重难点】学生能理解运用动词的过去式并讲述checkout time中的新故事。【教具安排】PPT,教学光盘【教学内容】Checkout time,Culture time and ticking time (部

28、分)【教学过程】Step 1 Revision 语法复习。出示图片laugh等说出它们的过去式。相继出示其他单词,请学生说一说它们的过去式。学生概述动词过去式的特点。Step 2 Checkout timeA. Read and write 1.出示一组词,让学生写一写它们的过去式:pick , live , are, is , shout , walk (讲一讲pick的用法:pick oranges , pick apples , pick flowers )2. T: Heres a new story about a lion. Can you put these words in t

29、he right places? Please read and fill in the blanks. 学生自读并完成句子。 3.请几位学生按图的顺序读一读。4.学习这些单词、短语和句子。1)forest 森林 in the forest 在森林里2)in front of 在前面 There is a river in front of my house. 我家前面有一条河。3)by the house 在房子旁边 There is a chair by the lake. 湖边有一张椅子。4)look after 照顾,照看 The girl looked after the lion

30、very carefully. 女孩非常细心地照顾狮子。5. 学生分小组完整地讲一讲故事。 B. Circle and say T: When we tell a story , we like to say : Long long ago Circle and say :T: Can you circle the right word :was or were ?学生画圈并校对。让学生说一说There was / were的用法。用Long long ago 造句。S: Long long ago , there was a doctor S: Long long ago, there were some little menC. Ticking time 学生自我评价:I can under the story “The kings new clothes ”. I can use “was” , “were” , “looked” , etc. Step 3 Culture timeT: The king liked

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